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Love Undercover

Page 17

by Nana Prah

  “I excel at the job,” she continued, “and love it. It suits the toughness in me.”

  The sweet scent of her rose perfume intoxicated and perhaps hypnotized him, belying her words about being tough.

  Sarita’s fingers curled over the seatbelt. “I’m not bragging, but I’m a natural born agent. I can fight like nobody’s business. I’m being humble with that statement. I can shoot with the accuracy of a sniper. My intuition is strong, which has kept me, my charges, and colleagues safe on more than one occasion.” She paused. When she spoke again her voice was low, almost uncertain. “One thing I’m not good at is being a gentle female. My ex-boyfriends complained that I came off as too hard and unyielding.” Settling into her seat, she leaned her head back.

  Matt glanced into the rearview mirror at their charge. Hana had moved as close to the edge of the seat as her restrictive seatbelt would allow, listening with rapt attention. Her wide-eyed expression of anticipation for Sarita’s next words almost made him smile.

  Sarita faced him again. Anger still ruled him, but his stomach flipped when their eyes met. He forced himself to concentrate on the road.

  “Until you, I never knew I wanted to be soft. Or knew that I could be. When I’m in your arms, I feel protected, like I can let go because I know you’ll keep me safe.”

  The hitch in her voice told him the admission hadn’t been easy. His heart swelled with joy that he brought the femininity out of her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice came out gruff. Of course he knew the answer already. Yet the pride within him had to hear it for himself.

  She looked over at Hana. “The people I protect rely on me and I take my job seriously. I didn’t know whether telling you would have put her in danger or not, but I refused to take the risk. She’s too important. There were so many times I wanted to admit the truth, but I couldn’t allow it.”

  The last feeble remaining residue of his anger dissipated. Passion for protecting others had forced her to put aside her own feelings in order to do it well. Yet another thing to admire about her. He cleared his throat. “I can understand that.”

  “You can?”

  He nodded with a broad grin. “Yes.” He reached over and interlaced her fingers with his. A zing of electrical energy shot through him. Short lived but potent. She squeezed his hand. It was the first time they’d held hands.

  He looked in the rearview mirror. Hana’s smile was bigger than his and Sarita’s combined. They reached the airport exit in no time. He’d wasted too much time being pissed with Sarita when he could have been enjoying her company and getting to know her better. He released her hand to wind through the maze of Dulles Airport. “What’s happening when you get back from South Korea?”

  She held her hands apart so there was at least two feet between them. “I have a ton of paper work, but other than that I’m going to enjoy my freedom.”

  “Would you like to go out to dinner with me?” He’d never had an easy time of asking women out, but with her it felt natural.

  “Does a koala bear eat bamboo?”

  “I’m not sure. I thought panda bears did.”

  “You might be right. All I know is that they’re both adorable animals.” She rubbed her hands together. Was she a little excited? “Yes, Matt, I’d love to go to dinner.”

  “Good. We’ll make the arrangements when you get back.”

  The woman he’d thought he’d never see again would be dating him in couple of weeks. If only he’d met her a few weeks ago, they could have avoided this mess. The philosophical words of his mother came to mind. Everything meant to happen will occur in its own time.

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  He found the departure area for Mesa Airlines. “Do you know the second agent who’s supposed to meet you?”

  “My boss didn’t inform me, but she indicated the agent would recognize me.” Sarita cast her eyes around the airport walkway. “Are you all right, Hana?”

  “Yes, I am fine.”

  A familiar figure strutted toward them. Matt’s eyes narrowed, shooting imaginary toxic darts as once again the need to punch a wall filled him. “Fuck. Is that who I think it is?”

  Chapter 22

  Sarita searched in the direction of Matt’s vicious stare. “What the hell?” She reached for the door handle. “I need you to stay in the car and keep an eye on Hana. I’ll see what he’s doing here. If anything suspicious goes down, don’t hesitate to drive away.” She waited for his response. His glare at the newcomer continued. “I need an answer, Matt.”

  He grunted. “Okay.”

  Addressing Hana she commanded, “Listen to him. I’ll be right outside the car.”

  Sarita didn’t wait for a response from the young woman before opening the door and stepping out.

  Intentionally leaving her jacket open for easy access to her gun, she felt the chilly, autumn-evening air bite into her skin. She sized up the only person who’d been able to rile her during her stint in jail. “What are you doing here, Atherby?”

  His teeth glistened with a grin. “Can’t a brother be dropping someone off at the airport during his suspension?”

  A realization of the truth tackled her. He’d been the other agent on the case. She scanned the area to make sure it was secure while she regained her mental bearings. Two muscular Asian men in dark-gray suits came out of the building and stood about six feet away, watching the car.

  Could they be any more conspicuous? Everything about them shouted they were guards.

  She held out her hand. “Let me see your badge.”

  His guffaw came out like a bark. “Sharp as a tack huh, Cerez?” He removed it from under his shirt, keeping it around his neck.

  She didn’t share in his joviality when she stepped closer to inspect it. Daniel Atherby, Homeland Security. Letting the metal drop with a thud instead of throwing it down took a concerted amount of energy. Unclenching her jaw, she went to the car and spoke through the cracked window. “He’s the other agent. Hana, can you identify those two men?”

  She shifted forward to look out the front windshield. “Yes, they are two of my father’s favorite guards.”

  Sarita opened the back door. “Good, let’s get inside.”

  When Hana stepped out, Atherby and the two guards stepped forward. The taller-than-average Korean men bowed to the girl but did not speak. Hana acknowledged them with a respectful bow of her own.

  They waited for Matt to grab the bags from the trunk as the rest of them flanked Hana. Marching through the airport they drew stares.

  “Everything’s set,” Atherby said as they walked. “We’re waiting in a secured room until the flight. No need for immigration lines. We’re the first ones to board at six-fifty. Take-off is at seven-thirty. I’ll check the plane before we board.”

  Sarita’s watch read a quarter to six. They maintained a protective human wall around Hana until they reached the assigned room. Atherby and one of the guards entered first to check the space.

  Atherby waved them in. The two South Korean guards stood watch outside.

  The opulent furnishings screamed that important people utilized this room. Gold-and-maroon, brocade-covered couches and chairs stood at one end of the room with a huge flat screen television mounted on the wall. A rich oak conference table surrounded by leather swivel chairs took up the other end.

  “Atherby was about to tell me which department he’s really with,” Sarita snarled as she watched Hana settle into a couch.

  His badge indicated he worked with Homeland Security but didn’t specify which sector.

  “I’m an all-around agent,” Atherby responded.

  Sarita perused the room again so he couldn’t see how impressed she was through her eyes. Who would’ve guessed he worked in the most coveted position in all the government agencies? Would a little forewarning from Corinth have been a bad thing?

  Sarita ensured that her admiration didn’t reflect in her voice when she explained to Matt. “He works with multiple agencies. He’s li
ke a jack of all agencies. Not belonging to one, but to all.”

  Matt relaxed his glower. “I never knew they existed.”

  “Not many people do.” She looked from Matt to Atherby. “I worked with one once.”

  Atherby nodded. “That’s when you got shot right?”

  She stepped back so she wouldn’t give in to the strong desire to kick him for the revelation. What kind of agent went around telling people’s business?

  “You’ve been shot?” Matt’s voice came out as a low growl.

  Atherby rocked back on his heels and answered before she could. “Two separate times.”

  She’d stepped into the nightmare version of the show, This is Your Life. Her short nails dug into her palms. “Will you shut your big mouth?”

  Atherby tsked while shaking his head. “Be careful, Cerez. I rank higher than you. Not by much, but enough.”

  He could have her brought up on charges of insubordination, if he could prove it. She clamped her jaw shut. His chuckle annoyed her even further. His credentials were impressive. Agents in his position were sometimes referred to as the ghosts of the system.

  “I’m not the asshole I lead you to believe I was. Am I?”

  Her clenched hand longed to punch him in the gut for all he’d put her through. “That has yet to be determined”


  Matt pinched his arm on the pretense of a scratch in order to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Within the past two hours he’d learned the woman he’d fallen in love with was a Secret Service agent. The daughter of the President of South Korea had ended up in his care. And the asshole he wanted to beat the shit out of for endangering Sarita’s life held the title of super-agent.

  When Atherby mentioned Sarita had once been shot Matt’s heart jumped into his throat. Where on her body had she taken the bullet and what had mitigated it? She didn’t seem any worse for the wear after the experience, but the thought of any injury coming to her made his skin crawl. Matt would deal with the worst offence first. “Why the hell did you leave her in the cell with that inmate?”

  “Good question,” Sarita said, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring up at the man who stood a few inches taller than Matt.

  Would he be able to take Atherby out? Matt wondered. No doubt Sarita could. Even now, she emitted controlled power. How could he have missed such raw energy before?

  Atherby shrugged as he looked her in the eye. “I wanted to see what you were made of.”

  Matt took a menacing step forward.

  Atherby held both hands up in front of him. “Hold up, Matt. You don’t want to ruin your chances as an agent before you get started now, do you?”

  Spinning away, Matt ran a hand through his hair. He found his attention on Hana, who watched them in engrossed silence as if they performed a skit for her entertainment.

  Matt didn’t miss the fact that Atherby knew about his plans to be an agent. He’d probably researched a lot more about him than that.

  “It was a shitty thing to do,” Atherby admitted, “but I wanted to know if all the rumors about the great Sarita Cerez were true.”

  Matt’s ears perked up “What rumors?”

  Sarita waved a hand to dismiss the question and tried to intercede with one of her own, but Matt wouldn’t have it. He needed to know more about her. Who was this woman?

  “What rumors?” he repeated in a tone that told the two agents he would get an answer one way or another.

  Sarita stormed away toward the table, throwing herself down in a chair. She obviously didn’t want him to hear the story. Would she have ever told him herself?

  Atherby laughed. Matt gritted his teeth. The man was too damn affable for his liking.

  Atherby had the audacity to wink at her. “First of all, she’s tough. She got shot at close range during hand-to-hand combat while protecting a controversial dignitary. How the bullet managed to graze only her shoulder is a mystery of miraculous proportions. That story circulated around for weeks, but the one that caught everyone’s attention happened while she guarded an ambassador and her family.” He paused.

  The bastard knew how to dramatize his story telling. Matt maintained his wide legged stance as his patience stretched to near unbearable levels. The goose bumps on his arms when he’d heard the first story refused to recede.

  “She’s good.” Atherby cocked his head toward her. “Probably one of the best agents I’ve never had the pleasure of working with, until now. I’ll let her tell you what happened with the ambassador. She’s already peeved at me. I’d rather have her in a good mood on the flight.”

  A brief glance at Sarita revealed that her face was glowing red and her mask of neutrality had been stripped away. Now wouldn’t be the best time to ask her to tell him a story about how she became a popular heroine.

  Matt paced to the opposite side of the room, so he wouldn’t gather her up into his arms. Even before he knew her, he’d almost lost her. His heart lurched at the thought.

  He cared about her too much to press an issue she didn’t want to talk about. He walked back and sat in a chair next to her so he could be close. He touched his leg to hers. A casual contact, but the heat sliding up his thigh reminded him that touching her would always affect him.


  Stay calm. You can extract revenge on Atherby later.

  Matt had just come to accept her as an agent. She didn’t need him freaked out about what she’d done throughout her career. What other people considered brave had been part of her job.

  When Matt didn’t push the issue, she released her pursed lips. A stinging sensation caused a bit of discomfort as blood flowed back into them. She’d have to tell him the story one day and add a few more that might cause that vein on his forehead to bulge again.

  For now she’d been given a reprieve.

  Every moment she knew him, she fell deeper in love. She should confess it before she took off. She wouldn’t, not unless he proclaimed his undying love for her, first. Coward.

  There would be no audience when she professed her love for the very first time in her life. What if he didn’t return the sentiment? She’d be mortified. Once again, the girly female had shown her face, or perhaps it was a human characteristic to fear rejection.

  Her gaze found his lips. Perfect, pink-tinged creations that had made her melt with pleasure. He looked up and caught her staring. His eyes snapped to hers, his pupils dilated.

  Sarita had to get her mind back on the mission. She got up and went to sit by her charge. “Are you all right, Hana?” She knew she should call the young woman Miss Rhee, but she’d always simply be Hana.

  Hana nodded. “You are a surprise.”

  “A good or a bad one?”

  A hint of a smile appeared on Hana’s lips. “Good. I never would have guessed you were an agent. You were too cool to be with.”

  “Thank you. Now we have to get you home with no mishaps.”

  Hana frowned.

  “It’ll all be fine,” Sarita assured her. “You have your mother’s support.” She held up the pinky on her right hand. “She can probably wrap your father around her little finger.”

  At Hana’s nod, Sarita’s heart warmed at the girl’s fortitude.

  Atherby caught Sarita’s eye from one of the chairs at the head of the table. “This aspect of you isn’t part of the legendary Cerez stories.”

  The handsome-as-sin man, with his rich, dark complexion and perfect body, certainly knew how to get under a person’s skin. Sarita gave him a saccharine smile. “Not to speak out of line here, sir, but you were an asshole to me at the jail. Was that part of the cover?”

  “I’m not usually as bad as I acted toward you, but I can get there when provoked.”

  Matt’s eyes flashed. “What about the inmate womanizing?”

  “Part of my prison guard Atherby mystique. All rumors.”

  Sarita harrumphed. “Why were you disheveled when you got to my cell that night? And how come Marianna said she saw you with the new inma

  “I never touched the young woman. Not even in the supposed blind spot. It had all been part of my master plan.” Would a cackle be forthcoming? “My job at the prison had ended and I needed a cover to get out so I could get to my next assignment.” He switched his attention from Matt to Sarita. “Joining up with you on the ICE unit wasn’t my primary assignment. Once I saw that you had it under control, the Powers That Be cleared me to go. Seeing the stellar display of your fighting skills up close and personal had been a bonus.”

  He hadn’t been the least bit defensive in his answer or posture. Sarita begrudgingly believed him. “What was your original assignment?”


  She leaned forward and pointed at Atherby. “So you’re telling me you staged the whole thing that night.”

  Atherby moved to sit on the arm of the couch. “Not the whole thing. I’m good, but not that good. I couldn’t have set up the Harris situation any better if I’d tried.” His chuckle made the small hairs on the back of Sarita’s neck to stand on edge. “You should’ve seen the look on your face when you asked me to move her out. I should try to retrieve the security camera, just for that shot of you.”

  Possibly sensing how close he was to bodily harm Atherby stood and took a few steps away from her. “The whole negligence thing was intentional, so I could get suspended and leave without anyone suspecting a thing.”

  Matt came over and hovered behind Sarita. “Why should we believe you?”

  Atherby shrugged. “You don’t have to do anything. I told you my side of the story. Either you take it as the truth or not. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m on a new job now, and that’s to make sure Ms. Rhee gets home safely.”

  Sarita’s respect for Atherby shot up another notch. His methods might be unconventional, but they worked for him. It would be a long ass flight, but at least she’d be with someone who’d do his job well.

  “Besides,” Atherby said. “It’s always more fun to play a bad guy than the nice one.”


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