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Page 7

by B L Morticia

  Knowing how nervous he was, I patted his shoulder and cooed in his ear. I licked it for extra effect.


  I hooked my finger and slowly pushed it inside of him. So tight and hot. With the electricity coming from his body, it felt as if I were being burned alive.

  “Shit, Steven. Oh God, I need you inside me.”

  Noah’s words turned me on in ways I couldn’t explain. Still, I had to make sure he was ready because this wouldn’t be as pleasant at first. “Patience, baby. We gotta make sure you won’t hurt too much.”

  “It will at first, but after a while, I’m sure it’ll feel better. Get in me,” he growled.

  I snickered and pulled out one finger, then added another. When I thought he was relaxed enough, I removed them, then slowly eased my dick into his body. The minute our skin touched, I saw stars. I’d never felt that kind of energy during an initial thrust.

  “Oh God, oh fuck, oh fuck.” Noah shouted.

  “Shit. You want me to stop?”

  “No. Keep going. I know I need to push out.”

  “Yes, you do and breathe baby. If you scream again though, I gotta stop.” I licked his earlobe, then moved in again.

  Noah whimpered, but he appeared to be more relaxed this time around.

  I pushed in further and immediately my cock wanted to unload into the condom. “Shit, Noah.”

  “Fuck. Yes. More Steven.”

  “Does it hurt baby?”

  “Not as much as the first time.”

  Hearing that, I pushed on. We’d have other opportunities. I only had to make a way to get him backstage without the band finding out.

  Despite those thoughts, I continued. My balls tightened with each thrust into Noah’s tight frame. I ran my hand over his chest, toying with his nipple while I pressed my dick inside his hot channel.

  “Steven, oh yes, Steven.”

  “Mhmm. Dammit Noah. I’m gonna come.”

  “Do it baby. I’m not ready just yet, but I don’t care.”

  “Shit!” By the end of his sentence, I’d filled the latex with my seed. I inhaled sharply, biting the back of his neck while I continued to fuck him.

  “Holy fuck. Steven. Oh damn…” Noah sounded as if he was crying.

  Totally exhausted, I leaned my forehead against his nape. I kissed the skin there. “Fuck Noah, that was amazing.”

  “Mhmm.” Noah said, sounding just as weary.

  “Did you come?”

  “No, but I’m about ready to.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. That very second, I turned him around and dropped to my knees, taking his hard cock in hand. I sucked the head of his shaft, looking up at him like a dirty porn star, all while jerking his dick.

  “Holy shit. Oh God, oh…” Noah threw his head back while he clawed at the walls behind him.

  I released his cock then moved forward, taking it all inside my mouth. My own spent dick was firming up again. Damn thing was ready to go another round.

  Though I’d never given a man head, I’d watched the women do it to me and took note. Bottom line, I was giving this man, this gorgeous guy, my first blow job. I loved a sloppy, messy kiss as much as anyone. And considering this was my first try with a man who I wanted to get to know, it meant a little more.

  Chapter Nine


  Surely my abrupt disconnection shocked Steven, but I couldn’t bear hearing that lie. Impossible that our thirty-minute encounter meant anything more than what it was. No question, it was a hot moment, but nothing more than two horny men getting off in the john.

  After I hung up, I went through work, answering every client’s call and solving problems as usual. When it was time to go, I picked up my box of rose petals, tossed the card back inside, and headed for the door.

  The day had been mentally exhausting. I needed to go home to get my head on straight.

  Thank goodness the weekend had arrived, meaning I could use the two days to recover. Perhaps after I rested, I’d attempt to talk with Steven again.

  Once I said my goodbyes to Lacey and my co-workers, I hopped in my car. The 2007 Accord my parents bought for me still ran like a dream. To be a ten-year-old vehicle, I’d rarely had any issues with it.

  When I arrived, I parked in the garage and walked to the elevator. I hit seven then leaned against the wall, clutching Steven’s box tightly in hand.

  The bell announcing my floor woke me from my lusty thoughts. In a daze, I stepped off and made a left to go to my front door. After I fished the keys out, I pushed them in and twisted it until it clicked. Such a welcoming sound, knowing I was at home for the weekend. But with nothing or no one there, it was heartbreaking too.

  After dropping the box on the table nearest the door, I wandered through the living room, to my bedroom. I shed my clothes, dropping it all on the floor and crawled into bed in only my boxers. When the cool sheets made contact with my skin, I sighed in contentment and pulled the one blanket up to my neck. Ready for sleep, I turned over and closed my eyes. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to get into bed so quickly, because of course, I’d dream of what happened with Steven so long ago.

  * * * *

  Once we finished sharing a sloppy kiss, Steven moved back, staring at me. He pulled his pants up over his semi-hard cock.

  “That was incredible.” My body was still buzzing from the moment we’d just had. I’d been fucked by my favorite singer. The vocalist of StarHaze. The man who fueled every fantasy I’d held for the last four years.

  “It was,” he said smiling at me. “Listen. I wanna see you again, can we…”

  “Sure… um…”

  Before I could say another word, the door bulged from something or someone pushing it, then it flung open.

  Jeff, bassist for Starhaze had tumbled in, with a strange look in his eye.

  “Oh shit, sorry, dudes. Uh, did I disturb something?”

  Steven froze and a lump appeared in his throat. He shook his head. “No, no, nothing. Noah was just… we were talking about music.”

  “Yeah? Oh, fuck man, you got a black fanboy,” Jeff said laughing. “How cute is that?”

  I shook my head, knocked back by his words. I knew he was an asshole, but I’d given him the benefit of the doubt because he was in a band with Steven. Now, not so much.

  “Shut the hell up, Jeff. Show some respect. Anyway, kid. Nice talkin’ with ya. I gotta go.” He held his hand out.

  “Thanks for the tips on playing the chords, man.” I slapped his palm, making up anything so Jeff wouldn’t suspect. A promise was a promise, however, regardless of the embarrassment I felt right now.

  “Anytime dude. Jeff, you need to piss, I presume?”

  “Yeah, I mean, no. I was looking to see if I could borrow Charlotte from you,” he asked, sounding drunk as a skunk.

  “Pssh. Dude.” Steven chuckled and walked away, pushing Jeff in the other direction. He didn’t so much as even look my way.

  I sighed inwardly and ran my hand over my head, knowing I’d just been dissed. I knew Steven didn’t want to get caught, but I didn’t think he’d just abandon me without batting an eyelash.

  To break out of my daze, I walked to the sink, washed my hands, and splashed water on my face. I couldn’t believe what had just occurred and no one in their right mind would believe it if I told them.

  I’d just been fucked by Steven Sharpe, then thrown aside like a rag doll he no longer wanted.

  It didn’t end right, but at least I had the smell of him on my skin as something to hold on to.

  For the duration of the night, I couldn’t stop staring at him from across the way. He was with his band, the groupies, and plenty of hangers on, who’d offered him pills and alcohol.

  “Dude, you’re gonna have to stop that,” Laze said to me.

  “I know. I can’t help it. Laze, that little bit of time...”

  “I get it, bro, but he just dissed you. He could’ve at least dismissed his bandmate, then gotten your number.”

  After I left the bathroom, Laze came looking for me. I pulled him inside and confessed everything. Something I told Steven I would definitely do.

  “You’re right.” I shot him another glance.

  In that second, his glassy blue eyes met mine and he held up his bottle of Jack Daniels as if in toast.

  I could tell the man was wasted. At this point, he probably didn’t know he was Steven Sharpe from StarHaze, let alone the man who’d just stolen my virginity.

  With that realization, it was time to get lost and lick my wounds in private. “C’mon, Laze, time to go.”

  “I agree.” Laze glared in that direction, but I refused to look up and watch Steven react.

  Steven made me feel important, then like shit, all within about forty minutes.

  It was shitty, but I should’ve expected it from him, knowing he was in the closet.

  Despite what had occurred at the end, I’d always know Steven Sharpe was my first.

  * * * *

  As the dream faded, I opened my eyes. I closed them and sighed, feeling disgusted all over again. I was supposed to get over it, but I guess my heart and mind weren’t ready to cooperate. Ten years should’ve been long enough, but Steven’s reappearance had made everything come back to life.

  Laze calling interrupted my thoughts. Apparently, he had a sixth sense when I was distressed.

  “Hey, Laze.”

  “Noah, what’s up? Wanted to see if you called Ian yet.”

  “No, I didn’t. Listen um…” I stopped talking and ran my hand over my head. Should I tell Laze what happened earlier? Maybe not because he’d say something to piss me off. My mind was already made up about Steven, I just had to figure out the right way to tell him when I returned his call.

  “Noah, you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Hard day at work that’s all. How’s Andreas?”

  “Fine. Why haven’t you called Ian yet?”

  “Because I didn’t want to. Not right now anyway. Got a lot on my mind.”

  Laze sighed, and went on to talk about something else, which I was quite thankful for. I wasn’t in the mood to recount the conversation with Steven either because I already had the solution.

  Regardless of how much I wanted him, I wasn’t ready for things to progress and Steven needed to understand that. I had to put the brakes on quickly, so we wouldn’t delve into a relationship that was doomed to fail from the beginning.

  Chapter Ten


  In the time between my conversation with Noah and now, I’d played guitar until my fingers were sore, ate lunch, napped, and watched reruns on television. I was restless. I didn’t know whether to call him and beg, asking for another chance, or go to the studio just to pass the time. Working had taken the place of loneliness for the most part. Besides, I hadn’t really talked with anyone about working because I was busy doing my own stuff.

  Regardless of what I was feeling however, I couldn’t allow myself to get too down. Noah needed time to process it all. Maybe when he did, we could start over again.

  After the show ended, I turned the TV off and picked up my tablet instead. Reading something would be good, just to take my mind off of things.

  The minute I opened the app, my phone rang. I picked it up and gasped, seeing Noah’s name on the screen.

  “Hello, Noah.”

  “Hi, Steven… I… I’m sorry I cut our conversation short, but I was too shocked by what I’d heard.”

  “No, no, it’s fine. I’m glad you called me back. I was almost thinking I’d messed up with you a second time.”

  “No, I just…” Noah sighed. “It’s hard to. We only had…”

  “Hey, hey. I know it was only a little while, but you were sensational.”

  “I was a nineteen-year-old virgin.”

  “While that’s true, the sex wasn’t the most important thing about our meeting.”

  “It wasn’t?”

  “No.” I leaned back against the headboard and ran my hand through my hair. I attempted to find the right words, so he could trust me going forward.

  “Remember the talk we had before sex? When you told me what those songs meant? How you deciphered them? StarHaze was a bunch of nobodies. We didn’t have any Behind the Music specials or Unplugged shows to talk to fans about our inspirations. The closest I’d gotten was an interview in the local Seattle rag with a two-bit journalist who thought he knew everything about music,” I said with malice. “After that, I tried getting clean because I’d destroyed my chance to get close to you that night. I hoped you would show back up to shows just so we could reconnect again, but, it didn’t happen, and I couldn’t blame you.”

  Noah sighed into the receiver. “Yeah, well, you guys didn’t play much here after that. I’d just started school and, didn’t have a lot of time.”

  “No, no, it’s not your fault. I should’ve gotten your number that first time. After that, everything around me fell apart and I went back to drugs. Only after I nearly overdosed did I get clean. And besides that, I haven’t had a lot of love in my life. My father was and still is an asshole. I haven’t talked with that jerk in years. My mom died when I was six. I’ve never had any kind of connection with anyone until you, Noah, and none have happened since. Someone that cared, actually gave a damn about my career, and well, kind of adored me was a big deal. That’s if… you still feel the same.”

  “Oh, I do, Steven. I loved your songs, appreciated your talent. And yeah, I have a huge crush on you.”

  Listening to Noah brought a smile to my face. “I’m glad there’s still some admiration there on your part. I’d hoped that it was. I fell hard for you that night, Noah. I haven’t been able to have any kind of semblance of a relationship because I think about that encounter.”


  I could hear the smile in his voice, which was a good sign.

  “Not at all. I wanna prove how serious I am, but I also don’t want to scare you away. If you think meeting isn’t a good idea…”

  “No, we could meet, let’s just… leave the words out of it, okay? We’ll talk about everything else and leave the emotions out for now. See where it leads.”

  “All right we can do that.”

  “Good. When would you like to get together?”

  “How about tomorrow night? I promise I’ll be on my best behavior and it’ll give you Sunday to get ready for your work week since you’re part of corporate America.”

  “That would be good. I’ll be at my parents’ house for a barbeque. I can come right over afterwards. Maybe we can just have a drink or something since I doubt I’ll be that hungry.”

  “Oh? I’d hoped for you to taste Eva’s cooking. She’s my maid, but I adopted her as my mother because she’s taken care of me for years.”

  Noah laughed. “Okay. Well, maybe we should do it Sunday. Preferably early so I could get home in time for work the next day.”

  “All right. I’ll take what I can get. How about four?”

  “Perfect. I’ll skip lunch then,” Noah said chuckling.

  “Great. So, what would you like to eat?”

  “Um, I’m a big fan of seafood. Maybe some catfish?”

  “She’s good at everything, so I’m sure you’ll love it.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, as well as catching up on lost time.”

  I grinned at that and nodded. “Me too, Noah. Me too.

  * * * *


  The following morning, I woke up around ten to get ready for the family barbeque. I kept my breakfast light, since I’d be eating plenty at my parents’ house. Good thing I’d told Steven about today, so we could move our date to Saturday, because I wouldn’t have an appetite for anything else later.

  Not food anyway.

  As I got dressed, I smiled to myself, thinking of last night’s conversation. Once we got past the initial hurdle, we talked about everything, including each other’s sexual desires. I was so embarrassed at first, but Steven ma
de me open up quickly.

  * * * *

  “So, you said you like to be taken from behind, what else do you like to do?”

  I smiled and swiped my tongue over my lips. “I love to be rimmed.”

  “Really? Well that’s a good thing because ass play is my favorite.”

  “Yeah?” I squeezed the bulge in my pants.

  “Do you like to give or receive?”

  “Both.” I chuckled, not believing I was discussing Steven after the difficult conversation we’d had.

  “I do too, babe. Another thing we got in common.” Steven cleared his throat. “I can’t wait to show you my tongue skills.”

  Hearing him talk about his oral talent, I shivered and bit back a moan. I tightened the hold on my cock and started massaging it. “Mhmm. Maybe someday you’ll show me how good you are.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. You know…” Steven paused. I heard a low rustling in the background. “We could pretend I’m doing it now.”


  “Use your imagination, Noah. Think about us in a secluded area, your pants and underwear pushed down to your ankles. I’m spreading your cheeks wide, darting my tongue in and out of you.”

  I groaned and pushed my hand inside my sweats. I leaned my head back against the cushions and closed my eyes, thinking of Steven pleasuring me. “Yes.”

  Steven’s voice sounded shaky. Apparently, he was just as aroused as I was. “I reach around the front and jerk your cock in the same motion as my tongue fucking you. Noah, you taste so good, I could eat your ass all night.” Steven added smacking sounds for affect.

  “Holy crap.” I stroked my shaft inside my boxers and rubbed the head in succession. I was hard as nails and leaking, meaning I was so close to climax.

  Damn this man knew how to get me going.

  With this kind of mental stimulation, I could hardly wait to feel the real thing.

  * * * *

  After we hung up, I couldn’t help but dream about him for the duration of the night.


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