The Ultimate Dragon Fighting Championship
Page 27
Purple Kittiesocks
It was rare for gnomes to participate in the Ultimate Dragon Fighting Championship, but Purple Kittiesocks was rather a rare-minded gnome. She was highly feared on the battlefield due to her strength of both mind and body. Plus, she fought dirty. During UDFC 73, however, she went up against Bigrin, a giant who was always smiling, even when he was unhappy. Purple knew full well how to defeat giants since she had knocked a good many of them in the shins over the years, but she’d made a misstep when choosing her outfit for the battle. She had decided on wearing a chainmail cape. This, in and of itself, was not a horrible idea, except that the one she selected was too long. When she went to swing her spanner wrench at Bigrin’s shin, he jumped up and moved his foot behind her. During this exchange, one of the links in her chainmail got caught on the metal clasp of Bigrin’s sandal. She tried to unhinge it, but Bigrin started running around the ring while looking for her, clearly not knowing that she was attached to his foot. A few crunching steps into Bigrin’s search spelled the end of Purple Kittiesocks.
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John P. Logsdon
John was raised in the MD/VA/DC area. Growing up, John had a steady interest in writing stories, playing music, and tinkering with computers. He spent over 20 years working in the video games industry where he acted as designer and producer on many online games. He’s written science fiction, fantasy, humor, and even books on game development. While he enjoys writing lighthearted adventures and wacky comedies most, he can’t seem to turn down writing darker fiction. John lives with his wife, son, and Chihuahua.
Christopher P. Young
Chris grew up in the Maryland suburbs. He spent the majority of his childhood reading and writing science fiction and learning the craft of storytelling. He worked as a designer and producer in the video games industry for a number of years as well as working in technology and admin services. He enjoys writing both serious and comedic science fiction and fantasy. Chris lives with his wife and an ever-growing population of critters.
Thanks to the Ultimate Dragon Fighting Championship Reader Team!
(listed in alphabetical order by first name)
Adam Saunders-Pederick, Allen Stark, Bennah Phelps, Bonnie Dale Keck, Carolyn Fielding, Carolyn Jean Evans, Christopher Ridgway, Debbie Tily, Deborah Ankrett, Eddie Williams, Elaina Moore-Kelly, Gabriella Wood, Gary Hart, Hal Bass, Harmony Baddeley, Helen Day, Iam Strabo, Ian Nick Tarry, Jacky Oxley, Jamie Smith, Jan Gray, Jan Holmes, Jeff “Sully” Arnold, Jodie Stackowiak, John Debnam, Kate Smith, Kathy Beaver, Kevin Frost, Laura Stoddart, Lizzie Fletcher, Lynette Wood, Mark Beech, Mark Brown, MaryAnn Sims, Matthew Stuart Thomas Wilson, Megan McBrien, Michelle Wilkinson, Natalie Fallon, Neil Webber, Noah Sturdevant, Pam Elmes, Patricia Wellfare, Paul Hathcox, Rachel Joan Pegrum, Richard Francis Plummer-Pritchard, Ruth Sanderson, Sandee Lloyd, Sharon Robb, Sian Johnson, Stephen Bagwell, Steve Gould
Crimson Myth Press
Crimson Myth Press offers more books by this author as well as books from a few other hand-picked authors. From science fiction & fantasy to adventure & mystery, we bring the best stories for adults and kids alike.
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2017 by John P. Logsdon & Christopher P. Young
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.
Published by: Crimson Myth Press (
Cover Art: Amy P. Simmonds (