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by S. I. Hayes

  Chapter 36 Caitlin

  I rolled over in Jarod’s arms, feeling wonderful. I was carrying his child and in the heat of our passionate embrace, he’d asked me the most important of questions. I didn’t hesitate in saying yes. I loved him dearly. I would become Mrs. Caitlin Trainor and never look back. This was my happy place, in his arms, it was where the monster couldn’t touch me. I hadn’t had a nightmare since moving into this room with him. Each night that we have been together has been a night of dreams that I want to remember. He’s had some shakes, but my hand on his chest is all it takes to calm him. Which says something.

  That he loves us, is apparent too. He says he wants to officially adopt Glory. I’m all for that too. I have full custody of her, so it won’t be a problem either.

  “Babe, we gotta get up, it’s after nine. We overslept.” I shook Jarod and he stirred, grabbing me about the tits and pulling me into him. His morning wood digging into my ass.

  “Can’t let this go to waste.” He pushed my leg up with his, and I could feel his cock teasing me.

  “Baby, we really don’t have the time,” I muttered as he slid up and down my still very wet opening.

  “But you’re still primed.” He licked my ear and I could feel him grinning as he tweaked my nipple with his fingers, his cock prodding me.

  “I’m all yours.” I lifted my leg, grabbing his cock and leading him into me as I hooked my leg around his, locking us together. It was hard and fast as he rolled me onto my stomach, pounding into me from behind, his pelvis slapping against me, pushing hard yelps from me. I called out his name as I started to come, and he drove deep into me as he came too, his chest hard as it fell down onto my back, and he propped up onto his elbows. We both lay there panting for several minutes before he finally rolled off of me.

  “I love you.” He breathed heavy. “Come shower with me, it’ll save time.”

  “Sure you wanna save time, you just wanna watch me shave my legs.”

  “Hey, we all have our kinks.” He laughed, grabbing his crutches and heading for the bathroom.

  “ABOUT TIME YOU TWO showed up,” Tony teased as he met us at the door. “The little munchee chee is having her midday snack. Cheese, pepperoni and a juice box.” He let us in and watched as we headed for the kitchen.

  “Something is different.” He pursed his lips. “You two have something going on. Something new?”

  I couldn’t hold my excitement anymore. “We’re pregnant!” I blurted out, then covered my mouth quickly.

  Tony dropped his fork. “My God! Congrats!” He grabbed me and then outlined my stomach with his hands. “My another little Munchee chee.”

  “Mommy, what’s goin on?” Glory asked, not understanding.

  I turned to her, with a smile and then went to sit beside her. “Mommy is going to have a baby. You are going to have a little brother or sister.”

  She stared at me blankly. “Where is it?”

  “It’ll be here in about nine months. So just after you turn two.”

  “Oh, okay, so not now?”

  “No, not right now.”

  “Okay. Let me know when.”

  I laughed, looking at Tony and Jarod who just shook their heads.

  “Babes, you never know what they are going to say.”

  “I know,” Jarod added. “Glory you wanna go to the park?”

  “The big one I like?”

  “Yeah, it is Saturday, don’t we usually go on Saturdays?”

  She nodded gleefully. “Yup.” Her feet were swinging rapidly.

  “Finish up your snack and we’ll go.” I patted her head, snatching a piece of cheese, as Jarod took Tony into the other room.

  “Ah, again with the congrats!” Tony couldn’t keep his voice down it seemed. “Of course, Of course.”

  I wasn’t sure what that was about, but I was pretty sure it had to do with me and Jarod.

  AS WE APPROACHED THE car, Jarod stopped, turning me to him.

  I know I asked last night and you said yes, but I want to make this a lock.” He dropped to one knee, something I know was difficult. Then he opened a box and inside was an antique diamond solitaire, with two diamonds set to the left and right of it as well.

  “It’s beautiful. But where?”

  “It was my Grandmother’s...” He slipped it out of the box and onto my finger, it fit perfectly.

  “It was meant for you. It didn’t fit Rebekah.”

  I had tears in my eyes as he pulled himself up with my help. He kissed me and I cried.

  AT HONEYCUTT PARK JAROD and I played like we always did with Glory. The jungle gyms, the swings, the slides. She was, as always, having a good time. But every so often both she and I would look around, it was as if we could feel something. I thought I’d seen the same car pass by once or twice, but there are a lot of cars I this town.

  As we were having lunch, Glory announced rather loudly that she needed the potty.

  With a laugh, I got up. “I’ll take her. I could use the facilities anyhow.” I had been feeling queasy for the last half hour, but was fighting it for the sake of the day.

  “You want me to come with you?” Jarod went to stand.

  “I think we can handle it.” I kissed his lips and squeezed his hand. “I love you.” I don’t know what prompted me to say it, but I did and he just grinned as I took Glory by the hand and we walked away.

  The heat hit me as we walked and I had to pick her up as my stomach lurched. Damned morning sickness. We rushed to the bathroom and I pulled us into a stall as I emptied my stomach of our lunch.

  “Eww Mommy.” Glory held her nose. It wasn’t pleasant coming back up. Damned chili. Should have known better. But it tasted so damn good, with the corn bread. And there went that, too.

  “I gotta pee!” she protested, doing a little dance. I looked under the stalls, no one in here but us. “Alright, go into the stall next to me. Lock it and pee. Then wait for me to come out.”

  I opened the door and she rushed into the next stall. I heard the door lock and her start as I wretched again. Kneeling there the cold floor felt good. I was sure my stomach was empty when I heard the door to the bathroom open and the clickity clack of heels enter.

  I looked under the door and saw a pair of candies heels. Danielle wore those, she had a pair just that shade of bubblegum pink too. I stood up, panic in my chest. I went to open the door only to have it slam into my face.

  I fell back, seeing her face, a perfect scowl, turning up into a sneer as the door swung back. I scrambled to get my footing when she jumped me, grabbing me by my hair and slamming my face into the rim of the toilet.

  Chapter 37 Jarod

  It had been about fifteen minutes since Caitlin had taken Glory to the bathroom. Not too long, but I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach so I got up and headed toward the facilities. As I approached, I saw a gathering of people and an EMS truck. I took off like a bullet. My leg damn near gave out as I hit the incline, but I didn’t care, my girls were over there! As I broke through the crowd, I found they were wheeling Caitlin out on a gurney. There was blood all over her face and she didn’t seem to be conscious. I scanned the crowd, no sign of Glory.

  I had to find Glory. “Has anyone seen a little girl!” I shouted. “She’s about two, three feet tall, was wearing a pink summer dress and white sandals. Has auburn pigtails, amber eyes?”

  Murmurs from the crowd, all saying no.

  “Hey, mister?” I heard a young boy yell.

  I turned to see a kid on a bike. “Yeah?” I headed over to him as a police car pulled up to assist as EMS tried to revive Caitlin.

  “Did you see her?”

  “I think so, she was with a tall lady, getting into a silver car. They went toward the highway.”

  “Thank you.” I spun around, pushing back through the crowd to Caitlin.

  “Baby, come on.” I pleaded.

  “Breathing is shallow.” An EMS worker shouted as they pumped medications into her.

se, she’s pregnant.” I informed them, and they began listening for the baby and putting her on the truck. “We need to get her to County, Stat. Major head trauma.

  I felt a hand wrap over my shoulder and turned to see a cop. “You gotta help us, someone took her daughter.” I exclaimed. I didn’t know what to do, or who could have done this, all I knew was Caitlin was hurt and the babies, both born and unborn, were in serious danger.

  “Come with me son, we’ll get an APB out on the child, and then get you to the hospital.”

  I nodded, I didn’t know what else to do. As I followed the officer, I texted Tim, letting him know what was going on and where they were taking Caitlin. I didn’t want her waking up all alone.

  “I TOLD YOU OFFICER Jordan, I didn’t see anyone suspicious. The only person we have had any issues with is her stepmother, it’s the only person, I can fathom, Glory would have gone with willingly.”

  “We spoke to the young man you said saw your daughter.”

  “Uh, she’s not my daughter, not legally, yet, the papers haven’t gone through for the adoption yet.”

  “I see, and the reason this Danielle Colton would take the child?”

  “Money, revenge about money.” I sighed, they had me at the station for more than two hours and the lousy reception had me with zero signal. My stress level was going through the roof. “Look, I’ve told you everything! I need to be at that hospital!” my voice rose quite a bit.

  “Calm down, boy. We need all the facts.”

  “Fact, I’m engaged to Caitlin Colton. Fact, her daughter is missing. Fact, she’s in the emergency room, probably freaking out. Fact, I’m wasting my time splitting hairs here with you people, who should be trying to find the bitch that took that precious little girl! Now, sir, since there is no reason for you to keep me, I’m going. I have a woman that needs me. Now if you wanna help, come to the hospital and see if she’s awake and remembers anything!” I had been marking the points with my fingers and on the final one I flipped the cop off, before turning on my heel and walking away.

  AS SOON AS I GOT OUT of the precinct my phone blew up, calls, texts, from Tim. Caitlin was in surgery, they were afraid of a bleed. I rushed to the hospital, I couldn’t lose her. My heart raced as I was escorted to ICU. They wouldn’t tell me anything. Fiancé wasn’t family enough where medical information was concerned. Fucking HIPPA laws.

  When I got to the floor, there were already police officers waiting.

  “You go find her daughter, stay away from us.” I barked as Tim came into view, grabbing me.

  “Jarod, you gotta calm down man or they’ll toss us. Dad is in with her now. She’s awake, but really groggy, and be glad for it. She doesn’t seem to realize Glory is missing... Yet.”

  I breathed hard, looking over his shoulder, seeing the Lieutenant as he bent down over her and kissed her forehead. He came limping out. He decided not to go through the strain of the knee replacement for now and was making due with the use of a cane. Now he hobbled worse than me.

  “She’s tired and having a hard time focusing. They managed to catch the bleed in time, but there is still some swelling. Apparently, my grandchild will be okay as well.” The Lieutenant eyed me. “When were you two going to tell us she’s pregnant?”

  “I just found out last night.” I was relieved to know there were still small miracles.

  “As for Glory, any developments there?” Tim asked, hopeful.

  I shook my head. “I need to go in and see her.” I pushed by them and the automatic door opened, letting me have access to her. “Hey baby,” I whispered over the machines beeping and whirring around her.

  She turned her head, trying to orientate the sound of my voice. Her head was bandaged up toward the front. They’d had to shave it on the side. She was not going to like that. She reached out her hand but it fell as though it were too heavy for her. The head trauma could do that.

  I pulled up the chair next to her, taking her hand. “I’m here baby. It’s Jarod.”

  I watched as both of her blackened eyes finally found me and softened from the terror that had been searching the dimly lit room.

  “She has her, doesn’t she?” Her words were slurred, but precise.

  I closed my eyes, she, could only mean what I had feared. “Baby, was this Danielle?”

  She tried to sit up and I stood, trying to get her to stay still.

  “Get off.” She tried to get out of the bed, then swooned back. I grabbed her, putting her back into her bed correctly.

  “You need to stay here.”

  She grabbed her stomach. “The baby?” She was suddenly quite lucid.

  “Is okay, but you need to rest.”

  “I need to find the bitch that has our Glory.” She wretched and I grabbed the empty bedpan. “Ugh.” She looked up, seeing the doctors as they came in.

  “Miss Colton, you need to lay back down with injuries such as yours-”

  “Yeah, I get it. I feel it alright.” She settled back into the pillows while the doctor checked her vitals and her pupils.

  “You seem to be out of the woods, but we need to keep you, at least overnight, for observation.” The doctor nodded to me.


  As soon as the doctor left, Caitlin sat back up, “I need you to get something for me.”

  I didn’t like the slurred way she was talking.

  “Babe, you really need to stop and rest.”

  “I need my phone, is all.”

  Reluctantly I got up and left the room.

  “How is she?” Tim asked with urgency. “Can I go in now?”

  “Yeah, I’m just gonna go track down her stuff.”

  AS I APPROACHED THE nurses station, my phone began to vibrate. I checked to see who could be calling, and was surprised to see Caitlin’s phone number pop up. “What the hell?” I slid the lock and answered, confused.

  “Caitlin? How’d you get your-”

  “It took long enough for you to be away from all those idiots and cops.” A woman’s voice came through.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, we’ve never been properly introduced. Danielle Colton.”

  “Where are you?” I swung around, if she could tell that I was alone she had to be nearby.

  “Oh, don’t bother looking for me. I’ll be gone before your gimp ass could catch up. Just shut up and listen.”

  I clenched my jaw and my fist.

  “Good boy.” Her condescending tone was enough to make my blood boil. “Caitlin is in a bit of a tiff, now. She’s made my plans go south, so I’ve had to adjust them. Now, I have something you want and you have something I want.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why, the money, honey. It’s always been about the money. Ever since I swallowed that old man’s cock the first time. But I got passed up... Twice... Not this time. If you involve those cops you’ll never see Glory again. Do you hear me?”

  “I do.” My heart pounded in my ears as she laughed.

  “She’s got her recovery time, then she’s got seventy-two hours to transfer and liquidate that child support fund to cash. I’ll be in touch after that.”

  The line went dead.

  Fuck. What was I supposed to do?

  Chapter 38 Tim

  I was a despicable person. I knew it, no one else did, but I was. I had helped Danielle take Glory and it had nearly killed CC. Oh, how a woman can twist you and bend you to her will. Especially when she’d been grooming and seducing you since you were a teenager. Danielle and I had first slept together when I was fourteen, she was thirty-two and I’d been smitten since. Of course, the relationship was a secret, and her staying with my father pissed me off, but if they’d divorced, how would I have been able to see her then, had been the argument. So I played along and she strung me along by the nose.

  I had even been the one to steal CC’s gun, getting rid of my father was the solution. CC wasn’t fit to take care of Glory. Jarod was supposed to help me prove that, instead he went and actu
ally fixed her! Fuck me, how that backfired on me. I was sorta pissed when Danielle shot me, and damn near killed me, but she said it had to look good for the cops. I suppose she was right.

  The money. It should have been mine. Should have gone to the first born, but I got passed, because the grandparents loved CC more. Fuck that. I was pissed, but didn’t want her dead. Just incapacitated, that was what Todd was supposed to do, just fuck her head up some, get her drunk, tease her, not what he did... Not leave her for dead. I’ve carried that guilt ever since.

  “Danielle?” I hollered, entering the small apartment I’d been paying for since she took off. It was only a one bedroom, but it served our needs.

  “Uncle Timmy!” Glory came running to me, hugging me. She was, of course, just fine. I’d never let anything happen to her. I loved this little girl to the moon and back again. I picked her up and kissed her. “Hey, baby girl.”

  “Grandma says mommy had to go away for a bit.”

  “Yeah, she’ll be with you again real soon.”

  “What about Tin Man, and Papa Tony?”

  I furrowed my brow. “You call him that now?”

  “Uh huh, he says to.”

  “Well, they don’t have the time right now.”

  “But my stuff at home.”

  “I know it’s rough kiddo.” Danielle cooed. “I’ll pick you up some more stuff. Okay?”

  She nodded as I put her down. “They are circling the wagons. She’s outta the ICU, but still really confused about just how things went down.”

  “Went down nothing, I smashed her head in, bitch just won’t die.”

  “Hey, you were just supposed to take her, not hurt anyone.”

  “I did what I had to do. Now, let’s see about your reward for being such a good little spy.” She slipped her hand down the front of my pants, grabbing my cock.


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