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Tony, Her Billionaire Russian: A BWWM BBW 5 Stories In 1 Bundle

Page 36

by Cher Etan

  “Have I told you lately…that I love you,” Tony sings drunkenly into her ear a few minutes later. Sophie laughs but without sound. She’s wrung out.

  “Actually I think the last time was the day before yesterday,” she tells him smiling.

  “Nooo! Really? God I’ve been remiss,” he says.

  “No harm no foul,” Sophie says patting him softly on the thigh. It’s the only part of him she can reach without moving.

  “If you say so.” He says and then rolls slowly to his side so he’s facing her. “And when was the last time I said that you were the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen?” he inquires. Sophie laughs even more.

  “Last week Thursday,” she says grinning.

  “Man, I am slacking in the romance department ain’t I?” he says shaking his head in mock ruefulness. Sophie drags herself over to plaster herself along his front and rub his sides.

  “We’re an old married couple now. Of course you neglect me a little,” she tells him in a faux serious voice.

  “Old? Speak for yourself sister,” Tony protests eyes closed. He reaches out to gather Sophie even closer as he says it.

  Sophie puts up a hand in mock surrender. “My bad,” she says smiling sleepily even as her eyes close. They drop off to sleep like that, going from awake to asleep between one moment and the next.


  “Have a good evening sir,” Robbie says as he opens the gates for Curtis to pass.

  “Please. Call me Curtis,” he replies with a smile.

  “Curtis,” Robbie says returning the smile.

  “And you are?” Curtis asks with an arched brow that cannot be mistaken for anything but flirty. Robbie smiles.

  “I’m Robbie,” he says.

  “Nice to meet you Robbie,” Curtis says as he drives through the gate.

  Robbie and the other guard exchange glances once he’s gone. The other guard laughs and starts making smooching noises at Robbie. Robbie flips him off.

  Chapter 5

  Moscow was cold this time of year…well actually it was cold every time of year but it was particularly icy now. The home that they used to share when they both still lived in the city was still standing. Their father had left it to them and they’d kept it well maintained even after they both left to live their lives elsewhere. A caretaker was on the property but they did not speak to him. He was an old drunk who had his own cottage on the grounds. He didn’t bother them and they didn’t bother him. Mikhail made some phone calls as soon as they arrived and set up some meetings. They were very close mouthed about what they were doing in Moscow because they didn’t want word to get back to Natasha through any contacts that she had in the city. They had used fake passports to get in the country just so that their real names didn’t trigger any alarms…just in case anyone was on the lookout.

  Mikhail knew some shady characters. Even though he was meant to be the ‘good’ one of their dynamic duo, he was also the one with the most underworld contacts due to his human smuggling activities. They were scheduled to meet a guy who went by Zhitnik. Zhitnik had agreed to meet them at a small establishment where he worked as a bell boy. They were supposed to pose as customers because Zhitnik wasn’t going to risk his life just to give them information no matter how much money was involved.

  They sat at the back of the bar, nervously tapping their feet in sync although they didn’t seem to realize they were doing it.

  “Do you think he really knows anything?” Mikhail asked.

  Roman just glared until Zhitnik came by and put some breadsticks on the table.

  “Ask your questions,” he said brusquely.

  “Tell us about Natasha,” Roman said.

  “Natasha…?” Zhitnik asked fiddling with the salt shaker.

  “She went by Natasha Korzakhov on her employee papers. We’re not sure if that is an alias,” Mikhail said.

  “Korzakhov? Mid-height? Brown hair? Gray eyes?” Zhitnik asked.

  Mikhail and Romanov exchanged dubious glances. None of them had laid eyes on her.

  “Possibly,” Romanov said.

  “She’s a player trying to establish herself. She could be one of Konstantin’s illegitimates – at least that’s what she puts about. Nobody knows anything about her personal life but she’s making her presence felt.”

  “Yes but who is she?” Roman demanded.

  “She’s a killer. She’s been a killer since she was a teenager. She’s worked her way up the ladder by knowing who to get rid of and when. She’s cold blooded; dangerous. If she has you on her radar you better tread carefully.”

  Roman was actually pale but Mikhail was already making contingency plans. Who to speak to, where blackmail could work…

  “Listen, could you get us some background on this woman?” Mikhail asked Zhitnik.

  “I’ll see what I can find out. Give me a few days; but it’ll cost you,” Zhitnik replied.

  Roman inclined his head. “Of course,” he said.


  “So what’s up with all the texting today?” Sophie asked Curtis as they were setting up for the efficiency team in the conference room.

  “New guy…maybe,” he said absently.

  “Ooh, that was fast. Who is he? Anyone I know?” Sophie asked.

  “Err, as a matter of fact…” Curtis said.

  Sophie straightened up to stare at him. “Dude! Spill,” she said.

  “Robbie,” Curtis said softly.

  “What?!?” Sophie exclaimed sitting her ass on the conference table and folding her hands to stare at Curtis.

  Curtis shrugged. “It started with a ‘see you around’ after that epic dinner you had me over for. Then remember when you sent me to your house for those papers in the library? Well I figured I should give him my info in case he needed to do a background check on me or something and while I was giving him my phone number I kind of asked for his.”

  “Wow, good game,” Sophie nodded impressed.

  “I thought so,” Curtis said smugly.

  “So anyway, I texted him once to ask him about some sounds I heard in my apartment and whether or not I should call the police.”

  “Clever,” Sophie said grinning.

  “Well anyway, he had some questions about the sounds and my level of safety and then we talked about my general security and one thing led to another and we’ve been texting ever since.”

  “Soo are you dating or not dating?” Sophie asked.

  “We’re…flirting,” Curtis said with a shrug.

  “So he’s definitely gay?” Sophie asked leaning toward Curtis then straightened up. “No. don’t tell me. It’s none of my business.”

  “I don’t know anyway. We haven’t really discussed it.”

  “But…you’re flirting?” Sophie asked.

  “It’s all very ambiguous,” Curtis replied with a twist of his lips.

  “Clearly,” Sophie said smirking. “Well anyway, shall we get back to work? Do you have the folders ready?”

  “Does horse manure smell?”

  “Great, let’s work.”


  Solomon crept up behind Katarina in the kitchen and poked his fingers into her sides. She squealed and turned, hitting him with the cloth she was using to wipe dishes.

  “I’m ticklish!” she protested.

  “Well duh,” he said tickling her again.

  “Sol! Stop!” she shouted giggling. He increased his tickling pulling her to him and nipping at her neck. Kat made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a moan. Solomon picked her up and took a larger bite at her neck. Kat squealed louder and arched her back.

  “Should we take this somewhere where there are no sharp instruments to potentially stab me in the back?” Kat said.

  “You have some good ideas sometimes girl,” he said swinging her around and heading for his room. “Benjy asleep?” he asked as a by the way.

  “No actually Cara came by early to take him for a walk in the park,” Kat said.

  “What? Al

  “No. Robbie went with them.” Kat said.

  “How long do we have?” Solomon asked dropping her on his bed.

  “Heaven knows. But Benjy’s going to be tired in an hour or so, I’m sure they’ll start heading back then.”

  “Better make this time count then,” Solomon said leaning over her to plant his lips on hers.


  Cara and Benjy came back three hours later. He was fast asleep in her arms but Cara had not wanted to let him go so she’d held him in the park while Robbie told her about this person he thought he was flirting with but wasn’t sure.

  “How can you not be sure whether or not you’re flirting with someone?”

  “Well…it’s kind of that…it’s a guy,” Robbie said awkwardly.

  “And…?” Cara asked unfazed.

  “Aaand, I think that he’s flirting with me, but I’m not sure. We haven’t really discussed sexual orientation.”

  “So why don’t you just go ahead and ask?” Cara asked.

  “Aah, he’s kind of Mrs. Romanov’s friend. I don’t wanna make the wrong kind of waves. I kinda like this job.”

  “Mrs. Romanov’s friend? Which one?” Cara asked green eyes sparkling with interest.

  “Curtis Jackson,” Robbie whispered reddening.

  “What? Curtis? That is the most homosexual homosexual I’ve ever met. I think you’re good.” Cara said laughing.

  “Really?” Robbie asked hopefully.

  “Really. Go for it.” Cara said rubbing his knee encouragingly.

  “Thanks,” Robbie said with a smile and an exhale of relief.

  Cara studied him, “So you really like him huh?”

  Robbie dipped his head down, flushing further. “Yeah, I think I do. He’s funny and smart and he always replies to texts.”

  “And that’s important?” Cara asked.

  “Yeah. Do you know how many guys like to play these games where they don’t reply to a text for like two weeks just to keep you off balance?”

  “Well no. I’ve been married for thirty years and I have no kids,” Cara said.

  “Sorry,” Robbie said.

  “No. Don’t apologize. Go on,” Cara encouraged.

  “Anyway, he doesn’t play games which I lo-like,” Robbie said.

  “Which you lo-like?” Cara repeated grinning.

  Robbie smiled and shrugged, “I like him a lot.”

  “I’m so happy for you,” Cara said. “Now ask him out.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Robbie said standing up and holding out his hands for the baby.

  Cara stood up as well and gave Benjy over and they walked home. None of them saw the figure on a motorcycle watching them. Robbie was distracted with the news about Curtis and occupied with the baby. They walked slowly back to the house talking amiably. As they reached the gate, there was a small delay in getting the gates open because of a small glitch in the electricity which caused the gates to jam. Robbie and Cara had to wait for one of the guards to reach the fuse box and fix the issue and while that was happening Cara suddenly collapsed on the ground, bleeding from her chest. This led to quite an uproar as the guards tried to locate the source of the problem and secure the baby. Robbie folded himself over the baby and waited to see if there would be another shot. The guards called 911. In less than five minutes an ambulance had arrived and Cara was on her way to the hospital. The house was shut down, reinforcements were called and a neighborhood sweep was being carried out to find the shooter. A second team was combing security cameras to see if they could spot the shooter that way. The police were also carrying out a separate investigation.

  Solomon went to the hospital to be with Cara. Her bed was surrounded not just by private guards but also a police guard. Katarina and Robbie stayed with Benjy in his room, curtains drawn surrounded by three guards. Sophie’s car came screaming down the driveway and she came up the stairs at a run. Katarina put Benjy in her arms as soon as she came skidding through the door and Sophie held him really tight, eyes wide and fearful.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God,” she kept saying soothing a sleeping Benjy who was the only calm one in the room.

  “Have you heard anything from the hospital?” Robbie asked tentatively.

  “Tony is on his way there now. He should be able to bring us news soon,” Sophie said, voice trembling. “What happened?” she asked him.

  “We were walking from the park and we came to the gate and there was some sort of glitch with the electricity. One of the men reported that the connection to the gate was cut moments before we came up. We know it was moments before because the gate was working fine just a few moments earlier when one of the men opened it to do a perimeter sweep. Someone must have been watching for us to appear before they cut it. The question is how they got on the property. Anyway, once we were at the gate waiting, Mrs. Petrov collapsed and we realized she’d been shot. Whoever did it must have used a silencer and from the angle they were waiting somewhere across the road. We’re in the process of acquiring security footage from the houses there and trying to track down every individual that was on the premises. There was a truck parked near the electricity pole but Nimoy had called the electric company upon its arrival and they said it was scheduled maintenance. We’re still looking into it.” Robbie paused for breath as Sophie stared at him, not really taking in his words.

  ‘He’s in shock,’ she thought in surprise. She knew that Robbie was a combat veteran and he had shielded her child with his own body. Clearly despite his experience he was not unaffected by what had just happened.

  “Calm down Robbie,” she said. Her phone went off and she picked it up absentmindedly. Curtis.

  “Hallo,” she said hoarsely.

  “Sophie! Oh my God I just heard. Why didn’t you tell me? I’d have come home with you.”

  “They didn’t tell me why I needed to come home until we were at the gate to my house. I guess they didn’t want to worry me.” Sophie said, her whole body shaking. “Benjy’s fine but Tony’s aunt Cara has been shot.”

  “Is she…” Curtis whispered.

  “I think she’s still alive. Tony’s gone to the hospital. We’ll know more when he calls with news,” she said eyes closed.

  “Anyone else hurt?” Curtis asked.

  Sophie shook her head and opened her eyes looking straight at Robbie. “Robbie’s fine Curtis,” she said and almost smiled.

  “Okay then. Should I come over?” Curtis asked.

  “This place is on lock down. I think we should regroup tomorrow,” Sophie said.

  “Okay then. Stay safe love,” Curtis said.

  “Thanks,” Sophie said and hung up. A few minutes later Robbie’s phone beeped. He looked down at the message and smiled if sadly. He clicked on the reply message and typed in a short message. Then he put his phone away.

  “I should do a perimeter sweep,” he announced to the room. “Katarina, arrangements have been made to collect Sam from school. We feel that given his…condition…he should stay in school until it’s out rather than be cooped up here with all the heightened emotions. Would you agree with that assessment?”

  Katarina stared at him hardly able to comprehend what he was saying. “What do you mean about Sam? Is he not safe?” she croaked.

  “We don’t know who’s safe and who isn’t right now. Not until we catch who did this. So I recommend that for the moment everyone assume that they are not safe.” Robbie said.

  “Okay then we should go get him now,” Kat said standing up. Robbie held up a hand.

  “A detail is already outside the school. We can have them retrieve him and bring him here,” Robbie said.

  “No I need to go. Sam doesn’t do strangers well and the only guard he really knows is you,” Kat told him.

  “Okay then, an armored car will take you to him and you can bring him home,” Robbie said taking her arm. “Come with me.”

  They went out and another guard came in to take his place sweeping the room with his eyes and taking
in all the somber faces.

  “Someone should call Mikhail,” Sophie said aloud after a while.

  “I believe your husband was scheduled to speak to them,” the guard replied. Sophie nodded and then fished out her phone to call her grandfather.

  “Grandpa,” she said when he picked up. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine darling. I’m still at work but I’ll be home as soon as I can. Are you alright?”

  “No. They shot Aunt Cara Grandpa,” she said in a small voice.

  “I know darling. Tony called me. There are body guards here with me. I’ll say a prayer for her. You stay safe and keep my grandson safe okay?”

  Somehow speaking to her grandfather had soothed her spirit. If he said it would be alright then Sophie was inclined to believe him.

  “Yes I will. Stay safe too Grandpa,” she said.

  “I will. Goodbye now Sophie,” Grandpa said and hung up.

  Sophie tried her husband next but couldn’t get through which did nothing for her nerves.

  “Hospitals sometimes ask you to switch off your phone,” the security guy said, “especially if you’re in ICU.”

  “ICU?” Sophie asked voice dropping in shock. “Was she that bad then?”

  “As far as I could see she was shot in the chest. That’s all I know Mrs. Romanov.”

  Sophie nodded her head looking down at her son.

  ‘It could so easily have been you,’ she thought with dread.


  Mikhail and Roman came in on the next plane from Moscow which landed at 3am the next morning. They were picked up by security and driven straight to the hospital at Mikhail’s request. They’d managed to dig out the bullet which had lodged in Cara’s lung but she was still in the intensive care unit and unresponsive. Tony had spent the night at the hospital keeping an eye on her, in company with Solomon who refused to go home and leave him alone. Elijah had gone home to comfort Sophie and Katarina but they had not managed to get much sleep yet either. The shooter was still at large.


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