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Lying With Temptation

Page 7

by Sm Donaldson

  Cade looks at Anna, “Who did you actually ride up here with? Not those two I hope.”

  “No, I rode with Dylan and Stacy.”

  “Okay good. Now let’s go find that sister of yours, so I can tell her that you’ve got a hell of a right hook like her.” Then he reaches and pulls Daria to his side and nuzzles her ear, “You too… very sexy right hook, I think you are staying with me tonight.” She giggles and grabs his hand.

  I look at Russ and Anna, “Alright lets regroup since none of us are trashed we can just ride back with Cade and Daria.” I look over at them, “Ugh never mind, I don’t think they are going to make it to the house before… oop yeah um… Let’s just call a cab.”

  Anna laughs and looks at me, “I’m going to text Gab and let her know we are on our way in.”

  I nod, “Yeah I’ll call a cab. Russ why don’t you go let Gainer know we are going but, we are sorry for all of that.”

  He nods and Anna’s phone dings, “She says she’s with a friend, she’ll be back at the room soon.”

  That’s weird Gabby doesn’t have many people around here I’ve seen her be chummy with. She doesn’t trust many people….

  Chapter 12


  Anna: Hey Gab we are headed back to the dorm…drama

  drama drama I’ll explain when I get there.

  Me: Okay I’m with a friend…I’ll meet you guys there in a few.

  I roll over and grab my panties and my pants off the floor, I look over at the deliciously

  Hot Professor Jennings. Oh my God, I’m such an idiot I’ve got to get the Fuck out of here. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see the professor looking at me, “Hey where are you off to?”

  As I put my bra and sweater back on, “Um I need to get back to my apartment.” He pulls me in for a kiss. “I’ll see you again soon I hope?”

  “Umm yeah, of course.”

  He looks back at me, “I’m serious…I want to see you again.”

  As I walk back on campus, I cannot believe I just did that. I’ve risked everything I worked so hard for, all because Reece brought up all of my insecurities. I hate him with every fiber of my being. I cannot believe I just had sex with my damn professor/boss. I can’t talk to anyone about this…Anna would freak, Daria would be pissed because she warned me, Cade would kill him, Linc would think I’m a loser…I just can’t even fathom what I’m going to do. I can’t see him again. Even though I’m really uncomfortable with the fact that he’s so intent on seeing me again. I’m such an idiot. I reach for my apartment door not even remembering how I got here. My head has been swimming the entire way.

  I open the door and see Anna, Linc and Russ all waiting for me in the living room. Anna makes her way across the room. “Gabby what the hell happened?”

  “Just Reece was a dick and I punched him in the nose. He wanted to hook up in the bathroom. I told him to f-off; he pretty much called me a tease, so I kneed him in the balls and punched him.”

  Russ laughs, “Well that makes two of you.”

  I squint, “What are you talking about?”

  Anna shifts around, “I punched him, he called you crazy and wouldn’t answer my question. Then Elle showed up and said some ugly things about you and I both. Linc and Russ stood up for us, before Cade could and then Daria punched Elle.”

  I have to laugh at this point, “Okay so Daria was right about all the Jerry Springer shit huh Russ?”

  He laughs, “I guess so, but damn Gab you’d of been proud of little sis here. She clocked peanut butter cup boy in his jaw.” He’s so tall and lean with his sandy blonde hair, when he talks he’s so animated.

  I laugh and so do Linc and Anna, “What did you call him?”

  He laughs, “His name is Reece right? Makes me think of peanut butter cups.”

  Linc grabs his stomach laughing and I almost forget the stupid shit I did a couple of hours ago…Almost. Shit I’m stupid…

  “Well guys I’m sorry about all of this. We were having a great time and those assholes ruined it.”

  Linc stands up and walks over to me, put his hands on my shoulders, “Gabby, no one should ever disrespect you like that. You are a good person and those two are just evil.”

  God now I really feel like shit for what I did… I decide to change the subject a little, “Where’s Daria and Cade?”

  Anna laughs, “I think big brother Cade got a little turned on when Daria punched Elle, so they went back to his place.”

  I laugh, “Okay then, well I guess I didn’t have to worry about Leslie getting to him then.”

  She laughs and so does Russ. Russ looks up, “Ugh no that drunk girl, she made an ass out of herself trying to get Cade’s attention. I actually think she left with the other two. The rest of the people Anna introduced me to, were cool…but those three jeez.”

  I laugh, “Yep, they’re cool…unless they can gossip about you. Now we have to see all of them at the game.”

  Anna laughs, “No, Elle and Reece said they weren’t staying for Cade’s game and he told them he didn’t give a shit.”

  “Who did you actually ride with?”

  “Dylan and Stacy.”

  “Oh okay, yeah good riddance.”

  Anna looks at me, “Gabby I’m going to bed. This night has been too much.”

  I laugh, “Yeah I get it.”

  Russ looks up at us, “Yeah I’m going to get a shower, we have a big day tomorrow. I just got a text from Cade, Daria is staying with him.”

  I nod, “Okay yeah we should all get to bed.”

  A few minutes later I’ve changed into my pajamas, I can’t sleep. I toss and turn. I’m so freaking stupid; I slept with a fucking teacher. Great second attempt at sex Gabby…first time screw someone who could care less about you and second time screw someone who could ruin you. I can’t lay here like this. I get up and go sit in the living room in the dark. Before I realize what’s happening I’m crying, well sobbing is more like it. All of a sudden someone’s voice and hand startle me.


  I wipe my face even though he can’t see me, “Yeah Russ?”

  “Hey what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine; I’m just stupid that’s all.”

  “Hey you aren’t stupid, don’t ever say that. Now, me I’m stupid…I do stupid shit all the time. So tell me, what has you thinking you’re so stupid.”

  “Russ I can’t, I know we are in the dark. But you aren’t a priest and I’m not Catholic.”

  “Nope I’m Baptist; we are good at keeping shit in the closet.”

  I laugh, “Russ you are too much sometimes. I appreciate you guys being there for Anna tonight. I just couldn’t deal with it. I thought I could, but once Reece confronted me…I knew I couldn’t. So, I did what I always do and ran off, doing something even more stupid.”

  I feel him sink in the couch, “Gabby, like I said you are talking to the king of stupidity. Now as far as those assholes from tonight, you don’t need to worry about anything they think of you. I think they are lowest form of human beings.”

  I suddenly feel at ease with Russ and I really need to talk to someone, “Do you promise not to ever say anything to anyone?”

  “Of course.”

  “Okay after I got back to campus, I went for a walk and a smoke. I ran into Professor Jennings, the other night when I worked late, we accidentally kissed…”

  “Wait, he didn’t…like force…”

  “Oh no…nothing like that. Really the other night was a mistake, but tonight we were talking, one thing lead to another and the next thing I knew we were in his apartment.”

  “Holy shit Gabby…” He says in a whisper.

  “Yeah, I know. My phone is going off from my sister as I’m picking my clothes up off the floor like some skank that I would normally hate.”

  He pulls me in to his side, “Gabby, everyone makes mistakes. Those people tonight, those assholes from your past. They brought up feelings and emotions you haven’t
had to face in awhile. So you sought comfort in someone who was all too willing to comfort you. If anyone is wrong here it’s him.”

  “No, it was just as much me as him. If this comes out I’ll lose everything…I’ll lose my scholarship. Please don’t tell anyone about this.”

  “Gabby, he’s the authoritative figure here…it’s on him. Okay I wanna know what Reece said to you, I feel like I’m lost here. I know we hate these people and I’m okay with that, because they seem like assholes. What I don’t know is the back-story.”

  I almost giggle, “Russ sometimes I swear you are such a girl, but thank you for listening.”

  So for the next little while I spill my guts to Russ, about ev-er-y-thing. About Reece about Elle, even what Reece said about Linc.

  Russ laughs and I sigh, “I know I’m pathetic right?”

  “Not even close. You know that bitch Elle said the same thing about you following Linc around. Hell I keep accusing Linc of following you around.”

  I laugh, “What? Linc following me around, yeah right?”

  “Gabby are you blind? That boy is absolutely over the moon for you. He’s in awe of you, he respects you.”

  “No we’re just friends. Besides when did you get so into relationships Mr. Manwhore?”

  “Oh not for me…just when I see two people who are so hung up on each other yet clueless at the same time.”

  “You are too funny. But just because you and I have shared secrets in the dark, don’t think I’m letting you near my sister…I saw you looking at her tonight.”

  “Jeez you and Linc…he told me the same thing. I know she’s smart, funny, sexy as hell, classy, but she’s out of my league. I just like talking to her.”

  “Russ, she’s not out of your league, you just aren’t in that place yet.”

  “Well…I’m glad you think so. But back to you…I think you should stay away from Professor I can’t keep my dick in my pants around young coeds. I’m afraid he’ll hurt you, I’ve heard stories.”

  I scowl my brow, “What do you mean? You’ve heard stories.”

  “Well, just once a girl you know…he just gets possessive over them. But if he starts that shit with you let me know.”

  “He won’t but like I said please don’t say anything to Cade or Linc…I feel so stupid.”

  “I’ll keep it to myself as long as I don’t need to kick his ass. But, Linc really does like you. He just isn’t sure about it all because we’re all roommates. But, don’t think you’re some pathetic puppy following him around, you’re not because if you are he damn sure is too.”

  I laugh, “Okay, go get some sleep. You’ve got a big game today.”

  “Night Gabby.”

  “Night Russ. Thanks, oh and I seriously think you should consider changing your major from Physical Education to Psychiatry.” He laughs as I’m walking back into my room. I slip back into my bed and remarkably fall fast asleep…I guess I just needed to get some things off my chest.

  Chapter 13


  I wonder how Gabby is doing this morning. She looked like Hell when she came in last night. About that time Russ comes banging in our room, “You ready to go?”

  I look up from my bag, “Yeah, have you talked to Gabby this morning?”

  “Nah, but she’ll be alright. We talked for a little bit last night.”

  “You what….you talked what’s that mean?”

  “Awe shit Linc don’t get all territorial pissing on a tree or anything…we just talked. I got up to go to the bathroom and she was sitting in the living room. Trust me she’s just as hung up on you as you are on her. She just can’t see that you like her. She’s that girl who just can’t see why someone would find her attractive. That’s why sleezballs like peanut butter cup and ones’ worse treat her like shit. Because nice guys like you won’t nut up and ask her out. You’re afraid.”

  “Damn have you been prepping this speech long? Because that’s damn sure how it sounds.”

  “Yes and No. I’ve thought you should ask her out this entire time. After I talked to her last night…I realized she has no clue how wonderful she is. Then the fact that she followed that douche bag around the entire time they were in high school and some of the other guys she talked to me about, she doesn’t know what it’s like for anyone to really want her for her. She’s kinda like you and Cade with the whole chicks wanting you for football thing you know.”

  “I just don’t want to fuck anything up. I’m still freaked out about the whole roommate thing. Did she really tell you about what happened with her and that guy Reece?”

  “Yes and No I could tell she left out some of the more important details that are probably more private…but I got the jest of it. Look I’m not saying try to ask her out today. She had a hell of a night last night. Just give her a day or two. Who gives a shit if you’re roommates?”

  “Okay I’ll think about it. Let’s go, we gotta get to the field house.”

  “Yeah, are we supposed to swing by and grab Cade or is he driving over?”

  “He’s driving.”


  As Russ slaps me on the ass, to let me know I played a good game, my mind is racing all about Gabby. I don’t even know how I played the game; I’ve done nothing but think of her all day long. Knowing she was up in the stands watching me was just awesome, knowing that she was cheering me on. I hated what happened to her last night at the party. I could tell when she got back she was removed from it all; something else must’ve happened other than what she’s telling us. I mean I just get that feeling. After we’ve all gotten showered and changed we see Gabby, Anna and Daria waiting for us at the end of the tunnel to the field house. God how awesome would it be if she was waiting on me after every game. As we walk up she smiles, “You guys played an awesome game.”

  Daria throws her arms around Cade’s neck, “I could get used to this, I’ve never been much of a football fan, but having someone to personally cheer on could be my breakthrough.”

  Cade laughs, “Hmm, well maybe you could show me some of those cheers in private later.”

  Daria laughs, “Only if you wear the uniform.”

  Gabby coughs, “Ewe can you guys save it for when you’re by yourself. Come on I’ve got to take Anna to meet up with Dylan and Stacy. Cade are you going with us?”

  “No, not unless you want me to.”

  “Nah, I can handle it. Anna you put everything in my car earlier right?”

  Anna smiles, “Yeah, well guys I’m so glad I got to meet you.” She hugs Daria. Then turns to me and hugs me, she whispers in my ear, “You are perfect for my sister, she’ll see it soon enough just be patient.” I can’t help but smile.

  Then Cade grabs her up and gives her a big brother hug, “Take care short stuff, we’ll see you around the holidays ok?”

  She smiles, “Yes Cade, are you ever going to quit calling me short stuff?”

  He chuckles, “Nope.”

  Then she turns to Russ and hug him for a minute, they whisper back and forth a little bit. She giggles and gives him a light kiss on the cheek, I can’t help but laugh, Russ looks like he may be in love I can tell he’s lost. He looks like he’s either going to piss himself, mount her right here or pass out. I’m not quite sure but, I can tell it’s something he’s never felt before.

  The look on everyone else’s face is priceless. Gabby is laughing, Cade has that big brother glare, Daria is smiling and Anna is blushing. Gabby turns and pulls Anna by the arm come on chic lets go.


  After Russ and I get back to the apartment, I look at him and laugh, “Dude you look like you’re dreaming or something. What did little miss Anna say to get your boxers in a bunch or a tent rather?”

  He shakes his head, “Nothing really man…she just said it was nice to meet me and that she hoped we came down with Gabby and Cade sometime. It was more about how she touched me and her breathe in my ear…damn it man I almost had a middle school moment in my pants.”

  I burst
out laughing, “Oh so are you in love cousin. Has little Miss Anna made you see what you could have if you’d quit whoring around?”

  “Shut up man, I told you she’s too good for me. Anyway Cade would cut my balls off.”

  “So…last night when you talked to Gabby, did she tell you anything else that happened? She just seemed off, like something else happened. Something other than at that party.”

  Russ looks at me, “No man, she just talked and I let her…but I will say this. She really thinks you’re not into her.”

  I can tell he’s holding something back…I know Gabby whatever else happened she swore him to secrecy and Russ might be a man whore, but he’ll keep someone’s secret to the grave. I hear her coming in the door…Alright so I’m not going to worry about the roommate thing anymore…I’m just going to go for it. Not full force for the next few days whatever has happened has her acting strange, but…soon.

  I walked in the living room, “Hey Gabby what’s your plans for tonight?”

  “Um nothing really, Daria said she’s staying with Cade.” She rolls her eyes, “I think they are roll playing or something. I was just going to watch a movie or something.”

  “Cool, Russ is going to meet with his tutor. You wanna run out and grab a bite to eat and bring it back here; we can grab a movie from the Red box?”

  She nods, “Sounds good.” She grabs up her purse and we head out the door.

  Driving through town we finally settle on Mexican food. We are waiting on our togo orders and all of a sudden I feel her tense up beside me. I look at her, “Are you okay?”

  She nods, “Yeah.”

  I hear someone clear their throat and start to speak, “Well hello Gabriella. How are you this evening?” It’s Professor Jennings.

  She barely looked up, “I’m fine, we just got in from the game. We’re gonna grab some take-out and go back to our room.”

  “You are roommates with Mr. Addison here?”

  “Yes, we live in coed housing.”

  “Oh well, I’ll see you at work Monday morning and I’ll see you at class Mr. Addison.”


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