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Hunter's Desire (Dragons Of Sin City Book 2)

Page 78

by Meg Ripley

  She withdrew the cucumber as the spasms of her orgasm subsided and dropped it on the floor. A naughty, impish grin spread across Eve's face as she covered her body with her comforter and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


  She woke the next morning feeling more rested than she had in ages and a quick glance at the clock on the wall told her why. It wasn't like her to sleep in; Eve was usually up not long after the morning sun began to banish the darkness from the night's sky. But today, she had slept until it was nearly noon. She sat up and stretched, remembering her naughty play the night before, and the same impish smile settled on her face. She reached over to grab her laptop and opened it, accustomed to starting each morning checking the day's mail. She signed into her email account as usual and scrolled through the page of spam and junk that somehow always made it into her inbox.

  And that's when she found the message from a match made on the site she'd been looking at the night before. She clicked on it, confused given that she'd closed off the page before submitting any information. The email contained a message from a couple who had been “matched” with her. Stranger still, given that the site was supposed to inform her about a potential match, not immediately allow the match to send her a message.

  But she had to admit, the couple sounded perfect. They were a happily married couple, professional adults, new to the area, and looking for a similar couple for weekly or bi-weekly evenings out. Eve glanced at the photo attached to their profile and Eve's mouth began to water. The image showed a couple sitting by an evening campfire. They wore hooded shirts against a dark background, so she couldn't see their faces clearly. But the man was shirtless in the picture, and his muscular build made her wet, imagining her hands sliding along his solid chest.

  Eve knew she should be more apprehensive about the match, particularly given the fact she'd never submitted her own profile. But, for some unknown reason, she felt drawn to them. The same calmness that had flooded through her the night prior returned to her now, and she knew without a doubt they were the answer she'd been seeking. Without thinking, her fingers were on the keyboard and she was typing a message in reply.

  “You sound like the exact type of couple we’re looking for. Would you happen to be free tomorrow evening? My husband and I would love to meet you at the sports bar at the corner of Main and King St. It's a very clean establishment with great food and a casual atmosphere. If you're available, why don’t we meet at about 7pm? I'll look forward to your response.”

  Eve signed the message and hit send without giving herself a moment to think through her decision. She'd have to get Conner away from work, but if she had to tie him up and drag him there, she'd do it. She knew without a doubt this was exactly what she wanted—even though she had no idea why she felt that way.

  She stood to grab her dressing gown, but before she'd even put it on, her laptop dinged, letting her know a message had arrived and she saw a response to her message appear in her inbox.

  That fast? she thought, clicking on the message. Lyndi and Gage—the couple in the message—were free and happy to meet tomorrow night. A thrill ran through Eve's body and she couldn't explain why.

  She called Conner right away.

  “Hi Conner. I have a big favor to ask you. I really, really need you to be available tomorrow evening. There's a very important dinner I have to attend, and I really need you there, OK?”

  Eve figured she might as well get to the task of securing Conner for their meeting as quickly as possible. She might have to lay on some guilt to get him to clear his schedule. But, surprisingly, Conner agreed. He didn't sound entirely happy about it, but hopefully he would change his mind.

  And he was true to his word. He pulled into the drive at 6pm the next day. He had just enough time to shower and dress, and when he re-emerged twenty minutes later, he looked more handsome than Eve remembered, dressed in casual attire.

  “Wow Conner. You look hot!”

  “Thanks. You look damn good yourself, Eve,” he reciprocated, watching her walk across the living room in a black sheath dress that ended mid-thigh.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Let's go,” he replied, offering her his arm in an adorable, gentleman-like gesture.

  Two minutes later, she was buckled into the passenger side of Conner's Mercedes and he was pulling out of the front drive. And just fifteen minutes after, Conner was holding the door for her as Eve entered the sports bar.


  She scanned the room and quickly spotted the couple sitting at a table across the room. It was easy to point them out, though a little disconcerting, too. They wore the same hooded shirts from their picture and it was still difficult to make out their faces clearly. It seemed even odder still that the light surrounding them seemed brighter than anywhere else in the room, like they were sitting in front of a spotlight. Eve pointed them out and she and Conner made their way over.

  As Eve moved closer to the table, a fiery heat began coursing through her veins and settled between her legs. She couldn't explain it, but from the corner of her eye, she could see that Conner had spotted them, too. He was eying them intently, and she recognized the same heat she was feeling radiating from her husband's eyes.

  The light behind the couple seemed to recede as Eve approached, but her arousal only intensified as her eyes settled on the man at the table. She could see more of him now, standing just a few feet away. His eyes were slanted, but more because they looked like he was squinting perpetually. When he looked at her, Eve's breath caught in her throat.

  The irises of his eyes were a bright, vivid orange, unlike any eye color she'd seen before. From beneath the edge of his hood, she could see red markings that resembled intricate tattoos peeking out. There wasn't a single hair anywhere she could see on his body. His skin was paler than what seemed normal, but his muscular build had her completely distracted. Eve looked at the woman and saw similar features there; the same orange eyes, red tattoos, pale skin and hairless body anywhere that was exposed. Her breasts were huge; Eve couldn't help but acknowledge that she had a nice rack.

  Eve and Conner stopped just inches from the table. She forced a smile on her face and reached out her hand in greeting.

  “Hi there. You must be Lyndi and Gage. I'm Eve, and this is my husband Conner.”

  The woman grasped her hand first and shook it gently. Eve looked at their twined hands in confusion briefly; it was as if Lyndi's hand was molding to hers, filling every gap and void to create a perfect fit. She pulled her hand back slowly, perplexed and intrigued, but not wanting to offend.

  She offered her hand to the man next, and what she experienced when he took her hand in his was entirely different. The arousal that had rose within her as she made her way over to the table increased exponentially. She could feel herself suddenly so wet that the fabric of her thong was already soaked.

  Eve pulled her hand away, forgetting about her manners and sat down on the chair in front of her, needing a moment to compose herself. She glanced over at Conner to see Lyndi's hand still in her husband's grasp. His eyes were locked on the woman's incredible tits and the heat in his eyes had increased tenfold. She should be jealous—or at the very least, uncomfortable—with her husband's overt interest in the woman at the table, but she wasn't.

  An image of Conner with his cock buried deep inside the woman flashed through Eve's mind in the next moment, and though she didn't think it was possible, her arousal increased even more.

  She stifled a moan and did her best to think of some sort of polite chit chat. Coherent thought was eluding her at the moment.

  “It's so nice to meet you,” Lyndi spoke from across the table as she sat back down. “Gage and I have been searching for the perfect couple for quite some time, and I do believe we've found it.” Lyndi looked at Gage, and smiled at him with a knowing look on her face.

  Eve wondered about the meaning behind their exchange, but her sex-addled mind didn't care enough to inquire.

; “Shall we order?” Gage piped up jovially.

  Eve and Conner both nodded politely and tried to turn their attention to the menus in front of them. Eve scanned the items listed on the page, but wasn't really taking anything in. She shook her head perceptibly, trying to clear it.

  What's wrong with me?!? she wondered incredulously. Here she was trying to make new friends, and all the while naughty images were the only thing flashing through her mind.

  She rambled off the first item she could read from the menu when the waitress arrived at their table. By the sound of it, Conner was doing the same thing because she couldn't remember him ever ordering a garden salad and onion soup for dinner. Poor guy can't make it past the appetizers, Eve thought humorously.

  When their order had been placed, Lyndi and Gage returned their attention to Eve and Conner.

  “So, tell us a little about yourselves,” Gage began as he shifted in his chair.

  Eve tried to think of what to say, but it wasn't eloquent. “Let's see, we've been married for five years now, and just moved here about a year ago. Conner works heavily in the corporate world; takeovers and acquisitions, and that type of stuff. I was a nurse before we moved, but I haven't really gotten back to work yet,” Eve began.

  “And what about you?” she queried, and then struggled to pay attention as she fought against the arousal coursing through her.

  “We're obviously foreign,” Lyndi began. “We travel heavily. It's a passion of ours. But lately, it seemed we'd been drawn to seek out something more. On our own so much, I suppose; we've been feeling the need to connect with others,” she continued.

  Eve's difficulty focusing increased tenfold in the next instant as she felt something make contact with her clit. She had been sitting with her legs together casually, but the object now worked to pry her legs open and move the fabric of her thong out of its way. She resisted at first, while keeping her eyes on Lyndi's lips, watching her mouth form each word and hoping that would aid in her struggle.

  The object against her clit began to rub, and in the next moment, it began to vibrate, overcoming her resistance. Almost instantly, she could feel an orgasm begin to build within her, and the vibrations increased in speed.

  Eve had no idea what it was that was stimulating her. She stifled a moan and looked down to see if Conner was responsible for the pleasure assailing her. But Conner's hands were presently gripping the sides if his seat. Upon closer inspection, she discovered his fly was open, and his rock hard cock was sheathed by something she didn't recognize at first. As Eve focused harder, she realized it was not an object, but a woman's foot; it had wrapped itself around her husband's dick and was stroking him faster and faster.

  Eve didn't know how she felt about what she saw; it was simultaneously so wrong, and yet, so entirely erotic. She moaned in response to the naughty scene as the object vibrating against her bundle of nerves picked up speed. It was all too much; arching her back, Eve started to cum.

  The object stimulating her clit stopped and she saw the foot release Conner's cock at the same time. But in the next moment, the object that had left her was back, sliding along her slit and spreading her lips. She looked up in time to see Gage smile as the object slid into her wetness, and she realized finally that it was him driving her pussy wild.

  Even so, she was too aroused to resist. She moaned as the object began to plunge in and out of her slowly. Conner turned to her, seeing the look of pleasure on her face, and moved his attention downward. He slid his hand along her thigh and pulled the tight dress up to expose her. His jaw dropped when he saw what was taking place, but instead of anger, she saw fiery arousal set his eyes ablaze.

  “Oh God, Eve. You have a foot in your pussy!” he groaned.

  But as the object plunged in and out, they could see that it no longer resembled a foot, but rather it had morphed into a phallic-shaped object. Suddenly, it began to vibrate; she whimpered in response and spread her legs wide open so it could fuck her deeper.

  In one swift movement, Conner reached for her tits and squeezed hard, caught up in an inexplicable arousal that was driving him mad. The foot that had sheathed him prior returned, gripping gently to tease him. Conner moved a hand to Eve's clit and started to rub hard and fast.

  The sight beneath the table and the vibrating object inside of her was too much. She came hard once again, stifling her own moans with the back of her arm.


  Temporarily satiated—at least for now—Eve blushed profusely as what she'd just allowed to happen began to register. She looked up at the couple sitting across from her at the table.

  “What the hell is going on?” she whispered shakily. The calmness she had experienced the night before fell over her then and blanketed her panic.

  “You weren't the only one searching for something, Eve. For so long, we were content to travel, exploring new worlds from a distance; never interacting, only observing. But, our bodies were not made to observe—as you have witnessed for yourself. But, the draw you felt toward us, it is not universal. We have been searching for compatible mates for quite some time—mates with bodies that would respond in the way yours have. Bodies that will not resist anything we have to offer,” Gage started to explain.

  “What do you mean our bodies will not resist?” Eve asked, feeling uncomfortable as she realized the arousal that had been satiated just moments before, already grew at a rapid pace within her.

  But, Gage continued on with his explanation. “It was not us who found you. In fact, it was you who found us, Eve. It was your wish that brought you to our attention. And when we saw you, standing naked at your window, you had our attention. And then, as we watched you pleasure yourself...well, of course, I felt the draw to you first.”

  Eve blushed, remembering the night prior when she'd been sprawled out on her bed with a cucumber in her pussy. “Oh my God. You saw that? You were watching me?” she whispered.

  “Don't be embarrassed,” Lyndi was quick to jump in. “Gage was positively mesmerized, and I was thrilled to see you were happy with...less than conventional sex objects. It certainly helped in making me take a closer look,” Lyndi smiled. “And when I saw you, Conner, I was equally enthralled,” she spoke huskily. “Sitting with your legs spread, your cock hard in your hand. You looked so comfortable right there in front of the window.”

  “How was I the one to find you? I don't understand.” Eve struggled to maintain her chain of thought.

  “Your wish, of course. You saw us in the sky last night, Eve. It was us you watched as we grew brighter. And you wished. It was not mere friendship you had been searching for, you know that. You have both been longing for excitement, starved for sex; we knew what you were really wishing for, and with the draw between us, we knew we could provide it,” Lyndi explained, but it left Eve feeling equally as confused.

  “You're saying that the two of you are stars?!? That's not possible,” she stated softly.

  “Not stars, Eve. You know what you saw when you walked into the restaurant this evening. I'm sure the bright lights from last night came to your mind as you walked toward us,” Lyndi began. She closed her eyes briefly, and the hood that had covered their heads disappeared. “These were only illusions, meant to make our meeting easier for you,” Lyndi continued as Eve and Conner stared in awe.

  They were incredible, but couldn't possibly be human. Their humanoid-shaped heads were bare, but in place of hair was intricate red markings, like tattoos, that trailed down their necks. Eve noticed the same markings adorning their hands as well. Upon closer inspection, the markings didn't look flat like tattoos, but slightly raised instead. And as she stared at the markings, a multitude of minuscule lights radiated from them, increasing in intensity the longer she looked.

  “You're beautiful,” Eve spoke to both of them, still in awe and entirely overwhelmed by the arousal coursing through her veins anew.

  “As are you,” Gage replied. “And I would like to see more, Eve.”

  His interest i
n her made Eve even hotter, and what little coherent thought she had left knew, without a doubt, that she wanted this. These strangers had been right; she wanted sex and excitement, not just some new friends for casual conversation.

  “Take your clothes off,” he instructed.

  Eve swallowed hard. Somehow, she knew she wouldn't resist him, but she was also painfully aware of the crowd surrounding them and the husband sitting next to her. She turned to glance at Conner questioningly. He'd apparently fallen under the same spell, because without a moment's hesitation he nodded, answering the question in her eyes. Her gaze darted around the room next.

  But as she looked, Gage spoke again. “Don't worry about them. They won't interrupt, I can assure you.”

  Eve didn't know why her body complied so easily, but she watched almost as a bystander as her legs brought her to her feet. Her hands slid down to the hem of her dress and pulled it upward and over her head, her eyes leaving Gage's only briefly. She stood in the restaurant in a skimpy lace bra and thong; the thong still pushed to one side exposing her nearly as much as if it hadn't been there at all. She unhooked the clasp of her bra and let it fall, and then slid the thong to the floor and kicked it away.

  “Come here, Eve,” Gage guided her, and she moved around the table to stand next to him. He turned in his chair and his hands came out to skim along the length of her body; her thighs, hips, her waist, ribs, and finally coming to a halt on her breasts. He cupped them in his hands and ran his thumbs back and forth across her nipples, and as he moved, his fingers began to vibrate. “Oh God, that feels good,” Eve whispered.


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