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Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series)

Page 15

by Botefuhr, Bec

  “I can say the same.” I whisper, running my fingers over his cheek.

  “You know, this reminds me of the first time we kissed?”

  I flush. “So it does.”

  “Do you reckon we can make it that mind blowing again?”

  “Oh Trav,” I say, gripping his shirt. “I know we can.”

  I grip his face and pull his lips down over mine, with a moan; he tangles his hands into my hair. Our bodies are still moving together, our hips rocking lightly to the music. Travis slides his tongue out and traces it along my lips, and then he plunges back into my mouth. We deepen the kiss until we are a tangle of arms, legs and tongues. When I pull back, I can feel my own lips swelling with delight.

  “Wow…” I murmur, tracing a line down his chest.

  “It’s always wow with you Mischief; it has never been anything but.”



  “How are you feeling, my beautiful sea lion?” Chief asks, handing me a glass of water.

  “That is not funny.”

  “You look so beautiful all round and puffy. I remember your Momma looking just like that.”

  I snort. “She would have made it look damn good.”

  He grins and nods, then strokes my cheek.

  “You make it look damn good too kid.”

  “Now you are just being nice, it’s ok Daddy, I know you are having secret fantasies about dropping me on the ground and watching me try to get back up.”

  He snorts and laughs.

  “Maybe one or two.”

  I pat my swollen, overdue belly. I wish this baby would just get out.


  I sit up to see Trav coming in with Amber. He grins at me and winks.

  “Hi there princess!” I say, hugging her when she leaps onto the couch beside me.

  “Daddy said you are going to have the baby soon.”

  “I hope so honey.”

  “I can’t wait; I hope it’s a little sister.”

  “Me too.” I say quietly.

  “We don’t want any more boys!” She says, wrinkling her nose.

  “No we don’t, you are so right about that.”

  “Hey, come on now,” Trav laughs. “We aren’t all bad.”

  “No Phoenix, you go alright.”

  “Hey, what about me?” Chief grumbles.

  “Granddad, I think you are the best.”

  Amber took to calling Chief Granddad about six months ago and I still think it’s hilarious. He sulked for a good day when she first started, but now he loves it.

  “Yeah see, someone loves the old fella.”

  She runs over and he picks her up, putting her on his hips.

  “Say kid, what do you say we go and get Violet some ice cream. She has been whining at me all morning for it.”

  “Oh yes, can I get bubblegum?”

  “You can get whatever you want kiddo, whatever you want.”

  “You are a sucker Chief.” Travis laughs.

  “Yeah, can’t help it.”

  “You better bring me back the best ice cream old man.” I wink.

  “I’ll bring you back a big, black boot to put up your ass.”

  “Granddad!” Amber gasps.

  I laugh and then groan as my belly cramps. Travis sits down beside me, and grips my feet, running his fingers over the soles.

  “Oh that feels so good.” I moan.

  “See that Amber, that’s what happens when you kiss boys.”

  Travis and I burst out laughing as Chief walks out with Amber. That man has a talent to make everything funny, literally everything. Travis pulls me into his arms when Chief and Amber leave, and we snuggle close. His fingers trail lightly over my belly, and he leans down and gives it a soft, gentle kiss.

  “I can’t wait you know?” He murmurs against it.

  “Me either.”

  “Can you believe we are having a baby Mischief?”

  I smile. “No, I can’t but I am not complaining.”

  He leans up and grips my face.

  “You look beautiful as a pregnant woman.”

  “Now I know you are just being nice.”

  He laughs, and kisses me softly.

  “I only say what is true. Amber seems excited?”

  I smile. “I think she is thrilled.”

  “Things are going good, don’t you think?”

  “I know they are Trav, you are a beautiful Dad and you make me so proud.”

  “Aw now stop that.”

  “She loves you, you know that?”

  “Heck yeah I know that. I am glad Anna has eased up.”

  “Anna has a man now, she needs some alone time too.”

  He snorts. “Images.”

  I laugh. “Aw leave her alone, besides, I am glad Amber gets to stay over.”

  “I am glad you love her like I do, seeing you with her melts me.”

  “I do love her Trav; she is such a great girl.”

  He grins. “I wonder what our little bean will be like?”

  I lean back and smile. “Hopefully more like me.”

  He shoves me lightly and laughs. “You don’t mean that.”

  “No, rockstar, I don’t because if he or she is even a touch like you, then we will know we have made the most beautiful baby in the world.”


  “Oh God.” I say, sitting upright in bed.

  “What’s wrong?” Trav asks, sitting up beside me.

  “I think…I think my water just broke.”

  “What?” He cries, leaping up.

  “Oh, God, it did.”

  He runs around and searches for pants or clothes.

  “It’s ok baby we will get you to the hospital…we will get you to the hospital!”

  “Trav calm down, I am not having contractions yet. Just get the bags and we will go.”

  “I have to run next door and tell your Mom, she will have a fit.”

  “Be calm, just go and tell her and I will wait here…”

  “Oh fuck…fuck…”

  “Travis Phoenix…calm down!” I chastise him. “This is just the beginning.”

  He runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath.


  “Go get my Mother, I will meet you downstairs.”

  He nods and rushes out; with a roll of my eyes I shuffle to my feet. I am soaked. Ugh. I change into a dress and some granny panties as Trav likes to call them, and I waddle downstairs. My Mother, Chief and Travis are all rushing through the front door, they all look nervous and panicked.

  “For Christ sakes you lot, I haven’t even had a contraction yet!”

  “Should we call the hospital first?” My Mother asks, rushing over and putting her hand on my stomach as though she is going to feel something miraculous.

  “Yes call them first.”

  Chief hands her the phone and she spends the next ten minutes talking to a doctor. When she hangs up she comes over and puts her hand on my stomach again.

  “No contractions yet?” She asks.

  “Slight tightening’s.” I say, wiggling a little.

  “Ok, we have to time them.”

  “Seriously?” I ask, with a horrified expression. “Can’t we just go in and get this over with?”

  She laughs and Chief snorts.

  “Oh baby, you are in for a real treat.” Chief says plonking down onto the couch and cracking a beer, he hands one to Trav.

  “Oh no you don’t!” I say, giving him a look.

  Trav shakes his head at the beer, he looks pale.

  “Trav, are you ok?”

  “I never…I don’t know what is going to happen. I didn’t see Amber being born.”

  “Blood, shit, spew…and God knows what else.” Chief mutters.

  “CHIEF!” My Mother and I say at the same time.

  “I’m joking!” He says, putting his hands up. “It’s real beautiful, Mischief just slid on out of there, simple.”
br />   My Mother gapes in horror. “Just slid on out Caden?”

  His eyes widen and he gives her a sheepish grin.

  “Well, not exactly slid on out…more…pushed with great force.”

  “I think you should be quiet now.” I say, giving him a look.

  “Oh fuck.” Trav mumbles, looking even paler now.

  “Trav, honey, it will be fine.”

  “She is going to scream and cry, God; I can’t see her like that.”

  My Mother grips his shoulders and shakes him.

  “Snap out of it, you have to see her like that. She will be in pain, she will scream and cry but she is giving you a gift. It is a beautiful moment and you need to be her rock, so stop your sulking and man up.”

  Chief roars with laughter and I thump him on the chest.

  “Stop laughing, you are an ass.”

  He chuckles and pats my belly.

  “Poor kid, see what you’re coming into?”

  I roll my eyes and a contraction hits, I grip my stomach and groan.

  “Oh, it’s a contraction.” My Mother clicks her phone onto timer and sits me down.

  “Breathe through it, you have to get breathing.”

  Trav sits beside me and grips my hands.

  “Are you ok baby?”

  “I’m ok.” I whisper through gritted teeth.

  “You are going to be fine; we are going to have a beautiful baby.”

  I smile weakly and squeeze his hand. “I hope so.”


  Three hours later, I am screaming and crying. We are in the car on the way to the hospital; Chief is driving and muttering under his breath. My Mother is panicking and stroking my leg and Trav is soothing me with calming words. We pull up in emergency and Trav takes me inside while my parents park. A nurse comes rushing out.

  “She is in labor.” Travis explains.

  “Ok, we will get her right through to Maternity now.”

  She puts me in a wheel chair and I bellow as another contraction takes over. My stomach, my back, everything hurts. Good God the pain. I throw up three times on the way up to the ward, and another two when I get in.

  “She is nine centimeters. We are nearly ready to push.”

  “Where’s your Ma?” Travis asks, looking panicked.

  “She will be here.” I hiss.

  “Breathe baby, come on.”

  I take deep, long breaths. Then I wail again and grip Trav’s hand.

  “It hurts Trav, make it go away.”

  “God baby, I’m sorry, I would if I could.”

  “Oh God!” I scream.

  I am given gas while we wait for the last stage to complete. I suck it so much I am high as a merry horse by the time my Mother gets in. She rushes over and grips my hand. I squeeze hers and wail as another contraction hits me hard and fast.

  “Get it out, get it out!” I cry.

  “We are ready to start pushing.” The midwife says.

  I push and I push, two hours pass and finally, I am ready.

  “You want to see this part Travis.” My Mother cries.

  Trav lets go of my hand and stands down the other end, his eyes widen as I push and push for the last time. A moment later, I hear the screaming cry of my baby and I slump backwards.

  “It’s a girl!” The midwife yells.

  “Oh my God” My Mother says, breaking down and sobbing.

  They place a slimy, blue bundle on my chest and I look down, and tears well in my eyes as I look at the little precious baby in my arms. She has dark hair like me, locks and locks of it. Her fingers are long and beautiful, like Trav’s. She is gorgeous, perfect button nose and tiny lips. Travis stops beside me and I look up, tears thunder down his cheeks.

  “Oh Jesus, baby, she is perfect.”

  I beam down at the small baby, and I feel such a swell of joy in my heart, it is slowly being put back together. She is the final piece, the final stitch. I know with every ounce of me, that she will fix me.


  I watch Travis in the corner of the room; he is holding our daughter and singing lightly to her. His voice radiates through me, and I realize in that moment every dream I ever had is sitting in that chair. His voice is slow and full of love and passion. I stare at him, with his tattoos and broad build, and the tiny baby that fits perfectly in his arms. That picture, that is the most devastatingly heart wrenching picture I have ever seen in my life.

  “We did real good.” Trav whispers, looking up at me with love and passion.

  “What do you think we should call her?”

  He looks down at her and smiles.

  “I like Grace.”

  I beam, how does he always know what is perfect?

  “You know, that is perfect. I love it. Grace Phoenix. What a little rocker she will be.”

  He grins and strokes her tiny head again. My Mother and Father enter the room then, walking in and stopping when they see Grace in Trav’s arms. Chief’s eyes widen and he puts his hand on his heart.

  “Holy shit, I forgot how tiny they were.”

  Trav stands and walks over, putting Grace in Chief’s arms. I smile and feel my eyes burning with unshed tears. Chief grunts, trying hard to hide his emotions. He puts his finger in Grace’s hand and she wraps her tiny hand around it. He chokes and swallows.

  “Well look Mischief; she is doing what you did when you were born. She is holding onto my finger the exact same way.”

  My Mother smiles and strokes Grace’s hair.

  “She is an Angel, just like you were honey.”

  “We named her Grace.” I say.

  Chief beams and my Mother smiles.

  “Hello precious Grace.”

  “Aw heck, she is perfect.” Chief croaks.

  He passes her over to my Mom who strokes and coo’s to her. Travis slides into the bed beside me and holds me close.

  “We made one heck of a pretty baby Mischief.”

  I smile and watch my happy family finally coming together. Nothing could be more beautiful in this moment, nothing. I take Trav’s hand and stroke over his fingers, and we both smile at my parents holding our daughter, our daughter the connection, the little piece of joy that will keep us all together.

  “Well heck Mischief, who knew we would get here?” Trav says.

  “Trav, I always knew we would get here. Even though we had hard times, I knew from the day I met you that you were my perfect half.”

  “You know what they say Mischief,” He whispers, pressing my fingertips to his lips. “Love that hasn’t been tested with pain and heart break, isn’t really true love. We made the rollercoaster ride together, and what do you know? We finally got our happily ever after.”

  Give a little time to me, to burn this out,

  We’ll play hide and seek, to turn this around,

  All, I want is the taste that your lips allow,

  My my, my my, give me love.


  If you haven’t read the first book in this series, it is called Phoenix Rockstar. The third book is not part of the series as such, but it is Chief & Mandy’s story. It will be called “Chief’s Angel” and will be released in late Feb/early march.

  I hope you enjoyed this series, and I look forward to writing more in the future!!




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