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The Big Gamble

Page 6

by M Andrews

  As much as we tried to stay away from topics that would lead to sex it seemed like the most mundane of topics would turn sexual. But it actually started to feel good to flirt a little. Plus, it was fun to watch Brian squirm. Brian was doing his best to steer the conversions to new topics, even though I knew it was killing him not to be able to rip me out of my clothes. It was sweet that he was trying to be a good boy.

  I snuggle in closer to Brian’s chest, listening to his heartbeat and breathing in his sweet scent and wishing we could stay like this forever. It’s been so long since I’d slept in the arms of a man, I had forgotten how good it could feel. I feel safe and at home in his arms. I’m about to close my eyes again when I hear my phone start ringing from the kitchen. I reluctantly pull out of Brian’s arms and climb off the couch. Walking over to the counter, I see Lucky’s face on my phone.

  “Listen up bitch,” she snarls as soon as I answer.

  “Good morning to you too, Lucky.”

  “Look, Lucy and I are done with you putting us aside so you and Brian can bang and build furniture and do God knows what else every night.”

  “Not like it’s any of your business, but Brian and I are not banging,” I reply. Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the stripper pole.

  “I don’t care. Tonight your ass is coming out with Lucy and me. Girls’ only.”

  “Lucky, I don’t—”

  “Sorry sweet cheeks, but you don’t get a say in this. Lucy is going to pick you up at nine then you guys are going to meet me at the club, where we’re going to get sloppy. Make sure you wear something slutty and bring plenty of ones.”

  Before I can say a single word, Lucky hangs up on me. Well, I guess I’m going out tonight. But she’s right I’ve been spending a lot of time with Brian and neglecting them. It might be fun to go out with Lucy and maybe finally get the story of why Lucky strips.

  I set my phone down on the counter and start in on making a fresh pot of coffee.

  “Good morning.”

  I hear Brian’s sleepy voice come from behind me as I press start on my coffee pot. Turning around, I spot him sliding onto one of the barstools. His hair is messy and spiked up on one side. Sleepy Brian looks positively cute.

  “Good morning,” I say returning his sleepy smile.

  “So who was on the phone?”

  “Lucky. Seems her and Lucy are mad that I’ve been spending all my time with you lately. So they’re taking me out for a girls’ only thing tonight at the Blue Moon Club.”

  He lets out a low sigh. “I guess they can have you for one night,” he teases. “Works out anyway, Ryder pissed off the Captain and now we’re stuck with DUI checkpoint duty tonight.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?” I giggle softly, shaking my head. After hearing all the stories of Brian and Ryder’s early days, I’m amazed they haven’t been kicked off the force yet.

  “They don’t call us double trouble for nothing. Although I think I’d rather be doing checkpoint duty than go out for a night with Lucky. I’ll warn you now, Lucky is fucking crazy when she drinks.”

  “I think I can handle her and can always taze her if she gets too out of line.” I grin before pouring our coffee.

  “Now that…I would pay to see.” He chuckles taking his mug from my hand. “Try not to have too much fun without me.” He flashes me his big brown puppy dog eyes.

  I walk around the counter and slide my arms around Brian’s neck. “I’ll do my best, but I’ll give you a little something to help keep you company tonight while you’re at work.”

  “Oh, a naked selfie?” Brian replies, grinning from ear to ear and wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  See always turns sexual with us.

  “You’re funny. But no.” I reach over to my bag and grab my notebook and hand it to him “I started writing again a couple days ago. I think having you around has helped me clear out the fog. I wanted you to be the first to read the first few chapters I’ve written.”

  “Brooke, that’s fantastic. See I told you, you’d find your voice again.” He smiles, opening the cover. “Are you sure you want me to read this? Wouldn’t you rather have Lucy see it?”

  “You helped me find my voice again, so who better than you to read it first.”

  “Well, I’m honored.”

  “Good. I hope you like it.” I give him a quick peck on the cheek. “I better go take a shower and you better get back to Lola, I bet she misses you.”

  “Lola can wait a little bit longer while I help you in the shower.”

  “Go back home and take care of your dog. But you can think about me all hot, naked, and soapy in the shower.” I wink. As I turn to head back to my bedroom, I feel Brian’s hand slap against my ass, forcing out a yelp.

  “Well, that was nice but next time put some muscle behind it,” I tease.

  “You’re fucking killing me, Brooke.”

  I grin to myself as I walk into my bedroom.

  Lucy was at my door promptly at nine, and as per Lucky’s request I was dressed in my sluttiest dress. It’s a backless black dress with a slit down the front that stops just below my navel and hits me mid-thigh. I’ve left my dark brown hair down in loose curls. I went for smoky dark eye makeup and ruby red lipstick and to top it all off, I’m wearing my favorite black Louboutins with the little spikes.

  Lucy stayed relatively quiet during the cab ride to the club. Which means I was probably going to get tag teamed by my girls about what was going on with me and Brian. But there wasn’t much to tell, at least not yet. Brian and are just friends, nothing more. At least that’s what I keep telling myself even though I know we both want nothing more than to ravage each other’s naked bodies.

  We pull up and park just after nine. The Blue Moon club from the outside looks like an old brick paper factory. It’s within walking distance from Safeco Field and Century Link Stadium. Nothing goes better with baseball and football like boobs and booze. We climb out of the cab then head inside. The front lobby is surprisingly plain. There’s just a small glass counter where a big beast of a bouncer sits checking ID’s, but once we step through the black velvet curtains, it’s like we’re in an entirely new building.

  From the outside, I was expecting it to be a seedy creepy club, but it’s actually a pretty high-class club. Kind of like the ones I’d been to in Vegas with Jake. The main club area is dimly lit with soft blue lighting. To the left of the main stage is the bar and kitchen and on the right, the wall is flanked with blue leather booths. And the main stage stands in the center of the room. It’s a round mahogany stage with a long silver stripper pole right in the center.

  Lucy and I head straight for the bar and order our drinks, gin and tonic for her and whiskey neat for me. The club’s pretty dead except for what looks like a couple of regulars that are seated at center stage waiting for the first dancer to take the pole. Lucy and I grab our drinks and make our way to the main stage just as the DJ announces Lucky’s next up. We pick two of the blue leather chairs on the right side of the stage and lay out a row of dollar bills in front of us.

  The music starts and Lucky steps out on stage and I almost don’t recognize her. When I’ve seen her at the coffee shop or at Lucy’s house, she’s always dressed pretty casual with minimal makeup and her blonde hair’s usually pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head. Here she’s dressed in a black lacy corset with a matching thong. Her makeup is dark and she even has fake lashes, her hair is down with big curls that frame her perky breasts.

  Lucky spots us immediately and flashes a little wink as she steps up to the pole. I lean over to Lucy. “Have you seen Lucky dance before?”

  “The last time I was here was when Lucky just moved back from San Francisco. Normally, when I get a mom’s night out I don’t want to spend it in a strip club, but Lucky had to work tonight so here we are.”

  Just as we turn back to watch Lucky, she’s beginning to crawl toward us. She pushes aside our money and comes to the edge of the stage eyeing me u
p and down then flashing me an approving smile before burying her face between my breasts.

  “Oh, hey there!” I giggle.

  “Hey sexy,” she replies. “You got some nice tits there, Brooke.” She turns onto her back and rests her head back on my boobs.

  “Thanks.” I grin, sliding a dollar down between her cleavage.

  “So, what’s going on between you and Brian?”

  Okay, well, looks like the pleasantries are over and we’re cutting right to the chase. Lucky sits back up and rolls onto her stomach and slowly curls her legs up and over her head, resting her feet flat on the strange by her head. Damn, she’s fucking versatile. No wonder, she’s the most popular stripper here.

  “Brian and I are just friends. We like hanging out with each other.”

  “If you aren’t fucking, what the hell are you guys doing every night?” Lucky asks, unclasping her corset revealing her full creamy breasts.

  “Well, first off, nice rack.” I wink. “Second, Brian has been helping me get settled into my apartment. We take turns making dinner and we have these amazing long talks. Then, usually end the night watching Netflix.”

  “Well, that sounds completely boring.”

  “Don’t listen to her, Brooke,” Lucy chimes in. “What that sounds like the old Brian is resurfacing.”

  “What do you mean by the old Brian?” I ask curiously.

  “Brian wasn’t always the womanizing pain in the ass you first met. He once had dreams of getting married and having kids. He almost came close—”

  “Until that cunt bag got her nasty claws into him and ripped his fucking heart out,” Lucky snarls.

  “Jillian was a piece of work. They met at the police academy six years ago. She seemed completely normal until after graduation then everything turned into one big competition with her. She had to be the best at everything and she didn’t care how or who she hurt to get it.”

  “She even went as far as sleeping with their captain in Brian’s bed. He walked in on them one night,” Lucky replies then moves down the stage to show her regulars some love.

  “Oh my God! What a bitch.” How could anyone do that to someone like Brian? Sure he can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he doesn’t deserve that kind of heartbreak.

  “That’s putting it mildly. She got into his fucking head, telling him he was a shitty cop and that he would never last on the force. But she was just jealous because Brian is the best damn cop the Seattle PD has, she just projected her own insecurities onto him instead of dealing with her problems.” Lucy pauses taking a sip of her cocktail.

  “What happened after he caught them?”

  “He walked out and the next day he requested a transfer to a new precinct. He hasn’t seen her since, which is for the best, but the bitch still manages to fuck with his head. Which is why he’s spent the past four years drinking and fucking anything with tits to help numb the pain. Brian isn’t really that guy, deep down he’s a good guy who wants to believe in love again. Which is why I’m happy to see he’s actually the Brian I remember. The sweet guy, who’d give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. The guy who’s a friend to a woman who he desperately wants to sleep with but knows right now just needs his friendship.” She flashes me a little wink.

  I know she’s talking about me. I may be helping him change and find himself again, but he’s changing me too. I haven’t felt this happy in such a long time and it’s because of him. If what Lucy’s saying is true and Brian’s really the nice guy, then maybe, just maybe, what we have is real.

  “He’s been a really good friend. He’s just so easy to be around. I feel comfortable with him and can tell him anything and he doesn’t judge me. But…” My voice begins to fade and trail off.

  “But what?” Lucy asks.

  “But why do I feel guilty? Like I’m somehow cheating on Jake.”

  Lucy slides her hand over mine, giving me a comforting smile. “After Colton died I felt exactly the way you are now, but I realized Colton wouldn’t want me to stop living just because he was gone and I believe with all my heart Jake wouldn’t want that for you either. If Brian makes you happy, then I know Jake would be thrilled that you found someone who makes you feel alive again.”

  She was right. One thing that Jake taught me was to never give up on life, to go out and find what makes me happy and right now Brian was doing just that.

  “Look, just take things slow with Brian. You’ve both been through so much, it might be good that you guys be friends for a while. The other stuff can come later when you’re both are ready.” She smiles at me again.

  “You’re right, Lucy. You always know just what to say,” I say returning her smile.

  “That’s because I’m awesome. Now, what do you say we stop with the heavy talk and have some fucking fun?”

  “Hell yes. Let’s do this.”

  We down the last of our drinks and wave down the waitress to order a few shots of tequila.

  “Damn I could use a fucking cocktail after that bullshit shift.” Ryder huffs, sitting down next to me on the bench in the locker room. DUI checkpoint duty is always left for the morons that pissed off the Captain, so needless to say it was a shift Ryder and I were far too familiar with.

  “Wanna come over for a beer?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I need to get home to Lola.”

  Ryder’s glance narrows at me. “Lola, huh? More like you want to get back to Brooke.”

  I hate it when he can see right through me. But he’s right I’m eager to see Brooke and tell her how much I love the pages of her new book, and hell I just want to see her beautiful smiling face again.

  “What’s going on with you two?”

  “We’re just hanging out. I’m trying to be the friend she needs right now.” I pull my shirt on over my head. I’m trying my hardest to be friends, but the more time I spend with her, getting to know her, just makes me want her even more.

  “But…” Ryder challenges.

  “But nothing, she’s so fucking amazing. She is funny and sweet…smart as a fucking whip. The more time I spend with her, the more I want to be with her, and not just to fuck her. God, I feel so damn happy when I’m around her.” I can’t fight back the smile tugging at my lips.

  “You’re really falling for this girl, aren’t you?”

  “I think I am, but it’s scaring the shit out of me. I haven’t felt this way for a woman since Jillian and you saw how that turned out.”

  “Yeah, but Brooke is not like Jillian. Brooke is a kindhearted, sweet human being. She’s the type of girl that will have your back instead of trying to stick a knife in it. If you want to be with her, you have to tell her. Don’t make the same mistake I did.” He drops his head with a sigh, stuffing his uniform into his gym bag.

  Five years ago Ryder had his chance to finally tell Lucky that he was in love with her, but the pussy chickened out. She ran off to San Francisco where she met her douchebag ex, Jackson, who still manages to weasel back into her life every so often. Ryder’s been in love with Lucky since he was five. But Lucky has always made it clear that she only wants to be friends with him, claiming it was because she didn’t want to lose their friendship. But in my opinion it was her lame excuse for not wanting to be happy for once in her life. I love Lucky like a sister, but she’s a fucking moron and one day he’s going to give up on chasing her and will move on to someone who wants a nice guy like Ryder.

  “It’s time for you to start taking some of your own advice and finally get your girl. If Brooke can put up with your moody ass, then she’s a fucking winner, and you need to go get her before someone else does.”

  “How does a dumb ass like you always know what to say?”

  “I have my moments.” He laughs flinging his gym bag over his shoulder. “I’m outta here, remember what I said.” He starts to walk toward the door then pauses and looks back at me. “It’s good to have you back.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask.

  “Since Brooke came in
to your life it’s like the old Brian is back. As much fun as it was tearing it up with you every night at the bar, I’m glad this Brian is back.”

  The old Brian. Those words stuck in my head as I drove home. I’ve forgotten who that even is. That Brian believed in love, believed there was good in everyone. That Brian was willing to lay everything on the line, even take a bullet for the woman he loved. That version of me had long since died. At least that’s what I use to think.

  I step out of the elevator and start walking toward my apartment. Stopping in front of Brooke’s door. It’s three in the morning and she’s probably asleep, but that doesn’t keep me from knocking and wanting to see her. I wait a few moments but no answer. I reluctantly head over to my door and as I unlock the deadbolt I hear a familiar laugh coming from behind me. I turn around in time to see Brooke and Lucy walking toward me.

  As soon as Brooke spots me her face lights up like a kid in a candy store. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkling with excitement to see me. And damn if it doesn’t feel good.

  “Hi Brian,” she shouts, her words slightly slurred.

  “Hey, Brooke. I see you ladies had fun tonight.” I eye Brooke up and down. She looks fucking hot in her curve-hugging dress and damn that slit in the front. I’m amazed it can keep her tits from falling out.

  “This one more so,” Lucy says, looking flustered and exhausted which is usually how everyone looks after a night with Lucky. “Can you help get her into her apartment? Lucky is down in the cab hitting on the poor cab driver.”


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