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Loving Colt

Page 6

by C. A. Harms

  We talked a little longer about the baby and Maria. She asked about my family, and I filled her in on each one of them.

  Harper was a mystery. She was rambunctious and free spirited; it was hard to keep tabs on her and her latest quest.

  Jett was a successful business owner and the guy most tourists and local woman tried to tame. He always said he was too busy for relationships and stayed clear of all the drama. He ran a local restaurant, which was the place to be. It was right on the beach, and the atmosphere always kept the customers coming back. Not to mention that the food was pretty amazing.

  My parents were the quiet types. My father was a dentist and my mother was a nurse.

  I didn’t want to ask Ann about Colt, because I didn’t want her to be in the middle of our confusing friendship. But I couldn’t control myself. I had to know.

  “How’s Colt doing?” I asked.

  The silence filling the other end of the phone line made my heart race. Why had I even asked that? I instantly wanted to take it back.

  “He’s been pretty quiet since you left. I think he misses you and Maddi.” My throat burned and my vision became clouded with tears.

  “I miss him too; we both do,” I confessed.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The last thing a grown man wants anyone to witness is his mom setting him straight. But that is exactly what happened.

  I was invited over to Gemma and Bud’s for their weekly feast. The moment I walked into the kitchen, my momma set my ass straight.

  “You need to pack a bag and get your stubborn ass on a plane to Florida,” she said as she pointed her finger at me from where she sat at a table full of people.

  I raised my eyebrow in confusion and heard a few snickers from around the room.

  “Do you think hiding out and nursing your wounded ego is gonna bring her back?” she asked. Before I could say a word, she started again. “No, it won’t. She thinks you changed your mind about her. She thinks you let her go because you decided you didn’t want her after all.”

  So after an hour and a half of my mom chastising my actions and Gemma nodding her head in agreement, I snuck out the back door and hid in the darkness on the porch.

  The only problem was that Gavin, Reed, and Ben all used it as an opportunity to sneak out as well. So there I sat on a porch surrounded by the guys. It was awkwardly silent, except for the noises of nature and voices spilling out from the house.

  Gavin sat holding Garrett, my adorable nephew, to his chest, wrapped tightly in a blue blanket. Reed held little Grace as she sucked on her pacifier and pulled at his finger. Chloe was bouncing around on Ben’s knee, and I sat shifting my gaze among all of them. A sense of longing filled me deeply at the sight of them holding their children.

  I thought back to the time when I thought I would be married and have kids by now. That was the plan, but when Claire went off to college, it all changed. We held it together for the first year after she left, but I could feel things changing. Each day that passed we grew further apart.

  I never fought for her, I just let her go. I gave up on the thought of love and family. So as I sat there looking around, I realized I was doing it again. I was letting go of the idea that Alex and I could have something. I wasn’t fighting for her; I was giving up.

  I hung my head and leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. A deep chuckle ripped through me as I ran my hands through my hair. When I sat up straight, each one of the guys was looking back at me like I had lost my damn mind.

  “My mom was right,” I stated.

  Apparently they were all thinking the same damn thing. They all smiled and nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Now to figure out how the hell to find her.” I slouched back in my chair and let out a frustrated breath of air.

  “I can help you with that,” Gavin stated, and all eyes turned to him. I cocked an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “Did you forget that Maria and your mom still talk to her?” he asked. “She’s in Palm Beach. She started working at her brother’s restaurant today until she can get a job at the hospital or a doctor’s office.”

  “Do you know the name of the restaurant?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” he smiled. “It’s called Jett’s.”

  I returned his smile and knew what I’d be doing in the morning.


  I didn’t have to convince Gavin to take me to the airport, as he offered before I asked. I know it was because my being in the dumps caused Maria heartache.

  Gavin didn’t like anything that made Maria upset, so getting my ass on a plane was a step closer to making her smile. The guy had done a complete turnaround for my sister. I was pretty sure he would go to the ends of the earth and back just to see her smile.

  We all thought he was protective and hovering during her pregnancy, but now…it was only worse. She had scared the shit out of all of us, and he pampered her beyond belief. I loved to watch it, because she deserved it.

  Maria had wanted that can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t even breathe without you kind of love. Now she has it, which makes me happy. It’s my turn.

  The entire flight had my stomach in knots. I had no idea what I would say or do. I just knew that I needed to see her. I had to tell her how much I missed her and Maddi. Then we’d see what to do about it.

  The rental car’s GPS said the restaurant was less than ten minutes away. With each passing mile, my stomach became more nervous.

  It was three in the afternoon and, through my sister, I had confirmed that Alex would be working now.

  Pulling up to the restaurant, I was impressed. The place was packed, and I had a hard time finding a place to park.

  When I walked in through the front door, I was greeted by a young host wearing a black polo shirt with a logo reading Jett’s on the front in teal.

  “Good afternoon. Do you need a table for one?” she asked with a sweet smile.

  “Actually, I was hoping I could talk to the owner.” She inspected me slowly as her smile grew bigger.

  Nodding her head, she picked up the phone at the side of the counter and dialed it, not taking her eyes off me. I took the time to look round.

  “Can I help you, sir?” A deep voice caused me to turn around and look behind me.

  The moment I saw him, I knew it was Alexis’ brother. Their features were very similar. Light hair, cut short. He was tall, a few inches taller than me, actually, and his build was impressive.

  I held my hand out to him and he shook it firmly. “You must be Jett.” He nodded his head, still trying to figure me out. “I’m Colt, a friend of Alex’s”

  I noticed his face soften just a bit, and a grin pulled at the corner of his mouth. I wasn’t sure if I should be nervous or happy that he knew who I was.

  “Good to meet you, Colt. Why don’t we go to my office?” He stepped back and motioned me toward the hallway. “It’s the first door on the right.”

  Walking in through the open door, I was taken back. The entire wall facing the restaurant was made of glass, and I turned around to look over my shoulder, “I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you.” He motioned toward the chair across from his large desk. “They can’t see us, but I like to keep my eye on things. Observe the staff, guests, and make sure things are running smoothly,” he clarified. I nodded, looking over once more at the expansive restaurant filled with people.

  “So I take it you didn’t fly all this way just to see me?” He chuckled. “She misses you, ya know.”

  I was floored slightly by his bluntness. “I miss her too,” I told him. “Alex and Maddi mean a lot to me. I came here to tell her how I feel. Your place was the only way I knew how to find her. But I couldn’t just walk in and approach her. This is your place, your life. So you are my first stop before I find your sister and make her understand that I need her and Maddison in my life.”

  He stared back at me without speaking a word, his line of vision never wavering from mine. His lips press
ed into a firm line. He was analyzing me, looking for any sign of weakness. I wasn’t showing it. I felt strongly about my actions and knew exactly what I wanted.

  “Why should I trust that you won’t be the same as the last guy?” he asked with an unreadable expression.

  “Alexis is a strong woman. She’s been knocked down by a guy who thought he was a man. She feels she can’t find love, but I can promise you that I am a man. I would never place my hands on any woman, for any reason.” I leaned forward and looked him directly in the eyes. “There is nothing I want more than to help Alex realize she deserves to be treasured. I want to be the man who builds her back up and makes her see that she is an amazing woman, a woman that any man would be lucky to share a life with.”

  He continued to stare back at me quietly.

  “Listen, from the moment I saw both Alex and Maddison, my heart ached. It ached because I had this strong uncontrollable urge to protect them. I can’t explain what it was or why I felt that way. I just did. The moment I walked into my mother’s house and I saw them there, laughing and smiling, I knew I wanted them in my life.” I was now at the point now where I no longer cared if I came across as a pussy. I had to make him understand that I would never hurt her. He could be my in, and I needed help convincing Alex that I could love her, if she would just let me.

  A grin tugged at the corner of his lips, and his line of vision focused on something over my shoulder.

  I turned around just in time to see Alex approaching a table, carrying a tray of drinks. My stomach bottomed out and my heart raced. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, with a few curls hanging down around her beautiful face.

  She smiled sweetly at the couple sitting at the table as she placed their drinks in front of them. I hadn’t realized I was squeezing the arm of the chair so tightly until my fingers began to ache. I wanted to get up at that moment and go to her. I wanted her to know I was there and that I hadn’t forgotten her, that I couldn’t.

  “I will get a hold of the man who broke her.” Jett spoke firmly from behind me.

  I nodded my head in agreement. “I’m waiting for the day I get the chance to show him what I’m made of too. I would love nothing more than to get the chance to break him.” I assured him without turning to look back. Alex still held my attention. She smiled at something the lady said and turned to walk back toward the kitchen.

  The moment she disappeared out of sight, my entire body ached from the loss.

  “She takes a break in about twenty minutes. She usually sits out back in the staff area to the left, just off the kitchen. If she misses you as much as I think she does, I’m thinking it won’t take much convincing on your part.” I turned toward Jett and nodded my head. “Just don’t hurt her, please. She doesn’t deserve any more heartache than she has already had.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I stood from the chair. I held my hand out to him as he stood from the desk. “You have my word that I will do everything I can to make her feel adored every day. Both she and Maddison deserve to feel safe, and they will always be safe with me.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I had been in Florida for well over a week. Every day was the same—get up, go to work, and just exist. The passion in me was gone; the desire to thrive was depleted. Maddison was my only happiness. She was my joy and my reason for getting up every day and attempting to put on the best happy face I could manage.

  I had applied at the hospital and a few private practices in hopes of putting my degree to use. When Jett offered me a job at his restaurant, I was grateful. I couldn’t live with my parents forever. I had to think about getting my own place. After that, I would have to get the rest of my things from California.

  My father had set up an account for Maddison. All of the money that she gets from the state, from Troy’s service to his country, will go straight into it. When she is eighteen, she will be given that money; I only hope she will use it wisely.

  I attempted to stay busy and accept the fact that Colt had forgotten me. He never tried to contact me after I left. I wrote the letter hoping he would understand that I had made a mistake. I was attracted to him, very much. I had just let the fear in me control the outcome.

  I sat staring out at the water, listening to the waves. The tourists and locals covering the beach all looked so at peace. I picked at the food on my plate; my appetite was nonexistent.

  The sound of footsteps approaching caught my attention, and I turned in my chair to see who was approaching. I came out here to get away from others. It was my time to think. I didn’t like the idea of another worker joining me.

  I froze in shock the moment I turned completely around. There before me stood Colt.

  He wore a pair of khaki shorts and sandals. I don’t think I had ever seen him in anything other than his jeans and boots. A red shirt hugged his chest and arms, showing every muscle and defined ripple.

  My heart raced as he closed the distance between us. He wasted no time kneeling before me and smiling that gorgeous smile of his.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said. Reaching out, he took my hand in his. “Did you honestly think I would just let you leave without coming after you?”

  My throat felt dry. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I still wasn’t sure this was real.

  “I would’ve been here sooner, but with Maria and the baby, I had to make sure they were gonna be okay.” Colt lifted his hand and pushed my hair from my face. I placed mine over his; holding his hand securely to my cheek, I closed my eyes briefly.

  “You’re here,” I whispered.

  “Yes I am, sweetheart. I’m here,” he assured me. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I thought maybe you chose to forget about us,” I whispered, still shocked that he was actually here, kneeling before me.

  “Never. There’s no way I could forget two of my favorite girls.” He inched in a little closer, and I took in the contours of his face. His strong jaw, lightly covered with two-day-old stubble. Long lashes highlighting his gorgeous eyes, eyes that had a way of making me feel safe. Instinctively I placed my hand on his chest, just to feel him beneath me.

  “I read your letter,” he said. A smile graced his perfect mouth. “Did you mean it?”

  “Every word,” I said without hesitation.

  Colt’s vision dropped to my lips, and he licked his lower lip. I wanted him to kiss me. I needed him to. I had pushed away the chance I had before, but this time there was no way I would stop it.

  “I know I was stubborn and I avoided you. It never meant that I didn’t want to see you; it was just too hard to be near you. I wanted more than you were ready for, and I couldn’t keep pushing, so I had to distance myself.” I could feel his breath fan out over my skin, and my heart rate picked up from the closeness.

  “I thought I messed everything up,” I admitted.

  “You didn’t mess up anything, sweetheart. You have reasons for protecting your heart. I understand.” He spoke in a soothing voice. “I just want you to understand that you’re safe with me. I would never hurt you. I care about you and Maddison so much.”

  My vision was becoming blurred as I stared back at the beautiful man before me. Colt had an amazing heart. He was so kind and giving.

  “I’m sorry I left without saying goodbye.” My voice vibrated with emotion. “I should have come to you.”

  “Yes, you should have,” he stated, and my heart plummeted. “If you had, I would have saved us a lot of time. I would have told you then that I couldn’t let you go. I would have told you that I needed you and Maddison and that I refuse to let you disappear out of my life.”

  A single tear escaped and rolled down my cheek. Colt’s thumb quickly brushed it away. I could see the battle he was fighting, and my chest ached. I knew he was thinking about kissing me by the way his gaze continued to drop to my lips.

  I also knew he was hesitant because of the way I had reacted the first time.

  I didn’t let hi
m continue the fight. Instead, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him forward. Sliding to the edge of the chair, I placed my lips to his.

  The moment our lips touched, his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close.

  I tugged at the hair at the back of his neck, and opening my mouth to him, his tongue caressed mine gently.

  He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine, while my eyes were still closed. “Wow,” I whispered.

  His deep chuckle made me smile. Leaning back, he looked down at me as my eyes fluttered open. “What time do you get off work?”

  “At five. How long are you gonna be here, in Palm Beach?” I asked.

  “For as long as it takes to convince you that you belong in Georgia, with me,” he stated, without a second thought.

  My heart fluttered at the thought of being with him, in his arms. I ignored the feelings of fear, because with Colt they weren’t necessary.

  “What if I told you that I already knew that? How long would we stay here?” I questioned him with a smile.

  “Until you’re ready to leave, sweetheart. I know your family is here. You probably want to spend some time with them. I can stay for a few days before I have to get back. I spent a lot of time getting ahead on the orders I had, so I won’t be behind.”

  “They’ll all be happy to finally meet the man I can’t get my mind to stop thinking about.” I weaved my fingers through his and toyed with his hand.

  “Are you inviting me over?” he asked, and I nodded my head. “I’ll go check into my hotel and then meet you back here at five. How’s that sound?”

  “Perfect.” The nervous energy in my stomach was running rampant. I was ready for this step, and I knew that Maddison would be so excited to see him.

  Colt leaned in to place a sweet kiss against my lips before standing and leading me back inside.

  Jett was near the bar, smiling as we approached. I narrowed my eyes at him and his smile grew. “Did you have something to do with this?” I questioned him.


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