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Loving Colt

Page 7

by C. A. Harms

  “I was as surprised as you were.” He stood tall and placed his hand on Colt’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “If I had known that his showing up would make you smile like this, I would have flown him out here myself. Just a little word of advice, though. If you think I interrogated you, wait until you meet my dad.” He winked before walking past us, chuckling, to greet some regulars as they entered the restaurant.

  I almost laughed at the uneasy look that covered Colt’s face. It was one of the funniest things I had seen in a long time. Jett wasn’t lying; my dad is normally quiet and easy going…until my sister or I bring a guy home. I remember the first time he met Troy. I spent an hour listening to my dad question his every goal, as well as what he planned for our relationship. Troy held his own, though, and I had no doubt my parents would love Colt.

  I just hoped that my father would go easy on Colt. He had a lot of anger built up over what Seth had done, and I didn’t want Colt to have to suffer because of it.

  I said a quick goodbye to Colt before going back to work. I had never been in more of a hurry to get a day over with.

  I called my mom to let her know we had a guest for dinner and she squealed, literally. She had spent days hearing both Maddi and I talk nonstop about Colt and his family. Now it was time for her to meet the man who had stolen our hearts.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Should I bring flowers? Hell, or maybe a bottle of wine?” I took in a deep breath. My heart was like a damn jackhammer within my chest. “I have no idea what these people are like. What if I show up empty-handed and they instantly hate me?”

  “Colton Matthew, you just need to stop this nonsense and breathe, boy. They’ll love you.” My mother attempted to reassure me, but I still wasn’t convinced. “Flowers for the mother and a firm handshake for her father.”

  I nodded my head as if she could actually see me, as I flopped down onto the end of the hotel bed. Leaning forward, I ran my free hand through my hair.

  “Did you hear me?” my mother asked.

  “Yeah, Momma, I gotcha. Flowers, handshake.” She was right. I just needed to calm the hell down. The last time I met a girl’s parents, I was eighteen years old. I picked Claire up for our first date and played twenty questions with her dad before he even let me enter the house. After I was inside, he proceeded to tell me that he owned three shotguns and kept them loaded. Then he told me that at ten o’clock he had better see his daughter walking through his door and not a second later.

  I know I am no longer eighteen and that Alexis is a grown woman, but it didn’t make me less nervous. I know how I would act if one day I had a daughter and a guy showed up on my doorstep for her. I can almost guarantee I would go on the damn date with her.

  Five o’clock was closing in on me. I took a long shower and made sure to dress in the best clothes I had brought. I wasn’t going to change who I was, so I wore cowboy boots and jeans.

  At a quick stop at the closest florist shop, I picked up the best arrangement it had to offer.

  Pulling up outside the restaurant, I walked up and waited just inside the front door.

  I had removed one of the lilies from the arrangement, and when Alex walked around the corner, I stood immediately. Walking up to her, I held it out and kissed her softly.

  The smile that graced her lips made my stomach tighten. She was so beautiful. Hair frizzed and out of place and smudges of food on her shirt from her hard day changed nothing; she made my heart race.

  “I’m a mess,” she said as she looked down at her clothes. “I feel disgusting.”

  “You’re beautiful,” I assured her. Alexis’ cheeks reddened as she looked up at me.

  I took her hand and led her to the rental car, holding the door open as she slid in. Once I had climbed inside, I leaned over and placed my hand on her cheek, kissing her once more. Her eyes closed as she relaxed from my touch.

  “I’ve waited too long to kiss you. Now I can’t stop,” I whispered as I skimmed my lips over hers.

  “No need to explain,” she smiled. “I’m not complaining one bit.”


  The ride to her parents’ was quiet. Her hand rested over mine, which was just above her knee. Feeling her touch calmed me. I was doing everything I could to appear relaxed, but on the inside I was a nervous wreck.

  Turning into the driveway of the house she had grown up in, my throat began to feel like it was getting tighter. There before me was a huge two-story home with pillars. The circular drive was lined with decorative tiles and bushes cut perfectly.

  An iron fence surrounded the property and just to the left sat a huge in-ground pool. I had no idea what kind of childhood she had, but from the looks of it, she and I came from two different worlds.

  “You ready?” she asked, and all I could do was nod my head. “Don’t worry. They’ve heard enough about you to feel like they already know you.” I looked over at her, and she looked slightly embarrassed by her admission.

  “What, sweetheart, you been talking about me?” I grinned and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “Maybe a little,” she confessed as her cheeks reddened. “Maddison hasn’t stopped telling them about the piggyback rides you gave her. She makes Jett and my dad fill in the void.”

  “I can’t wait to see her,” I confessed. “I’ve missed her sweet giggles.”

  As we stepped up onto the front porch, the front door opened, and I felt like I was eighteen again.

  There in the doorway stood a man who had to be close to 6’5’, and his bulky frame filled the opening.

  “Hey, Dad, this is Colt.” Alex introduced me and I held out my hand to him, remembering my momma’s words.

  “It’s good to meet you, sir.” His expression did not falter as he took my hand in his and shook it firmly.

  “Hey, sis, why don’t you go help your mom out in the kitchen. Harper’s in there, and you know what a disaster it is every time that girl attempts to cook. Colt and I will be in my office.” Her dad never let his eyes wander from mine.

  Alex rose up on her tiptoes and kissed her dad’s cheek. She whispered, but I heard them clear as day. “Be nice, Daddy. He isn’t Seth.”

  At the mention of that asshole’s name, my jaw twitched. I was sure her dad noticed the movement, because a small grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.

  “Get going; we’re just taking a little time to get to know one another. Isn’t that right, Colt?” he asked.

  “Of course, sir.” I smiled a reassuring smile at Alex, letting her know that things were fine.

  She hesitantly walked away and mouthed the words, I’m sorry, as she walked toward the kitchen.

  Winking at her, I made an attempt to assure her that everything would be fine, even though on the inside my stomach was a little uneasy.

  A hand gripping my shoulder firmly caused me to redirect my attention away from the beautiful girl slowly walking away. “Let’s go share our secrets, Colt,” Alex’s father said as he directed me down the hall to the right.

  Once we were inside his office, he closed the door behind us and took a seat behind the desk. Lounging back in his chair, he rested his elbows on the arms and steepled his hands in front of him. Resting his fingers against his lips, he stared at me, waiting.

  “What is it you’d like to know, sir?” I didn’t look away as he studied my every move. So the interrogation begins. I am now on trial.

  “Everything, Colt,” he stated. “But let’s just start with the basics. What do you do for a living?” he asked.

  “I worked with my father, who owned a custom woodworking business until he passed away just recently,” I explained. I wasn’t about to tell him the details of my father’s gambling habit and how he lost everything he owned to it.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, son.” He spoke with more sincerity in his voice. “Did you take over that business?”

  “No, actually, I went more on my own with it. I have three older brothers who didn’t want to cont
inue after he died. I moved back to Georgia to be closer to my mother and sister. My parents hadn’t been together since I was a teen. I thought it would be nice to be back near the family I had left.” I purposely left out the bad details of my life. I knew I was already under the microscope, so I didn’t need to set off any alarms.

  “I started on my own, and before I knew it, everything took off. My brother-in-law and some close friends spread the word, and now I have orders coming in from all over.” I explained, still holding his stare.

  “Have you ever been married? Have any kids?” he asked. Nothing like cutting right to the point.

  I nodded my head. “No to both questions, actually. I was engaged once when I was younger, but we found out we wanted different things and went our separate ways. I just haven’t ever found the right girl.” I debated telling him I felt Alex was that girl, but I didn’t want to push it.

  “I appreciate what you did for my daughter and granddaughter. They both seem to be pretty fond of you.” I couldn’t refrain from smiling when I thought of those two; they lit up my world. Knowing that Alexis and Maddison had talked about me felt damn good.

  “They’re pretty special, sir.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk and nodding his head in agreement. “My entire family fell in love with the two of them; it didn’t take much.”

  “Do you love them?” His question caught me off guard.

  I took in a deep breath and nodded my head. “I do believe so, sir. I thought a lot about both of them after they left. It felt kinda lonely without them around. I got used to their smiles and laughter. Everyone sorta tiptoed around the subject, but it was obvious we all felt the loss of their absence.” His grin pulled at his lips did not go unnoticed.

  I knew he was trying to play the role of the mean ass dad that would kill for his daughter. I also knew that deep down he was a kind man.

  “Could you do me a big favor, though?” I asked, and he cocked his eyebrow in question. “Could you not tell her I admitted that, considering she should probably be the first one to hear those words from me?”

  This time he did smile, and his face softened just a bit.

  “You have to understand that I am worried about both of them. They have gone through more than enough. I just wish she would have come to me, but she was embarrassed. I understand that too. I will admit that I am so glad you crossed paths with them.” He cleared his throat, and I could tell the entire situation was weighing heavily on him. “I can’t stop her from moving forward. I can just hope that she finds a man who treats her as if no other woman compares to her in his eyes.”

  “Sir, I know we just met and you don’t owe me a thing. I don’t expect you to trust me; that is something I will do everything I can to earn. I can tell you one thing, though.” I paused and cleared my mind for just a moment. I wanted to make sure he understood what kind of man I am.

  “I can promise you that Alex and Maddi will never have to fear me. They will never feel unsafe or unloved as long as I am with them. They mean a great deal to me, and without them, I feel empty. They became a part of my life, a part of my heart. I need them in my life, sir. I will do everything in my power to protect them,” I assured him.

  There was a long pause before he nodded his head and stood from the chair.

  Walking around the edge of the desk, he held his hand out to me once more.

  I placed mine into his and he gripped it firmly. “No more of this sir business. Call me Jim.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I won’t lie and say I wasn’t worried. I was. I couldn’t stop thinking about what my father was putting Colt through. They had been in there for close to an hour, and the comments by Harper and Jett weren’t helping my nerves.

  “Colt probably snuck out and ran back to Georgia. He realized it wasn’t worth Dad’s third degree.” Harper laughed and my mother bumped her shoulder, scowling at her.

  “Nah, the guy put up with my questions. I’m sure Dad is going light on him.” Jett paused for a moment. “You haven’t heard any loud noises or scuffling, have ya? Maybe Dad showed Colt what he would do if he laid a hand on Alex. Do you think he’s showing him his gun collection?”

  “Stop it, both of you. It’s not funny.” I turned to face the entryway again and waited for them to walk through.

  Just when I was about to go after them myself, I heard them talking. It got closer and closer, followed by Colt’s deep chuckle.

  As they rounded the corner, Colt winked and walked in my direction. I felt relieved that they both appeared to be happy. My father was smiling just as wide, and his face seemed relaxed and at ease. The tension it held when I first arrived with Colt was now gone.

  Before Colt got to the bar in the middle of the kitchen, Maddison came running into the room and dove for him. He scooped her up just in time and held her tightly against his chest. Her little arms wrapped around his neck as she kissed his cheek.

  “Colton, I missed you.” She squealed and hugged him with all the strength she possessed.

  “I missed you too, darlin’. You know your hugs are my favorite.” He looked at her with such love, and my eyes filled with happy tears. I looked around the quiet room and saw that every person was watching Maddi and Colt as well. It was like they were the only two in the room.

  She told him about our days in the pool and how we would read at night. He was so tuned into her words that he appeared to be mesmerized by her.

  “Uncle Jett tried to tell me the stories from my favorite books, but his sounds aren’t as good as yours.” She wrinkled up her nose.

  “Hey kid, I’m right here, ya know.” Jett chuckled as Maddison rolled her eyes and turned back to Colt. She was such a little diva these days. It was so hard to hold back the laughter her actions caused to flood through me.

  “I miss you reading to me and the pony rides you give. Did you come to pick us up?” she asked, and the room grew silent. All eyes were now on me, and I had no idea what to say.

  Did I want to go back to Georgia? Yes. But what would my family think? I liked being here, I did, but I loved being in Brooklet. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I belonged somewhere. I knew the moment I had boarded the plane I was making a mistake. At that point, it was too late.

  “How about we just see what happens, okay?” Colt whispered to her, but it was so clear.

  “Will you stay?” she asked, and my heart ached at the look on her face. I knew she loved Colt, but until that moment I hadn’t understood the attachment she had formed with him.

  “I’m gonna hang out for a few days, if that’s all right,” he said as he looked up at my family.

  My mother was the first to step forward and, when she leaned in and hugged Colt, I could not hold back the tear that ran from my eyes. They had accepted him, and I was overwhelmed with emotion.

  “You are more than welcome. Anyone who can make Maddison and Alex smile the way you do is part of this family too.” My mother smiled brightly at him.

  Harper stepped forward next, and I knew she was going to say something embarrassing; I could see the mischievous look in her eyes. She was untamable. She was so blunt and to the point.

  Colt watched her approach, and I almost laughed out loud at the look on his face. He appeared to be seconds from bolting.

  Harper was actually scanning over his body from head to toe, perusing his body in an appreciative manner. I felt my cheeks heat from the obvious appreciation she was oozing.

  She walked around his back side, and I heard a low whistle. I hung my head and laughed lightly.

  “Well, Alex, you weren’t lying. He does have a fine ass, and those arms are enough to make any girl within miles have naughty thoughts.” Jett chuckled because he knew she was doing it too. She always attempted to make a man feel out of his comfort zone. She was a little spitfire.

  My dad had busied himself in the den, and my mother just chose to ignore Harper and her sexual harassment of poor Colt. My mother kne
w she would only fuel the fire if she tried to control her. Harper was the kind of girl who, if you told her no, only pushed harder.

  Colt looked up and found me watching him, and at that moment, I think something clicked. He let Maddison down, and she scurried off to play with her dolls.

  When he saw that she was out of earshot, he leaned in a little further toward Harper, who did not falter. Her eyes were locked on his as he began looking over her in the same way she had just looked at him.

  For a brief moment, I felt a little jealous. I know Harper was only playing; it was what she did. But the idea of Colt checking her out in return did something to me that I didn’t like.

  “Well, Harper, was it?” he asked, and she nodded lightly. He grinned that sexy smirk of his. “Harper, you can look all you want, darlin’, but the only one feeling my arms wrapped around her is your beautiful sister over there.”

  His gaze lifted and he looked up over her shoulder, winking at me. He hadn’t backed down from her; he gave it right back to her.

  Harper laughed, followed by Jett’s chuckle. “You’re a keeper, Colt. I like you,” Harper told him as she hugged him and looked back at me.

  She squeezed his biceps and pretended to shake off shivers of excitement. “Damn, Al, he is a sexy one. I thought for sure you were exaggerating when you described him.”

  Once Harper had finished groping his arms, he made his way to me. He skimmed his lips over my cheek, just catching the side of my mouth. “Keep little Miss Handsy away. I don’t like being felt up by anyone, unless of course you want to do it.”

  He wagged his eyebrows up and down, and I smiled at his playfulness. “I might take you up on that, cowboy.”


  Dinner turned out great, and everyone welcomed Colt like he was part of the family.


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