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Tony, Her Billionaire Russian: A BWWM BBW 5 Stories In 1 Bundle

Page 34

by Cher Etan

  “My father-“ Tony began.

  “Your father is not you Tony. Your debts are not his. You owe us.”

  “And what is it that you want?”

  Natasha tilted her head to the side as if thinking. “I was thinking that maybe you and I would make a good match. Kind of like a merger. But of course you have that pesky wife and that kid that I suppose you don’t wish to get rid of…”

  “Forget it,” Tony bit out.

  Natasha sighed theatrically, “I thought so. So what are we to do then? Your debts must be paid.”

  “How about I just send you flowers and we call it even?” Tony said trying very hard not to gnash his teeth or perhaps sock her in the jaw. His mother wouldn’t approve…he supposed. Natasha stopped swinging around to glare at him.

  “I see you’re not taking me seriously. That is unfortunate. It might result in something you will not like at all.”

  “Something such as what?”

  “Oh I don’t know. Someone you know and love might find themselves in a really bad accident…”

  Tony drew himself up in fury, puffing up in a way that would have spelled danger to Natasha if she knew him even a little. Unfortunately she didn’t and so she continued to smile smugly at him and swing her leg nonchalantly.

  “Get. Out. Of my office this instance you bitch. And if you touch so much as a hair on my wife’s head-“ he began, pointing and shaking his index finger at her in his anger.

  “Hey calm down. Nobody said anything about hurting your wife. We want to do business not start a vendetta.”

  “You want to do business? Show me a proposal then. I don’t work well with threats.” He growled.

  “How about we give you a little demonstration instead huh?” Natasha asked as she stood up and straightened her skirts.

  “How about you fuck off,” Tony replied.

  Natasha shrugged nonchalantly. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said as she sauntered past him and out the door.

  Tony dashed to the phone and hit the intercom before he remembered that Nancy was on maternity leave. He growled in frustration and then flipped through the extensions looking for security. He found the number and dialed.

  “Nelson, come here would you?” he said into the phone before banging the receiver down in frustration and ire. He paced up and down until he heard a knock on the door.

  “Nelson I need you to beef up security on my family ASAP,” he said even before Nelson had a chance to completely step in the room.

  “Okay, what’s the threat?” Nelson asked.

  “I’ve just received a threat from a branch of the Russian mafia operating in Boston. One of them was masquerading as staff; name of Natasha. I can’t recall her last name but she was working as a PA to the CFO who is also my wife. Retrieve her file from HR, learn as much as you can and get to protecting.”

  “Yes sir,” Nelson said and left. He was a man of few words; a former Navy Seal injured in the line of duty, his job was not so much being a bodyguard as ensuring that there were no breaches in the company and personal security of the Romanov Group. In addition to his Navy career he was well schooled in cyber-security and was well able to take care of all aspects of security; both physical and virtual. He had been recommended by Rodham, Sophie’s former boss after the New York incident as they were wont to call it. He had been quite instrumental in ensuring that they were all safe in the subsequent months after it had happened but the penetration of Natasha in the firm demonstrated that more needed to be done.

  Tony debated with himself whether or not he should tell Sophie about this but in the end he knew he had to, so he strode out of the office towards hers. He knew she was still in the process of gathering together an efficiency task force which meant she was still in the building and not out in the field. He thanked God for that because no matter what Natasha had said; she out there on her own would present the easiest target for who knew what? Kidnapping and extortion by the Bratva most probably. He banged into her office without knocking and mostly collided into Curtis who was standing a few steps away from the door.

  “Hey. Watch it,” Curtis said, “What’s up?” he asked as he turned and saw Tony’s pale face.

  “Where’s Soph?” he asked urgently.

  “She went down to records to get me some files. Technically I’m not here by the way but there were some things she wanted to get started with…but you don’t care. Again I ask what’s up?”

  “I just…tell her I need to see her urgently when she returns okay?” Tony said.

  “Why don’t you try calling her? She has her phone with her.”

  Tony looked at Curtis like he was the most brilliant man Tony had ever seen. “Right. Of course,” he said digging out his phone and hitting speed dial one. He put his phone to his ear as he walked toward the door but Curtis followed him so he could hear what was going on.

  “Hey Soph. er could you come to my office like…ASAP?” he asked and listened to her reply.

  “No nothing’s wrong per se. I just need to update you urgently on a number of things.”

  He listened intently to whatever she said.

  “Yah okay see you in a minute,” Tony said before pressing the end call button.

  “Is she coming?” Curtis asked, startling him badly. He’d thought he left him in Sophie’s office.

  “Yes she is,” Tony said with a tight smile and then walked back to his office.

  He paced until Sophie’s soft knock on his door roused him from his frantic thinking.

  “Come in,” he said standing in the middle of the room.

  “Hey boss, you called?” Sophie asked putting her head in the door.

  “Yeah get in here and close the door behind you,” he said gesturing for her to come in already with his hand. She got in a frown marring a brow at his countenance.

  “What now Tony?” she asked, resignation at the prospect of more problems already settling in her bones.

  “Natasha.” Tony said.

  Sophie’s frown inexplicably disappeared much to Tony’s surprise. “What about her?” she asked.

  “She’s not who she pretended to be,” he said.

  “No shit. So who is she really? Ex-mistress? Ex- wife?” Sophie asked in a tone that was only half teasing.

  “Bratva,” Tony said baldly.

  Sophie had opened her mouth to speak and it stayed open as she stared at him in shock.

  “Say what?” she said after an interminable time had passed.

  “Bratva. She’s Kos’ daughter. You remember Kos right? Guy who killed my family and then blackmailed my father?”

  “Fuck,” Sophie whispered.

  “Couldn’t have put it better myself,” Tony said wryly.

  “So what are we doing about it?” Sophie asked in a rush, rubbing her hands together and acting like it was just another business problem.

  “We’re beefing up security for one. She already threatened you,” he said.

  “She did,” Sophie asked in surprise. “Why me?”

  “I guess she knows you’re my weakest link,” he said.

  “What about Benjy?” her voice broke on his name although she was still trying to maintain a businesslike façade lest she begin panicking and screaming up and down the corridor.

  “I don’t know why not Benjy. But you know the house is a fortress. They can’t get in…not without warning. But you…” Sophie didn’t know it was possible for a human being to be so pale without being a vampire. She stepped forward to place a comforting hand on Tony’s arm.

  “Are we doing something about our security in the building? We should do a sweep of all employees, background checks…that sort of thing,” she said mostly trying to distract him.

  “Yes,” he agreed.

  “And Nelson is good. But we should also hire an outsider to do an independent check. Just to be safe,” she continued the distraction with words. She could see that Tony was pulling himself together, nodding to her, and already thinking about who
he could get.

  “I bet my grandpa would know some guys. After all the jewellery trade is one which attracts plenty of thieves. Their security people are probably top notch,” she said.

  “That’s an idea, we’ll talk to him this evening,” Tony agreed.

  “Meanwhile we should get Nelson on it as well; maybe hire a few more guards…” Sophie went on.

  “Already done,” Tony said nodding at her.

  “Good,” Sophie said rubbing her hand up and down his arm. “Good. And that’s all we can do for now right?”

  Tony’s brow furrowed as he tried to think if there was anything else they could do that they weren’t already doing. “I can’t think of anything else,” he said.

  “Good. Fine. Now we’re gonna get back to work because bloody Natasha isn’t going to have us running scared,” she said squeezing his hand and letting him go. He smiled at her, showing his dimple and she leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on it.

  “I’ll see you later. Curtis can’t stay long – he’s technically still a Rodham employee even if he put in his notice.”

  “Yes okay, you go do your thing; I’ll do mine,” Tony agreed pushing her gently toward the door. She went.

  “Sophie,” he called softly to her as she opened the door.

  “Yes?” she asked pausing to look back at him.

  “I love you,” he said. She smiled and closed the door behind her.


  “What’s up?” Curtis asked as soon as she stepped in her office.

  “Nothing’s up Curtis. What’s make you think-“

  “Don’t kid a kidder kiddo. What’s up with all the frantic conferences in the middle of the day? Did Sol get kidnapped again or was it Benjy this time?” Curtis asked staring hard at her.

  Sophie wanted to laugh it off but it was all too fresh. “Someone threatened to kill me if Tony didn’t do some stuff,” she said walking toward her desk. “Now can we get back to this?”

  “No. damn girl! You just said someone wants to kill you and we’re supposed to go through financial reports now?”

  Sophie took a deep breath and turned to face Curtis. “Yes,” she said looking him in the eye. He stared disbelievingly at her with his mouth open.

  “You done lost your mind,” he said at last.

  Sophie did laugh at that. “I wish,” she said ruefully. “Welcome to my life.”

  “Why are you not freaked out?” Curtis asked still staring at her.

  “Who said I’m not?” she asked sitting down and picking up a spreadsheet.

  “Er I don’t know. The fact that you’re reading spreadsheets right now?”

  “Curtis?” she said looking up at him, “You think I don’t want to run home and grab Benjy and squeeze him in my arms and make sure he’s alright? You think I don’t want to hide him so well that even I couldn’t find him? But what good does panicking do? We’ve done all we can to protect the ones we love. Now we’re not going to let these criminals make us live like scared bitches with no spines. They want us? They want to mess with us? Let them try.” Sophie’s eyes were glowing fiercely with anger and determination.

  “Damn girl. Remind me never to get on the wrong side of you,” Curtis said impressed.

  “Yeah well, I wish everyone was as bright as you,” she mumbled ruefully.

  “Now girl, you know that’s not possible. Now pass me last year’s financial report so I can look it over before I have to jet.”

  Sophie passed the relevant document on with a smile at Curtis and they read quietly for a while, making notes or asking for clarifications as needed. The morning flew by.


  It was Monday night which meant poker for Grandpa Elijah. Solomon was over at Katarina’s cottage as he’d been every evening for the past week so it was just Tony and Sophie for dinner as Benjy had already fed. He kept them company anyway at the table enlivening the mood with all his unintelligible chatter.

  “You know I think he’s definitely going to be in the entertainment industry,” Tony said smiling.

  Sophie side eyed him. “Why? Coz he’s black?” she asked jokingly.

  Tony laughed, “No because he talks non-stop and he obviously finds whatever he’s saying very entertaining.”

  “He does seem to find a lot of things to be really happy about,” Sophie agreed looking at her son with a wistful look in her eye.

  “Hey. Why the look?” Tony asked.

  Sophie shrugged eyes bright with unshed tears. “I’m just thinking about all the ways that the world will try to take that smile away from him,” she said.

  Tony reached out and covered her hand with his. “We won’t let it,” he vowed. Sophie looked him in the eye and nodded her agreement. Tony passed her some tissues so she could wipe her eyes and blow her nose.

  “God I’m such a baby sometimes,” she said with a wry smile.

  “And I love you for it,” Tony said smiling at her with the shine of love in his eyes.

  “You better. There’s no take backs for this package,” she replied with a saucy smile.

  “Thank God for that,” he replied softly.

  Elijah came in around 9pm and found them watching reruns of Fresh Prince of Bel Air while Benjy lay between them kicking his legs in the air and contemplating his navel.

  “Hey,” he said smiling at them.

  “Hey G. How was poker?” Sophie asked straightening up.

  “Good. I mean I hate to take people’s money but sometimes they’re just askin’ for it. You know?”

  Tony smiled his agreement then gestured to the couch. “Please sit with us a bit before you go off to sleep. There’s something-“

  “Oh no. What now?” Elijah interrupted already heading for a seat.

  Tony looked at Sophie with a rueful smile. “You guys; is my face that obvious?” he asked.

  Sophie shrugged and Elijah simply leaned forward waiting to be told what had happened. Tony filled him in on the happenings of the morning and Elijah listened with attention not taking his eyes off Tony.

  “And this person, Natasha you said her name is, she specifically named Sophie as her target?” he asked when Tony was done.

  Tony contemplated Sophie suddenly unsure. “No…I think she said something like someone you care about could get hurt.”

  “So it could be anyone? Your father included?” Elijah asked.

  Tony stopped and stared at him, not having contemplated this prospect before. He had been so hung up on the thought of losing Sophie that it hadn’t occurred to him that she wasn’t the only person he cared about.

  “I mean obviously they expect that you’ll keep Sophie close and she’ll be well protected. But the so called lesser targets might be easier to get at. That’s how terrorists always operate. They go for the most accessible and Sophie certainly isn’t that.” Elijah said.

  “Yes but this woman was Sophie’s PA. She could have done anything to her from poisoning her coffee to making up a fake appointment at some undisclosed location,” Tony said breathing hard at the thought.

  “Yes but she didn’t. Obviously she wanted you to be off balance by her infiltration of your company so you’d give her what she wants. But you refused and she’s showed her hand –“

  “You assume. Perhaps that was just an opening gambit,” Tony interrupted darkly.

  “Indeed. You’re right. But I’m sure you’re, at this very moment, finding out as much as you can about this girl and her capabilities. Am I right?”

  “Well, yes,” Tony grudgingly conceded.

  “So. If she’s half as bright as you think she is, she’ll want to hit you from a direction you’re not expecting and clearly you’re expecting an attack on Sophie,” Elijah opined. Tony looked at Sophie and gave her a tentative smile.

  “So…you’re saying Sophie’s safe?” he asked even as he continued to look at her and she back at him.

  “I’m saying it’s very likely. I’m saying don’t just be prepared for the obvious.”

Tony turned from his contemplation of Sophie to look at Elijah. “That’s where you come in actually. We wanted to hire independent security to do an audit of all our workers.”

  Elijah nodded his head and shook it almost simultaneously. “That’s a waste of resources. Most of your employees have been with you for a long period of time, many are of Russian descent and if they have Bratva connections they may precede this incident or have nothing whatever to do with it. You probably won’t achieve much beyond wasting time with that exercise. I suggest you start with the known quantity and try to identify the unknowns from there.”

  “We still need an independent security firm to carry that out for us,” Tony pointed out.

  “Yes. I see your point. I will make inquiries. Meanwhile we have to notify everyone of this new threat. Where are the love birds?”

  Tony grinned hearing them described as such although he thought it was pretty accurate.

  “Probably reading sonnets to each other in bed,” he said in amusement.

  “Hey you guys, leave Starship alone,” Sophie came to his defence.

  “We must let them know as soon as possible. Any volunteers willing to breach the love boat?” he asked eyes twinkling at Tony.

  “Not it,” Tony said grinning.

  Sophie sighed theatrically. “You guys are such…guys sometimes,” she said as she stood. “Watch future Dave Chapelle here while I go update them.” She said nudging Benjy toward Tony. He was already bending down to blow a raspberry on his stomach to make the baby laugh.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll put him to bed soon,” he told Sophie.

  “Okay then.” She said as she made her way toward the kitchen. The back door was the fastest exit that led to Katarina’s cottage that was located at the back of their property. She stopped short at the door to fish out her phone. Calling first might be a good idea.

  “Hey Kat. You guys still awake? I wanted to come by for a minute,” she said as soon as Kat picked up.

  “Yeah we’re awake. Sol and Sam are drawing something – it’s past his bedtime but Sam won’t sleep until he’s done so Sol is helping him,” Kat said. She sounded subliminally happy – like she was but she wasn’t aware of it yet.

  “Okay then, so I can drop in for a minute?” Sophie asked.


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