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Page 13

by Unknown

  Ky could play, in fact, he was great. No one had a chance on the other team, not when Ky had the ball. Cooper yelled until she was hoarse. All was going well, until Cooper looked out and one of the small children had wandered onto the field. No one seemed to have noticed. Cooper looked around for his mom, but she was nowhere to be found. A ball had been passed and the men were scrambling everywhere. Cooper couldn’t stand it; she dashed out to scoop up the baby.

  * * * *

  Ky was barreling down the field. This ball belonged to him. He turned and looked up, catching it with ease. Now, all he had to do was get to the goal line. Turning, he sped up to stay ahead of the guys intent on taking him down. Somebody yelled something, but Ky was too focused on the play he was making to notice. From out of nowhere, something small ran in front of him, he swerved and when he did, he hit something else—hard. Hard. Ky had taken down some of the biggest men in the Big 12 conference, and several of them left the field on a stretcher. Whatever he had hit this time had been lightweight in comparison. He heard gasps. Looking around, he saw her.

  It was Cooper. She was lying crumpled on the field. What had she been doing?

  “God, Cooper!” He ran to her. “Oh, baby.” He knelt by her. Several others ran over.

  “There was a little boy on the field, Ky. This girl was trying to get him out of the way. Who is she? Do you know her?”

  “Yeah, I know her,” he answered harshly. “She’s mine.”

  Ky ran his hands over her entire body. She was out cold. “Damn!” What had he done?

  Not thinking, he grabbed her up, held her close, and started for the truck.

  “You shouldn’t move her, Ky.” Someone cautioned him.

  “I’m taking her to the hospital. I don’t think anything’s broken.” Someone trying to lend a helping hand opened the truck door. Ky laid Cooper in the seat and nearly broke his neck trying to get to the other side. The clinic was only seven miles away, but it felt like a hundred. Pulling into the emergency room entrance, Ky didn’t wait for a nurse and a wheelchair. He carried her in and demanded help.

  Luckily, Drew was on call. “Ky, what’s the trouble buddy? Another snake?” Drew directed him into one of the examining rooms and he lay Cooper down. Drew was kidding, but Ky wasn’t in the mood. He grimaced at his friend.

  “What happened? Was it a car accident?” The doctor began his preliminary exam. Feeling for broken bones. Listening to her heart. Looking at her pupils.

  “She walked out in front of me while I was playing football. I knocked her down. Really hard.” Ky’s breath was coming in gulps.

  “Okay. We’ll do an MRI and make sure nothing’s wrong. Okay?”


  “Why don’t you go to the waiting room? I’ll come and get you when I know something.”

  Slowly, Ky turned and walked away. He couldn’t believe he had done something so stupid. He hadn’t looked to the right or the left. Oh God, what if she was seriously hurt?

  He sat there for what seemed like hours. He leaned over, his head in his hands and waited. Finally, Drew came out with a funny look on his face. He sat down heavily next to Ky. Immediately, Ky panicked, expecting the worst. “Is she going to be all right?”

  “Yeah. You hit her pretty hard. She’s still unconscious, but I see no evidence of a concussion. She should come out of it soon. But I have another question. What has this girl been doing? Has she been mountain hiking, extreme sports, etc., or is she just incredibly accident prone?”

  “No, why?” Ky didn’t know what Drew was getting at.

  “My examination shows she has had at least thirteen broken bones in the last few years. Either she has been doing some kind of extreme sports, Ky…or I would have to say she has been abused. It looks to me like she has been severely beaten, repeatedly. If Cooper had been married, I would have to say she was a battered wife.”

  Ky sat there, still, stunned by the doctor’s words. “Abused? But, she hasn’t said a word…” His words trailed off as he realized that was Cooper’s secret. Abuse was what she had been referring to. It was why she was so jumpy and skittish. She had every reason to be—but not around him. Ky would never, ever hurt her. Shit! He just had, but not on purpose. Damn!

  “Statistics show most abused women hide their situations for as long as possible. They fear being pitied and/or blamed, sometimes more than they fear the abuse itself.”

  Ky could feel tears threatening to make themselves known. “Drew, thirteen broken bones? Give me specifics.” He didn’t know if he could bear to hear it, but he needed to know.

  “After the MRI results, I sent her to X-ray. Her right wrist has been broken twice. Her left wrist once.” Ky could imagine some hulking monster grabbing Cooper and forcing her arm behind her until it broke.

  “Go on.”

  “Ribs. I saw at least three breaks there. The top of each foot has been cracked, as if her foot was crushed by someone wearing a heavy boot.” Ky winced. If the son of a bitch weren’t already dead, he would have killed him. “What else?”

  “Two fingers, a collarbone, her right shoulder, and her left leg just above the knee; probably with a baseball bat.”

  “Dear God! Drew, how can this be? Her body is perfect. There’s not a mark on her, she is completely unmarred.”

  “She had a good doctor, someone very proficient at setting broken bones. This means she was immediately taken to the hospital or clinic. And because there has been so many broken bones, I would have to surmise the doctor was in on it, somehow.”

  “What do you mean, ‘in on it’?”

  “Doctors and hospitals are supposed to report suspicious injuries. Because of the sheer number of injuries to Cooper, it is apparent whoever treated her chose not to report it or stop it. The caregiver, in this situation, looked the other way.”

  “There was someone sneaking around her house today.”

  “The abuser?” Drew asked quickly.

  “Cooper is a widow. Her husband, Richard Hawkins, a sheriff from West Texas, is dead. From what she has said about other things, he was the abuser. I don’t know who was outside her door. Maybe, it’s just a coincidence.”

  “Sounds fishy to me.”

  “Can I see her?” Ky stood up, determined not to take no for an answer.

  “Yeah, she should be awake, soon.”

  “What should I do, Drew?” Ky felt almost helpless. He wanted to walk in there, pick her up and never let her go.

  “If she were mine? I’d hold her, love her, get her to talk to me, and protect her with every breath in my body.”


  The walk down the hall was hard for Ky. What Drew had told him was eating through his insides like acid. Cooper had been abused! Tortured! She was so little and soft and precious. How could anyone who called himself a man, hurt someone so fragile, especially someone who had entrusted themselves to his care? Thirteen broken bones! He couldn’t comprehend it.

  Arriving at the door, he paused—giving himself time to calm down. He wouldn’t be any help to her if he lost control. What drove him crazy was there wasn’t anyone that he could make pay. God, what he wouldn’t give to have that bastard at his mercy for one hour—thirteen broken bones would seem like a picnic to the damage he would inflict. Pushing the door open, he went inside to see about his baby.

  She looked so small lying in the bed. Her beautiful dark hair fanned out on the pillow, her dark lashes contrasting with her pale skin. Ky walked over and picked up her little hand, holding it tenderly. He turned it over in his hand, thinking someone had deliberately broken her fingers and snapped her wrist. Pain sliced through him. He would give anything if he could take away every moment of pain she had ever endured. What kind of man could hurt a woman such as this? Still holding her hand, he reached behind him and pulled up a chair and got as close as he could. Laying his head on the bed, Kyler Landon held on to her and cried.

  * * * *

  Cooper struggled to wake up. It was as if she was trying t
o walk through a dense fog. Why was her hand wet? She tried to pick it up, only to realize it was being securely held. Opening her eyes, she saw him. He hadn’t left her. “Ky. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Jumping to his feet, Ky leaned over and pulled her into his arms. “And where else would I be?” He rained kisses all over her face.

  She held him close and kissed him back. “I’m sorry I got in your way. I ruined the football game and here you are wasting your time at the hospital. ”

  “You’re sorry? Baby, I wouldn’t have hurt you for the world. God, when I saw you lying there, I almost lost my mind.” He eased her up in the bed, so he could sit down and hold her.

  “It’s all right Ky; I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.” She cupped his face in her hand, tenderly touching his lips. “I want to go home. With you.” Holding on to him, tightly, she said slowly. “Ky, it’s time I told you the ugliest part of my past. It’s getting to be too big of a burden to carry.”

  “I know, baby,” he gently traced his thumb across her cheekbone.

  “You know?” How?

  “Drew told me what he found in the X-rays and the MRI. He told me about the thirteen broken bones,” Ky spoke softly.

  Cooper pulled out of his embrace, her face flaming with emotion. “I didn’t want you to know that part.”

  “Why, love? Don’t hide anything from me, please?”

  “Ky, I am so ashamed.” She held on to the bed covers, clenching and unclenching them in her fist.

  “You have no reason to be ashamed. It wasn’t your fault. It was Richard, wasn’t it? It was your husband who abused you.” Ky nearly choked on the words.

  “Yes. It was Richard. Almost right from the start, I knew things weren’t normal. I was sure of it when he didn’t want to touch me on our wedding night.”

  Idiot, Ky thought. He rubbed her back gently. “I loved you last night, Cooper. The gift of your virginity was precious to me.”

  “Ky, I’ve thought of that. There are silver linings. If it hadn’t been for Richard’s abuse, I never would have run away and I never would have met you. But, as I was telling you, Richard started abusing me almost from the start. Hitting me, hurting me was the way he got off. Usually, it wasn’t enough damage to send me to the emergency room. The broken bones were for special occasions.”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry.” He tried to console her, but she pushed on with her story.

  “I tried to leave, Ky. I tried over and over again. But Richard had a network. The county judge was his brother, the DA was his cousin and he had cronies everywhere—lawyers, the highway patrol, the emergency room doctors. Each time I tried to leave, he broke a bone.” Tears were flowing down her face. Blindly, she turned and sought the warmth of his body.

  “No one will ever touch you again. I won’t let them. I promise you, that.”

  “Will you take me home, now?”

  Chapter Seven

  “I feel fine, Ky. You don’t have to wait on me.” Cooper tried to get off the couch, but Ky held her down, playfully. For two days, that is exactly what he had been doing.

  “You’ve got to take care of yourself. Waiting on you makes me happy.” As she squirmed, he tickled her gently. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

  She stopped wiggling. “Okay. I feel wonderful and I’m tired of lying here doing nothing. Please, take me out and show me your saddle shop. Afterward, I want you to make love to me. Would you do that for me?”

  Closing his eyes, briefly, he sent a prayer of thanks heavenward. She wanted to make love to him. “Oh, baby. That I can do.” He slung her up in his arms so fast it took her breath away. “Are you sure you feel like it?”

  “Yes. I want to see where you make your saddles and belts.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about, baby? Are you sure you feel like making love?” He opened the door to the small studio.

  The smell of leather and oils was rich and aromatic. It was dark and warm in the room, perfect for a romantic interlude. “My love,” she began, capturing his undivided attention, “nothing would make me happier or make me feel better than to have you buried deep inside of me.”

  Never breaking her gaze, he steered her toward a saddle sitting on a stand, just the right height to aid them in their lovemaking. “God, you excite the hell out of me. Will you help me fulfill one of my fantasies?”

  “Gladly, as long as it means I get to touch your body, I’m game.”

  “My body is at your disposal twenty-four-seven, babe. You don’t even have to ask.”

  Ky was looking at her with such heat, she swore she could see smoke dancing between them.

  Boldly, she walked up to him and placed the palm of her hand over the thick ridge of his penis. “So, this is permitted? I can touch you, like this?” She did more than touch; she folded her hand around him and squeezed him through his Longhorn lounge pants.

  He sucked air in through his nose. “Yeah, and I get to touch you, like this.” He mirrored her move, fitting his palm over her mons, slipping fingers in between her legs and lifting up. Her skirt was thin and proved no barrier to his sensual assault. He watched Cooper close her eyes as arrows of pleasure shot through her. “Undress for me, Cooper. And I’ll undress for you.”

  He started, pulling his shirt from the lounge pants and removing shoes and socks. She answered in kind, slipping out of her shoes and unzipping her skirt. “Do you want me to take it all off, Ky?” She wasn’t being coy, years of uncertainty and insecurity had taken their toll

  “Please, baby.” She smiled a tender little smile and complied. As she lowered the skirt and pulled the top over her head, he stilled his actions, transfixed at her beauty. When she was completely nude, she saw she had won the race and graciously helped him out.

  “You are magnificent, Ky.” After pushing his shirt off his shoulders, she ran her fingers through the fine dusting of hair covering his pecs, causing him to quake with need. “I’m ready.”

  “Ready?” he couldn’t think straight.

  “You said if I was wet, that meant I was ready for you. I’m ready.”

  Briefly, he closed his eyes and thanked heaven for this beautiful woman. “Oh, baby. I’m past ready. Now, about that fantasy - let me show you what I’ve been dreaming about for years. Every time I finished a saddle and would see it sitting over here, I would picture laying a beautiful woman across it, like this.” She let him arrange her over the saddle, her bare bottom high in the air, her full breasts dangling over the far side.

  “God, almighty. I hope I can last long enough to get inside of you.” While he spoke, he quickly sheathed himself for her protection. “Cooper, I wish I had a camera. You have no idea how absolutely sinful you look.”

  “I feel sinful and wanton. Please, Ky. Mount me.” Cooper knew exactly what she was doing. The explicit language enflamed him. And mount her he did. She pushed her rear into the air, just like a mare in heat. Ky covered her from behind, using his legs to part hers even further.

  “Are you sure that you’re ready for me, baby?” he asked as he dipped one finger into her folds, just to make sure. She nodded, unable to speak. At her breathless acquiescence, he let himself go and plunged into her. She arched her back and squealed in delight. Settling in for the long haul, he leaned forward, took a breast in each hand, and began to ride.

  “Oh, yes.” Cooper moaned, loving the sensation of being taken so thoroughly. She looked down at her breasts covered by his large, rough hands and nearly fainted from the sight. He was rubbing, massaging, and tweaking her nipples, all designed to feed the frenzy of her heat.

  “Is this what you wanted, babe? Does this feel good?” Not waiting for an answer, he overshadowed her and nipped her on the shoulder, next to her neck.

  “Yes!” she screamed, pushing backwards hard, trying to take as much of him as possible inside of her. She shook her head, sending her hair flying. Never had she felt so liberated or so free. Ky had given her back her self-esteem and her confiden
ce in herself as a woman. So, she sought to give to him everything she could in return. “Oh, Ky. You fill me so good. Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” She could feel the head of his immense cock pressing against her womb, every thrust rubbed against her spongy G-Spot, further enflaming her ecstasy. Moans of rapture escaped her; it was all she could do to keep from screaming at the top of her lungs.

  * * * *

  Maybe, it was because he had been blessed enough to have had three orgasms in the past two days, or maybe it was just the circumstances—but Ky was bigger and harder than he could ever remember being and felt like he could go all night. He began thrusting; slowly, deliberately, impaling Cooper over and over again. She arched her torso, pushing her breasts against his palms and groaning in pure, unadulterated pleasure. “You’re mine, Cooper. You belong to me,” he shouted in the air like a benediction.

  At Ky’s declaration of ownership, Cooper’s orgasm seemed to make her fly apart. Wave after wave hitting her, causing her body to buck against him. Ky felt her body begin to spasm and he held her tight until she stopped shaking. Moving his hands from her breasts to her waist, he picked her up and pulled her back against his straining body. Bringing her to her feet, he gently turned her around, letting her sit sidesaddle and entered her from the front. “Put your legs around my waist, baby, I want more.”

  Cooper did what he asked, pulling him close, her heels digging into his hips. “I don’t have to be afraid, anymore. You would never hurt me, would you?”


  “I’ve told you everything – all of my dark secrets – and you’re still here.”


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