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The Key To Micah's Heart (Hell Yeah!)

Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  He came walking across the kitchen and Madison pulled open the door to a room she’d never been in before, to escape his vision.

  Madison’s mouth fell open. The room was gorgeous. Rich dark wood shelves lined the back wall, only separating in the middle for a few feet where a tall window illuminated the room. A desk and a small table sat under the window.

  The floor was marble, a light grey that looked cool and decadent. Drawing closer, she realized the desk was actually a thick slab of wood standing on four columned posts with what looked like a throne behind it. Two light brown leather chairs sat across the desk from the throne. Micah must take meetings in this room, she thought. In awe she moved closer to the desk. The wood beneath the protective glass was smooth and richly finished. Upon closer inspection, it became clear to Madison that it had once been a tree trunk. The dark rings stood out, and there were little metal tags shaped like arrows that had been pounded into the wood.

  President Abraham Lincoln shot April 16 1865, was engraved on one arrow.

  A very short distance away from Lincoln the marker read, Texas Admitted to the Union December 29, 1845.

  Another arrow closer to the middle of the tree was labeled, 1210 Genghis Khan Invades China.

  The tree must have been hundreds of years old and Madison marveled at it. The door to this room had always been closed and she had respected Micah’s need for privacy while he was gone. Now she wished she would have ventured into this room sooner. She read all the metal tags on the desk, then with great interest she let her eyes wander to see what else she could find.

  The desktop was empty except for a phone and a picture in an ornate black frame. Madison picked it up. The image was of a much younger Micah. He looked to be about nine or ten. He sat on the front porch of a beautiful ranch house with a gorgeous blonde woman beside him. Micah had his arm around the woman’s shoulder, even at a young age he was bigger than the lady and he clowned for the camera. The woman had long dirty blonde hair and beatific smile on her face. Although she hadn’t seen it firsthand growing up, Madison could tell by the look on this woman’s face that she was Micah’s mother and very proud of her son. Reverently, she placed the frame back where she found it, her eyes moving on to other things.

  Micah’s bookshelves were stocked from top to bottom; he even had one of those sliding ladders that allowed you to access the higher shelves. Madison ran her hand over the spines of the books, there were so many names she recognized. Mesmerized, she came to the middle of the shelves and the window. The platform separating the shelves was lined with some sort of material. Madison ran her hand across it, enjoying how soft and smooth it felt, like velvet or felt of some sort. On the platform, there was an assortment of scented candles. She picked one up and inhaled deeply. Sandalwood. The label lived up to its words, the suede colored candle had a musky manly odor.

  Next to the candle was another picture frame. A group of men stood together dressed in desert fatigues. Madison recognized Micah, Kyle and Destry in the picture but not the other three men. Alongside the photograph was a jar filed with sand, sand Madison could only assume was from the location in the photo.

  The last thing on the platform was a glass case. Under the glass was a light-blue school notebook. The book looked old and there was a dark stain on the bottom right corner where the pages had started to curl. The words LONG WAY DOWN had been scribbled across the top of the cover in bold capital letters. Madison considered lifting the glass off and checking the book out further, but she’d already encroached on Micah’s domain enough, she didn’t think it would be a good idea to violate something he clearly held sacred.

  Out in the kitchen, Thunderpunch strolled up, making his presence known with a loud meow. Micah turned to see the cat and that was when he noticed the door to his study was open a crack. Being the soldier he was, no detail escaped his attention. Whenever he went into a bar, restaurant or any new place, he immediately scoped the place out, locating access and escape points just in case something went wrong. This practice had been ingrained in him by the military, he was always sizing things up, noticing the things that most didn’t. A soldier never let his guard down and Micah noticed every tiny detail.

  “What do we have here?” Micah asked himself as he moved out of the kitchen.

  He went to the slightly ajar door and glanced in through the small opening. Micah kept his place in tip-top shape and he knew that not a single floorboard squeaked or a door creaked when opened, so he pushed the door open a few inches, confident the movement would go undetected.

  Ah, a little intruder…he smiled.

  Madison was on her knees looking at the books on the shelves under the window. This section of the shelves had a slightly more adult feel to it. She saw the Kama Sutra and many other risqué book titles. She craned her head to the side and read one particular spine, The Art Of The Blowjob. With a secret grin, she made note of the title and author for later reference.

  Micah watched from the doorway, he recognized the bright green golf shirt she had put on as one of his and with Madison squatted down, it had ridden up and her epic ass was in plain sight. “There you are.”

  The sound of Micah’s voice startled Madison. She twirled on her feet and stood bolt upright quickly, exposing her naked front to Micah for a split second.

  The brief glimpse of her pussy put a smile on Micah’s face and he crossed his arms and stood leaning against the doorway. “Find anything worth reading?”

  Madison was embarrassed. She stood in place, fidgeting with her hands. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What for?” Micah asked with a smirk.

  “I shouldn’t be in here.”

  “I don’t mind.” He moved into the room and went to his desk. “She’s amazing, isn’t she?”

  “Very beautiful.” Madison wasn’t sure if he was referring to the desk or the picture of what she assumed was his mother.

  Micah pointed a finger. “Can you believe this thing was around when Columbus landed in America?”

  Madison joined him at the desk. “It’s a beautiful piece of furniture.”

  “It’s a California Redwood stump. This is a smaller one, but some of those trees can grow up to twenty-two feet in diameter and be thousands of years old. Destry saw one in a client’s office in Brazil once. When he told me about it, I just had to have one.”

  Madison noticed he hadn’t mentioned the picture, so she didn’t either. “Have you read all those books?” she asked after they’d looked at the desk for a few minutes.

  “Oh God, it’d take years to read all of them. I’ve knocked a good chunk of them off over the years, but my ‘to be read’ pile is still pretty big and keeps growing. People know I like books, so they tend to buy them for me when they see one they think looks interesting.”

  “It’s quite the selection you’ve got.”

  “Something in particular catch your eye?” Madison didn’t answer right away and Micah’s trained eye caught her fidget for a short second. “I saw you looking at the shelf under the window when I came in, naughty girl.” He kept the more adult titles there and even his own books.

  Madison played innocent. “Naughty girl?”

  He slid into the chair behind his desk. “Uh huh. Go back over there.”

  There was a certain tone in his voice that made his words sound commanding and forceful and Madison got a charge out of it. Her nipples perked under Micah’s shirt and she returned to the shelf as he directed.

  “Now get back down there like you were when I came in.” He ordered. Madison did as she was told. “Good girl,” Micah said from across the room and she felt her pussy grow dewy.

  Madison looked over the titles again. She could feel Micah’s eyes on her and she loved it. She brushed her hair off of her shoulder dramatically, enticing him to come over and explore her neck. She didn’t know how it had happened, but the temperature had risen in the room considerably even though the furnace wasn’t running.

  “You even have some books by my f
avorite author.” She looked down the long line with one name on them. “You have all of them actually.”

  “Who’s that?” Micah wanted to know.

  “This guy who writes erotic romance. I swear the man is so in touch with what pleases women that it’s almost scary. Nobody knows his real name, but he writes under the pseudonym Don Juan.”

  Oh, this was just too delicious. “Yes. I’m familiar with his work.” The smile on Micah’s face couldn’t have been wider and he was glad Madison was turned the other way or he might have given himself away. “He’s one of my favorites also. What’s your favorite book by him?”

  Madison looked down the line and pulled her favorite from the shelf. “I just love Life Uncovered. The sex is so incredibly hot.” She held the book to her breast, thinking back to a particularly orgasm-inducing scene.

  “Open it to page seventy-eight,” Micah said.

  Madison opened it quickly, she knew exactly what he was talking about. She read the first line halfway down the page where the scene really got hot and heavy. “God I love this scene.”

  “‘I can’t believe how good she looks’,” Micah started. “‘Standing there in front of me. It’s taking all I have in me to hold back. But she knows sex is about power. We both do.’”

  Madison followed along with her eyes as Micah’s words mirrored the words on the page in front of her. “I see you’re read this before.”

  “Five or six times.”

  “Wow. Five or six times!”

  Micah dangled a carrot. “That’s usually about how many times it takes before it’s done.”


  “‘We’ve danced this dance before, some in real life, some in my head and many times in my fantasies. Which is what she is. My fantasy. She pretends she isn’t so obviously seducing me, but we both know she is. Prancing around in front of me, that extra spring in her step. She denies it every time, but she struts for me, tantalizing me with her ass, an ass she knows I’m obsessed with.’”

  Madison got lightheaded suddenly. How did he know this particular part word for word? She’d read the scene over and over and each time it had affected her, but never as much as it now did hearing the words spoken in Micah’s husky voice.

  “‘And what’s not to be obsessed with? I’d dine on her for hours if she’d let me. My head nestled between her thighs, a spot the closest to heaven on earth I’ve ever encountered.’”

  Madison moved away from the wall and came to the front of Micah’s desk. “How are you doing this?” She demanded to know. “How can you possibly know this scene word for word?”

  Micah opened the top drawer of his desk and slipped the picture of his mother inside before closing it. “Don Juan?” He sat back in his chair. “Such a made-up name, don’t you think?”

  Madison’s head was swimming, was he really saying what she thought he was saying. “You.”

  Micah smirked. “Me?”

  “He’s you? You’re him?”

  “Batman? Oh I’m afraid not, kitten.”

  She held the book up to him. “You! You’re Don Juan.”

  Micah raised an eyebrow but didn’t respond.

  Madison felt even dizzier. She’d been nervous with Micah before and managed to get over it, but this new knowledge filled her with the same nerves she’d felt that first night in the back of Angel House. “But you can’t be?” Madison insisted, too overwhelmed by the thought.

  Micah rose from his seat. “Can’t I be? Turn the page.” Madison flipped the page and stared back at him with her brow furrowed. “‘You’re turning me inside out, Vic.’” He picked up right at the top of the page she looked down on. “‘Her words danced across the short distance between us. I licked my lips once, greedy to taste her again.’” Micah came around to her side of the table. “You see, Fellows,” he whispered in her ear as he passed behind her. “When you write it. When you read it over and over and over again.” He ran a fingertip across the back of her right leg. “When you fine-tune it, tweaking a word here, a word there, all so it perfectly reflects your fantasy. When you’ve lived with it for months, the story becomes burned into your brain. ‘If I lived to be a thousand years old, I’d still never tire of your taste’, I said in her ear. Up so close, the heat from her skin was too much. I slid my hand up under her dress; her pussy was still wet from where my tongue had bathed her only a few minutes ago.’”

  Madison swore a lightning bolt would come down from the heavens and smite her right on the spot. Or worse, she’d wake up in her own bed to find that all of this had been a dream.

  Micah pinched her on the rear. “You aren’t dreaming, Fellows.” He sat back down in his chair. “Does this place look familiar?”

  Madison looked around the room again and it all came back to her. The brown leather chair, the light gray marble floor. “This is Vic’s office.”

  “It’s bigger and Vic doesn’t have the expensive desk and fancy bookshelves, but yes.”

  “Even the picture on your desk is the same.” Madison looked for it but it was gone. “That’s the picture frame he broke the glass in when…”

  “When he swept it off the desk right before taking Chloe for the first time,” Micah finished her thought. “You look like you need to sit down, Fellows.” Madison took a seat on one of the chairs across the desk from him. “Close your eyes.” She did as she was told again. “‘Vic, I need it’, she purred in my ear. ‘Need what?’ I asked. I very well could have just given her what we both wanted, but that power struggle never went away with us and I craved having the upper hand.’”

  Micah could see the affect this was having on Madison, but he wondered if she had any idea what it was doing to him. He was rock-hard under the desk and he slid his pants halfway down his thighs so he could stroke himself to easy the ache.

  “Your turn, Fellows.”

  Madison vibrated. She knew the scene inside and out but her brain had gone away, abandoned her the moment she’d realized Micah was Don Juan. “I can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t think right now. I know the scene by heart. I know the entire book frontward and backwards, but I can’t remember a thing right now.”

  “‘To feel you inside me.’ She reached back and took my cock in her hand. I was always hard when it came to Chloe. She’d ruined sex with other women for me. I craved her morning, noon and night.’”

  If Madison had been able to think straight, she would’ve known what was coming next.

  Micah had stripped and made his way over to her. He took her hand in his and helped her off the chair before moving in behind her. Madison felt the bulge of his erection press against her back and she reached around behind her to grasp it just like Chloe had done in the book.

  “‘I kissed her on the neck,’” Micah began to act out the scene as he retold it, “‘and she began to quake. She stroked me up and down slowly, reaching into my pants to free the cock I knew she craved.’” Madison felt the weight of Micah’s erection in her hands. “‘She stroked me with reckless abandon. ‘Slow down baby. You get me so worked up I might pop. And I want to enjoy you for a while first.’ She did this for a while, letting me indulge in the curve of her neck. I placed a hand on her cheek and turned her face, I needed to feel her lips on mine.’” Micah kissed her but it was brief. “‘We stayed that way for what felt like a millisecond before my urge to be inside her finally caught up to hers. I led her over to the worn chair across from my desk and took a seat. Chloe squirmed in front of me, lifting the hem of her dress. ‘Turn around,’ I ordered and when she did, I pulled her back and into my lap. She wiggled her ass over my cock while my hands worked their greedy way up under her skirt. ‘Every inch of you is perfect,’ I told her and squeezed her full tits with zeal. Chloe quickly had enough of the tease and she lifted up. ‘Don’t go,’ I begged, losing some of the power I’d fought to win.’” Madison lifted up, it was all coming back to her. “‘She reached between her legs and grasped me.’”

  “‘I swear I’ll die if you don’t give me yo
ur cock right now,’” Madison said right on cue.

  The burn was divine as Madison lowered herself down onto Micah’s throbbing cock.

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered into her back, grasping her breasts even firmer with his big hands. “‘She slid me inside the tightest pussy I’d ever known and circled her hips on me, letting me feel every single square inch of her sheathe. I went impossibly deep and she pulled away for a moment, but I trapped her with an arm around her waist and pulled her back to me. ‘I’m not done with you yet.’ She began to move up and down on top of me, letting my staff slide almost all the way out before plunging it right back in. Every time I went deep, I felt her flinch and her pussy flutter around me. ‘Cum for me,’ I insisted and Chloe shook in my lap until she was spent.’”

  Madison exploded with a climax at Micah’s urging and made a move to get up off of him to regain her composure. But Micah’s arm stayed firm around her waist. “Where are you going?”

  “That’s the end of the scene. The phone on Vic’s desk rings and she gets off of him.”

  “This isn’t a book, Fellows.” Micah’s other hand snaked around and found a home between her closed thighs. “And I’m not done with you yet.” He slowly circled her clit with his finger and Madison’s legs parted. “You’re going to cum for me again.” He worked her clit harder, softly bucking his hips up so she could feel his swollen cock inside of her. “Again, Madison. Cum for me again.” His words controlled her and Madison climaxed again through gritted teeth and after a brief break, she again tried to get off of him. “Again,” Micah said after giving her tender clit a short respite.

  He pushed aside her shirt with his chin and kissed her back, removing his hand from her hip, bringing it up to grasp a thick swath of her hair. He tugged on the long locks, forcing her neck to bow, making her feel taken as his nimble fingers stroked her to another orgasm.


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