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Page 12

by S. I. Hayes

  “Hey, baby,” she cooed, seeing I was awake.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, I come bearing Root Beer and Tylenol as well as a bear claw.”

  “You are awesome.” I reached for the tray as she handed it through the window to me. “Thank you.” I took to the bag, grabbing the pills and taking four immediately and washing them down with the soda. “I don’t know how you managed me, but thank you for that too.”

  “Oh, that wasn’t me. One of the tellers at the bank knocked you out.”

  “Wait, what?” I looked at her wide eyed.

  “Yeah, you lost it in the parking lot and started swinging for the fences, so he slammed your head into the truck. Put you right down.” She sipped on her soda. “I didn’t like it, but the alternative was more dangerous, and he didn’t give me much choice, as he didn’t warn me before he did it.”

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know they’d still be popping them off so close to where we were. I’d have stayed in the car if I did. It would have been safer.”

  “If I had known it was a trigger, I would have been more mindful of your needs.” She reached out and stroked my face lovingly. “Scared the shit outta me, you did. Is it always like that? Where you don’t respond?”

  “No.” I took a bite of the bear claw. “That’s really rare. I haven’t had that happen in over a year.”

  “I’m putting you under too much stress. It’s hurting you, physically. Mentally. Maybe Glory and I need to just disappear till this blows over.”

  “No fucking way!” I gritted out from between my teeth. “Where you two go, I go, no way around that. You’re mine, the two of you. You got that? And what’s mine, I protect with everything I got.”

  She smiled at my words. “I just don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “And you think I wouldn’t be hurt if you left? Caitlin, I’d lose my fucking mind. I’d never know peace again, nope, nope, you aren’t going anywhere.” I put down my soda. “In fact, you are coming over here right now.” I grabbed her soda, putting it next to mine, then pulled her across the cab of the truck and into my lap. She squealed as I made her settle on top of me.

  “Baby, we are in a public park with kids all around us.”

  “I’ve got the darkest tints that are legal on this thing, and like the rooms at home, it’s very much sound proof. Now get that fine ass in the back and strip before I lose my nerve and my erection.”

  “Yes, Sir!” She saluted me, and my cock thumped even harder against my pants as I followed her into the farthest seat back, it was, after all, the larger one.

  “I can’t believe we are gonna do this.”

  “I can’t believe you aren’t dripping wet yet.” I bent down, drawing my tongue up her hot, pink flesh. Her hands flew down into my hair as I sucked on her clit and let the saliva slip off my tongue and down into her, getting her good and slick. I drove two fingers into her, curling them up with tight thrusts, milking her own juices out of her as she moaned ravenously.

  “Taking advantage of the sound proofing?” I teased, flicking her clit again.

  “Now that I know I can be vocal? Fuck yes, baby. I’ve been holding it back all this time.”

  “That’s what I like to hear. Come for me, Caitlin. I won’t fuck you unless you come for me first.”

  “Then you better talk less.” She looked down at me with quivering lips and shaking legs as I rotated my fingers and my tongue. I watched her eyes roll up into her head and her chest rise up, her tits falling to the sides of her. God, I loved looking at those luscious big tits. I imagined my cock squeezed tightly between them as she sucked it. As she seized up around my hand, I crawled up her, still fingering her, playfully.

  “Will you let me fuck these beautiful round breasts?” I asked in a heavy whisper, licking up her throat.

  “Mmm, baby, I’ll do you one better, get under me.”

  I turned my body so I was under her and she climbed down me, getting between my thighs. She licked up and down my cock, getting it good and wet, then took it and nestled it in her cleavage with about three inches popping out of the top. She squeezed the soft flesh of them together, her long tongue licking my head, just barely at first. Then as she moved faster, her head moved down and she managed to get those three inches into her mouth to suck!

  “Fuck!” I moaned, grabbing her head, gently urging her on. The friction and the heat was awesome. The suction perfect, she even used a little bit of teeth, which I liked. “Oh, keep doing that and I’m gonna come.”

  She came up for air, “Oh no, you promised to fuck me, I’m positively drenched now.” She reached down between her legs and pulled up sticky fingers, which she wiped on the head of my cock.


  “Like that? Want more of it?”

  I nodded as she twirled her finger at the tip of my cock, pressing against it. Her tongue teasing it, licking up the pre-cum I couldn’t hold onto. She stood as best she could and put a knee to each side of me, and with a little help of my hands on her ass, got my cock inside of her. She took it all for the first time, her pelvis was flush with mine, I could feel her hard little clit as it brushed against me. Up and down, forward and back, she did these tight little circles.

  “You’re killing me, I wanna pound you, baby.”

  “We can’t rock this boat too much, or they’ll suspect. So it’s slow and deep, or nothing.” She purred, kissing me, sucking on my tongue, holding my face in place as she took my breath and my seed, as I came suddenly. She laughed. “If I don’t end up knocked up, I’ll be so surprised.”

  “The promises you make.” I thrust inside of her twice more, just to make sure.

  AS WE WERE GETTING dressed her cell phone rang, and she fumbled across the truck to get it.

  “It’s Tim’s ring!” Caitlin grunted as her ass thumped down in the front seat, sliding the call to talk. “Tim? Timmy? Is that you?” She looked up at me with hopeful eyes, and gave me the thumbs up.

  I smiled, fixing my pants and shirt, making my way to the driver’s seat once more.

  “How are you feeling? I’m so glad, they put you in with Daddy? He’s making you nuts? Well, good, that’s what you get. For jumping in front of a bullet, you idiot.”

  I shook my head, listening to her argue with him.

  “I will not let up on you. I don’t care that you almost died! If you’d have died, I’d have kept crying. Now I get to make sure you don’t do shit like this again! You hear me? We’ll be there later. I’ll bring you some food, Daddy too, tell him.... Just tell him. Okay, bye jerk!”

  “Sounds like he’s fine.”

  “Oh no, he sounds like shit, but I can’t let him know I can hear that. As for us, we gots a little munchee chee to go and fetch from a bunch of Italians.”

  “That we do. If we don’t, they’ll adopt her and we’ll never find her amongst the cousins.”

  “Oh, Hell.”

  I laughed. “It’ll be fine; she’ll have plenty of kids to play with, at least.”

  “Do you often do functions after the holidays?”

  “Only this one. Too many of us have issues with the noises but we like to get together and share a meal, so we do it the next day.”


  “They try.”

  DORA’S HOUSE SAT IN the middle of a block of other like-shaped boxes. Only hers was painted to look like a Smurf. It was bright blue with dark blue shutters and a blue speckled rooftop in need of some repair. I had hoped to talk Patrick through it, but the boy constantly eluded me when it came time to do any work. Caitlin laughed as we came upon the house. People were everywhere we looked. Games, like horse shoes and bean bag tosses, were set up on the front lawn and there was a bounce castle and house of balls too.

  “They really go all out for the kids.”

  “That’s not just for the kids.” I snickered. “I’m sure there’s at least two inebriated adults lurking, like sharks, to scare the piss outta those kids.”

“Oh, boy.” She snorted as we got out of the truck.

  “I feel overdressed.” She looked at herself in her jeans and button down blouse with cowboy boots.

  “You look sexy as Hell. Especially now that you have that fresh afterglow.”

  She licked her lips, and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “All you, baby.” She hooked her arm into mine. “Let’s go get my baby girl.”

  “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you about these people. They are gonna be all up in your business. Say very little, unless you want it all everywhere.”

  “Well noted.”

  We bypassed the front door, heading straight for the back yard. I knew that’s where Granddad would be and so, too, would be Glory. We came around the bend in the back yard slowly, trying not to be too well noticed. It was futile. As soon as I opened the gate, Dora’s head picked up and my name was screamed for all to hear.

  “Jarod Michael Joseph Trainor! Where have you been!” She’d had a few drinks, it was obvious, she had a beer in her hand as she approached. She gave me a huge hug and then made a bee line for Caitlin.

  “Honey pie! Did it go okay? Your girl is such a beauty! We just love her!” She grasped Caitlin by the arm, pulling her from me before I could protest.

  I was going to follow, but my Granddad stopped me.

  “Come here son.” He waved me over to the grill, where he had hot dogs, burgers and kebobs going, along with corn and potatoes, steaks were on a separate grill with chops and ribs, being manned by a cousin of Dora’s from the old country.

  “Yes, Granddad.”

  He put his arm around me as I watched Dora introducing Caitlin to the family. “I love that little girl, but her mamma, there’s much trouble, yeah?”

  I nodded. “She’s got her issues. But so do I and together is better.”

  “Just be sure that you do not neglect yourself for her. You’re no good to anyone if you’re not here with us.” He grasped my shoulder, tenderly kissing my face. “Go get your woman, before we never see her again.”

  “Yes, Granddad.”

  “And eat something, you look thin.”

  “I will, Granddad.”

  I found Caitlin, surrounded by the cousins, both mine and from Dora’s family. They were fussing with her and asking her all about being an army kid. She’d let that slip, great. More military wives looking to recruit.

  “Here’s where you went.” I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek. She held onto me for dear life in return.

  “Save me.” She whispered.

  “Have you seen Glory yet?”

  “Apparently, your Great Aunt Sarah took her to the bathroom just as we showed up.”

  “Great Aunt Sarah?” I racked my brain, we had so many family members it was hard to keep them straight. “Okay, yeah, she’s a good egg, a little eccentric, likes to dye her hair pink and purple. She’s eighty-four, I mind you, but otherwise, good people.”

  “You hoo! Jarod?” A woman’s voice caught my ear and I turned, there was Great Aunt Sarah. Purple hair and clothes to match.

  “Tin Man! Mommy!” Glory came stumbling down the back stairs, nearly tripping herself in the process, Sampson on her heels.

  She ran to me and her mother, hugging us in turn.

  “I’ve been super good.”

  “Oh, she’s a delightful little chickie,” Great Aunt Sarah cooed. “Let me braid her hair, the sweetie.”

  “Look mommy, we put flowers in it.” Glory turned around and in her hair were artificial carnations, in red, white and blue.


  She was beaming.

  “Have you eaten yet?” Caitlin asked as Glory bounded around.

  “Umm, a little earlier, I had pb and j sammies.”

  “Are you hungry now?”


  Caitlin laughed. “Guess it’s feeding time, maybe some meat will over run the sugar.”

  “Maybe.” I chuckled as we headed back over to the grills. My hand in Caitlin’s and Glory’s, this was how I wanted things to be; how I hoped they would stay.

  Chapter 34 Caitlin

  I’d gone back to the house as soon as the cops finished with it. The cleanup crew didn’t do much, and Jarod called in a favor to get the blood dealt with because I just couldn’t handle it. I got the papers from the bank and they were in the process of returning the money that Danielle had siphoned off of me and Glory. There hadn’t been any more activity on the accounts and they weren’t able to trace the one they had connected with, so Danielle was still out there, but we had decided that life goes on.

  Tim and my dad spent about two weeks in the hospital. Tim came home first, a little weary but okay. Dad, we had to make accommodations for. Again, Jarod enlisted his friends and family. They ripped out the front steps and put in a ramp, so whether he had the knee replaced or not, getting into the house would never be a problem again.

  It was mid-August now and I was waiting in the doctor’s exam room anxiously. I’d only spotted this month, and the pregnancy test said negative, but that had happened before with Glory. I had spotted through the first trimester with her. It took an internal ultrasound to confirm, as my estrogen levels were so freaky low, even blood didn’t register her. The planned parenthood doctor came in and asked me to lay back and scooch down. I remembered this part of the procedure. The cold hands, the uncomfortable wand wiggling around.

  It took a minute, but then there it was, that fluttering sound... A heartbeat that wasn’t my own.

  “Congratulations Miss Colton, you are, in fact, six weeks pregnant.”

  I held my stomach, looking at the monitor with a big smile. I sighed, Jarod was going to be thrilled. I couldn’t wait to tell him. I decided that I’d go home, make a call to Tony, and have him keep Glory for the night. Then I’d make a nice dinner or rather, order a nice dinner and plate it well, and tell him when he got home.

  With the lateness of the month, he was on the base preparing for the new recruits that would be coming to him for the semester. I had decided to forgo my classes at Duke and do them via online, so I could spend more time with Glory. She needed me home, so that’s where I would be. Besides, my dad looked forward to seeing us in the afternoons.

  I cleaned up and got dressed, my heart pumping as I called Tony to see if he’d keep Glory for the night.

  Chapter 35 Jarod

  The house was dark when I got to the threshold. Which was strange for seven o’clock. I put my key in the door, and as it opened, I found the house was lit up with candles. Caitlin had taken to redecorating the entire house in the weeks she had been here and I was impressed with the way it had all come together. Blues and browns in the living room, green and black with chrome accents, for the kitchen. Glory’s room was done in pale yellows and pinks. She even organized my office, now I had places for my files and everything. My bedroom actually had furniture that matched. All mahogany, and really sturdy. We need sturdy after accidentally ripping the old head board off the bed. I chuckled thinking about it now. Pictures of my family hung on the now dimly illuminated walls. I could smell steaks on the grill. Grilling was about the only thing Caitlin could do and not fuck up. I followed my nose to the patio and found her standing there in nothing but an apron and high heels.

  “Hey baby?” I smirked, watching her ass as it swayed to the smooth jazz that played through the

  Bluetooth speakers.

  “Hey there, my man.” She turned around, the apron was my old kiss the cook one. I walked over to her, obeying its command,

  I wrapped my arms around her, grabbing that exposed flesh in both hands and kissed her deeply.

  “Hmm, love it when you come home in a good mood.”

  “If you always looked like this when I came home, I think my mood would always be elevated, among other things.”

  She giggled, sending another shockwave to my already hardening cock.

  “So what’s the occasion, and where’s Glory?” I sat down as she turned the steaks and
adjusted the potatoes.

  “She’s with your Granddad, tonight. He’s gonna teach her to play pinochle.”

  “He’s gonna teach her to cheat, is what.” I laughed, shaking my head. “That answers my second question, but not the first. What’s going on Caitlin?”

  She stopped moving for a moment, then turned to me, all that sex paid off apparently.”

  I stared at her wide eyed. “You mean?” I tried to wrap my head around it. “You’re? We? A baby?” I stood back up, pulling her to me. “Come here, you shouldn’t be slaving over hot coals. I should be doing this. The smoke isn’t good for you or him.”

  She laughed outright. “Easy, baby. I’m only six weeks along. It’s still too early to know if it’s a boy or girl.”

  “Oh it’s gonna be a boy, if not, she’s gonna learn to throw a mean curve ball anyhow!” I kissed her shoulder and she turned to me, slipping a hand under the waistband of my slacks.

  “You get these undone and I’ll get the steaks off the heat.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice, I was pulling my belt free as she hopped up, offsetting the steaks and plating them so they didn’t overcook. Then she was straddling me once again.

  “Is it okay? I mean for the baby?” I didn’t know anything about pregnant women. This was going to be a whole new adventure for me.

  “It’s more than safe, in fact, I’ll only get hornier the further along I go. It just seems to go with the territory. I’ll also want lots of fried chicken.” She gasped, taking me inside of her as she leaned back. I loved her on top, it let me thrust hard as she rocked down, giving a wonderful bit of friction and it let me have her tits in my face. I took the apron off of her neck, letting it fall around her middle and taking her large, erect nipple into my mouth, rolling and sucking it between my teeth. She held my head as she tightened up around me at the sign of her first orgasm. I loved that she came so easily for me, it made me feel awesome to know I made her feel so good.

  Tonight was something special though, I thought as we tumbled to the stone ground so she could really grind onto me. Tonight, we were celebrating. We were going to be parents. I was going to be a Daddy.


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