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Code of Love

Page 15

by Sharon Cummin

  “Please don't stop,” she whispered back, as she took his head in her hands and looked into his eyes. “Please.”

  Cody didn't lean back down to kiss her. Instead, he kept his eyes on hers, and with one thrust, he moved until he was deep inside of her. Once she'd stretched around him, he slowly pulled out and then moved back into her again.

  When her hands pulled his face down and her arms wrapped around his neck, he took her mouth with his and began pulling out and moving back in, faster and harder. Her whimpers turned to moans, and when she cried out his name and gripped tight to his back, he put his hands just above her shoulders and he began pounding into her. With each thrust, her body moved up and her shoulders pushed against his arms.

  She was so fucking tight and perfect, like nothing he'd ever experienced before, and just when he thought he wouldn't be able to make it another second, he felt her pussy pulse around him, over and over again. Cody thrust in hard, cried out her name, and came harder than he ever had in his life.

  His body fell down onto hers, and the moment his breathing evened out, he rolled to the side, got out of bed, and took off for the bathroom. When he came back with a warm, wet cloth and began cleaning her off, she looked up with a sad look on her face.

  “Julie,” he said, as he dropped the cloth, got onto the bed, and pulled her in close to him. “What's wrong?”

  “Was I not good enough?” she asked nervously.

  “What?” he asked, in a shocked tone. “No. Why would you say that?”

  Cody turned onto his side and pushed the hair that was in her face behind her ear.

  “You got up and took off,” she said, as she looked down.

  “To get a rag,” he said, as he took her chin in his hand and lifted it. “I don't want you to get sore.”

  “Oh,” she said, trying to pull her chin from his hand but failing.

  “Why didn't you tell me?” he asked.

  “Tell you what?” she asked.

  “That you hadn't been with anyone,” he said, as he reached up and ran his hand through his hair. “I fucking stuck my tongue in you while you were against a damn door, Julie.”

  “It felt amazing,” she said. “Like really amazing.”

  “Why me?” he asked, before he could stop himself.

  Julie moved to pull away, but he quickly grabbed onto her to keep her there.

  “Do not run from me,” he growled out. “I just want to know why, out of all of the guys you've been with, I'm the one you wanted in that way.”

  “I don't know,” she said, as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “I like you.”

  “I like you too,” he said.

  “A lot, Cody,” she said, with a smirk.

  “I like you a lot too, baby,” he said, as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in right next to him.

  He rolled onto his back, and she scooted in, resting her head on his shoulder. Her hand moved to his chest, and her fingers began a slow stroll along it.

  “You're mine now,” he said, and her fingers froze. “Jason, you need to tell him to back the fuck off.”

  “Cody,” Julie said, as she lifted her head and looked at him. “It's not like that with Jason and me.”

  “Someone needs to tell him that,” Cody replied.

  “Oh, he knows,” she said. “He has his fast car racing life, and I have my life here. There is never going to be anything but an amazing friendship between us.”

  “I'm just saying,” Cody began, but Julie cut him off.

  “There's nothing to say, Cody,” she said. “I'm here with you. If I wanted Jason, I would never have walked into the lion's den with you. I brought you home because I wanted to. If you say I'm yours, you know that means that you're mine too, right?”

  “Of course it does,” Cody answered right away. “I'm not a bad guy, Julie. I don't care what the fuck your dad and uncle say about me. They don't know shit.”

  “I know,” she said, as her fingers began moving over his chest again. “I was just clearing things up.”

  “Very funny,” he said, as he tightened his arm around her back and closed his eyes. “So, you've thought about me before?”

  “I have,” she said.

  “And?” he asked.

  “And what?” she asked, with humor in her tone.

  “How did I compare in real life?” he asked.

  “You were a million times better in real life,” she said, as she laughed.

  “Woman,” he snapped, as he pulled her down next to him and turned off the light. “If that hadn't been your first time, I'd have you on all fours and be fucking the smartass right out of you.”

  “Is that what I have to look forward to?” she asked.

  “Most definitely,” he said. “You want to know something else I'm looking forward to?”

  “What?” she asked, so low that he barely heard her.

  “You, on your knees, with my cock filling that sarcastic mouth of yours.”

  Julie didn't respond, but she did snuggle in just a little closer to Cody's side.

  “I'm actually looking forward to so many things with you, baby,” he said. “Damn proud of the way you handled things today.”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “Yeah,” he replied. “I don't know what you whispered in your dad's ear tonight, but whatever it was had that man stunned silent. That's something I didn't think was possible. I'm just glad that wasn't me on the other side of your words.”

  “Me too,” she whispered, as the arm she had over his chest tightened around him.

  Chapter 20


  When they left the hotel the following morning, Julie felt like she was on top of the world. Nothing was going to ruin how happy she was, not even the ringing and dinging of her phone every few seconds. Between her mom, her dad, her brother, her sister, and most often Jason, she'd had to shut the phone off completely.

  “At least let them know you're safe,” Cody said, as he opened the car door for her.

  “I'm good,” she said.

  “Julie,” he warned, as he leaned down and kissed her. “Text each of them once.”

  “Not my dad,” she said, as he pulled back and closed her door.

  “Okay, not your dad,” he said, as he got in the car.

  Julie brought her phone to life and did exactly as he'd asked. She'd send everyone but her dad a message that said she was fine. Then she turned the phone back off and threw it into her purse.

  “Such a smartass,” he said, with a laugh.

  She looked over and narrowed her eyes at him.

  “My smartass,” he said, as he pulled out of the parking spot and started through the lot. “Is that better?”

  “We're really going to do this?” she asked.

  Cody stopped the car and looked over at her.

  “Yes, we're really going to do this,” he said, before adding. “Together.”

  She nodded shyly. Then he took her hand in his and started driving again.

  “What are you doing next weekend?” he asked.

  “I don't know,” she said. “Why?”

  “I have a dinner to go to,” he said. “I want you there with me.”

  “At a dinner?” she asked, and he nodded. “What kind of dinner?”

  “One of those fancy ass dinners I always complain about,” he said, with a smile.

  “And you want me to go?” she asked.

  “I do,” he answered.

  “I don't know about that,” she said. “I've seen the pictures of you from those things. I'm not into fancy like that.”

  “Please go with me?” he asked.

  “You really want me standing next to you when they take those pictures, Cody?” she asked.

  “I do,” he answered.

  “Will my father be there?” she asked.

  “Not at that one,” he answered. “It's a charity event, and my company is the one hosting it. A lot of the companies I work with will be there. Your dad and uncle defi
nitely will not.”

  “You're sure?” she asked.

  “Very sure,” he replied.

  “Okay,” she said. “I'll go, but I'm only doing it to see if it's really as boring as you say.”

  “You just wait until I get you alone again,” he said. “I'm going to spank that ass hard for ever single one of your sarcastic comments.”

  The second Cody pulled into a parking spot, the door to Julie's apartment flew open and Jessie appeared.

  “I better go,” Julie said, as she looked over at Cody. “I think I've got some explaining to do.”

  “She definitely doesn't look happy,” he said. “Do you need backup?”

  “No,” she said, with a laugh. “I'll be fine. She's harmless.”

  “I don't know about that,” he said, as he leaned over, grabbed the back of her head, and crashed his mouth down over hers.

  When he pulled away, she hurried to catch her breath.

  “I'll be over tomorrow with dinner,” he said. “Is that okay? I'll give you two tonight to talk.”

  “That sounds perfect,” she said. “I have to plan for my classes tonight anyway.”

  Julie grabbed her bag out of the backseat and headed for her sister. Before she even reached the door, Jessie's pissed off look turned into a huge smile.

  “You did it,” she squealed. “You had sex.”

  “Shut up,” Julie hissed. “We're not teenagers.”

  She walked quickly by her sister. Then she turned around to see her sister glaring out at Cody. Julie grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back into their apartment. Then she waved at Cody before shutting the door.

  “What the fuck happened?” Jessie asked. “Mom has been calling me all day to see if you're here.”

  “It was so much worse than I expected,” Julie said, as she began telling her sister the whole story.

  The second she was finished, her sister barked out with excitement.

  “How was it?” she asked.

  “What?” Julie asked.

  “Cody,” Jessie answered, with a shake of her head. “Was he any good?”

  “That's what you care about?” Julie asked. “Did you not hear what I said about our father and what an asshole he was?”

  “Oh, I heard it,” Jessie said. “Good job on finally standing up to him. Now back to Cody. Is he any good with his tongue? And how is he with his cock?”

  “Jessie,” Julie hissed.

  “Come on,” Jessie said. “I haven't gotten any since I got pregnant. Give a girl a bone here.”

  Both girls burst into laughter.

  “He was definitely good with his tongue,” Julie said. “He was very good at the other thing too.”

  “With his cock,” Jessie said. “Come on, just say the word.”

  “No,” Julie snapped out, knowing her face was probably ten different shades of red. “We're a couple now.”

  “It's about damn time the two of you admit to being together,” Jessie said. “That shit was getting ridiculous.”

  “He's not happy about Jason,” Julie said.

  “I wouldn't expect him to be,” Jessie replied. “Jason has been in love with you forever.”

  “He's not in love with me, Jessie,” Julie said.

  “Oh, he is,” Jessie replied. “We'll just leave that one alone though. I'm glad you and Cody have finally gotten your heads out of your asses and committed to each other. Time goes by fast. You can't waste it.”

  “So you're all in on team Cody,” Julie said. “You've been hesitant toward him before.”

  “I'm definitely team Cody now,” Jessie said.

  The baby cried out, and Julie took off to get her.

  “She's supposed to be napping,” Jessie said.

  “I haven't seen her for a whole day,” Julie said. “Plus I have work to do.”

  “On the job you swiped out from under dad?” Jessie asked. “I would have loved to have seen his face when you told him that.”

  “About that,” Julie said. “Please don't mention it in front of Cody.”

  “He doesn't know?” Jessie asked.

  “No, Jess,” Julie said. “He doesn't. He bid on that same job too.”

  “Oh shit!” Jessie snapped, as her hand hurried to cover her mouth. “You have to tell him.”

  “I will,” Julie said. “Things were so messed up, and I'd just found out before we went.”

  “Don't be keeping shit from him, Julie. Don't start out like that. It never turns out good when you do,” Jessie said.

  “I won't,” Julie replied. “I'll tell him. He asked me to go to a thing next weekend.”

  “A thing?” Jessie asked, letting the subject change, which Julie totally knew she would.

  As soon as Julie told her what it was, Jessie was all over it, and all talk about her telling Cody the truth was gone.

  Cody came by the next day with dinner. They ate, watched a movie, and talked about coding. Every chance they got, they kissed and snuggled together, but that was it. Julie couldn't decide how she felt about that. Every time he kissed her, she wanted more, but at the same time, she also wasn't comfortable with the thought of being with him with her sister in the next room.

  When Cody left that night, Julie knew she wouldn't be seeing him until the next weekend, the night of the dinner he'd asked her to go to with him. Just the thought had her missing him before he was even out of the parking lot. She felt like a teenager with her first crush, as she headed to her room for the night, looking forward to his message that he was home.

  The next week flew by. Between classes, working every available moment, and shopping for a dress with her sister and the baby, Julie didn't have a spare moment. Most of Cody's messages and calls came during the day, and she was good with that. Her evenings needed to be used to get the huge project she'd taken on done as far as she could. She'd set a schedule for herself, and if she didn't reach it by Friday afternoon, she knew she'd have to work through a huge part of the weekend. That was something she didn't want to have to do. Even though she knew there was a reason she wasn't talking to Cody at night, he didn't, and she couldn't help but wonder, in the back of her mind, why he hadn't contacted her.

  Friday afternoon came, and Jessie dove in to help Julie get ready. Julie wasn't nearly as excited as her sister was. She was more nervous than anything. Meeting the people Cody worked with was a big deal for her, and being by his side for a big event was an even bigger deal. She wasn't sure if people would know who she was or who her father was. If they did, she wasn't sure how they would react. She didn't want to be judged because of someone else, even if it was her own flesh and blood.

  Julie took a deep breath as she looked in the mirror. She looked amazing, better than she'd ever remembered looking before. Just as a tear slid from the corner of her eye, Jessie swooped in and dabbed it away.

  “Look at me,” Jessie said, as she looked into Julie's eyes. “You are so damn beautiful, and you will not cry. He's going to see you and be knocked off his feet. You will do fine. He's not going to let anyone judge you, Julie. That man cares about you.”

  “But,” Julie began, but her sister cut her off.

  “But nothing,” Jessie said. “That man walked into mom and dad's house for you. He did that without ever looking back. Do you think someone that didn't care about you would do that? You will do this for him, and you will be fine.”

  “I want people to see me for me and not for dad,” Julie said.

  “And they will,” Jessie replied. “You'll make damn sure they do. Pull up your big girl panties and get your ass moving. You are not dad, and you are not Uncle Ethan. You are Julie, the woman that outbid them all. Own that shit. Do you hear me? And tell that man of yours.”

  The second the knock came at the door, Julie stood tall and pushed her worried feelings down as deep inside of her as she could. When she pulled the door open, she knew her eyes went wide. Cody was standing in front of her in a tuxedo, and he looked sexier than he'd ever looked before. The pictures s
he'd seen on the internet of him dressed up had nothing on the man in front of her.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” he said, as he stepped forward, grabbed the back of her head, and covered her mouth with his.

  “Back off, pal,” Jessie said, from the spot she'd quickly found beside them. “You will not ruin her makeup until after the event.”

  “Jess,” Julie snapped, and Jessie laughed.

  “Here,” Jessie said, as she held a bag out toward Julie. “Now get out of here.”

  “What's in there?” Julie asked.

  “Just some things you're going to need,” Jessie answered. “Have a great time. I'll be pumping you for information the moment you get home.”

  “I don't doubt that,” Julie said, as she grabbed the bag with one hand and Cody's arm with the other. “Let's get out of here.”

  Cody laughed, as they walked arm in arm toward the parking lot.

  “Where's your car?” she asked.

  “Right here,” he said, as he walked them over to a very sexy, red sports car.

  “This is yours?” she asked, with a huge smile on her face.

  “It is,” he said, as he opened the door for her to get in.

  Julie couldn't remember the brand or name of the car, but she'd seen one just like it on Jason's social media page, and she knew it had cost well over a million dollars. Then she opened her mouth without thinking.

  “Jason would love this.”

  As soon as the words flew out of her mouth, she regretted them. A growl came from deep in Cody's chest, but he didn't speak. Instead, he closed her door, walked around the car, and got in.

  “Cody,” she said, as he backed the car up and pulled out of the lot.

  “I'm having a hard time with this whole guy best friend thing, Julie,” he said, in a rough tone. “Bringing him up isn't helping.”

  “I'm sorry,” she said, as her hand moved across the car, and she rested it on his lap. “I didn't mean anything by it.”

  She really hadn't. Julie had heard from Jason more in that week than she had in months. He had an opinion of Cody that was just as strong as her father's, but she didn't care, and she'd told him that several times throughout that week.


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