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Page 8

by B L Morticia

  With such realistic visions in my brain, I woke up with a hard on that could shatter glass. Every part of my body buzzed with anticipation of being alone with Steven at some point and continuing what we’d done in that bathroom. Though I wasn’t normally the type to sleep around, I wouldn’t mind being with Steven again. He hadn’t mentioned it, but surely, he’d thought about it too.

  On the way, I stopped at the store to grab something to take with. When I locked my car, I swore I saw a tallish blond-haired man getting out of a fancy sedan. I gasped and gulped hard. I stared the same way I did that night at Hideaway. Like a starstruck teenager with his sights on the lead singer.


  When he turned to face me though, this man looked nothing like Steven. I shook my head and laughed, then walked into the store. How crazy was I thinking this random stranger was him? He had the height, but the face wasn’t even close. In fact, that guy looked more like a bear than a man.

  Could I be that gun-ho? Perhaps, but I seriously needed to check myself because we hadn’t even officially dated.

  When I made it to my parent’s house, all of my brothers were there except for Mike. Leon had apologized saying he loved me no matter what and wouldn’t hold my being gay against me. Although a pleasant surprise, admittedly I was distracted for the whole time I was there. All I could think about was Steven and what we’d do the following evening.

  How far would it progress? If we had sex would it be before or after dinner?

  No question the prior night’s conversation left something on my mind. I only wanted to explore it and see how far it could go.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’d clued Eva in on my date with Noah for the evening. She’d made catfish with wild rice, vegetables, and bread for our meal along with a cheesecake for dessert. Once she finished, Eva claimed she’d leave the house and wouldn’t come back until the next morning, just in case Noah spent the night. I let her know Noah worked, so him staying would most likely not happen.

  After she left, I showered, then spent almost an hour fussing about my outfit. The first thing I picked was black jeans with a white collared shirt. My first thought was that it wasn’t formal enough for dinner. Then, I pulled out my slacks instead. I wondered what he was wearing, but it would be sort of silly. I’d just have to go with my gut on this one which ended up being the slacks and collared shirt. We hadn’t seen each other in over a decade. Of course, I wanted to make a great impression.

  Finally, I dressed and checked my phone for the time. It was almost four, meaning he should be here any minute. A bundle of nerves, I walked quickly to the kitchen to grab the wine from the freezer. Eva had already set the table, so all I had to do was pull the delicious meal out of the oven and serve. Good thing too because with so many tasks, I was bound to fuck up something. Eva knew me better than anyone, which was why she suggested it in the first place.

  Just as I got the wine uncorked, the door buzzer sounded. I ambled over to the door and looked at the screen, then pressed the button.


  “Steven, it’s Noah.”

  “Okay great. I’ll buzz you in.”

  I did just that and inhaled deeply. I couldn’t believe I’d be seeing Noah James after all this time. The man had been in my dreams and my thoughts forever. Finally, I’d be seeing him up close.

  Feeling the nerves creep up, I fanned my face and pushed my hand through my hair. Heat swirled around me and the adrenaline inside me amped up as if I were high on drugs.

  I checked my look in the mirror closest to the door and when the knock sounded, I exhaled.

  “Coming.” I muttered a few bracing words and turned the lock. When I pulled the door open, Noah stood there, smiling wide, wearing jeans and a nicely pressed shirt along with a tie. “Hi.”

  “Hey. It’s so good to see you again.”

  “You too. You look better than I remember,” I said, trying hard not to stare. Noah was so handsome. His bright green eyes, perfect smile. The man was hot. It would take everything in me not to tackle him to the floor.

  “I hope so,” Noah laughed. “You look great, too.”

  “Thanks. Come on in.” I waved Noah inside and closed the door behind him. I couldn’t help but gawk at the way his hips filled out his jeans.


  “Thank you. Nice place you got here.” Noah looked around, then shifted on his heel to face me.

  “Thanks. It’s affordable and in a good neighborhood.”

  “True. Oh, here. Brought some wine to go with dinner. I didn’t want to come empty handed.”

  “Ah, thanks, but you didn’t have to. I’ll just put this one away. Eva cooked for us, so dinner is ready. Follow me to the small dining area,” I said sounding like a tour guide.

  Noah chuckled and did just that.

  “Have a seat here. I’m going to grab the food. We’re having catfish, rice, and veggies. Eva wanted to impress, but she realizes how important it is for me to eat right.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind. I can eat fish any day and any way it’s fixed.”

  “Good to know,” I called back on my way to the kitchen. “So, what have you been up to other than working in corporate America?”

  “Nothing much. I watched a couple of movies this past week.”

  “Yeah, I remember you saying how disappointed you were with the latest Marvel flick.” I wasn’t interested in superhero movies, but I mentioned it for conversation. Couldn’t be spending our entire date fawning over him, could I?

  “Oh man, yeah. Not saying I won’t see any more of them, but I walked out of there hella pissed off.”

  “Many were. I’m not into it, but some of my friends are.”

  “Only into music, hmm?”

  “Well, I read, watch things on cable, then do music. I told you the shows I like.”

  “That’s true. We like some of the same things.”

  “Mhmm.” I carried the platter with the fish on it to the table along with the rice.

  “Do you need help?” Noah started to get up.

  “No, no. You’re my guest.” I placed both plates on the table. “I’m gonna grab the veggies and be right back.”

  “Okay, if you insist.”

  “I do.” I walked the short way back to the kitchen and grabbed the last plate. “I hope you like dinner.”

  “I’m sure I will. Everything looks amazing.”

  “I’ll make sure to tell Eva,” I said on the way back. I placed the vegetables on the table, then picked up the bottle. “Merlot is good, right?”

  “Oh yeah. Merlot is my second favorite other than Cabernet Sauvignon.”

  I filled both glasses almost up to the rim. “Cool. I figured it to be a safe pick.”

  “Honestly all wine is good to me.”

  “I’m with you there.” I sat down and picked up the fish to pass to him. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re here.”

  “I’m happy to be here.” Noah took the fish and lifted a hearty piece from the platter. “I have to admit, you caught me off guard with the dinner invitation.”

  “Why? You had to know I’d want to see you.” I took the plate back, then passed him the rice.

  “I know, it’s just… God.” Noah spooned some rice on his plate then handed it back. “It’s weird. We’re on an actual date after all these years.”

  “Yep. As we should’ve been ten years ago.”

  “I wouldn’t have known how to act. I was nineteen, just learning to accept that I was gay.”

  I nodded and finished setting up my meal. “That might be true, but something should’ve happened, and I stopped it. I promise you it won’t happen again.”

  “Promise? I mean, that sounds idiotic, but… Steven, I’ve never been the type to just fall for someone overnight. I was crazy about you, but still young.”

  “No, I get it. Just give me a chance, Noah. I swear I’ll slow down to make things more comfortable. We’ll go at your pace, okay
?” I regarded him before taking a bite.

  Noah grinned. “Okay. Not like I could say no, right? You were always the man of my dreams. There hasn’t been anyone since.”

  Hearing those words nearly made me cry. Noah was going to allow me to make things right with him. With this kind of opportunity, I couldn’t fuck it up.

  I sang and played songs for Noah to come back to me. And now with him here, I could continue to make the guy my main source of inspiration.

  The music would be sweeter with him by my side.

  * * * *


  Dinner was delicious, as was dessert. To top it off, the conversation was just as enthralling after we got past the initial nervousness.

  Apparently, Steven had grown up. After his bout with drugs and finding out about his bad heart, he’d gotten his life back together. To say I wasn’t impressed would be a lie.

  While part of me wanted to throw all caution to the wind and jump into bed with him, the doubts lingered. He was getting back into music, and even if he did stay faithful and clean, he’d be gone for long periods of time. I wouldn’t be able to leave my job to go with him. That was a given, so it was best to take things at a turtle’s pace for now, despite thinking about what we could have in the future.

  No question, I had feelings for him. I hadn’t let anyone get to me because my subconscious still held out hope my rock and roll prince would make an appearance.

  Now he was here, and I hoped we could have a chance at something long term.

  “So, the music is killer like before.” I leaned back on the couch, making myself comfortable.

  Steven nodded, blue eyes shining like they were in StarHaze days. Thankfully it was for a different reason and not the illegal substances he’d liked to partake in. “The songs are more heartfelt for sure. I’ve been reading a lot and applying some of what I’ve read to my own life.”

  “Seriously? You’ve been taking George R Martin’s books and making songs?”

  Steven laughed. “Not necessarily. Just taking some of the emotion and how it made me feel. Books take you to a place and you lose yourself in them. You feel the way they feel, etc. I can apply those same emotions to myself... like love that’s forbidden, hatred so strong you’d wanna kill…”

  “Ooh, I get you. You creative types,” I said, smirking.

  “Yeah. We’re in different realms, but a lot of what, say authors do, compares to musicians and vice versa. Besides, I’m a writer too. I write songs.”

  “Actually, yeah. I never thought about it like that. Are books next then?”

  Steven shook his head. “Don’t have the patience, man. It’s easier to write songs than books. I’ve thought about putting out an autobiography though as sort of a ‘how to’ for young musicians with specific do’s and don’ts. Don’t do drugs, don’t allow managers to take everything you have. Do read your contracts or hire someone smart to do it, and so on.”

  “Life lessons. That would be great. I’m sure that’ll come in handy for plenty of ‘em. Even though a lot of them do things independently.”

  “Yes, which is a good thing. The internet has made a way for us to put our own shit out without a record company. Digital downloads have been a godsend for us and music fans alike.”

  “That may be true, but I still love the feel of albums, cassettes, and CD’s. I still have all my records and discs I’ve collected over the years. I’ve gone to second hand shops and spent a small fortune on those things.”

  “Really?” Steven’s eyebrows raised, and he held up his glass in mock toast. “You’re a youngin’ and still got the appreciation.”

  “Mhmm. Besides, I can’t read linear notes on songs from a download. Some of them are in the apartment, while the finer things are at my parents’ house. They’ve been great about letting it stay there. Don’t have to worry about it being stolen.”

  “What’s some of the finer stuff, if I may ask?”

  “Oh um.” If there was anything that got me excited other than computers, it was my music collection. “Some old Metallica, Megadeth, Testament, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Judas Priest. I’ve got albums made in Japan and all that. Even got some concert bootlegs I bought from Ebay. A lot of that happened before I was born, but it was the golden age of metal.”

  “Definitely. I’d love to see it someday.”

  “Of course,” I said, smiling. I took a sip of my wine and eyed him. “Maybe, uh, you can come by my place on Friday?”

  “I’d love to. Should we have dinner first then…”

  “No, we can eat at my place. I’ll order in,” I said. “I don’t cook. I don’t have an Eva around to do it for me, but I have a healthy stack of menus at my disposal.”

  Steven snickered. “That’s fine with me. I’m not picky. We can eat chips and drink soda for dinner, for all I care... as long as I’m with you.”

  I smiled. “Great. How about seven and when you get there we can decide what to eat.”

  “Cool.” Steven put his empty glass down and scooted closer to me. “So, um… I hope I’m not keeping you out too late.”

  I shook my head. “You are, but right now, I’m a little buzzed anyway. I shouldn’t drive in this condition.”

  Steven eyed me curiously. The wheels were definitely turning in his head. “You’re more than welcome to stay the night then. I won’t rush anything. You can have my bed and I’ll take the couch.”

  “I won’t take your bed, Steven. I’ll gladly take the couch once we both fall asleep.”

  “Ohhh.” Steven grinned. He moved in even more and took the glass from my hand. “In that case.”

  I inched in and ran my hand through his blond locks. His blue eyes drew me in. If I could get lost in them forever, I’d be fully okay. “I thought about calling in tomorrow. I’ve got plenty of vacation and personal time I haven’t taken. We could start on the bottle of wine I brought, talk some more, laugh, see where it leads.” Leaving it open ended was dangerous. It meant things could progress at lot further than I’d said initially, but the wine gave me courage.


  Totally terrified, I slowly moved in closer, pressing a light kiss atop Steven’s lips. The moment our mouths touched, energy was exchanged. Bright lights went off in my brain, exploding into tiny particles, almost like fireworks.

  Hot damn.

  Nervousness gone, I deepened the kiss, darting my tongue into his mouth. I tasted a hint of lemon and wine which aroused me more. Our teeth clanked together clumsily, but it didn’t deter us from continuing what we’d started. Kissing Steven was even more exciting this time around, knowing it was more than it was ten years ago.

  It wasn’t in the bathroom.

  It wasn’t while he was high on drugs and alcohol.

  Okay, the alcohol withstanding, because both of us had drunk three glasses apiece. Still, there was more to this.

  More than I ever could’ve imagined.

  I was with my prince.

  My rock and roll star.

  The man I’d waited for had kissed me like he meant it.

  My heart was ruined for anyone else.

  Chapter Twelve


  The click of a lock and birds chirping outside woke me. I forced one eye open, attempting to move, but I had a heavy body atop mine that wouldn’t allow me to.


  I bent my head and smiled at the gorgeous face lying on my chest, his perfect eyebrows thin on his forehead. Long lashes flowing from those gorgeous lids that were closed. He was flawless.


  And much to my chagrin, asleep on my chest still clothed.


  Trying not to wake him, I turned my head in the direction of the door. As suspected, I saw Eva’s blonde head of hair first, then what looked to me like two large bags of groceries. I had no concept of what time it was, but I assumed with the bird sounds it was after eight or nine.

  “Oh.” Eva walked in, looking sheepish. “Steven, I had…”

bsp; I put my hand up and shook my head. “No worries,” I mouthed.

  She smiled and tiptoed towards the kitchen, bags in hand.

  Content with having him close, I leaned back on the couch, cradling Noah in my arms. This feeling warmed my heart and other parts that would need tending to later.

  Despite my longing, I had a great time last night into this morning. That kiss went on forever before we finally broke. We did it several times again, then groped each other through our clothes. Just as things got heavier, Noah moved away and suggested we drink some more, which prompted me to sing a couple of songs.

  It was sort of a test of wills for me, considering I wanted this man more than breathing. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it and after we’d finished his Cabernet, we lay back on the sofa and fell asleep.


  “Noah?” I didn’t shake him, but I wanted to make sure he’d called into work. “Babe?”

  “Hmm?” Noah moved and raised his head to meet my gaze. Those emerald eyes met mine and I swear I was transported to that night at Hideaway again.

  “Um, did you call in?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Noah straightened and stretched his arms over his head. “I sent my boss a text at like four am when I had to go to the bathroom,” he said, still sounding sleepy. “What time is it now?”

  I yanked my phone from the side table. “After eleven. Eva just got in. Would you like some breakfast?”

  “I would, as long as it’s not too much trouble. Got a slight headache, but I think coffee would cure that.”

  “Yeah,” I said, putting my cell back. I took his hand and brought it to my lips. “I had fun last night.”

  Noah smiled and nodded. “Me too. Sorry I passed out on you.”

  “I’m not complaining, babe.” I let go of his hand and rubbed the back of his neck. “No other place I’d rather be.”

  “Hope I didn’t slobber on you too much.”

  “Actually, I’d want your slobber all over me.” Wanting him, I moved in close and brought him in for another lip-lock. I swirled my tongue around his mouth and my dick leapt in my slacks, straining against the front. Colorful stars burst behind my eyelids and I knew right then I was a goner. I wouldn’t be able to think clearly for the rest of the day with Noah here.


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