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Page 12

by Unknown

  “God, what a relief! Oh, baby, it feels like I’ve come home. You are so incredibly tight. You’ll never know how good this feels.”

  Ky eased her legs back down, keeping them joined, so he could cover her with his body. “Oh, I like this better,” she breathed.

  “What do you like better, baby?” Before she answered, Cooper marveled at the wonder of Ky’s possession. Never had she dreamed that the touch of another human being could bring such joy. He kissed her—his tongue making love to her mouth. Ky’s hunger awakened an answering need within her that she never knew existed.

  “I can reach you when you’re down here close.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. Kissing him on the chest, she announced. “Love me, Ky. Don’t hold back. I won’t break.”

  After giving him permission to move, she instinctively began to undulate her body, squeezing his cock with her inner muscles, milking him into oblivion. “My God, Cooper. That felt incredible, how did you know to do that?”

  “I’m just doing what feels good for me,” Cooper confessed. “Love me harder, Ky. Love me faster.” Ky let himself go, holding his weight off her, he stroked rhythmically, pumping like a jackhammer. Over and over again, his body slapped against hers, and she met him each time, urging him to lose himself in ecstasy.

  “Come for me, baby. Come for me.” Continuing to stroke, he lowered his head, taking as much of her breast into his mouth as he could. He pressed down on her nipple with his tongue, massaging it in circular strokes. Then he pulled at it with his lips, sucking hard, distending the nipple, stretching it out, and then soothing it with his lips. Cooper arched into him, thrusting her hips up wordlessly begging for more. She couldn’t get enough. A decade of sensual starvation was clamoring to be appeased. “God, baby,” he groaned. “I’m coming, I can’t hold back. It feels like heaven.”

  Clasping him tight, she rode the wave of his orgasm, and the hard thrusts he delivered as he bellowed, released her own flood of rapture. This orgasm was different from the two that had come before. They had been gentle, unprompted, measured—this was wild, deep, and absolute. She couldn’t hold back, Cooper nipped him on the neck and then she threw back her head and screamed his name.

  She recovered first, as women do. He lay flat on the bed, one arm thrown over his eyes, his chest still heaving from the strength of his climax. Cooper rose up, leaning over him, wanting to tell him what his loving had meant to her. “Ky, sweetheart, I have something to tell you.”

  Ky didn’t move, “I’m listening, baby. Just don’t ask me to jump any small buildings in a single bound.”

  “Well, you are superman. I can vouch for that much.” He chuckled at her whispered words.

  Knowing how quickly things could change, she had to tell him. “Just in case something happens, just in case I never get the chance to tell you this–I want you to know what the last couple of days have meant to me. You have shown me kindness, gentleness, and love in the greatest of measures. Thank you, Ky. If I live to be a hundred, I will never, ever forget you or what you have done for me.”

  Her solemn words galvanized him to action. In one fell swoop, he grabbed her and reversed their positions. “You talk as if this is a one-time event, Cooper.” His tone was soft, but deadly serious. “This is just the beginning, sweetheart. I intend to love you over and over again, day after day. I want you in my life. You belong to me. Do you understand?”

  Cooper stroked his face. “I’m yours for as long as you want me. I’m not going anywhere. But there are still things I need to tell you, if I ever find the strength and the courage. Things that are going to be hard for me to say and harder for you to hear. Things I am ashamed of.”

  Ky was fully alert now, searching her face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I do know you could never do anything wrong. You’re not capable of it. Remember, you can tell me anything, love. Don’t hide yourself from me. I would slay dragons for you.”

  “I’m trying to find a way. I’ll do it soon, I promise.”

  * * * *

  All night long, they lay in each other’s arms. Ky would awaken and just lay there and watch her sleep. If she woke, she did the same. Cooper hadn’t realized such happiness existed, and Ky was determined the happiness they shared would be permanent.

  “Wake-up, sleepyhead.” The alarm had roused Ky at five-thirty am. Having no clothes to change into, he needed to get to his house, shower, and dress. Standing by Cooper’s bed, he had put back on his pants and pulled on his shirt, without buttoning it. Looking down at Cooper, he found her lying there looking at him with a sweet little smile on her face.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.” Her voice was husky with sleep. Then she noticed his state of dress. “You’re not going without me, are you?”

  “Not a chance, babe. You hit the shower, get dressed while I run up to the house, and do the same. If you’ll put on a pot of coffee, I’ll be back in about forty-five minutes. That will give me time to feed my dogs and cat and put out some hay for the cattle. “I’ll bring a couple of travel mugs. How does that sound?” He watched her stretch and wanted nothing more than to crawl back under the covers with her and love her senseless. He couldn’t wait to sink into all that lushness, again. His cock grew heavy with need just thinking about it.

  She bounced up, “Can I have one kiss before you go?”

  Again, his heart clutched. It was beginning to be a common feeling for him. “I’ll be generous and give you two.” She stood up on the bed and threw her arms around his neck, taking the initiative with the kisses and hiking his blood pressure up to critical levels.

  “Now that’s the way to start a day!” He hugged her close.

  “Hurry back. I’ll be waiting.” She let him go.

  * * * *

  From the woods next to the cabin, Richard Hawkins watched Ky leave. His wife had turned into a little slut. Now she was alone. It was time to get back what belonged to him. Maybe there would even be time to teach the bitch what was what. Teach her to complicate his life. Nothing would feel better than sinking his fist into her face. There was no greater high.

  Looking both ways, he started into the clearing. He wondered briefly, if she would be glad to see him.

  * * * *

  Ky hurried. He couldn’t wait to get back to Cooper. Beast and Fergus didn’t understand. He considered taking the dogs over with him tonight, but four dogs and five cats in that small cottage would be a bit much. He was thinking of bringing Cooper back to his house. This would be new, something he had never done before. He had always gone to the lady’s house. Not so she could be more comfortable, but so he could leave when he got ready to. With Cooper—he didn’t want to leave.

  He had fed the livestock and the cat before going in the house. Plans for the coming night started running through his mind. He wanted it to be special. Their first Saturday night. He would have to talk to Cooper and find out what she would like to do. Last night had been great; a nice dinner, champagne and the most incredible lovemaking he had ever experienced. Ky had been with his share of women, but none had come close to what he had with Cooper. Tonight, he wanted to taste every inch of her and then, find solace between her legs. Drying off, he wasn’t surprised to find that, once more, he was thick and hard—desperate to be inside of Cooper.

  Quickly, pulling on clothes, he had beaten his estimated time by almost twenty minutes. Cooper proved to be a powerful incentive. He was going to be early, and he bet she wouldn’t mind.

  * * * *

  Cooper decided on a cotton skirt and top. Nothing fancy, but she felt sexy in it. The color was emerald green and it made her eyes and hair look good. Maybe. She had a hard time being objective. Usually, she didn’t think she looked good at all. Just a little eye make-up, lip-gloss, and she was ready.

  Opening the bathroom door, she heard the dogs set up a howl. Thinking Leroy was back, she headed for the food. She would feed Leroy, then everybody else. “Samson. Rover. It’s okay, it’s only Ler
oy.” But when she walked to the door, there was nothing there. How odd. And the dogs didn’t settle down, even after she assured them everything was all right. Turning away from the door, she walked a few steps.

  For a moment, she felt an eerie rivulet of panic ease along her spine. What if…? But no, that was impossible. No one knew where she was. And why would anyone care? Unless it was Steve, she was scared of Steve. Richard, in his own perverse way, had protected her from Steve. A chill of awareness flowed down her spine. She could feel eyes boring into her back. However, there had been no one there. And if she turned around to look again, there would still be no one there. Cooper forced herself to look back, to face the door.

  Horrified, she realized she had been wrong. A man stood there, just on the other side of the glass. A big man. From the glare of the rising sun, she couldn’t make out any features, just an indistinct shape. For a moment, her heart leapt. Ky! Then it dawned on her the man was smaller than Ky.

  What did he want with her? Her blood froze in her veins. Every moment of terror she had ever felt, came rushing back on her full force. She turned to run, but she knew if she went out the front door, he would be on her in a moment. Her only chance was to hope the dogs would keep him out of the house.

  She shook with terror. Tears streamed from her eyes. Samson and Rover were relentless. They gave her courage to move out of the man’s line of view. She saw a hand reach for the door handle. In panic, she remembered the door wasn’t locked. With Ky there last night, she hadn’t even bothered to check. There had been no need. When she was with Ky, she was safe. PityKy wasn’t there, now. The door opened. The intruder was going to come in, dogs or no dogs.

  Samson charged the door, hitting it with a tremendous amount of force. It was enough to force the door shut, and when it latched, Cooper rushed forward and turned the lock. The sun was in her eyes, a glare reflecting off the glass. She couldn’t make out his face, but only a pane of glass separated her from whoever waited outside the door. She knew all he had to do was smash the glass and he would be in. Cooper began to back up. A roar reached her ears. It was a truck. She let out a breath. Ky. She recognized the sound of the big diesel engine. She glanced toward the front door. When she looked back, the man was gone.

  Chapter Six

  She stood there. Still. Alone. For fourteen months, she had been able to breathe. Now, that breath was coming shallow and labored. What should she do? Ky didn’t deserve complications like this. He didn’t need to be with someone with a past such as hers. She had been ready to tell him about the abuse, but having a scare like this just made her want to pick up and run again. The truth was she didn’t want to leave Ky. Her mind was racing. A light touch on her arm sent her into a total panic. She flinched and drew back, ducking, anticipating a blow that would knock her off her feet.

  “Cooper! Baby, it’s me. What’s wrong?”

  “Sorry. You startled me.” Her voice was shaking.

  “Sweetheart, I would never, ever hit you. I would cut off my hand, before I would raise it against you.” She relaxed and allowed him to draw her close.

  “I know, Ky. I know.”

  “I may be big, sweetheart. But I would only use my size to protect you, never to hurt you. Do you understand?” She nodded. “Did something scare you? I heard the dogs barking.” The dogs were still acting strange. They were pacing back and forth in front of the door. It wasn’t just Samson; Rover was acting macho and protective, also.

  Maybe, she could tell him part of it. “There was someone at the back door.”

  Ky immediately went to the door and opened it. “Yeah, there are foot prints here. Big footprints. Military type boots. My brother, Ty, wears boots like this. Pack a bag and get the animals, all of you are staying with me tonight. And get anything you don’t want to leave here, I’ll load it up.” The words were music to her ears. Even though, she knew she ought to rethink it—she wanted to be with Ky and have him take care of her more than anything else in the world.

  She followed his instructions. Throwing several tops and jeans in a bag didn’t take long. Her toiletries were next. Then the cats and their food. The dogs were no problem. They readily followed Ky out and hopped in the back seat.

  “Can I take my box of gemstones and my scrap booking stuff?” Since she had begun her new life, Dr. Horton had suggested she chronicle it. So far, she had made some headway. When she had left quickly, she had grabbed a box of family papers that had some pictures in it. She hadn’t gone through them all yet, she had just grabbed some of them out of the original box and crammed them in with her scrap booking paraphernalia. Maybe, she would get time to look at it when Ky was working or something.

  “Sure.” He leaned over and kissed her. “And you don’t have to worry. I have a state of the art security system. I’ll take care of you.”

  “I believe you.” She knew he would, if he could. But he didn’t really know what she had been up against. Face the facts. Steve was as crazy as his brother was, and he had promised her he would rape her if he ever got the chance. Ky needed to know. She was either going to have to come clean, or leave him alone.

  * * * *

  They stopped by his house and unloaded everything. It didn’t take but about ninety seconds to acquaint the animals. They were all good natured and easy going. He sat the two boxes and her small suitcase just inside the door. Then he set the alarm. There were weeks at a time, when he didn’t even think about setting it, or locking the door for that matter. Now, it would be different. Now he had a treasure to protect. Cooper.

  Later, he would find out what was going on. Did she have any idea who might have come sneaking around? And why was she so frightened that she cowered at a simple touch? Tonight, when she lay in his bed, in his arms he would find out. He would talk to her—after they made love.

  What? Ky laughed, to himself. Before, when thinking like this, he would have thought—sex. Now, he was thinking—making love. How did he go from sex to making love? It hadn’t been a hard trip. Cooper.

  When they got back in the truck, she scooted just as close to him as she could. “Thank you, Ky. You’re so good to me.”

  Ky grinned down at her. “It’s my pleasure. I get you in my home and in my bed tonight. Like I said, my pleasure.”

  * * * *

  They didn’t have far to go. The Baptist church where the Angel Pantry was conducted wasn’t very far from Ky’s house—less than ten miles. When they arrived, the eighteen-wheeler that brought the groceries was already there. Proudly, Ky escorted her in and introduced her to about a dozen ladies and they quickly showed her the ropes. Before Ky went outside to help unload the truck and sort the food, he pulled her aside and held her tenderly. “I will take care of you. Don’t you worry for one moment. You don’t ever have to be alone again, not if you don’t want to be.” He kissed her on the forehead and went out to help the men.

  A woman named Leslie Barker took her under her wing. She put Cooper at the last table behind a sign that said ’eggs’ and explained that after all the bulk food was brought in, the men would bring individual boxes around for the ladies to place one of each item inside to make a combination box for each customer. “I’m new, Mrs. Barker. Do you really think I need to be in charge of the most fragile item?”

  “You’re the youngest female here, child. Your nerves and hands should be steadier than ours.” Cooper smiled at the observation. Soon, things got underway. Cartons of eggs were placed on the table in front of Cooper. But all Cooper could see was Ky. He brought in several big boxes and each time, he sought her out with his eyes and gave her a private smile. She knew he was thinking about what they had done last night and hopefully, what they would be doing tonight. After all the food was in, it was time to fill the boxes. Each man picked up a good-size box then he would walk down the aisle and each woman would place one item in the box. It was an assembly line. Ky walked by her four times. Each time, he leaned in and whispered something to her. The first time it was, “I don’t have on any u
nderwear. Do you?” Cooper almost dropped the eggs. The second time, she was expecting something light and teasing. He surprised her again. He whispered, “I ache to be inside you.” His eyes were dark with desire and heat. The third time, she trembled when he leaned over and he said, “Do you want to go steady?” That made her smile. The last time, he leaned it and instead of whispering—he kissed her hard, right on the lips, in front of God and everybody. They received a wild round of applause. Cooper dropped the eggs.

  Lucky, there were extra.

  Cooper enjoyed watching everyone work together. After all the boxes were full, the men helped load them in the customers’ cars, as many of them were single mothers or elderly.

  When every box was gone, they helped clean up—putting up the tables and chairs and sweeping out the church fellowship hall so it would be ready for the next event.

  Ky went outside with the other men, servicing the fork lift, stacking the pallets, and carrying them to the recycling bin to be picked up. In a few moments, he came rushing back in with a huge smile on his face. “Do you mind if we go over to the park for a little while? Some of the guys want to play a game of touch football.” He looked as excited as a little boy.

  “No, I don’t mind. Let’s go. I’d love to watch you in action.” What Ky didn’t realize –yet- was that it didn’t matter where they were; the important thing to her was that they were together. Besides, she wanted to stay busy. She needed time to think about what had happened this morning. Was the ‘peeping tom’ someone she knew? Could it be one of Richard’s men? Could it be Steve, himself?

  At the park, she found a chair next to a few other women and settled in to watch the game. She was relieved to see it was an entirely different group of people. Younger people. The other group was nice, but definitely not able to play football. Ky introduced her to another round of women and their husbands. Some of them had the cutest little kids. The women talked. The men played and the children entertained themselves.


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