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Page 11

by B L Morticia

  “Yeah.” I squeezed his hand. “Babe, it was scary for me too, but I’ll be alright. My doctor is one of the best in Seattle. I’m just gonna have to see him more often. In fact, I have an appointment with him next week.”

  “Can I go with you? I mean, I know I’m not your husband or barely your boyfriend, but…”

  “Of course, you can. I’d love for you to go.” I pulled him in close and kissed his head. “Noah, you know how I feel about you. I enjoyed hearing them call you my husband.”

  “You did, huh?” Noah kissed my cheek and leaned on my shoulder.

  “Yes. Someday, I’d like to make that come true. That is, if you’ll let me.”

  “Are you kidding?” Noah looked up at me in confusion. “I care for you, Steven. A lot. I want us to strive for that. I know it would make my momma very happy.”

  I chuckled, remembering what Noah had said about his mom pushing him towards the altar. “Me too. I’ve been chasing you for years and to finally have you in my arms for the rest of my life, would be the best thing ever.” I caressed his other shoulder.

  “I feel the same. I could tease Laze and say I married the man of my dreams,” Noah laughed.

  “Yeah, I could do that to Jules. So, yes, come with me to the doctor, and we’ll find out what else we could do about my bad ticker.”

  Noah grinned at me and kissed my lips. “Okay, I will. Do you want to lie down?”

  I took another sip. “Nope. I want to sit here with you and talk about what we can do once I get well. I’m taking you to that Dalians show in Arizona in two months since we missed it, and then, I was thinking about another vacation to Hawaii. I’ve always wanted to go.”

  Noah laughed. “Okay, so you have plans. Why don’t we concentrate on you getting better first, hmm?”

  I leaned in and kissed him. “I’ll get better faster with you laying here with me.”

  “Oh, I know that helps. Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I took the rest of the week off to help Eva.”

  “Good. Too bad we can’t have a little fun in the process,” I grinned at him.

  “Soon, you big horn dog. Just concentrate on recovering.” Noah kissed me quickly and leaned on my shoulder.

  I finished my juice and placed the empty glass on the side table. “Yes, sir. I will. Most definitely.”

  * * * *


  Although I didn’t want to leave Steven, I had to go back to work the following Monday. I promised him I’d stop over once I was finished though. Perhaps I would take him up on his offer to stay and just go to work from there.

  The more time I spent with Steven, the closer I wanted to be. I was already falling for him and those emotions started to morph into something more important. I couldn’t say love just yet because a part of me wished to hold off on saying that until I was absolutely sure. Regardless, I cared for him and hated to leave his side.

  Taking three days off meant catching up on a lot. Clients were happy to hear my voice and asked why I hadn’t been around to take their phone calls. I told them it was a personal emergency and changed the subject. No matter what had happened, it wasn’t their business. I knew they were just being friendly, but in all reality, I didn’t have that type of relationship with anyone.

  After I hung up with the tenth call I’d taken within the last hour, my cellphone rang on my hip. It was my mom calling. I hadn’t spoken to her in a few days, so I thought it best to answer it.

  “Hi, Momma.”

  “Hello, son. How’s your boyfriend? Did he get out of the hospital?”

  “Yes. He’s at home, resting. He’s got a doctor’s appointment Wednesday and I’m going with him.”

  “That’s good. I hope you’ll bring him around soon. I’d love to meet the young man.”

  “I will. Everything okay?”

  “Yes. I wanted to ask you something, though. Mike says you don’t talk to him on that social app, whatever it’s called. You guys aren’t fighting, are you?”

  I knew this would eventually get back to my mother. She wasn’t on any social media, but I figured Mike would tell her that I dropped him from my friends list. “Mom, he started it. He said he didn’t want me to like anything on his page because I’m gay.”

  “Yes, he told me that and I let him have it. You don’t have to make things more difficult by not talking with him.”

  “Mom, he doesn’t want to be associated with me. What else should I do?”

  “Do what us old folks do. Call him.”

  “With all due respect, Momma, he could call me too. This isn’t all on me.”

  “I know. I told him that. Be the bigger man though and make the effort. I expect that out of you, okay?”

  I sighed. “Yes ma’am.”

  “Good. Alright, I just wanted to check in on you and say my piece. Make sure you come by soon, okay? And when Steven can walk, bring him with you.”

  “I will. I’ll talk with you later. Love you.”

  “Love you too, dear. Bye.” She hung up.

  I placed the phone on the desk and stared at it. My mom hated to see us argue so she always got involved, let us all know how she felt.

  Regardless, I wouldn’t be holding my breath. I’d text Mike and say hope all is well and leave it at that. Doing that, I could make the effort as I’d promised.

  When the day ended, I headed over to Steven’s to check on him. I called beforehand to see if he wanted me to grab anything and he refused, then added, just yourself, making me smile. After the short ride, I arrived at Steven’s place.

  Eva answered the door with a wide grin. “Hi Noah. Steven is in his office with Rob. They’re putting new songs up.”

  “What? He isn’t supposed to be working.” I walked in and closed the door behind me.

  “I know. He says he’s getting restless lying in bed. I’m almost done fixing dinner. Are you hungry?”

  I inhaled the pleasant smells of catfish cooking and smiled. “Yes. Being here with you and Steven will definitely put some weight on my bones,” I laughed.

  “Good. We’re having broiled fish. It should be done within the hour.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I walked on through the living room to Steven’s office. “Hey, guys.”

  Steven looked up and put down his guitar. “Hey babe. I’m glad you’re home.

  I hugged him and softly kissed his lips. I wasn’t sure how Rob felt about PDA, so I stopped.

  “Hey man, good to see you again,” Rob said, putting his hand out to shake.

  I accepted it. “Same here. Whose idea was it for Steven to get out of bed?”

  “Totally his,” Rob answered with a smile.

  “Yes, it was.” Steven sat and pulled me onto his lap, making me yelp.

  “No, no, let me go get a chair.” I tried getting up, but Steven held my waist, so I wouldn’t move.

  “You aren’t hurting me, Noah. Plus, you don’t weigh much. This is the only way I can be close without sexing you. When I see the doctor in a couple of days, I’m gonna ask when am I in the clear to have sex. Blue balls are killing me.”

  I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  Rob tensed up at what Steven had said.

  I could tell he was uncomfortable.

  “Ahem, uh, Steven. I’m about done loading the new tunes you wrote a few weeks ago.”

  “Good. Too bad I won’t be able to go out with Jules on tour. He said he’d wait for me, but I told him it wouldn’t be fair. Oh well, I’ll go out in the fall.”

  “Yeah, you totally can,” Rob said with a smile. “If you need a sound guy, I’m your man.”

  “Cool,” Steven answered. “Greg from Haber’s asked me about playing there the same night I had the attack.”

  “Really? That would be awesome,” Rob beamed.

  “Yeah, that would.”

  “StarHaze didn’t do Haber’s all that much,” I said.

  “That’s only because we knew the guys who ran Hideaway. Haber’s is definitely the bigger
and better venue.”

  “Better sound, too,” Rob chimed in. “I saw The Wretched there when they first started. They’re a lot better now. The lead guitarist is killer. She can play her ass off.”

  “Huh? She?” Steven asked with a confused look. “They got a chick on axe?”

  “Dude, have you been living under a rock? The Wretched has two new members. The bassist and guitarist have been there for over a year now,” I said with a laugh,

  “I had no idea,” Steven said, slapping my knee.

  “I did, but I’m not all that into them. They have some good tunes though.”

  “Dude, their latest is killer. You guys should give it a listen. Anyway, I’m gonna get going.”

  “So soon, Rob? You don’t wanna stay for dinner?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I also kinda get the feeling you wanna be alone with your man,” Rob said as he got up.

  “I do, just not in the way I’d like.”

  I chuckled and pinched his cheek.

  “Uh, right... which is exactly why I’m leaving. I’ll see you guys later.” Rob slapped hands with both of us and left Steven’s office.

  “Geez, he ran outta here quick.”

  “Yep. He isn’t a phobe, but he obviously has issues with me showing affection to my man. That’s too bad though. He’ll have to get used to it.” Steven wrapped his arms around me and brought me in close, covering my lips with his.

  Wanting him, I deepened the kiss, pressing my tongue in between his lips. I sucked on it, then lightly bit down because it drove him wild. Being so close with our lips locked, my skin ignited. My erection hardened in my slacks and I couldn’t think of anything else but wanting to be in his arms.

  We couldn’t have sex, but we could cuddle. It would kill the both of us, but at least I could be skin to skin with him for the duration of the night.

  “Damn, babe. I can’t wait to be inside you.” Steven whispered and captured my lips with his again.

  “Me neither.” I reciprocated the embrace and lazily tangled tongues with him while I ran my hand through his blond locks. Although I would’ve preferred to make love, I enjoyed the kisses we shared just as much.

  “Steven. Noah, time for dinner.” Eva called from the other room.

  Steven pulled away. “Are you staying?”

  “Yes,” I said without hesitation. “I’ll just leave a little early to go home to shower and get dressed for work.”

  “Not unless I convince you to call in.”

  “I can’t. I took three days off already,” I laughed and kissed him again. “Corporate America calls and unfortunately, it’s what pays my bills.”

  “All right,” Steven said, slapping my hip. “Let’s go on and have dinner, then we can spend the rest of the night together.”

  I smiled and pecked his lips in response. I didn’t want to move, but my hunger for food was just as strong as my want for Steven. “Yes, sir. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’d been eager to get Noah alone and I’d finally have him by my side, treating my home as if it was his own. Eva had left for the night, but she’d be back tomorrow as always to make sure I had breakfast and took my morning meds when Noah went to work.

  “Eva should cook for me too,” Noah said laughing as we walked to the sofa. We’d been sitting at the dining room table relishing our meal.

  “Nah, you can’t have her,” I said chuckling. “She was mine first.”

  “I know. Maybe I’ll ask her to make the meals for me to take back home. You think she’ll go for it if I paid her extra?”

  I sat on the sofa. “You serious?”

  “No… I mean, yeah.” Noah shook his head. “I don’t want to overwork her. I suppose I’ll have to come over here to eat.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that at all.” I eyed my guitar, sitting in the corner. “How about some after dinner music?”

  “Sure, what’cha got?” Noah leaned back on the couch, taking my hand into his.

  “I wrote something while I was in the hospital. I put some music to it while Rob was working on the website. Lemme…”

  “No, I’ll get the guitar.” Noah let go of my hand and got up quickly to grab it.

  “Noah, I can walk you know.”

  “No strenuous activity.” Noah walked back to where I sat and handed it to me.

  “Walking less than ten feet ain’t strenuous.” I plucked a couple of strings, then strummed. “Besides, I’m sure Doc Bryce will tell me to keep active.”

  “Well until he does, I’ll be doing everything I can, so you don’t have to. Now…” Noah eyed me, smiling. “What did you come up with?”

  “I don’t have a title yet, but… it’s a love song.”


  I strummed the guitar again and placed my other hand on the right strings, playing the tune from memory. I tapped my feet to the beat while bobbing my head. “I can’t seem to get you out of my mind, this kind of love is right on time. I need you in my life, forever, baby. We got to get together, mhmm.”

  Noah smiled, watching me as I sang. I’d already memorized every lyric because I was confident it could be a top download on the website. Right now, Promise was my most popular because it resonated with a lot of people. Maybe when I finally named this one, it would stick out in people’s minds too.

  Nearing the end of the song, I played a few more notes, then strummed the final part. I bowed my head and looked at Noah who appeared to be moved by my words.

  “That was beautiful. I love the tempo,” Noah said grinning. “Kinda reminds me of those eighties power ballads.”

  “Oh no. In that case, I need to change it,” I laughed and put down my guitar a moment. I pulled his hand until his body was flush with mine.

  “Don’t like the eighties ballads?”

  “I like em, but that wasn’t really the sound I was going for. More contemporary rock. It don’t sound it on the acoustic, but maybe when I add some more rocking guitar, it’ll sound how I want it to.”

  “You’re on the right track.” Noah kissed my lips. “How are you feeling now?” Noah curled my hair around his fingertips.

  “I’m good.” I dragged my fingers over the side of his face. “Wishing we could go to bed and make love.”

  Noah inched in, covering my lips with his. “We can, but no strenuous activity.”

  “So that means we can’t make love.”

  Noah cocked an eyebrow. “We can do other things, though. We gotta be inventive in situations like this.”

  “You’re right about that. Now, what do you have in mind?”

  Noah toyed with my hair, then ran his hand down the length of my shoulder. Every spot he touched lit fire under my skin. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hand on me. Even with clothes on, I was aroused beyond belief.


  Noah’s only answer was a wicked grin and his mouth covering mine. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and gripped the back of my head, holding me there.

  “Steven. I wanna go to bed now.”

  “Yes, let’s.” I could barely speak. My dick was rock hard and leaking in my sweatpants. Noah was right about being able to do other things, but my cock wanted to be wrapped in heat.

  Noah’s heat.

  Noah pecked my lips again, then tugged on my arm to help me get up.

  “I’m fine, babe. Most of my pain is in my groin.”

  “Then I’ll just have to take care of that too, right?”

  I nodded and allowed him to lead me to my bedroom. Damn this freaking heart attack that’s stopping me from making love to my man.

  I’d have to make it up to him later on for sure.

  * * * *


  Once we made it to the bedroom, I eased Steven down onto his mattress. I knelt at his feet and removed his sandals one by one. Then I massaged his feet while sucking on each toe as if they were his dick. I had a foot fetish that I hadn’t shared with an
yone before. Steven was the lucky recipient.

  “Fuck, Noah.” Steven threw his head back.

  “Easy there, cowboy.” I finished and tugged his sweats from his legs, then tossed them aside. Underneath his black boxers lay the huge bulge I’d wanted to worship.

  “Noah… oh damn baby. I’m so hard for you.”

  “I can tell.” I kissed both his ankles and stood up straight. I yanked my shirt over my head, then shoved my pants down from my waist. I’d wait to remove my underwear because I wasn’t sure how far we’d be able to go without Steven getting tired. Bottom line, my goal was to please him and make him relax.

  After removing my socks, I crawled the length of the bed until I lay on the side of him. I captured his lips with mine, while playing with his nipples and twisting them counterclockwise.

  “Shit, babe,” Steven whispered in between kisses, sounding breathy.


  Exactly the way I liked it. I wanted to make him orgasm in other ways, because foreplay could be as fun as the main event.

  “Mhmm.” I groaned into the kiss, using one hand to toy with his chest while the other massaged his dick through his shorts.

  I stopped playing with his nipples and used that hand to rub my own cock through my boxers. My breath caught as I tangled tongues with him. Just this sent shocks to every part of my body. My skin prickled, and body tensed, knowing I was close to climax.

  “I can help you with that,” Steven said. He slapped my hand away from my crotch and fiddled with my underwear until my cock sprung free.

  I groaned and closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the first trembles to happen. I continued to cover his mouth with mine while darting my tongue in and out. I wanted us closer, but I didn’t want him to get winded. Though he was taller and heavier, I could handle it.

  “Get on top of me, Steven.”

  Steven slid his underwear from his body, then did as I asked. I spat on my hand, taking both cocks into my palm. With our bodies so close, we could easily climax together.

  “Oh shit, Noah. I’m gonna cum.”

  “Me too. Do it babe. Come for me. I slapped his thigh, then slid my finger across his crack.


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