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Lying With Temptation

Page 6

by Sm Donaldson

  Cade busts in, “Still am.” She rolls her eyes at him.

  At the same time I notice the guy who gave her the look over try to pull her in for a hug; I can feel her body stiffen as my hand still sits in the small of her back. He glares over at me and looks at her dumbfounded, “Come on Gabs I thought you’d be happy to see little ole me.”

  I’m proud she rolls her eyes and says, “Has Hell frozen over yet? That’s the only way I’d be happy to see your fucking ass.”

  She looks over at me and I nod understanding she’s ready to get the Hell out of here. She looks at Cade and Anna, “Anna, Cade will drive you around to my dorm. Linc and I are on our way there now.”

  Cade nods, “Yeah Anna put your stuff in here and I’ll take you around there. Guys if you wanna go check in at your hotel and get up with me later…they’re funny about how many people they let in our dorms.”

  They really aren’t but I knew Cade could feel all of the tension, about that time I see a little blonde walk up to him and try to hug him…This must be Leslie, she kept looking at Gabby like she wanted to kill her.

  Cade looks at her, “What do you want Leslie?”

  She tries to act shy, “Nothing I just missed you.” I felt Gabby tense up again she relaxed when she heard Cade’s answer, “Well I didn’t miss you.”

  Wow these people are brutal. Well all the other people seemed okay just Leslie, Reece and Elle seemed like the problem.

  As Gabby and I head back to the dorm she looks over at me, “Sorry about all of that, I really fucking hate him and her.”

  “Hey its okay, but I loved the shock value of you’re statement to Reece about Hell freezing over.”

  “I know Right…I was so proud of myself. I always fell for his sweet smiles and hugs…I was worried I’d fall for it again, so telling him off just topped my day.”

  “Hey why don’t you and your sister go with Russ and I tonight to Gainer’s party? He’s throwing a kick off party for our season.”

  “Is Cade going?”

  “I’m sure he will. So Daria will probably be there too.”

  She nods, “Sounds good and I’ll need a drink or ten anyway. We should probably plan for a cab again.” She stops suddenly, “But that also means they will come with Cade probably.”

  I put my arm around her shoulder, “Hey don’t let them ruin this for you. You go back to our room, get dressed like you were the other night and all of your friends here will show them what a cool girl they all missed out on.”

  She laughs and smacks my arm, “You are so bad, you make it sound like I should walk in there with a dress that practically shows off my va-jay-jay.”

  I laugh, “You should get your mind out of the gutter Gabby. Jeez you’re embarrassing me.” I nudge her even though I wouldn’t mind….well…

  She laughs, “Thanks again Linc for not letting me worry about all of this.”

  “No problem.” We run into our parking lot, I nod over to Cade’s car, “Looks like Cade and your sister have made it here.”

  “Yeah great, hey thanks again. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  Cade’s grabbing Anna’s bags out of the car. I motion to him, “Hey Cade, Gabby and I were just talking about Anna going with me, Gabby and Russ to Gainer’s party tonight, why don’t you and Daria come too?”

  He nods and then glances to Gabby, “Yeah sounds good. But you know I have to let the rest of them know.”

  She gives me a wink and then puts her hands on her hips, “I don’t give a shit what they do, I’m going to have a great time tonight with my little sister and my friends…my real friends and those assholes can just see what they’ve been missing.”

  Cade bursts out laughing, “Hell yeah Gabby about damn time you nutted up for once.”

  I look at him, “Nutted up really Cade? You can’t think of anything better, you do know that Gabby’s a girl right…your Momma did explain the difference to you?”

  Anna starts laughing and Cade does too, “Well what do you think I should tell her about time you vaginaed up Gabby and yes I know she’s a girl I’ve seen her naked.”

  My mouth flew open, when Gabby punched him in the stomach, “I told you to never tell anyone that you asshole…If you hadn’t just barged into my backyard while I was sunbathing.”

  He looks at her clutching his stomach, “Really Gabby, lay off the roids. Also, maybe if you didn’t sunbath in the nude I wouldn’t have seen you.”

  She shoves him, “Whatever, let’s go upstairs.”

  Great now I’m jealous of Cade seeing her naked no telling how long ago.


  A couple of hours later Russ, Cade and I are sitting in the living room waiting for the girls to come out. Cade walks to the bedroom door and beats on it, “Come on girls, jeez.”

  Gabby snatches the door open and oh my dear lord she’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s wearing a low cut red sweater, a pair of tight jeans, tucked in those tall high heel boot things girls wear. “Cade don’t beat on my door like that I’ll stick this boot in your ass.” Russ and I start laughing. She comes over to me, “Alright guys let go, Cade what time are all of the shitvillers showing up?”

  “Oh well I’m going to swing by their hotel so they can follow Daria and I.”

  She nods, “Okay well the four of us are taking a cab, because I plan on getting white girl wasted tonight.”

  I can’t help but chuckle, White Girl Wasted where does she come up with this?

  Russ bursts out laughing and Anna just stares at her sister.

  Cade looks at her laughing, “Way to have goals in life Gabby.”

  “Look Cade I don’t need a parent tonight after the week I’ve had.”

  He pulls her into a hug, “Gabby its fine I’m not bitching at you. Just be careful.”

  “I know Cade. Just being around those people I’m going to need some liquid courage.”

  I can sense in a moment it’s going to get tense, “Alright let’s get these gorgeous ladies out of here.”


  Once we get to the party we can hear the music pumping outside, the windows are almost rattling. We walk around finding the keg; we step out back by the bonfire and just hang out and talk getting to know Anna. Gabby is talking with her about next year and if she’s coming here. I can look over at Russ and see that he’s checking Anna out. “Russ, let’s go get us all a refill. Gabby you guys good with that?”

  She smiles, “Yeah thanks.”

  As Russ and I get to the keg I look over at him, “Man don’t even think about Anna. You know Gabby will kick your ass. You are not going to treat her sister like one of your standing booty calls.”

  He shakes his head, “Nah man, she’s gorgeous don’t get me wrong, but she’s out of my league. She’s smart, she’s funny and she has absolutely no idea how beautiful she is.”

  I laugh, “It must be something that runs in their family.”

  He looks at me and grins, “So when are you going to make a play for Gab?”

  I shake my head, “We’re roommates I go by my own rules, and I don’t break them.” As we walk back out and I see her standing there in those jeans that are just… “I may have to find a new place though if I can’t get away from the thoughts I’m having.” The more she drinks and I drink the harder this is getting. I know she’s had several beer and a few shots already.

  Russ laughs, “I knew it.”

  Chapter 10


  I see Russ and Linc headed back our way with our beer, God he’s so freakin sexy. The way his dark hair hangs around his face and seeing his abs when we work out…I could just lick them… As they walk up Russ smiles at Anna, “Here you go sweetie. Are you still okay with beer or would you like something else?”

  Anna smiles, “Yes thank you.”

  Awe he’s too cute, but he’s still not getting near my sister…he’s such a man whore and I was informed earlier that she is single…I guess Mr. Wonderful Cookie Cutter is an asshat like I thought he
was. She just finally figured it out…so no rebound for Russ.

  Linc hands me a cup, “Here you go Gab.” He gives me that smile that pulls up on one corner of his mouth…that mouth that is so sexy…that I kissed…ugh…

  I smile, “Thank you good sir.”

  He looks at me, “So do you girls wanna go in and dance or go around on the patio.”

  I look around and I see Cade, Daria and the shitville gang walking up, “Let’s go dance.” As we walk into the house, Russ hands me a couple of more shots. As I look around most everyone that is dancing is in the living room, the four of us make our way in there and start dancing. There are several of the football team guys here that I’ve met. I see a few of them checking out Anna. Lord help her if she does come here next year. These guys are going gaga.

  About that time Gainer makes his way around the room with a tray of Jell-O shots. “Hey Gabby who is the lovely lady you brought with you?”

  I laugh, taking my shot, “This is my younger sister Anna. Anna this is Gainer, this is his place.”

  She smiles, “Nice to meet you.”

  He smiles, “You too, would you like a shot?”

  She laughs, “No thanks. I don’t really do shots.”

  I laugh, “Okay well then I’m taking yours.” I take the shot, and then Linc takes another one. Shit if we both get drunk again I don’t know that we’ll be able to stop… well I’m assuming. I know I’m already pretty lit. I need a minute or I’m going to make some serious mistakes. I fan my face and call over the music, “Guys I’m going to find the restroom and then I’m going to head outside, it’s hot in here.”

  Linc nods and speaks up, “Yeah it is, we’ll meet you out by the bonfire.”

  I nod, “Okay!”

  The three of them, head out the back door. I walk down the hallway and guess until I find the right door for the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror just taking a breath and a moment to chill out away from the crowd. Whoa all of the alcohol is catching up with me. As I walk back out into the hallway I feel a hand grab my wrist. I spin around to see Reece and I can tell he’s been drinking a lot. I look at him with a murderous glare and snatch my wrist loose.

  He grabs my upper arm, “Hey I just want to talk.”

  “Well maybe I don’t want to talk to you. Did you ever think that? By the way don’t ever put your hands on me again.”

  As I try and pull from his grip he looks at me, “Come on Gabby, don’t act like we don’t know each other very intimately. I know you had a good time, let’s go in here and try it again.”

  “FIRST OF ALL I didn’t have a good time, in fact you made my life a LIVING FUCKING HELL and if you think I’d let you go there again you are freakin delusional. So do yourself a favor and let go of my arm.”

  “Really Gabby, don’t act like you are so much better than me! Just because you got your feelings hurt and ran away with Cade to a big college. You’re still that little girl who followed me around like a freakin puppy. I see you’ve already found my replacement. You gonna follow that guy around too. Is that what you’re working on tonight, getting drunk enough so that you can work up the courage and maybe he’ll be drunk enough to want to screw you.”

  I saw red; I kneed him in the balls and then punched him in the nose. He screamed, “Bitch, I think you broke my fucking nose.”

  I looked at him, “Good. Now I’m leaving don’t get your feelings hurt about it.” I walk out the front door of the house about the time a cab is dropping some of the party goers off. I grab the cab and tell the driver to take me back to campus. I send a text to Cade.

  Me: Hey I’m going back to campus, don’t feel great.

  Please ask Russ and Linc make sure that

  Anna makes it back tonight.

  Cade: What? I’ll make sure Anna gets back. What

  happened? I’m coming to find you.

  Me: It doesn’t matter. I’m already in a cab on my

  way back to campus. Just take care of Anna. Oh and

  let Linc know I left, they were expecting me back outside.

  Cade: I will but, I’m also going to find out what the fuck


  Me: Just leave it Cade.

  Cade: Well considering I see that asshole Reece walking

  toward me with a bloody nose I’m going to guess it had

  to do with him. I’ll handle this.


  As I arrive back at campus, I decide to take a walk around. It’s probably not the smartest

  idea, but oh well. I pull out my cigarettes and light one up. I don’t smoke like I did in high school, most of the time I only smoke when I drink now, but I need this tonight. I sit down on a bench in the main court yard surrounded by the dorms.

  I can’t help but think about what all Reece said. Am I really following Linc around like I did him. I need to put some more space between us; I can’t let myself get in the same situation. He did kiss me that night, but we were both drunk and we stopped it. I feel someone watching me I turn around to see Professor Jennings.

  He speaks, “Hi, I thought you’re sister was coming in?”

  “She is here; she’s at a party with some of our friends.” He wasn’t drunk when he kissed me. He even lied about never kissing a student before, he must really want me.

  “Oh, well do you mind if I sit here with you? I need a smoke break on my way home.”

  “No it’s fine. I didn’t realize that you smoked.”

  “Oh yes, I wish I could stop, but I haven’t found anything that works for me yet.”

  “Well, I only smoke now when I’m drinking or stressed.”

  “I wanted to speak with you about the other night.” Ugh here it is…the elephant.

  I put my hand up, “Look it’s okay, we just made a mistake.”

  “Well, I wish I could say it was, but I can’t think of anything other than your lips. So soft so sweet, so gentle.” He brushes the side of my face and I lean forward and our lips brush, we begin to kiss. I can feel my self getting carried away as a small moan escapes from my mouth.

  He pulls away for a moment, “Let’s walk this way, we don’t need to be seen. My apartment is right off campus, we can walk there if that’s okay.”

  I nod and I can tell I had a little more to drink than I thought, “Yes.”

  I follow him to his apartment as we cross into the apartment I wonder how many other coeds have been here. You know what I don’t care…I’m doing this for me…fuck you subconciseness. As he closes the door, he pulls me into a more eager kiss. I feel a tightening between my legs…ugh. We fumble and find our way to his couch.

  He brushes my hair back from my face, “You are so beautiful and intelligent.” He lays me back on the sofa and slowly runs his hands up and down my body. I run my hands up and down his back. We start pulling each others clothes and I quickly see where this is heading. I should really stop…this is stupid…once again screw you subconciseness…I’m doing this for me.

  Chapter 11


  Where is Gabby? She said she’d meet us out here? There’s Cade I’ll ask him if he’s seen her. Anna is looking around; I can tell she’s wondering too. As Cade approaches I call his name, “Cade!”

  “Hey man, what’s up?”

  “Have you seen Gabby? She said she was going to the bathroom and was going to meet us here.”

  About that time Cade’s phone goes off, he opens it and starts cussing and typing. I look at him, “What’s up?”

  “Well she’s headed back to the dorms in a cab. She wanted me to make sure Anna gets back okay. She won’t tell me what’s going on but judging from Reece walking this way with a bloody nose I’m sure he has everything to do with it.” Daria walks up and hears the tail end of the conversation.

  As Reece approaches, I see Cade’s face changing to anger. I can’t help but feel a rise in the pit of my stomach too. Before either one of us can get to him Anna brushes past us, “What in the Hell did you do to my siste

  He looks at the four of us, “She’s the crazy one who just broke my nose and kneed me in the balls. She’s still hung up on me I guess.”

  I can see Cade is about to hit him, but before he can Anna knocks the shit out of him. She glares at him, “Answer my damn question and she’s not crazy. It doesn’t matter if you ever go near her again I will chop your manhood off and since that’s where most of your brain is, that would be really bad.”

  About that time that bitch Elle rushes to his side, “What is wrong with you Lewis girls hitting people? Maybe you guys need anger management? You girls are both insecure bitches.”

  Anna and Daria both glare at her.

  Anna says, “We may need anger management, but you need cunt management. Considering you can’t seem to keep from slinging it at anyone who looks at you the least bit interested.”

  I decide I need to try and resolve this before it gets out of hand, “I think it’s best if you guys leave.”

  The little bitch looks at me, “Who in the Hell do you think you are? You are just the latest crush that Gabby is going to follow around. She’ll never give it up, so if you want to have fun, you and I can go find a room.”

  Russ steps forward, “Look BITCH, you need to leave, no one wants your over suntanned, slutty, skanky ass around here. Gabby is a good person and the reason you don’t see that is because you are a horrible person and if you ever talk about Anna that way again…”

  She smirks, “What, you’ll hit a girl?”

  Russ didn’t have time to say anything else before Daria’s fist punched Elle in the mouth. Daria pulls her hand back, “Now will you guys leave? Your other friends can stay but the two of you need to go, I’ll even call you a freakin cab to take you to the hotel.”

  Elle looks up holding her face, “No thanks, I’m done here, come on Reece let’s go and just so you know Cade we aren’t staying for your game tomorrow.”

  He laughs, “Do you think I really give a shit? But I mean it if either of you go near Gabby again, it won’t end well.”

  Anna looks at us, “I’m sorry that’s our home town.”

  Russ chuckles and throws his arm around Anna’s shoulders, “Jeez no wonder Gabby calls it Shitville. Damn girls, both of you have a hell of a punch.”


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