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Heart of the Staff: Complete Appendix

Page 3

by Carol Marrs Phipps & Tom Phipps


  Mammas - Teeuh's collective reference to Celeste, Alvita and Nacea.

  man in rags - rolled his stone uphill endlessly in the Valley of Illusions.

  March - a corporal and later a sergeant in the Gwaelian mercenaries under General Coel. Eventually became Coel's yeoman steward.

  Marcus - Elf boy at Baile Tuath.

  Margaret - chamber maid of King James's parents who witnessed Spitemorta murder his father, King Edmond.

  Margh - Captain Perran's unicorn, burnt to death by Mwg.

  Marner Medhow - (Drunken Sailor) Gwaelic caravel hired by Fuzz, Rose, Karl-Veur, Olloo, Roseen and Obbree to sail to Niarg.

  Martyn - one of the two old timers who scouted out the blind tunnel to the chasm in Mount Sliabh, and who played the whistle at Doona's wedding.

  Mas - Olloo's unicorn.

  Mary - the White Witch, was held in enchantment as Rotundra the raspberry bear. Married King James and became Queen Mary.

  Maxi - yellow-headed male offspring of Hubba Hubba and Pebbles's second brood.

  Mazhev - one of Demonica's guards who went to prod and oversee Smole.

  Meinir - female diatryma from Gerdi Teg, sister of Mentrus (male) and Gwawr (female). She becomes the wife of Arwr.

  Melody - the wife of Chirp, the sparrow.

  Mentrus - male diatryma from Gerddi Teg, brother of Meinir (female) and Gwawr (female).

  MeqqArccis - Beak yeoman turnkey in the dungeon of the Beak castle, possessed by Devi.

  MeqqWirrp - a Beak prisoner tormented by turnkey MeqqArccis.

  MeqqWirp - scout for Talorg.

  Merfyn (Welsh) (Old Niarg Standard) - (Mervin) coach driver for Demonica and Spitemorta.

  Meri Greenwood - (Dyn Gwyrdd in Old Niarg Standard) fiance of Celeste, the Fairy who knew the whereabouts of Calon Fforydd, the Heart of the Forests, which the First Wizard chiseled out and stole to turn into the Heart of the Staff.

  Merzin - one of the two most powerful shamans of the last age on the Dark Continent who helped to lock the Cias within the Hanter Kodou.

  Mian - an Elf boy who helped rescue his seedling gathering party with Osn, Olloo and Kieran.

  Mic - offspring of Hubba and Pebbles, killed in Razzmorten's tower.

  Michael - Rodon's pet rat.

  Milowe - a Cyclops, husband of Tillie, father of Ownlee.

  Min-Min - childhood nickname of Minuet Dewin (See Minuet).

  Minuet - Queen (Brenhines) of Niarg, wife of Hebraun, mother of Rose and Lukus, called "Min-Min" and "Minny-Min" by her sister, Ugleeuh.

  Miss Dee - See "Powder Face."

  Mistress Cenfiant Da - (cattle herd) a lady cattle breeder near Goldtown.

  Mistress Genedigaeth - Spitemorta's midwife for Pandora's birth.

  Mob, the - collective reference to the 24 dragonets, Laora's siblings.

  Morgi - one of Spitemorta's guards, who began his service with her step-parents. Spitemorta thanked him for his service by beheading him with his own sword.

  Morsarf - (sea serpent) one of King Vortigern's ships on loan to Goll.

  Morty - yellow-headed male offspring of Hubba Hubba and Pebbles's second brood.

  Mrs. Gweld (Welsh) - the Gollmoor lady who served Herio pie.

  Mrs. Simms - the mother of Frankin, Kink and Dink.

  Muckle Witch - (Big Witch) Ru Talorg and the Beaks' name for Spitemorta.

  Muirnin - (Sweetheart) Soraya's bo Ciarrai (Kerry cow).

  Mwg (Welsh) - Smoke, male dragonet, Sulacha's mount.

  Myrtlebell - daughter of King Theran and Queen Lira of Bratin Brute, antagonist at Rose's 16th birthday party, Queen of Loxmere, James's stepmother, Edward's mother.

  Mystique - Rose's cyflymder unicorn.

  Mywaymen - four dwarfs living in the Enchanted Lands, between the Orin Ocean and the Enchanted Mountains in Goll.

  Nacea - a Fairy, one of the Three Sisters, incessantly knits.

  Nafnarrfafyr - a deceased troll King, also called Butcher, who was killed by the Gwaelic Elves before Inney's time, who watches from the Land of the Dead, and a twin brother of trollish King Fnanar (Big Butcher), who succeeded him and was also killed by the Elves, and the brother of Gnophin, killed at Ash Fork.

  Nasteuh - Spitemorta's daughter, twin of Veyfnaryr.

  Ned - Llewyrch's unicorn.

  Nefnephntirr - (snot) the first one of Fnanar's brutes to be killed by a strike falcon.

  Neron - Ri (King) of the Jutland Elves, husband of Nessa, father of Oisin, Illiam and Orry, great-grandfather of Soraya, Danneth, Strom and Jarund.

  Nessa - King Neron's wife, lost to the great plague.

  Nessie - Elf girl at Baile Tuath.

  Ngerrk-ga - shaman of the Ngop of the Dark Continent.

  Niall - Aedan's terraing pictiur unicorn.

  Nightshade - Spitemorta's black cyflymder unicorn.

  Nigspoonfi - (it is ugly, it is filthy) trollbrute who left Dyr to follow Fnanar.

  Ninardern - sow who became Big Sow for first Fnanar and later, Dyr.

  Nioowfn - trollbrute chastised by Fnanafnyr for suggesting that they aid Fnanar.

  Nioowfn - troll captain under Fnadiphnignyd. He has mulish teeth.

  Nimue - Spitemorta's chambermaid.

  Nirrgspon - trollbrute who followed Fannar (son of Dyr) in the days of Baile Tuath.

  Nist - Captain Budie Nist was a Gwaelian soldier who fled with the remaining 197 remaining regulars to Gwael when General Cunneda was killed by Queen Spitemorta.

  Nose - stranger found in Niarg by Fuzz and Karl-Veur, whose mother was Janed Bro- Saoz, and who turned out to be Corporal Amheus of the Niarg Royal Guard.

  Oana - a Cia in Demonica's service.

  Obraith - assumed name used by Obbree in Niarg.

  Obbree - Gwaelic Elven austringa, shy and toothless.

  Ocker - cock raven with magical powers who lived with his mate, Urr-Urr, above Razzorbauch's keep on the edge of the Chokewoods.

  Oisin - son of Neron, abandoned in the Maidenhair Woods when the Elves who were to become the Jutish Elves fled the Eastern Continent.

  Old Number One - King Hebraun's reference to the First Wizard.

  Olloo - Professor, Gwaelic Elven master austringa, who, as a teenager fled across the Eternal Mountains as he helped lead a party of children to safety from the trolls in the Great Strah.

  Olwen - assumed name used by Olloo in Niarg.

  Onnen - Ash, female dragonet.

  Onner - Doona's female strike falcon.

  Onora - wife of Brenden.

  Ooree - Inney's name before coming of age.

  Ora - Elvin servant girl who drew Roses bath.

  Orry - one of Neron's elder son's, who died of the plague.

  Osulf, Prince of Pow Jyantylesk - son of Catigern, the previous prince of Pow Jyantylesk.

  Owain - soldier who came to King James's cell and fed him and returned later to free him.

  Ownlee - Cyclops child, son of Milowe and Tillie, discovered in a cave in the Enchanted Lands by Rose and Lukus.

  Padrig - lord chancellor of the dragons, naked dragon.

  Papa Rodon - Teeuh's name for Rodon.

  Pebbles - Minuet's green cheeked Amazon parrot, Hubba Hubba's mate.

  Pebbles and Hubba Hubba's second brood - Dandy (male), Flirt (female), Goldy (female), Maxi (male), Morty (male), Pebbs (female), Sunnie (female) and Bill (male) and Mic (male) died in the collapse of Razzmorten's tower.

  Pebbs - red-headed girl offspring of Hubba Hubba and Pebbles, smallest of their second brood.

  Penn-kurun - (Thunderhead) huge naked dragon, turned to stone by Lukus.

  Pennoyer - a lieutenant in the Gwaelian mercinaries under General Coel, who brought the mercenaries to Niarg after Spitemorta killed Cunneda.

  Peredur - the butler at Peach Knob.

  Per-Vari - captain of the Sea Witch, a Niarg ship which was in the Port of Niarg when Neron, Sulacha, Olloo and Obbree were trying to escape.

  Philpott - gaffer hired hand at Peach Knob, nearly deafene
d by Ugleeuh's lightening.

  Philpott - sergeant with Captain Bernard at Castle Goll.

  Philpott, Topsy - serving gitl at the Silver Dragon.

  Phnyrma - reference to Fnadiyaphn (Spitemorta as troll goddess) as Mother.

  Phnyrphaf - (outlaw) followed Fnannar (son of Dyr) in the days of Baile Tuath.

  Piggy Eyes - Spitemorta's name for an unfortunate Gwael whom she was determined to dismember with four unicorns.

  Pikedrop - Demonica's derisive name for one of the palace guards at Castle Goll.

  Pissant - Spitemorta's disparaging name for her page at Castle Niarg.

  Pitmaster - equivalent of the Devil.

  Poopdink - also known as Jake and Dink, younger brother of Frankin, the stinky beefy boy.

  Poopkink - also known as Wilmer and Kink, younger brother of Frankin, the stinky beefy boy.

  Suey Popham - clerk for Spitemorta's Circuit Court of the Empress's Bench.

  Powder Face - Miss Joan Dee, Lukus's tutor.

  Private Huna - see Huna.

  Pryce, Captain Cadwalader - a royal Niargian naval captain at the time of the great plague.

  Pryderi - barber and healer who treated King James when he escaped from the dungeon at Castle Goll.

  Radella - the Fire Sprite who led the Elves through the lava tubes of Mount Sliabh to safety, who had previously met Osn, and who met Rose in the mangrove swamp.

  Ratman - Abaddon's name for Rodon.

  Razorback - a naked dragon that Razzorbauch divined from himself to control the sukere slave dragons (later refered to as the dragon clan). He was also accidentally divined from himself and kept that way, when he attempted to cast a spell on his brother Razzmorten. Razorback led the Dragon Clan and was killed by King Hebraun.

  Razz - Taflu's nickname for Razzmorten.

  Razzmorten - Razzmorten Dewin, a good wizard, father of Queen Minuet, brother of Razzorbauch.

  Razzorbauch - an evil wizard, twin brother of Razzmorten, murdered Gastron, created the Chokewoods and the Fudge Volcano and while burning Niarg's crops was killed by King Hebraun.

  Real Grandma - Princess Rose's reference to Queen Helina.

  Reina - Oisin's great aunt who lived with her sister Isbal and their pet troll, Darragh.

  Remont - a prisoner in Demonica's keep.

  Renny - Elf girl who got butchered and cooked by the trolls.

  Renny - daughter of Doona and Oisin 113 (8) years old when Neron first saw her.

  Riagath - part of Vortigern's court.

  Riothamus - Artamus's real name.

  Rodon - a Fairy, brother to Alvita, Nacea and Celeste. He was turned into a giant rat (all but his face) by Razzorbauch using the Heart of the Staff at the same time that he used the Heart and Staff to confine him and his three sisters to Mount Bedd.

  Roparzh - Robert (Headlandish).

  Roparzh, Ganet-Pounner - royal sculptor for the House of Dark who carved Spitemorta's marble throne.

  Rory - Elf boy who was bitten by a Strah cobra, brother of Creena.

  Rose - Princess (Tywysoges) of Niarg, daughter of Hebraun and Minuet.

  Roseen - wife of Olloo, sister to Sorcha and Ursula.

  Rotten Mouth - the drunk who told Yann-Berr where to find Razzmorten.

  Rotundra - raspberry bear form (enchanted by Ugleeuh) of Mary the White Witch.

  Rouanez Bras - (Headlandish) Big Queen, one of Demonica's sarcastic names for Spitemorta.

  Rouanez Pouezus - (Headlandish) Heavy Queen, one of Demonica's sarcastic names for Spitemorta.

  Roue Bihan - (Headlandish) Small King, Demonica's sarcastic name for King James.

  Rregafinioowfn - (Tooth Dog) one of the scouts chosen by Dyr to find the Elf children.

  Ruella - Queen of Loxmere, wife of Edmond, mother of James.

  Ryd - Gwaelic mercenary who was knocked out by Spitemorta's skinweler.

  Samuel - the guard Spitemorta replaced Morgi with. Samuel was Spitemorta's childhood friend.

  Scabhta - (Jutish Elven for military scout) stud Dulish unicorn of Sulacha's

  Scolteyder - the magical claymore of Asmund, an Elf who died fighting Trolls in the Eternal Mountains, just before the Elves moved to the Northern Continent. Scolteyder was given to Neron and in turn to Razzmorten, who enhanced it so that King Hebraun was able to slay Razorback with it.

  Scorch - feathered dragonet of Spark and Liperella, brother of Laora, Daniel's lifelong friend and mount.

  Sea Jewel - the privateer owned and captained by Jockford and commissioned by Demonica to sail with Spitemorta and her and six other ships to the Eastern Continent to get 681 trolls. She lost her mainmast to a waterspout when Spitemorta and Demonica were leaving for Niarg to destroy the castle. This fleet leaving for Niarg consisted of six of Jockford's ships and six of Vortigern's ships.

  Sea Witch - Niarg ship commanded by Captain Per-Vari of Head which was in the Port of Niarg when Neron, Sulacha, Olloo and Obbree were trying to escape.

  Sean - fisherman from Fen.

  Sergeant Cwympo - Niarg soldier who jockyed Eflamm in a joust at the Dragon Caves.

  Sergeant Llygad - Niarg soldier under Razzmorten who shot Demonica, killed with a crossbow bolt at Bernard's Bane.

  Sergeant March - General Coel's yeoman steward.

  Shacknasty, Arthur - alias used by Neron when he was in Niarg, posing as a cattleman from Ashmore.

  Shaker - Ugleeuh's divined and palsied cow with rainbow teats.

  Sheba - Abaddon's mare Dulish-narcorn cross unicorn.

  Sheshey - Inney's male shawk spoogh (strike falcon).

  Shimmer - Soraya's mare golden Dulish unicorn.

  Shot 'n' Stop - enchanted python, helped lead Rose and Lukus to Fuzz's den and killed Ugleeuh.

  Sidney - one of the riffraff enlisted by Spitemorta to burn Goll's sukere crop.

  Sidoor - male strike falcon of Fuzz's.

  Sigurd - Elf who's knees were broken by a troll at the seaside camp.

  Simon - journeyman mage, executed by Queen Spitemorta for disappointing her with his lack of magical skills.

  Sina - younger sister of Gweltaz's wife, Loeiz.

  Skead - Inney's Doolish unicorn.

  Slaney - the great Gwaelic Elven healer who taught Oisin.

  Smallguard - castle guard who brought Yann-Ber before his father, Emperor Azenor.

  Smoke - male dragonet, mount for Neron.

  Smole - Demonica's skinweler grinder at her catoprolite mine.

  Smorigagh - (Touchy) Baase's wild mate (hen).

  Snuph - troll captain under Fnadiphnignyd.

  Sophie Gweld - the girl who was the first Gollian to speak to Herio.

  Soraya - Elf, Lukus's wife, mother of Ariel and Daniel.

  Sorcha - plucky little girl whom Osn rescued from a strike falcon, sister to Roseen and Ursula.

  Spark - naked, fireless dragon, addicted to fudge, later the husband of Lipperella and the father of Laora.

  Spear Point - Gobler guard.

  Spear - lieutenant under Captain Bernard in the Royal Army of Niarg.

  Spearsy - Razzmorten's reference to Lieutenant Spear.

  Spike - centaur, friend of Ownlee.

  Spink - one of the guards at the big door of Castle Goll proper.

  Spitemorta - Mad Reaper Witch or Baineor Buile Cailli, brown eyed, raven haired daughter of Ugleeuh, granddaughter of Demonica. She is the queen of Goll and the mother of Abaddon. She was secretly given by Ugleeuh to Queen Bee of Goll to raise. She was thought to be the granddaughter of Razzmorten until the great oak Longbark touched Abaddon and determined that he was the great-grandson of Razzorbauch.

  Spooner - giant pink spoonbill who returned Rose and Lukus's packs from the Gobbler keep.

  Spoyal - count (earl) and captain of the guard of the Goblers.

  Spring - enchanted wood rabbit, helped lead Rose and Lukus to Fuzz's den.

  Squeak - slave sparrow (tweets).

  Squire Gyr Gwartheg - (cattle herd) a well known cattle breeder near Goldtown.
  Stamson - hunchbacked bellman at the Suds and Steer, Sweet Pea.

  Starfire - Lukus's cyflymder unicorn.

  Stepper - Lance's stud cyflymder unicorn.

  Stripes - peppermint walking stick.

  Strom - Elf, brother of Soraya, Danneth and Jarund.

  Strong, Biggand - Fuzz's name as Captain of the Royal Guard of Niarg, along with Karlton.

  Strutly - a captain in Niarg's Royal Guard, sharing duties with Captain Bernard.

  Sulacha - (Eyes in Jutish Elven) paramilitary tracker Elf sent by Neron to help Hebraun and Niarg, scouted for Neron at the battle of Ash Fork.

  Sunnie - yellow-headed female offspring of Hubba Hubba and Pebbles's second brood.

  Sweetcheeks - enchanted, saccharine skunk, helped lead Rose and Lukus to Fuzz's den.

  Taflu - Fuzz's pet vampire bat.

  Talamh Coille Graham - Elven court Herbalist and lover and victim of Ugleeuh.

  Talik - corporal under Captain Waso, who was in turn under General Coel.

  Talorg - Beak King (Ru or Brude) or King of Mar (was Greedigut), Gobbler King when enchanted by Ugleeuh.

  Tamia - wife of High Captain Girom and cousin of Brude Taylorg.

  Tan (Breton) - Fire, dragonet.

  Tashtey (treasure) - Sorcha's strike falcon.

  Teeuh - a Fairy with giant luna moth wings and shark teeth, who was remade by the oak tree Longbark from Nasteuh.

  Tegell - cook at Tafarn Coch who was sent by Beli to round up Neron, Olloo, Obbree and Badharan when they fled the tavern.

  Tethion - a corporal under Captain Anaoc who led a reconnaissance from near Howlie Box down to the Pastures.

  Theran - King of Bratin Brute, Myrtlebell's father.

  Thump - Sergeant Hensnape's hired man.

  Thunderhead - (Penn-kurun) huge naked dragon, turned to stone by Lukus.

  thunderman - the title of address for any trollish chieftain.

  Tillie - a Cyclops, wife of Milowe, mother of Ownlee.

  Timothy Gweld - Benjamin's twin brother.

  TMS the Sea Sprite - the ship which took Razzmorten, Rose, Lukus, Hubba Hubba and Pebbles to the Peppermint Forest to see if the magic was failing.

  Toast - feathered dragonet of Spark and Lipperella, sister of Laora, Abaddon's mount.

  Torn - hostile naked dragon ranger, killed by the grogs.

  Tors - Torch, naked dragon, Spark's elder brother.

  Tramae - King (Brude) Talorg's daughter, Myrtlebell's half-sister.

  Tramman - Inney's friend, Gwaelic Elven master austringa of Jeelys the shawk spoogh (strike falcon).

  Trefnifryd - (fart) one of the two brutes who brought Ninardern forth to Dyr.

  Trefnifryd - troll scout under Fnadiphnignyd. He was ordered by Fnadihpignyd to be beaten when he questioned Dyrjinyryy. He vanished at Oilean Gairdin.

  Trefor Pugh - Bratin Brute spy and knight.

  Treth - Spitemorta's tax assessor at Niarg.

  Trident - the privateer owned by Demonica and captained by Jockford which sailed with Razzorbauch, Ugleeuh and her from the Mammvro on the Eastern Continent with nineteen other ships carrying 201 dragons to what would become Dragon's Port.

  Trifin - the penn-tan (fire-head) dragon who knocked down Edward.

  Tristan - King Neron's cousin.

  Truth-Bearer - Lipperella's official position in the Dragon Clan.

  Truth-Teller - Lipperella's official position in the Dragon Clan.

  Tucker - innkeeper at Tafarn Bonheddig.

  Turant - corporal in the regular Gwaelian Army.

  Tweet - slave sparrow (chirps).

  Twitter - wife of Squeak, the sparrow.

  Ty Bran - Crow House.

  Tywysoges Rose - Princess Rose of Niarg.

  Ugleeuh - the Collector Witch, Bailitheoir Cailli, Carlin Cruinnich, Demonica's daughter, Spitemorta's mother, Minuet's half sister.

  Ungust - King Vortigern's servant.

  Urnboy - Demonica's derisive name for one of the palace guards at Castle Goll.

  Urr-Urr - hen raven who was Ocker's mate.

  Ursula - sister to Roseen and Sorcha.

  Vafagyrfniyy - (the mean one) gracile troll who betrayed Dyr and Ninardern to Fnanar when their brutebaby was born.

  Veyfnaryr - (trollish for His Super Natural Power) Spitemorta's trollbrute child, the first troll ever to have magical powers.

  Vindicator - King

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