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Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series)

Page 14

by Botefuhr, Bec

  “It’s finished, it’s over now.”

  “I should listen a little more, maybe then I wouldn’t get my girl into so much trouble.”

  I stroke his cheek.

  “It’s alright.”

  “So, I think you have to stay a few days.”

  I huff. “Yay.”

  “I promise you won’t see the place for at least six months.”

  I laugh. “Six months?”

  “I can’t promise you beyond that because you will be having my baby.”

  “Oh your baby?”

  “All mine.” He grins.

  “You’re awake!”

  I look over to see my Mother and Chief coming into the room.

  “I am awake.”

  “How are you feeling? I can’t believe that girl took you and…”

  “It’s fine Mom; I’m ok.”

  “She is sorted.” Chief says gruffly, stroking my hair.

  “I know, thanks Daddy.”

  “You will be the death of me Violet.” My Mother sighs.

  “I know Momma, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s ok, I could never be mad at you,” She smiles. “Besides, I need you…”


  “We are getting married on the weekend.”

  I feel my eyes widen. “What?”

  “It was going to be a surprise, but I need a girl to be excited with.”

  I beam. “I am excited!”

  “Oh we have so much to organize.”

  “I have to escape this hospital first.” I laugh.

  “We can organize that. Chief, you cover the door…”

  He gives my Mother a shocked look, and she bursts out laughing.

  “I don’t know what was scarier, you callin’ me Chief or you acting like you want to smuggle our daughter out.”

  Travis winks at me and I laugh.

  “Yeah Mom, that was kind of scary.”

  She grins and wraps her arms around Chief. I beam at them, so happy to see them so in love.

  “Ew, get a room.” I groan.

  Chief gives me a wicked grin, before planting a kiss on Mom’s lips. A kiss that has her cheeks going a lovely shade of red.

  “Alright, alright, damaged daughter here.”

  “Sorry honey, so are you ready…we have so much to organize.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “I’ve been ready for this day my whole life.”


  “Oh God, Trav.” I whimper.

  He slides my ankles up and puts them on the seat of his motorcycle. His fingers slide down to stroke my pussy while his mouth slides over my nipple. I lean back on the backrest and my hair tumbles down the back of the bike.

  “I always wanted to fuck you on this bike.”

  “God.” I moan.

  He sucks my nipple into his mouth, while his fingers work over my clit. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling. It is dark and we are up at a beach lookout. I couldn’t care less if a car drove up right now, the excitement is overwhelming. He slides one finger inside me, then another until I am convulsing around him.

  “Want you inside me Trav, now.”

  “Greedy little girl you are.”

  “Please!” I beg.

  He stands, with his legs on either side of the bike. He grips the top button of his jeans and he lowers them slowly. When his erection springs free, I feel my tongue slide out and lick my lips. He grips it in his hand and strokes slowly, my eyes grow heavy and I watch as his big hand slides up and down. His mouth opens and a light moan escapes.


  “Do you like that?” He growls.

  “Yes, oh fuck, yes.”

  “Want me to fuck you now?”

  “Yes, please!”

  He shuffles forward and grips my hips, lifting them up just enough. He grips his cock and slides it slowly in; I groan and grip the seat on either side of my backside. He thrusts in and growls, the bike doesn’t move, he is that smooth. I can only imagine how hot this sight would be. Travis standing with one leg on either side of the bike my ass on the seat and my back leaning against the backrest.

  “Fucking beautiful,” He rasps, sliding out and slamming back in. “My beautiful, perfect girl.”

  “Yes, more.”

  He thrusts his hips slowly, but deeply. I groan and tilt my hips upwards; my nails scrape down the leather of the seat.

  “Fuck me harder.” I pant.


  He slides out and slams back in, repeating this process until I am whimpering and clenching around him. I scream his name as my release shatters me, he groans and thrusts harder and faster until he is pulsing deep and hard inside me. He slides out and yanks his jeans up, before gripping my legs and sliding his arms behind me. He scoops me off the bike and lays me down on the grass.

  “You know I love you, don’t ya Mischief?”

  “I know you love me, Mr. Phoenix.”

  “You know I am happy don’t ya?”


  “What about you Mischief? Are you happy?”

  I smile over at him.

  “Nah, I have this really cute boyfriend who just doesn’t give me enough lovin’…”

  He laughs. “So many things wrong with that picture, one, I am not your boyfriend I am your fiancé. Two, I give you plenty of loving…or did I just imagine fucking you on that bike?”

  I flush.

  “It wasn’t your imagination.”

  He rolls and strokes my hair back.

  “I can’t wait to marry you, you know that?”

  “Right back at you, rockstar.”

  “Big wedding or small?”


  “That isn’t going to happen.”

  I frown.

  “Why not?”

  “Your family consists of thirty bikers, at least ten friends and then we have my friends…”

  “Ok ok, I get the point.”

  “What about a medium wedding?”

  “I’ll settle for that. What do you want rockstar, a big dress?”

  He grins and leans down, sliding his tongue across the jumping pulse in my neck.

  “Oh baby, you could come in nothing and I would be the happiest man alive.”

  I laugh and shove him.

  “Of course you would say that.”

  He winks at me, and rolls onto his back.

  “What do you think we should name our baby?” I ask.

  He snorts. “If it’s a boy…I think Franklin and if it’s a girl….Agatha.”

  I stare at him in horror.

  “You are kidding, right?”

  He looks at me seriously. “No.”

  “Bullshit Trav, you are joking.”

  “My Grandmother’s name was Agatha.”

  “Your Grandmother’s name was Rose.”

  “Rose Agatha.”

  I stare at him horrified and he bursts out laughing. He clutches his stomach and throws his head back. I leap onto him and slap his chest.

  “That was horrible Travis Phoenix.”

  “Your face…you should have seen it.”


  “Ok, ok…seriously…”

  “No, you ruined serious.”

  He pouts. “Aw, come on baby, don’t be cranky.”

  “Don’t pout at me, it makes you look cute.”


  “Revenge is sweet handsome.”

  He gives me a lazy grin.

  “Get down here and kiss me Mischief.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to.”

  He flips me over and presses his body into mine.

  “See, that is where I know you better than you know yourself, because you always want to.”


  “Oh God, I feel ill.” My Mother says, fanning herself.

  I beam at her, and then wink at Jasmine.

  “Come on Mom, you have been waiting for this moment your whole life.”

  “I know but,
oh God, it’s really happening. Am I making a mistake?”

  “Mother!” I snap, shaking her shoulders. “He is your everything remember?”

  “My everything, right.”

  “Come on, you have loved Chief from day one, you can’t back out now.”

  I finish her mascara and beam.

  “God, he is going to fall over when he sees you.”


  Jasmine pats her hand and slides into her pretty baby pink dress, mine is baby blue.

  “You girls look…oh my…”

  I grin at her and begin fixing her hair. Jasmine helps me and within an hour we are standing in front of her trying hard to stop tears falling down our cheeks and ruining our make-up. My Mother as a bride is stunning. She is wearing a soft white dress that looks very beachy. It is blowy, made of light chiffon with an underlay of silk. It is strapless and hugs her breasts beautifully.

  A diamond trails down her chest and sits perfectly against her creamy skin. Her hair is down and lightly curled. Her make-up is light; her cheeks naturally pink with anticipation. She looks the part, especially with her black biker boots. I beam at her, knowing Chief will love that part. Jasmine and I lean down to pull on our own boots. Together, we would turn heads not only from our beauty but the fact that we are decked out with chunky black boots and pretty dresses.

  “Are you ready?” I say, squeezing her hand.

  “Oh God…oh God…”

  “This is the right thing Momma, he is your other half, and you know that.”

  She smiles but it’s shaky. “I have thought about this moment my whole life; I can’t believe it is here.”

  “Well love it, because it’s here and it’s amazing.”

  “Thank you girls for getting me through this.”

  “Come on, you have a very nervous biker waiting.”


  Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone,

  I’ll be waiting; all that’s left to do is come,

  You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess,

  It’s a love story, baby just say…yes.

  My hands tremble and my heart swells as I climb off the back of Trav’s bike. Behind me Jasmine is on Bill’s. We get off and I stare at the beautiful beach setting. Bikers in black surround the red carpet leading to the alter where a very nervous Chief stands. I get off and begin walking. Travis lets me go just as we hit the carpet and joins Chief up front.

  The look on my Father’s face is pure love and joy. His hand goes over his heart as he takes us in, he swallows rapidly. I give him a reassuring smile and he nods, smiling back. He looks handsome as all hell decked out in black. His black shirt is rolled up at the elbows and unbuttoned at the top. His black jeans are finished with a pair of heavy black boots.

  When we walk up, I see his eyes glass over, and then he spots her. I watch his face change from joy to absolute love. He swallows and that tear escapes and trickles down his cheek. I turn and beam as my Mother and Bill walk down the aisle. Her hair blows lightly in the breeze and oh, she looks amazing. I feel my own eyes well up; this moment has been wanted by so many for such a long time.

  When she reaches Chief, he swipes his tears away and takes her face in his hands. I can’t see what he says to her, but the love passing between them is heart wrenching. We watch as they say their vows, swearing to love and honor each other for years and years to come. When they say I do, I am the one to woop loudly. Chief laughs and my Mom giggles, and when he says kiss the bride…boy does he kiss the bride.

  “YEAH!” Everyone cheers.

  I swipe my tears away and clap happily; Jasmine is sobbing beside me and clapping too. When they walk down the aisle and hug everyone, I finally breathe a sigh of relief. Trav walks over and wraps his arms around me. I grin at him, with his black sunglasses and black clothes. He looks biker hot right now. I kiss his lips lightly and he strokes my hair.

  “Anyone tell you, that you look fucking amazing?”

  “Plenty.” I whisper.

  “God, you make a beautiful bridesmaid, I can’t wait to see you as a bride.”

  I flush.

  “You look pretty good yourself…”

  “Oh yeah?”


  He kisses me again and we walk over to join the happy couple. After hours of photos, we make our way over to the reception at a fine hotel. The room is decked out with mini bikes and chandeliers. The mix is beautiful, the mix is my parents. Rough and soft, biker and princess, they are perfect.

  “To Chief and his Angel!” Bill yells when they enter.

  We all clap and watch as they walk in and begin their first dance. The music is slow and I lean back watching them. Happiness radiates through me, I can’t explain the joy I feel right now. Travis takes my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor; slowly other couples join us, including Reagan and Harley.

  “Your Mom looks stunning.” Reagan whispers, with her chin on Harley’s shoulder.

  “You look stunning too!” I whisper.

  “Stop talking, romantic moment.” Harley laughs.

  Travis nuzzles my ear and my hair.

  “I love you Mischief.”

  I smile and rest my head on his shoulder, moving slowly and beautifully with him.

  “I love you too, rockstar.”

  “You make a man real proud.”

  “Right back at you.”

  “You aren’t a man.” He chuckles.

  I giggle and we snuggle closer, moving around in small circles on the dance floor.

  “Can I cut in?”

  I pull back to see Chief, he grins at me and I look over at Mom, who has been snatched up by Bill.

  “Of course” Trav grins.

  Then he does the nicest thing, he asks Jasmine to dance. I beam at him, so proud and happy with the man he is. He makes everything beautiful; nothing Travis does is anything but.

  “You looked real beautiful out there today.” Chief says, pulling me close into a dance.

  “You looked alright yourself old man. How does it feel?”

  “Like my happy ending.”

  I beam. “I guess you found your happily ever after?”

  He strokes my hair. “I did, now we just gotta finish yours.”

  “It’s coming.” I smile.

  “Thanks for getting her there today.”

  “Anything for you.”

  “I don’t say it a lot, but I love you Mischief. You make me real proud and I couldn’t ask for a better daughter.”

  “Don’t let Jazzy hear you say that.”

  He laughs. “I’ll say the same to her later.”


  He smirks and then goes serious again, he touches my cheek.

  “Seriously though, thank you.”

  I swallow. “Stop it, if I cry it will ruin all this make-up.”

  He pulls me close again. “You don’t need it anyway.”

  “Was that a compliment, big bad biker?”

  “I think so kid, I think so.”

  “May I have the next dance?”

  I look over and see Jazzy, I smile and let Chief go.

  “Of course.”

  He kisses my cheek and winks at me, then pulls Jazzy into his arms and begins dancing with her. I walk back to the table and sit down, watching everyone and wondering if I am right, is my happily ever after soon?


  “I would like to make an announcement.” Chief says, standing.

  I look over at him and smile. My Mother beams and looks up at him with that beautiful look of love.

  “So you all know I am the president of the Phoenix Motorcycle club, since I was a boy that has been my life. That was until I lost the woman I loved with all my heart, and nearly lost my daughter. My boys are my life, but my girls…they are my everything. So, I stand here today with great honor and pride, to say I am stepping down.”

  A gasp travels through the crowd.

  “I am giving my position over
to Bill, get up here Buddy.”

  Bill stands looking shocked, he walks over and shakes Chief’s hand, and then they hug.

  “This man has been by my side since I started, and he was by Max’s side all those years ago. He deserves this club more than I do.”

  “Aw shit buddy, I’m fucking shattered.” Bill says, patting Chief on the back.

  “I’ll ride with ya, but I will no longer fight with ya.”

  The men cheer and I glance at my Mother who is staring, tears thunder down her beautiful cheeks. I know why, because she has been waiting for this Moment her entire life. Everything she has ever done has been for me or Chief and no one has ever given anything up for her.

  “To Chief!” Bill roars.

  The men raise their glasses.

  “And to Max, we miss you every day buddy.” Chief yells and winks at Trav.

  I look over and Trav is smiling raising his glass. I know he misses his Dad, I know he wonders about his Mom, and one day I hope he finds his answers. We all raise our glasses and then Chief leans down to scoop my Mom’s face into his hands; he kisses her with passion and determination.

  “I should have given it up back then, and I didn’t; you are my soul Angel.”

  I smile and swallow, so proud of what my Father has done for her. Nothing will ever mean more to her than this moment. A hand swipes over my forehead and I turn to see Trav standing behind me. He offers me his hand and I stand, following him outside. He takes me out and we stop under a beautiful garden gazebo, lit up with blue and green lights. I peer around and then meet Trav’s gaze.

  “Would you dance with me, beautiful?”

  I smile and step into his arms, wrapping myself around him.

  “Travis Phoenix, I didn’t know you could be romantic.”

  “Mischief, I can be anything you want me to be.”

  “Oh? What if I want a sexy hot cowboy?”

  “If you want me to be a cowboy, girl, I will be your cowboy.”

  “Now that’s love.”

  He grins down at me and his lips smooth across my brow.

  “Mischief, seeing you out there today made me realize how damned lucky I am.”


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