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Love Undercover

Page 18

by Nana Prah

  Sarita sucked her teeth. “Well, you can cut it out now.”

  “I might not be able to,” Atherby razzed. “It was a role I was born to play.”

  Chapter 23

  Fifteen minutes until boarding. Matt watched Atherby leave the room to check the plane, taking one South Korean guard with him. The extra muscle would stay on the plane to ensure its safe status. The other one stood sentinel outside.

  Either the drama of the day had tuckered Hana out, or she’d decided to give them privacy as she rested on the couch with her eyes closed.

  “I don’t like you having to spending so much time alone with him,” Matt said, leaning a thigh against the edge of the table.

  Sarita sauntered over to him. “Jealous?”

  He pointed to his chest. “Me? Jealous of someone women would consider a charismatic, super, secret service agent? Not one bit.”

  “Good.” She winked. “You have it five times over him.”

  He pulled her to him, tucking her into his body. The feel of her gun reminded her of what she did for a living. He claimed her lips as she tilted her head back, wanting to make sure she didn’t forget him while she flew thousands of miles away with another man.

  When she parted her lips, his tongue delved in. Her own glided around his mouth in a way that left him wanting nothing more than her kisses for the rest of his life.

  He eased out of the kiss while pondering the intruding thought. Gazing into her beautiful face until her eyes fluttered open, he realized just how deeply he felt for her. “I love you,” he whispered with no fear or trepidation, only the knowledge that being with her had been destined.

  Tears pooled in her eyes. He would have kissed them away but not a single one rolled down her cheek. His strong agent wasn’t as hard as she liked to portray.

  “I love you, too.” Her voice was so low and husky he wasn’t sure if he’d heard her.

  He leaned down, moving his mouth on hers as if he’d never see her again. A groan resonated from deep within her throat.

  She pulled back--ending the kiss with a final nibble of his bottom lip--rested her hands on his chest, and glanced at Hana who still appeared to be sleeping.

  Sarita’s lips curved upward. “Stop distracting me, Carter. I’m on a job here.”

  “Sorry. Your lips draw me like a siren on the high seas.”

  “So you’re a poet?”

  He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “Yep. Would you like to hear a dirty limerick?”

  She giggled and tried to move away. “Maybe another time.” He pulled her back and hugged her. “I’ll miss you,” she said in a clear voice.

  He released her and kissed her lightly on the lips, wanting to continue, but Atherby would be back soon. “I’ll miss you more.”

  A knock sounded at the door.

  Hana bolted upright. The little stinker hadn’t been sleeping at all.

  Sarita crossed the room to stand in front of the girl with her hand on the handle of her gun. She had to be the sexiest woman he’d ever encountered.

  “Who is it?” she asked.

  Atherby’s voice filtered through. “Chiny, chin, chin.”

  She opened the door. “Nice code.”

  “You have to lighten up and have fun sometimes, Cerez.”

  She ignored him. “Is everything set?”

  Atherby handed over her passport. “Yes. We’re good to go.”

  Matt walked up to Atherby and held out his hand. The taller man’s grip was strong. “Take care of her.”

  Atherby’s eyebrow rose up. “You mean Ms. Rhee right? I’m expecting Cerez to watch over me.”

  Matt laughed.

  “No stress, man,” Atherby told him. “We’re not expecting any problems. She’ll come back to you safe and sound.”

  Sarita slapped Atherby’s arm. “You know better than to use such words. As soon as you say everything is fine, something’s going down.”

  “Not this time,” Carter and Atherby said in unison.

  Matt took in every detail of Sarita. From her glossy brown hair held in a tight ponytail to her kiss-swollen rosy lips. “Be careful.”

  She punched his shoulder. He refrained from wincing at the sting of pain. “Always.” The hardened, focused Agent Cerez was back in place.

  He’d rather have the soft, pliant, woman who’d clung to him a few minutes ago.

  They escorted Hana to the security gate. Matt fell out of formation as he needed a ticket to get through.

  The metal detectors beeped as the guards and agents went through. The alarms were ignored.

  Sarita turned back and waved. He raised a hand up. He’d never been to South Korea, but his heart would have gone and returned before he could ever physically get there.


  Sarita clapped with so much enthusiasm her hands hurt. Her solitaire marquise diamond ring, nestled within her wedding band, glittered in the sun, momentarily trapping her attention. For a few seconds she was distracted from hooting and hollering as they announced the graduating class.

  So much pride resonated through her for Matt she could burst. The past eight months of training had been rough. He still had to undergo a few months of further instruction before he’d be ready to perform his job as an intelligence research specialist.

  She smiled as she recalled their discussion about which field he’d choose. He’d been adamant. “I need to be near you. If I’m a field agent they’ll send me all over the country before they let me settle down.”

  She couldn’t argue with that, but she didn’t want him missing out on an opportunity he’d sought for so long. “But don’t you want the action of it all? The chance to protect people?”

  He’d pulled her close. “I’ve been guarding people for years. The only person I want to protect now is you.” He bent and kissed her still flat belly. Her heart squeezed at the gesture. “And our baby,” he added.

  She’d been one month pregnant at the time. She rubbed her now rounded stomach. At five months, each day found her expanding.

  She loved every minute of it.

  Matt didn’t have a romantic bone in his body and his proposal had been no exception, but his love was genuine and that’s all she needed from him.

  A few weeks after her successful delivery of Hana to South Korea, they’d gone to see an action film. On the way back to the car after the movie, he pulled out a ring from his jacket pocket. “I love you with all of my heart, Sarita. Will you marry me?”

  Just like that they were engaged and married two months later. She’d never been so happy. Her belief in Marianna’s story about connections had been elevated to a status of plausible.

  He’d turned out to be her destiny after all.

  Hana’s father allowed her to marry Yong and they settled into their own home close to her parents. Every time they spoke, Hana proclaimed her gratitude. Sarita took no credit for the young woman’s joy.

  All of it should go to her influential mother.

  “Our boy has graduated. I’m so proud.” The loud sarcastic voice drew her out of her musings.

  She clicked her tongue. “You’ll never change, will you, Atherby?”

  His eyebrows lifted high on his forehead. “Would you want me to?”

  She chuckled. “Never.”

  Matt and Atherby had become close friends after their return from South Korea. She’d forever be stumped as to how it happened, but you couldn’t question friendship. She surveyed the area as they waited for Matt to reach them. Ryan, the blond Adonis, came over and hugged her. “Good to see you again, Sarita. You look great.”

  She waved away his compliment. “I look fat and you know it.”

  Atherby shook his head. “Don’t fall for it, Ry. She’s fishing for compliments.”

  Arms slid around her waist as her husband’s sudden presence sent shivers down her spine. “I’ll give her all the compliments she needs.”

  She turned and beamed at him. Winding her arms around his neck, she kissed him as if
they were alone instead of in a crowed auditorium with agency personnel and their families crawling all over the place.

  He withdrew when she wanted to cling.

  Atherby whistled. “Damn, I want one of those, please. Don’t look at me like that, Matt. I want it from Sari, not you.”

  The group laughed as they congratulated her husband.

  Matt’s family made their way through the throng of people to share their felicitations.

  They’d organized a small party at a nearby restaurant so after taking some pictures, everyone headed off.

  When Sarita and Matt were a few feet from his car, she faced him. “I love you, Matt.”

  “I love you, too, Sarita.”

  “I have a surprise.”

  He pulled her as close as her growing belly would allow and brushed his lips against hers. “Please tell me it has something to do with that hot kiss.”

  She giggled. Only her husband could make her feel so feminine. “No it doesn’t. You know how Atherby told you at the airport all those months ago that there’d been a--” She used her fingers to make air quotes. “--heroic incident with me?”

  He nodded.

  “You haven’t asked me about it since then and I appreciate your patience. I’m ready to tell you what happened.”

  “Why now?”

  She reached up and kissed his cheek, letting her lips linger as she inhaled his familiar scent. What would’ve happened if she hadn’t gone undercover? They’d definitely have met at some point in time.

  Destiny had a way of working things out, especially when love came into play.

  “Because now you’re a fully graduated agent and can appreciate the story more than when you were a mere civilian.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a paperback. “Have you ever read this?”

  “I devour all books by Jonathan Randolph. He writes the best suspense stories about secret service agents.”

  She tapped the cover. “Do you remember this one in particular? His debut novel, released about six years ago.”

  “Yes, it’s about a Latina female secret service agent who--” He stepped back. With widened eyes he looked at the book and then back at her. “Seriously?” She nodded. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” he exclaimed.

  Her heart tightened and she placed a hand on her belly. His laughter landed a couple of octaves away from hysterical.

  “Damn. I’m married to the most amazing woman on earth. Seriously?”


  When he gathered her up and swung her around, she held on tight. “Put me down Matt. I’m heavier than I was when you carried me over the threshold after our wedding.”

  He obeyed her request by sliding her down his body, making her breathless. “Baby, I’ll always be able to carry you.”

  She snorted. He wouldn’t think so in a few months when it would take three tries to get herself out of a chair.

  “So you really did all of those things in the book?”

  He’d taken the news better than she’d expected.

  “Not all. It’s a work of fiction so a lot is dramatized, but the novel is based on one of my experiences.”

  “Tell me about it as we drive to the party.” He turned to her once they got settled in the car. “Atherby knew all this time and didn’t leak a word.”

  “Well, I kind of threatened him with bodily harm if he did.”

  Matt’s expression turned intense. “Sarita Carter, I love you more than you could ever know. More than I can express.”

  She stroked his cheek. “I know, Matt, because I feel the same way.” She would always relish their unique connection.

  He squeezed her arm. “Let’s head to the party so we can get it over with. At home, I’m going to show you just how much you mean to me.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Now tell me the story.”

  She beamed at the wonderful gift life had thrown her way. “Just like in the book it all started with an undercover assignment.”


  Nana Prah is a multi-published author of contemporary, multicultural romance. Her books are sweet with a touch of spice. When she’s not writing she’s reading, indulging in chocolate, and enjoying life with friends and family.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, businesses, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. The publisher does not have any control over or assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their contents.


  Copyright © 2014 by Nana Prah

  Cover Design by Kimberly Killion

  All cover art copyright © 2014

  All Rights Reserved

  EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-626941-71-7


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  Published by Black Opal Books




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