Book Read Free

Next Best Thing

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by Charity Parkerson

  Next Best Thing

  Cubs for Rent #2

  Charity Parkerson



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

  The scanning, uploading, and distributing of this book via the internet or via any other means without the permission of the copyright owner is illegal and punishable by law. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Brief passages may be quoted for review purposes if credit is given to the copyright holder. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. Any resemblances to person(s) living or dead, is completely coincidental. All items contained within this novel are products of the author’s imagination.

  --Warning: This book is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Copyright © 2019 Charity Parkerson

  Editor: Vicky Reese

  ISBN: 978-1-946099-59-4

  All rights reserved.

  Created with Vellum


  When artless meets masterful, it’s a battle of opposites attract. The prize is a lifetime of happiness.

  Orion is caustic and bitter. He doesn’t like people, nor does he enjoy their company. There’s nothing Orion needs beyond a good book. But Tucker keeps coming around and Orion doesn’t understand why he doesn’t want it to stop. As one owner of Cubs for Rent—a male escort service—Tucker already has too many men chasing him. Orion has no intention of joining the flock. Life doesn’t care what he wants.

  When Tucker met Orion, Orion accused him of being a liar and shut him down on every level. For someone who’s used to getting any man he wants, Orion is an irresistible challenge. He’s awkward and cranky. His head is always in the clouds and Tucker wants Orion with every fiber of his being. But this might be the one time Tucker doesn’t get his way.

  Orion has already suffered enough heartaches in his life, but Orion wants Tucker. That’s a truth he can’t shake. For once, Orion might have to set aside his books and live. How terrifying.


  Orion Moon was always unkempt and cranky. He gave zero fucks about his appearance. His dark hair always stood on end—like he didn’t own a comb. He had eyes so light in coloration they looked otherworldly. If he had ever been attracted to a man or woman, Tucker had never seen it. The only time Orion seemed the least bit happy was when he had a book in his hand. Even then, Orion always had a deep line between his eyebrows, as if he doubted everything he read. Orion was also Tucker’s best friend. Tucker couldn’t stay away.

  “Why do you make me do these things?” Orion bitched as he chased after the baseball he had failed to catch for the tenth time.

  Tucker waited patiently for Orion to get the ball and toss it back. He easily snagged it from the air as it came sailing his way. “It’s called exercise and vitamin D. You need both. It’s not healthy to sit inside all day, reading.”

  Orion shot him an annoyed look as the ball flew past him. This time, he didn’t even bother trying to catch it. He simply went after it like they were playing fetch rather than catch.

  Tucker shook his head. “You know you’re an adult, right? Anytime I call, you can tell me no when I ask you to do things.”

  “Cool,” Orion said, tossing back the ball. “I want to go home.”

  “No.” Tucker swallowed a chuckle at Orion’s annoyed expression. “You spend too much time at home. What does it hurt to entertain me for a while? I’m your friend. You’re supposed to like doing things with me.”

  Orion growled. “Why do we always have to do things I suck at?”

  “You don’t suck at this, but I can find other ways to entertain you if you’re bored.” Tucker didn’t hold back an ounce of innuendo. He always looked for any opening to flirt with Orion. Not only was it fun, but goddamn. Tucker wanted him. Plus, Orion kept showing up. No matter how much he bitched and complained about everything they did together, Orion still came by almost every day after work, as long as Tucker didn’t have a date. Being one owner of Cubs for Rent, a rent a date service, meant Tucker had to be somewhat free to go out. Orion still hadn’t admitted they were more than friends, so it was all good.

  “I’m half tempted to fuck you. I couldn’t embarrass myself any worse doing that than I am now.”

  Tucker took it in the gut. Orion had no idea how badly he wanted that. Still, he shrugged, trying to hide how much he truly wanted a guy who didn’t see him in the same light. This was new territory for Tucker. He wasn’t used to being the one doing the chasing. He tossed the ball again, watching as Orion went after it. “I could stay facedown while you’re fucking me. That way, if you blushed, I’d never see it.”

  To Tucker’s surprise, Orion’s expression turned wicked. His mouth lifted slightly in the corners into a knowing smile—like he had a secret Tucker would kill to know. Tucker’s brain short-circuited. He froze. His eyes refused to budge from the sight of that sexy grin. Tucker’s body went on high alert. He had never wanted anything more than he wanted to hear Orion’s thoughts in that moment. Tucker was transfixed, so much so that Orion tossed the ball and clocked Tucker directly in the forehead. Tucker went down. He hit the ground, holding his head and wincing against the unexpected pain.

  Orion rushed to Tucker’s side and dropped to his knees. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. Let me see. What do you need me to do? Do I need to call an ambulance?”

  Tucker rocked and groaned. “Quick. I need you to kiss it. That’s the only way I’ll survive.”

  For half a heartbeat, Orion went completely silent, before he punched Tucker in the ribs. “Why do you always have to be so stupid? I thought I’d really hurt you.”

  Tucker rubbed his ribs, fighting back a laugh as Orion dropped to the ground beside him. Tucker snagged his waist and dragged him closer until Orion’s head rested on his shoulder. “I can’t believe you’re refusing to treat my injury after trying to take off my head. Plus, you hit me. You hit a man who was already down. You’re a cruel dude.”

  Orion turned his head and eyed Tucker’s face. Tucker held his breath as Orion’s eerily light gray eyes focused on where the ball hit. Orion was so goddamn beautiful. He left Tucker speechless sometimes.

  Obviously finding nothing wrong, Orion settled down in his hold and turned his gaze to the sky. “You have to leave for work soon.”

  Without thought, Tucker dragged his fingertips down the back of Orion’s arm. He didn’t want to leave. Right here, with Orion, that’s where Tucker craved being twenty-four hours a day. It didn’t matter Orion only saw him as a friend. He was Tucker’s best friend. Four months ago, when he had shown up on Tucker’s doorstep, looking for Tucker’s brother, Tanner, Tucker never expected he would even have this much with Orion. He was so armor plated that Tucker didn’t know how to break through his shell. All he knew was, he couldn’t give up. This man was the only one he wanted.

  “Let me come over after.”

  Orion’s gaze shifted back to his. “You know where I keep the spare key. I won’t look for you.”

  He thought Tucker would find a bed partner for the night and wouldn’t show. Tucker didn’t know why Orion was so blind—why he couldn’t see Tucker wanted him and only him. All Tucker knew to do was keep showing up until he wore him down. Even Tucker didn’t have a good reason for Orion t
o keep him. He just hoped Orion would.

  As much as Orion enjoyed his spot in Tucker’s arms, he understood everyone needed to work. He rolled to his feet and reached out to help Tucker to his. Orion fully recognized it was more for show. There was no way he could support Tucker’s weight. Tucker would never point that out though. He was too nice. Sometimes, Orion wondered what it must be like to be so perfect. He couldn’t imagine being so flawless that people fought to date him to the point of paying him just to be in his company. Orion wasn’t jealous or resentful of Tucker for doing what he did. First off, they were just friends and he had no right. Secondly, he completely understood. Orion knew what it was like to be lonely and long for company. He really knew what it was like to crave Tucker. If he could afford it, and if Tucker didn’t willingly spend time with him, Orion might be tempted to pay him too.

  Once Tucker was on his feet, he didn’t let go of Orion’s hand. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Orion knew he could wrestle his hand back, but he didn’t want to. He had to steal his touches where he could. With a nod, Orion fell into step beside Tucker. The walk to his car was much shorter than Orion liked. He hated these moment—when he had to say goodbye again.

  With a sigh, Orion leaned against his driver’s side door. Tucker dropped Orion’s hand but moved closer. His body blocked any hint of a breeze, making Orion hot. At least, that’s what Orion told himself. He refused to acknowledge his overheated state might have anything to do with the rampant lust coursing through his veins. Tucker ran both hands through Orion’s hair. No doubt he left it standing on end. A sexy smile touched Tucker’s lips as he stared at Orion’s head and whatever mess he had made.

  “It’s like it’s impossible for you to look bad,” Tucker muttered, obviously talking to himself. His gaze dropped to Orion’s. “Promise to miss me.”

  “You’re never gone long enough for me to miss you.”

  Tucker shrugged. “What can I say? I love to bowl.”

  He was so dumb. Tucker never tried to make sense. Orion snorted out a laugh. “What the hell does bowling have to do with anything?”

  With a delicious sounding chuckle, Tucker kissed his forehead. “You’re right up my alley.”

  A loud groan escaped Orion. “You’re the corniest person I’ve ever met.” Orion’s mouth said one thing, but he had never been more grateful for a stupid joke. It distracted him from the way his body immediately reacted to having Tucker’s lips against his skin.

  “Say you’ll wait up for me because you know I’ll be there.”

  Without thought, Orion gripped Tucker’s t-shirt. It was like his hands had a mind of their own. “Some of us have to work during the day.” Even to his ears, Orion’s words sounded breathless rather than admonishing.

  Tucker pressed his lips to Orion’s forehead again. Instead of moving away, he spoke against Orion’s skin. “You don’t have to work tomorrow, but I get what you’re saying. If you fall asleep, I’ll just crawl in bed with you. I suggest you wait up unless you want me hogging all the covers.”

  Damn. Tucker had no idea how much Orion wanted that. “Fine. I’ll stay up and wait. You’re such a child.”

  Tucker’s low and deep rumble of laughter vibrated against Orion’s forehead. “Whatever it takes to have my way. Love you. Be careful going home.”

  Orion dragged Tucker’s scent into his lungs. Tucker’s love was what a friend felt for a friend. Orion would take it. That was all he was likely to ever have. Orion recognized he wasn’t soft or particularly lovable. He knew he wasn’t the type of guy anyone was looking for. In truth, Orion had no idea why Tucker wanted to spend time with him at all. Whatever kept him calling, Orion needed more.

  “Love you too.”

  Orion wished Tucker understood how much he meant it. No one else had ever gotten so deep. Most likely, no one else ever would. But Tucker had, and now Orion couldn’t shake him. It was one hell of a predicament he had gotten himself into with Tucker. Orion had no desire to get out. He was such a mess.


  Tucker: Oh my god. So, I’m at this event, pulling double duty, keeping a client company and to keep an eye on this guy who has been making some of our employees uncomfortable. Anyhow, this dude is tickling people. For real, tickling people. Who the fuck does that? He’s like an octopus. You might say he has ten tickles.

  Orion: **groans**

  Tucker snorted as he read Orion’s text. He covered his mouth and nose, trying to smother the sound. Tucker loved hitting Orion with bad puns. He hoped he made Orion smile. His phone buzzed again. Tucker checked it on the sly. He didn’t want his date to catch him and get upset. After all, he was getting paid to be here. It would be beyond rude to text another man on their date, business arrangement or not.

  Orion: It sounds like he’s just an immature old goat. He’s a silly billy.

  A bark of laughter exploded from Tucker. Several heads turned his way. He bit his lip, trying to stifle the sound. He was at a silent auction and making an ass of himself, but damn. Tucker was bored. He wanted to get back to Orion.

  “Would you like to find something else to do?” Kevin asked, leaning his way.

  Fuck. Tucker scrambled to find a way to fix things. He quickly opened one of the funny memes on his phone and touched his lips to Kevin’s ear. “Sorry. I got a notification on my phone. I worried it might be important. Turns out it was a notification from one of the ridiculous apps I follow.” He flashed the meme Kevin’s way. Tucker had no idea which meme he chose, but if it was saved to his phone, then it was something he had found hilarious.

  Kevin glanced at his phone and released a bark of laughter that perfectly matched Tucker’s earlier reaction. He breathed a sigh of relief as several heads turned their way again. Job or not, Tucker would never purposely hurt anyone he joined for dates. He completely understood the mentality behind hiring someone for the night. Sometimes, it was hard to be alone. More than once, he had wondered if Kevin hired him so he could hide from a broken heart. The man always looked sad. Not to mention, he was sexy, rich, and couldn’t be more than thirty-five. His dark hair had a hint of curl at the ends and his eyes were a gorgeous shade of brown that always caught the light. There was no need for Kevin to hire anyone to spend time with him. But he did, and Tucker needed to respect that. Not to mention, Kevin was a big cuddly bear. Tucker didn’t have the heart to hurt him.

  Kevin stood and motioned for Tucker to follow. “Let’s go and find something better to do. These people are boring the life from me.”

  Tucker tried hard to hide his relief. There was nowhere he would rather be than with Orion, but for now, he was Kevin’s date. He was grateful for the chance to be anywhere else.

  Orion stared at his phone. Even though he knew Tucker wouldn’t risk texting him again, he always had a hard time letting go of the snippets he got of Tucker’s attention. Orion chewed his bottom lip when he realized he was smiling like a maniac. Tucker was just such an addiction. He made Orion laugh. No one understood how gut wrenchingly desirable happiness could be, until they didn’t have it. Without Tucker, Orion didn’t have it.

  He leaned back in his recliner, pressed his phone to his chest, and closed his eyes. Orion could picture Tucker’s body down to the finest details. He was gorgeous, and big. So fucking big. Wide-chested with massive arms, Tucker looked like a damn bull. Orion felt fragile and tiny, but safe when Tucker was around. Tucker always smiled and laughed. He was ridiculous and funny. Orion sucked in a deep breath. His cock stirred. Sometimes, at the most unexpected moments, Orion would find Tucker in his space, and he would think—for the briefest moment—Tucker was about to make a move. Then, the moment would pass, and Tucker was the goofball again. If Tucker had the slightest idea how Orion stroked himself with Tucker’s name on his lips, Orion wouldn’t be able to look Tucker in the eye again. The guy absolutely made Orion burn.

  A wave of exhaustion washed over Orion. He had stayed up until two hours before he needed to be up for work, reading. He s
hould have taken a vacation day today rather than waiting to do so tomorrow. Orion had known it was dumb, but he really felt it now that he had promised to wait up for Tucker tonight. A hint of sadness wormed its way into Orion’s thoughts. It was possible he was staying up for nothing. Tucker didn’t owe him anything. Whoever hired Tucker tonight might end up being the one to finally sweep him off his feet. After all, it had already happened to Tucker’s brother, Tanner. Tanner had met his husband because of the brothers’ business, Cubs for Rent. While Orion recognized that not everything the guys did were actual dates, since they sometimes did repair jobs or kept an eye on their employees at events, Orion knew any date—real or not—could lead to more. All it took was the right person, sweeping him away. Orion had nothing to offer but friendship, and Orion wasn’t very good at that either.

  A jaw-cracking yawn escaped Orion. Tucker’s smiling face grew larger in his mind. Damn, Tucker was warm and comfy. Orion wished he was there.

  Orion’s neighborhood was a quiet, middle-class area not that far from Tucker. Late at night, like tonight, coming from home, it only took about seven minutes to get from his place to Orion’s. Of course, he was usually speeding, but still. Orion’s house was an adorable place with yellow siding and a perfectly manicured lawn. His flowers always looked amazing. The funny thing was, Tucker had never seen Orion do an ounce of lawn care. He assumed he paid someone else to take care of it. Orion was always one step away from hissing like a vampire any time Tucker made him step outside. Tucker smiled at the thought as he let himself inside.


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