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Code of Love

Page 14

by Sharon Cummin

  “Who the fuck is that?” the punk asked.

  He knew as much about Cody as Cody knew about him, not a damn thing, and that pissed Cody off even more.

  Julie linked her arm with Cody's, and he instantly felt them both relax a bit. She nudged him to move, and he did. When she got to the living room, she stopped, and Cody felt the tension fill the room in seconds. She looked over at her brother and the woman sitting on his lap, and Cody could tell she was surprised. She was also very sweet, as she moved forward to hug the woman. When she stepped back, she grabbed Cody's hand and linked their fingers together, and he squeezed her hand to let her know everything was going to be okay, he'd make sure of it.

  Julie opened her mouth and all hell broke loose. It started with her uncle and then moved to her father and brother. Then she said the word boyfriend, and Cody knew shit was about to get real. Before he could even think about what she'd really said, her dad was on his feet and moving toward her, but Cody wasn't having that shit. He pulled her behind him, and at the same time, her brother was right there next to her too. Then her father barked out at Cody, and he went right back at him. Over his dead body would her father come at her like that. That shit would not happen. So, he stood there, between her and her father, and he watched it all unfold.

  She went at her dad, and he gave it right back. When he started on Cody, she stopped him in his tracks, defending Cody the whole time. Then she began apologizing to the family she was really there for in the first place. She moved on to her brother and the woman in his lap. Just when Cody thought she was done, she turned back to her father, whose ass hit the chair instantly. Cody watched, making sure he stayed planted where he'd sat. Instead of stepping in, Cody let her go. Every word she said was filled with emotion, as she told her dad exactly what she thought of him and how he'd treated her for years. It had been bottled up inside of her. She needed to get it out. Even though Cody didn't say a word, he didn't let go of her either. He held onto her through every single second of what she was going through. She needed to know she wasn't there alone, that someone was on her side, and that was exactly what he did. He let her say what she needed to say, but he was there if she needed him.

  When Julie turned to him, he knew she was done, he could see it in her tear filled eyes. That was when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, letting her know he was there and he wasn't going anywhere. She hugged him tight, soaking up the support he was there to give. Then she grabbed his hand and headed for the door.

  Just before they could get out, the big fucker stepped around her, blocking her from leaving. Cody wanted to throttle his ass, but he knew he couldn't, he wouldn't do anything to upset her. Her family had done enough of that already.

  Jessie was right, the guy cared about Julie, but not just as a best friend. When he spoke, there was so much feeling behind his words, and Cody felt that shit deep. The jealousy flowing through him was something he'd never felt before, not even close. Before he had time to process what he was thinking, the punk questioned her about Cody, and what she said hit him hard. Then the guy turned to him, and the words you like my girl came out of his mouth. Cody snapped the words your girl back before he could stop himself. When the guy replied has been since I met her, Cody felt himself begin to calm down, feeling bad for him. It was so damn obvious that he was in love with her. Without a second thought, the words I do spilled from Cody's mouth, and he couldn't believe it. When the big brother threat came, Cody smirked and agreed. Then he heard the words I love you come from the fucker's mouth, and he thought he was going to lose his shit. When she returned those same words, Cody was holding on by a string. Then he heard her next words, and his anger was gone. Damn straight he'd be there, he thought, and he meant it. He was going to be there for everything she needed. He was going to be the one she counted on, the one she went to. He would never let her down.

  Neither of them said a word as they got in the car and pulled down the driveway, but the second Cody turned the car in the opposite direction of the freeway, Julie opened her mouth.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, with her words filled with sadness.

  “To a hotel,” Cody answered.

  “Cody,” she whispered.

  “Julie,” he replied.

  “But,” she began.

  “But nothing,” he said, cutting her off. “ I am not taking you home and then driving away, and I know damn well you won't be willing to go to my place. Not to mention the fact that we drove here after work, and it's late. We are going to a hotel. That's it.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, okay,” she answered.

  Neither of them spoke through the rest of the drive, and when they got to the hotel, he looked over at her.

  “I'll be right back,” he said sternly.

  “You want me to wait here?” she asked.

  “I do,” he answered.

  Cody got out of the car and walked toward the hotel, trying his best to keep his emotions in check. He checked into the best room he could get, got the keys, and headed back out to the car. He quickly grabbed their bags. Then he opened Julie's door, and she looked up at him with a nervous look on her face.

  “Cody,” she whispered.

  “Out,” he said, in a rough tone.

  “I'm sorry,” she said, as she got out but stood still.

  “For what?” he asked, as he motioned for her to walk, but she didn't.

  “So many things,” she said. “I knew he was going to have an opinion, but I didn't expect him or the others to act the way they did. I should never have brought you.”

  “Really?” he asked, as he took her arm in his hand and pulled her away from the car so he could shut the door. “You regret bringing me.”

  “No,” she said, as she wrapped her arms around herself and looked up at him. “Yes. I don't know.”

  Cody pulled away, but she stopped him.

  “I don't regret bringing you,” she said. “I just regret everything that happened. He shouldn't have talked about you the way he did.”

  “He shouldn't have talked to you the way he did,” Cody snapped. “I don't give a fuck what he said about me. It's you he needs to respect. You held your own, and I was damn proud of that, but I would have stepped in. I hope you know that.”

  “I'm glad you didn't,” she said. “I've been keeping all of that inside for a very long time.”

  “I know,” he said, as he shifted both of their bags to one hand and put his free arm around her back. “If you hadn't brought me, you wouldn't have had to go through that.”

  Cody's anger began flowing through him again from just thinking about the way her father spoke to her.

  “I don't care,” she said, as they walked toward the hotel. “You were the one I wanted there.”

  “You would've still had Jason,” he growled out, before he could stop himself.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” Cody said harshly, as he pulled away from her but continued walking.

  “Cody,” she snapped. “What the fuck?”

  “Like you didn't notice,” he said. “Have you two always been that close, Jewels?”

  Before she could say anything, he spoke again.

  “Don't answer that,” he snapped, as he looked back over his shoulder at her. “It's obvious how close the two of you are. I guess I don't feel so bad not knowing about him since he didn't know about me either.”

  They got to the elevator just as the doors opened, so Cody hurried in and pushed the button for the top floor, as Julie slid in just before the doors closed.

  “Are you serious right now?” she snapped out at him. “I've known Jason all my life, well most of it anyway. He's my best friend, Cody.”

  “Got it! Your sister told me,” Cody snapped back. “It was also pretty clear with all the touching and I love yous that went on.”

  “I just brought you home,” Julie said, as she shook her head. “Do you k
now how hard that was for me?”

  “Was it?” Cody asked, as he slipped the card through the reader on the first door outside of the elevator.

  He swung the door open, waited for her to walk through, and then let it go.

  “Cody,” she snapped, as he walked away from her and headed further into the room.

  “What?” he hissed, as he dropped their bags and quickly turned back toward her.

  Was she as into Jason as he was into her? Did she seriously not realize how Jason felt about her? How could she not? Maybe she did. Maybe she'd just brought Cody home to piss her father off. Was that what it was? With each thought that went through his mind, he became more and more angry.

  “Is this a fucking game to you?” he asked, as he took a step toward her.

  “What?” she asked, in almost a whisper, as she took a step back.

  The innocent look on her face had him ready to explode. If she was playing him, then she was fucking good.

  “You introduced me as your boyfriend, Julie,” he said roughly.

  She gasped, as her hand flew up to cover her mouth and her feet took one final step back, causing her to run into the door behind her.

  “I'm sorry. You said together. We were in it together,” she said, in a whispered tone. “Shit! You didn't mean it, did you?”

  Cody couldn't hold back any longer. He took his last few steps with purpose, and before he knew it, his hands were against the door, next to her head, pinning her in.

  “Do you want him?” he growled out.

  “Who?” she asked, looking down at her feet.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  Julie slowly moved her eyes up Cody's body before stopping at his eyes. That was when he saw tears beginning to fill them.

  “Jason,” he said. “Do you want him?”

  “No,” she said, as she shook her head back and forth, not once moving her eyes from his. “I don't want him, Cody.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Positive,” she answered.

  “Did you mean what you said?” he asked.

  “What?” she asked, looking more nervous than he'd ever seen her look before.

  “To your dad,” he said. “You stuck up for me. You told him he was wrong. Did you mean that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, as she nodded and looked down again.

  “About me being your boyfriend,” he said. “Did you mean that too?”

  Cody stepped closer to her, leaving no room between them.

  “I did,” she answered, as her body shook beneath his.

  “Julie,” he said, as his hand moved under her chin and lifted her face.

  “Yes,” she said, as she looked into his eyes with the sweetest, most innocent look he'd ever seen.

  “What is it you want?” he asked, pushing his body against hers.

  Her arms went up, and her hands gripped his hair, but she didn't answer him.

  “Julie,” he said, as he leaned down so their lips were touching, and he felt like he could see so damn deep inside of her. “What do you want?”

  His tongue licked across the seam of her lips before his teeth caught her bottom lip and pulled.

  “Cody,” she moaned, but she didn't answer.

  “I need your words, Julie,” he said, as he pushed harder against her body. “I need to hear you say it.”

  Julie looked at him like no woman had ever looked at him before. He had no idea what exactly was going through her mind, but in that moment, he silently promised that he'd do everything he had to do to get her to look at him exactly like that, every single day.

  “I want you,” she whispered. “You're the one I want, Cody.”

  His mouth crashed down on hers, as his body pinned hers to the door. She gasped out, and his tongue dove in and took hers hard. His hand moved to the back of her head, as he gripped her hair and pulled downward. When Cody pulled his mouth away and began kissing down her neck, she moaned, and he knew his cock was harder than it had ever been before in his life.

  “Mine,” he whispered, as he sucked hard on a spot at the base of her neck. “You're my girl.”

  “Cody,” she whimpered, as his hands grabbed the base of her shirt and lifted it up and over her head.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, as he took in the beautiful view in front of him.

  Cody looked into Julie's eyes. Then he dropped to his knees.

  “Cody,” she said, in a nervous tone, causing him to stop for a moment before lifting her foot and removing her shoe.

  Once he'd repeated the process with her other foot, his hands moved slowly up her clothed legs until they reached the waist of her jeans. He kept his eyes on hers, as he gently undid her button, slid her zipper down, and began moving her pants down her legs. The way she looked down at him, as if she'd never had a man on his knees for her before, had him ready to blow in his jeans like a teenager on his first date. He pulled her jeans off each of her legs. Then he threw them to the side. When his eyes traveled up her sexy as fuck body and connected once again with the most innocent eyes he'd ever seen, he knew she was it, she was the one for him, she was his.

  Cody leaned forward and placed a tiny kiss on her knee.

  “Mine,” he whispered.

  Then he repeated the tiny kisses and whispers as he moved up her inner thigh. When he reached the bottom of her thin, white panties, he took a deep breath. Then he looked up at her, pulled her panties to the side, and slid his tongue along the spot he so badly wanted his cock to be. When Julie moaned and her head fell back against the door, his finger began rubbing her clit. He felt her shake against his hand, so he pulled back a bit.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I think so,” she whispered, with her eyes closed.

  “Julie,” he said, so nervous that she was going to turn him away. “Look at me.”

  She slowly opened her eyes and looked down at him again.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked, as his finger continued rubbing her clit.

  “No,” she said, as she shook her head.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  Without giving her a second to change her mind, Cody spread her wide and thrust his tongue into her. Her body jerked, she cried out, and her hand dove into his hair, holding him there. He moved his tongue in and out of her, as his finger worked her clit. When he reached that spot deep inside of her, she cried out his name, and she came harder around his tongue than he thought was possible. He continued his assault on her until her body began to slide down the door.

  Cody got to his feet and used his body to hold her to the door. Then he wrapped his hand in her hair, pulled back, and covered her mouth with his, loving the fact that she'd taste herself on his tongue.

  “I need you,” he whispered, as he grabbed her ass and lifted her off the ground.

  Her legs locked around his waist, as her arms wrapped around his neck.

  “Want you against that door,” he said. “Want it so bad, but I won't. Not the first time.”

  “Cody,” she whispered.

  “The first time I'm inside of you, I want to see your eyes. I want to look into them and show you just how much it means to me,” he said.

  When he let her down onto the bed, he took a step back and looked over her body.

  “You are the sexiest woman I've ever laid eyes on, baby,” he said, as he grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. “Can't fucking wait to be deep inside of you. I'm going to take you so damn slow, Julie. I'm going to soak up every single second. Then I'm going to make you come so hard that you cry out my name.”

  Cody undid the button on his jeans, pulled the zipper down, and pushed the pants, along with his boxers, down his legs. He stepped out of them and then kicked them to the side. When he turned back to Julie, her eyes were wider than he'd seen them yet. He moved toward the bed. Then he crawled up it until he was hovering over her.

  “You're so beautiful,” he said.
“I've thought about this moment so many times.”

  “You have?” she asked.

  “Of course I have,” he answered. “It's taken all I've had to pull away from kissing you.”

  “It has?” she asked, as her hands came up his sides and moved up his back.

  “Fuck yeah it has,” he said. “I've wanted you for months, baby.”

  “You never,” she began, but she stopped herself.

  “Oh, I have,” he said. “Have you?”

  Cody leaned down, pulled her bra back with his teeth, and took her nipple into his mouth. Julie's back arched and her eyes closed.

  “Open your eyes,” he demanded, and she did.

  Cody sucked her nipple before pulling it through his teeth, and she cried out. Then he pulled back, grabbed just inside the waist of her panties, and pulled, ripping them from her. Her knees moved together, and he shook his head, as his knee moved between her legs.

  “Have you thought about this moment?” he asked her, as he used his knees to spread her legs.

  When he leaned over her again, he looked into her eyes.

  “Julie,” he whispered, as he moved himself slowly along her entrance. “Have you thought about this? Have you wondered what it would feel like to have my hard cock inside of you?”

  Julie moaned, as her hips moved forward against him.

  “Have you thought about me fucking you?” he asked, and she moaned again.

  Cody lined himself up at her entrance, but he didn't move. He could sense her nervousness, and he needed to know that she wanted what was about to happen just as much as he did.

  “Do you want me inside of you, baby?” he asked, and she nodded. “I need your words.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I want you inside of me.”

  Cody moved in little by little until he felt resistance. That was when it hit him. What he'd seen from her since he stepped against her at the door. It wasn't that she didn't want him. That wasn't it at all.

  “Julie,” he whispered, wondering why it was him the beautiful woman beneath him had chosen to be with for the first time and knowing he'd do everything he could to show her just how much that decision meant to him.


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