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The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!)

Page 22

by Sable Hunter

  “I spoke with my husband Jet. He is with Micah in Mexico. They went down there with a team to rescue a woman who was being held captive by a drug cartel.”

  “What? A drug cartel?” Madison was already beside herself with worry, but now that worry doubled.

  “I won’t go into a lot of detail, but Micah is part of a team of military men who sometimes need to go on missions like this.

  “Yes, the Equalizers. He told me just a little bit about them.” Madison was shaking.

  “Come, let’s sit down.” Suddenly it was Sami who was playing hostess. “That’s right, the Equalizers. They specialize in helping those who can’t help themselves. And this mission was personal for them. A friend of theirs was in need. My husband is also one of those men, so I know how you must be feeling right now. Jet says Micah cares deeply for you.”

  “Is he okay?” Knowing this was the only thing that mattered.

  “Jet told me about the rescue. He didn’t have time to go into details. I do know that one of their team was shot, but I can’t say for sure if it was or if it wasn’t Micah. All I know is that they are together and they’re on the run. They might not be able to get home soon, but they are doing everything they can to get back to us.”

  A cloud of panic swamped Madison. She wanted to scream. She wanted to run. What if he were hurt? What if he died. “Oh, God.” Madison stood from the couch. “We need to go get them.” Her legs began to feel weak.

  Sami came to her, taking her by the hand. “We can’t, honey. The best thing we can do is to stay here where they know we’re safe. They have enough to worry about without having to be concerned about us.” Sami helped Madison back to the couch and placed an arm around her. “I know my husband and I know Micah. I know they are tough and resourceful. If anyone can get out of this, it’s those two men. All we can do is wait and pray for them.”

  “I’m so scared,” Madison hiccupped a sob.

  “Do you want me to stay with you?”

  “Would you?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Sami spent the night with her new friend. The women shared their grief and concern and even a pint of chocolate ice cream at Sami’s insistence. She knew exactly how Madison was feeling. Sami had lived through this before with Jet, but for Madison it was all new. She’d only just found out what Micah did with the Equalizers. Sami knew what it felt like to love someone more than you loved yourself. To pass the time, she told Madison how she and Jet met.

  “You pretended to be a guy? And Jet believed you?”

  Sami laughed and so did Madison. “Yes. He confessed later that he was attracted to me. For a while, poor Jet was afraid he was turning gay.”

  “That’s so funny,” Madison laughed, setting her turmoil aside for a few minutes.

  “And that’s not all, I stowed away on his boat when he sailed from Veracruz across the Caribbean. When he found me, I was still masquerading as a boy. He didn’t find out I was a woman until he saw me swimming in the moonlight.” She giggled. “I think he thought I was a mermaid at first.”

  “What did he do?” Madison asked.

  “Well,” Sami whispered, “at first he was mad, because he had this weird rule about no women onboard…but then he touched me and…fireworks!”

  “And the rest, as they say–is history.” Madison smiled, then grew solemn, hoping she and Micah would have a chance to make a little history of their own.

  Down in Mexico…Micah and Jet bounced around for the next week and half, never staying in one place for more than two days. Micah wiled away the days with thoughts of Madison and all the sex scene ideas he had for upcoming books he’d love to try out with her. He promised himself he’d do whatever it took to get back home to feel her soft lips against his one more time.

  Back in Texas…Madison spent her nights on the couch with Micah’s cat, worry turning over and over in her heart constantly. Kyle Chancellor stopped by to see her and reiterate Sami’s words. “If anyone can get out of this, it’s those two tough bastards,” he told her. “Don’t give up hope.”

  His words offered comfort, but only enough comfort to make it through the day. Each night, Madison had nightmares. She tossed and turned, dreaming about Micah. He came to her in her dreams, holding her tight. He told her how much he missed her and how hard he was trying to get back to her. But each morning when she awoke, she was alone and faced another day of loneliness where she imagined everything that could possibly go wrong. She wondered if he was all right?

  Had he been imprisoned?

  Was he hurt?

  After eight days she’d couldn’t stand the waiting any longer and took another temp job just to pass the time. Sitting at Micah’s place worrying was getting her nowhere. But not once did she let her cell phone out of her sight. Briefly she’d considered going back to stay at her own apartment, but she decided against it. Madison had made a promise to Micah and she would keep that promise. One thing she did do was avoid I-35, there had been more incidents of rock throwing and the police were trying to set a trap. Governor Chancellor had even gone on the news personally and asked the citizens of Austin to keep their eyes open and report anything suspicious that they might see.

  Day after day passed. Her days were bearable at work, but her nights were so lonely. At least today was Friday, she could sleep in tomorrow. Madison crawled into Micah’s bed, hugging his pillow to her body. “Micah,” she whispered. “Come back to me. Please.”

  They’d only spent a few days together, but that time was magical to Madison and she wasn’t ready for it to be over. Every detail of Micah’s handsome face invaded her dreams. He kissed her softly, his weight on top of her…

  Outside…Micah Wolfe got out of the backseat of a dark SUV at three o’clock in the morning. He had on an old pair of Kyle Chancellor’s jeans and a T-shirt that was too big for him. He also had almost two weeks’ worth of growth on his face. He’d grown to like it while he and Jet were on the run and they’d agreed to keep their beards, even though Jet said Sami probably wouldn’t like it. During their run from the cartels, Micah had cut his hair. Gone were the collar length locks, he now sported a shorter haircut, one he hadn’t had in years.

  God, he was glad to be back home on Texas soil. He almost gotten down on the ground and kissed it. Santiago had finally managed to get them to a place where they could cross the border safely. They’d ended up swimming across just like many immigrants entered the US. They’d entered safe ground, however. A friend of Santiago’s, a Texas Ranger named Dallas McClain, had recently married the owner of Apache Springs ranch and had nine miles of the Rio Grande as the southern boundary of her property. Micah smiled remembering how surprised the family had looked when they’d knocked on their door. Their little girl, Sally, had been thrilled. Micah and Jet had shared a cup of tea with her, sipping out of tiny cups. At the McClain’s house, Micah had enjoyed his first hot shower in almost two weeks and even gotten his haircut cleaned up by Dallas’ wife. The Ranger had arranged for them to have transportation and they’d just driven in, stopping only for a short debriefing at the Governor’s mansion. Micah was tired and sore from being on the run, but was damn glad to be home.

  Quietly, he unlocked the front door of his big log cabin and the first thing he spotted was Madison’s shoes on the floor in the hallway. When Jet had called Sami to tell her he was on his way home, Sami had said Madison was still at his place. He hadn’t fully believed it until he saw her shoes.

  Thunderpunch came trotting down the hall toward him with a welcoming meow. He yawned, then stared at him, arching his back.

  Micah laughed. “Hey you little jerk,” Micah whispered, bending over to offer the cat a pet, but he skittered a few feet away. “What’s the matter, don’t like the haircut? I don’t look that different. Give me a hug.” He scooped the sleepy kitty up and accepted a head-bump and a purr. He might look different, but apparently he smelled the same. “You are the worst cat ever. But I still missed you. Where’s my lady?”

When he put him down, Thunderpunch ran off to do his own thing and Micah headed toward the bedroom. He pushed the door open softly and saw Madison in his bed. The covers were thrown back, she looked like she’d been tossing and turning. Her gown had ridden up on her thighs and the moonlight filtering through the filmy curtains at the window lit up the room well enough he could see her lush breasts rising and falling with every breath.

  “Come back to me, Micah,” she whimpered softly.

  Micah stepped closer to the bed. Her eyes were closed. He bent to her ear. “Dreaming about me, Fellows?”

  She stirred, but didn’t wake.

  Damn, the woman looked perfect in his bed, like she belonged nowhere else and Micah peeled off his clothes and slipped into bed next to her.

  Madison moved towards him without any prompting, as if he were a magnet. Taking her hand, he kissed it before placing it gently on his chest. Madison stirred again but remained in slumber. Her head was tilted to the side, her hair spread out across the pillow behind her head. Micah looked down on those beautiful lips. Thoughts of kissing them again had gotten him through those long days on the run.

  “Oh hell,” he said to himself. “I never was known for my self-control.”

  Bending his head, he kissed her softly, passing a trembling thumb across her face. She felt so good, everything Micah had dreamed. Her mouth was so soft and she tasted just like home. Deepening the kiss, Micah could feel Madison’s body respond, but again she didn’t awaken. Her lips parted and moved with Micah’s, her mouth opening and closing as if being controlled by some external force not of her own. Bracketing her jaw, he devoured her mouth until a whimper escaped Madison’s lips. She rolled onto her back, still not waking.

  In her dream, Micah was home. He’d finally returned to her and they were together. Micah’s kiss was like the sweetest ambrosia and Madison’s hips began to buck seeking him.

  Micah pulled his lips away only long enough to look down to see the blanket moving. His cock was so hard he could drill through a damn armored car with it. Pulling back the blanket, he saw Madison, naked from the waist down, her hips gyrating to some unseen music.

  “Damn, baby.” He marveled at the sight of her pussy. It was so perfect and appeared to be wet for him. There was dew drops of arousal on the soft pink folds. “What kind of dream are you having, naughty girl?” he asked his sleeping object of desire.

  The lure of her exposed mound was too much and Micah crawled down the bed and positioned himself between her thighs. He breathed her in. “My God you are perfect, baby.” He sank a soft bite onto the silky flesh of her thigh, then planted a delicate kiss on her pussy and Madison jerked a tiny bit. Micah was insatiable, his need for her rising to an uncontrollable level. He dove in, licking and kissing her clit with rapid flicks of his tongue.

  Madison stirred slightly. “What?” She opened her eyes and looked right down at him. “Micah?”

  Could it be?

  Was he actually here or was she dreaming?

  Micah looked up at her. “I’m sorry, Fellows. We can talk in a bit. You are far too delicious for me to stop right now.” He darted his tongue across her lips again, tickling her clit briefly each time.

  “I want you,” she gasped, nearly in tears.

  He looked different in the dim light. Madison wanted him to come up to her, so she could see him up close and feel his kiss, but he made her fall to pieces with the movements of his tongue.

  “You got me, baby.” Micah pushed both hands up and under the gown she’d been sleeping in and cupped her perky tits. Her nipples were puckered fruit, rock hard little berries and he rolled them between his fingers and thumbs, clamping her clit between his lips.

  Everything about her was perfect and Micah couldn’t get enough. His body was electrified, alive with radiant intensity. “I need it, Madison.”

  Madison gripped his hair, there wasn’t as much of it there as there used to be. “What happened to your hair?”

  “I’ll explain later. I need to detonate with you. I need to be inside you. But first I need you to cum for me. Cum for me, Madison,” he commanded.

  Madison didn’t need his encouraging words, she felt her arousal spiral out of control. Her legs began to shake and her breathing became a staccato pant. Her climax was so intense, her cry echoed around the room, causing desire to roar in his cock.

  Micah licked her softly as she came down. “That’s my baby.” Crawling up her delicious body, he positioned himself at her entrance. “I want all up in your business. Can I come in?”

  Micah asked the question with a smirk on his beloved face. Madison closed her eager hand around his cock, grateful for the chance to touch him again. “Only if you promise to stay for a while.”

  A growl escaped Micah’s lips and he plunged himself inside of her with full force. “Fuck me,” he groaned.

  The absolute rightness of being inside of her again was indescribable. With desperate bliss, he fucked her with every inch of his sex.

  Madison clung to him, she felt complete. Micah filled her, a tight, tense fit. Pulling out, he dragged the head of his cock over sensitive places deep within her, then plunged deep again, stealing the very air from Madison’s body.

  “I thought I’d lost you forever,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Never. I would’ve moved heaven and earth to return to you, Madison. I’ll never leave you.”

  Micah plowed into her with soft strokes that were still full of force. Her vagina stroked his cock, worshiping him, pulsing in the age-old cadence of a woman accepting her man. Their lips found each other and they kissed for what felt like an eternity. The rasp of his beard felt foreign on her face, but his lips were unmistakably Micah.

  All the while they kissed, Micah slipped himself in and out of Madison’s pulsating sheathe. They took brief respites for air, but Micah was insatiable, keeping his thrusts even, kissing her neck and shoulders while Madison regained her breath.

  Their lips crashed together again and Madison closed her eyes, giving herself over to the joy of being in his arms. He seemed to grow inside of her–longer, thicker, harder. She gladly accommodated his every thrust. Give and take. Give and take. And he gave so much–pleasure, fire, exquisite friction that built and built–a growing, pulsing, heat that she greedily accepted–a heat that swelled and spread until it flared in an intense, perfect, pounding release.

  “Micah!” Madison dug her nails into his back as he rammed every inch of his rigid cock in and out of her faster and faster until an orgasm that had been building for almost two weeks overtook him.

  He let out a roaring groan as he burst deep and hard, shooting a hot stream of cum deep inside of her.

  For long moments they held one another. Madison wouldn’t let him roll away. “Don’t move. Please. I want to hold you.”

  “I missed you so much.” Micah confessed, burying his face into the warmth of her neck. He didn’t really understand, but this woman held the key to his happiness in a way he’d never expected.

  Madison smiled. “I missed you too. I’m so glad you’re home.” She tightened her arms around him, celebrating in her heart that he was home and she was there with him.


  The power of words…

  Rays of a bright midday sun greeted Micah from his bedroom’s west facing window when he finally rubbed his eyes open. He stretched and reached for Madison. She was lying on her side, facing the other way. He took a minute to just look his fill at the beautiful lines of her body, especially that spectacular ass. He curled an arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder. When she didn’t stir, he gave one more lingering kiss to the soft skin of her neck, then turned to see the clock on his bedside table.

  “Shit!” he whispered as he read one-fifteen in bold red letters.

  He rubbed his eyes again. “How the hell did I sleep without that little jerk waking me up?”

  Thunderpunch was nowhere to be found in the room and Micah figured he must have sensed his master�
�s exhaustion and left him alone to sleep. Whatever the reason, Micah felt invigorated from a good rest, the first one he’d had in two weeks. Part of him wanted to just lie there in his comfortable bed with this gorgeous woman beside him for the rest of the day and most of tomorrow, but a rumble came from Micah’s stomach and he couldn’t fight it any longer.

  Madison rolled over when she felt movement in the bed. “Morning,” she said through sleepy eyes. Micah was standing at the dresser across the room. She watched him pull a plain white T-shirt over his head to go with the orange UT lounge pants he already wore. “Come back to bed,” Madison said, reaching her hand toward him.

  “Sorry, sugar.” Micah came to the bed and kissed her on the forehead. “This kid is famished.”

  “I’ll go make you something.”

  Madison pushed back the covers, but he stopped her. “You just stay in bed. You need the rest.”

  “You just spent almost two weeks on the run in Mexico. If anyone needs the rest, it’s you.”

  Micah stilled her with his hand and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Trust me, baby. Two weeks away from you.” He slipped his right hand under the blanket and rested his palm over her mound. A jolt of electricity surged through Madison. “And two weeks away from this.” He pressed his fingers into her heat, giving her pussy a little rubdown. “Have built up quite a bit of need in me.” He dropped his head with a sigh, just indulging in the pleasant feel of her warmth on his palm. “I’ve got a thirst for some Madison and you’re going to need all your strength to survive me.”

  “Where are you going?” Madison called out as he exited the room.

  “To make us something to eat and order a new headboard.”

  Madison looked back up behind her; the headboard seemed to be fine. “But it isn’t broken.”

  “Yet…” Micah said without stopping.

  Madison stayed in the bed for a few minutes, but the need to be with him pulled at her. She slid out of the bed and pulled one of Micah’s golf shirts out of his dresser drawer and over her heated skin. She tiptoed out of the room and down the hall. Micah had told her to stay in bed and she wanted to sneak up on him.


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