Somebody Worth It

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Somebody Worth It Page 10

by Nickie Nalley Seidler

  Easing the tension I was feeling, I glanced down, breaking his gaze.

  “That’s great! You always were a great writer.” I smiled. Focusing on him and his life was much easier than owning up to my fucked up life at the moment.

  “So, what about you, Millie? Any jobs?” He glanced out the window, then turned his attention back to me. Looking at those amazing deep blue eyes had me paralyzed for a minute, and I lost my train of thought on the question he asked. I heard the bell jingle on the door, and it snapped me back to reality. I shook my head slightly.

  The question reminded me of the job I loved so much that I no longer had. The happiness turned to a frown before I answered, “No, I was a secretary for many years, and they let me go a year and a half ago. I’ve been just being a mom and taking care of the house since.” I placed my hands together, fidgeting a bit.

  “So, tell me about Kate.” He interrogated me kindly with questions. I didn’t mind them, they got my mind off things I didn’t want to think about.

  “Kate, she’s going to be fifteen-years-old tomorrow, actually. She’s really great.” I laughed. “She just got her first boyfriend, even though she won’t admit he’s a boyfriend yet, but he’s an interest, I guess.” My smile went wide as I thought about my beautiful daughter.

  “You always had such a great smile. You should use it more often.” His eyes locked with mine again. The nerves were building again in the pit of my stomach. Were they good or bad nerves? Was I really getting nervous? God I hope my cheeks weren’t red! Was I blushing? Oh no. I took a cop out, and quick.

  “I’m going to grab some coffee, would you like some?” I choked.

  I needed a break. I felt the intensity of the conversation hike up a notch, and I didn’t even know why. I’m being silly, but I needed coffee. I needed to breath for a moment. He held his coffee, showing me he already bought his.

  “I realized after I suggested a coffee shop that you never used to drink coffee. I would have bought you some, but I didn’t know if you were going to drink any or get something else.” He lowered his perfectly chiseled jaw in a straight line, trying to judge my reaction.

  “I started after I had Kate, been addicted since. Thanks, though, I can get my own.” I got up from the table, turned on my heel and headed over to the small line by the front. I’d missed Dean, I really had. He was such a nice guy in high school, and then it was like bam, he was out of my life quicker than he came in. The barista girl took my caramel latte order, and I waited patiently while the other chick made it. I glanced over my shoulder, back at Dean, and he was looking right at me. Was he staring at me? Nah, it’s the barista I’m sure. I sat back down, scooting my chair towards the window, so I wasn’t so close to him. Dean and I shared so many memories, all good mainly. We had the stupidest of break ups. We dated for a while. He was what I considered the perfect boyfriend. He held the door open anywhere I went. He helped me study. He always let me know where he was at all times. He called me every night before bed. He’d sneak me over when he could. His kiss used to send me on an adventure of pleasure. The love we had was strong. But we were young and stupid, and he ended it with me because I was being too crabby. It was the silliest break up, but it made me so mad I held a grudge. I thought he’d come flying back to me, but he was waiting on me to come flying back to him. Neither of which we did. Next thing I knew, he accepted the offer to go to school in California. He was moving, and I was staying here. When I met Brian, I told him nothing about Dean really. I didn’t want him to think he had a competition of making me fall just as much in love with him, as I was Dean. At the very time I met Brian, he was more of a rebound till our first date made me realize I fell in love with him.

  “So, you live in town or?” he pressed on. His crinkle above his brow while he questioned me was adorable.

  “Actually, we’re moving to a condo. We sold our house. It’s in downtown, actually. Couple days and counting and we’re out.” I half smiled, taking my smile down to my coffee and sipped it. He sat there and looked at me like he could read my mind. He seemed like he could read more than what was on my mind. Did he know I was faking my happiness? Was I faking my happiness?

  “Millie, is something bothering you?” He leaned closer to the table, and I tried hard not to look in his eyes. I knew if I did, I would give myself away.

  “No, I’m fine. Really.” I answered, glaring out the window, anywhere my eyes could look, but in his direction.

  My cell phone rang, it was almost perfect timing. I knew he could figure me out, and I wasn’t ready for that yet. I answered, seeing Kate’s name pop up on the display.

  “Hey, honey, everything okay?”

  “Mom, I don’t feel great, can I come home?”

  “What’s the matter?” I asked her, trying to get some sort of explanation other than not feeling well. Dean sipped his coffee and tapped some stuff into his phone.

  “My tummy hurts, can I just come home, please, pick me up,” she whined innocently. She really wasn’t the type to want to leave school.

  “Okay, I’ll call school and get you called out. I’m on my way. Make sure you get your homework.”

  I reached for my bag. “Okay, I will see you soon.” She ended the call.

  I looked at Dean, gathering my things. “I hate to end this, but Kate isn’t feeling well, and I need to pick her up from school. Then I need to get home and pack the rest of my house.” I wrote my number down on a piece of a paper and slid it across the table. “Give me a call sometime, don’t be a stranger. It was good catching up with you.” I smiled and stood up. He grabbed the paper and placed it in his pocket. He embraced me in another hug, but this time it was quick. For that split second, I didn’t want to leave his hug.

  “Was great seeing you, too. Bye, Millie.”

  I grabbed my purse and headed out to the car.

  Holy shit. My life was stressed the fuck out right now.

  I raced to the school while calling them from the car. The office took down the notice, and I pulled up out front of the school, letting my car idle. I saw Kate walking out of the double doors and headed for my car. She threw her book bag in the back seat and climbed in the front.

  “Mom, I feel so crappy.” She moaned putting her seatbelt on.

  “This doesn’t have to do with maybe boy problems does it?” I asked as I pulled away.

  “No! My tummy hurts. Maybe I got a little bug or something.”

  “I’ll stop at the drug store and pick up some Tums.”

  After we stopped for Tums, and I put gas in the car, we headed home. Kate immediately went upstairs to lay in bed. I decided to start prepping dinner, so it was really easy to be made once it was time. Then I went to attack more boxes and get the little left I had to do packed. The house was pretty much packed except for our bedroom.

  I was drained and emotionally spent. Tomorrow was her birthday, and I just prayed that it went well. We’re having Ben with us, and we haven’t really been around Ben enough to know what type of guy he is. It’ll be the test and hopefully a nice dinner, if Brian keeps his act in control.

  “Mom!” she yelled from upstairs.

  “Coming!” I screamed back.

  I hurried up the stairs and into her bedroom. “What’s the matter?” I asked impatiently.

  “It hurts so badly.” She rubbed her lower tummy. She was dressed down into her pjs already and hair was a mess on top of her head, just like her Mother.

  “I’ll grab the heating pad. I’m not sure what more I can do for you, sweetie, we can schedule a doctor’s appointment if It gets worse.” I sighed. “Let’s try the heating pad first.” I turned and walked down the hall to our bedroom where I kept it. I used it quite often, so I knew exactly where it was. I went back, plugged it in and tucked her in. She needed to rest. I prayed it helped.

  I moseyed my way back downstairs and grabbed my cell phone to call Stephanie. It had two messages displayed.

  212-555-8744: Millie, it’s Dean. I hope you don’t mind
my text. I hope Kate is ok. I’m really glad we met today. I wanted to ask before you left, but since you were in a hurry I’d thought I’d ask now. I got the impression you’re struggling, and I don’t want you to be mad or upset with me, but I want to offer you a job. If you’re interested, let me know.

  Brian: I’ll be late.

  I stared at the text from Dean, but I immediately knew my answer. If he’s offering, I’m taking it. This was my way to earn some money. Too bad it’s too late to keep the damn house. I’m jumping way ahead of myself. I decided to text him back.

  Me: Dean, I’m definitely interested!

  My phone pinged in an instantaneous response.

  Dean: I need an assistant. Can you meet me tomorrow for a few hours, and I can get you set up in the system? I could use an assistant almost right away, and I have full reins over my pick. If you want the job, it’s yours.

  Tears sprang from my eyes. I kept re-reading the text. If I want the job, it’s mine. Of course I wanted it! This was the best news I could have gotten!

  Me: I’m in! I want it! Thank you so much, Dean! You don’t know how grateful I am. Email me the information and when you want me to come in. My email is [email protected]

  Dean: Perfect, I’ll see you tomorrow!

  Oh, he will be seeing me tomorrow!

  Chapter 10

  “Hope and reality lie in inverse proportions.” ―Jodi Picoult


  Millie finally found a fucking job. Not that we’re speaking enough for me to know what it really entailed, but I was told to pick up Kate from school today, get her to the diner, and Millie would meet us there. I had work, too. I hoped I could get off on time. I had some special things planned out for Millie and me. I thought long and hard about our relationship. If there was anything I could do to stop it, I was going to try my hardest. I didn’t want to lose Millie and the family we created together. I’m unsure that if Kate fully believed Millie’s decision on moving to her Mother’s, but I’m hoping, after tonight, I could change her mind about it.

  It was midday and nothing was moving in the car business today. No customers, meant no fucking commission. I’d practically beg to see a customer right now. All the dickheads were out there wandering around, and I tried my best to do the same. It was a competition, and I was going to have to do something to get some money around here. After a couple hours went by, I got a text from Kate.

  Kate: Uh, Dad? I know this is awkward, but I need you to pick me up and bring um uh, tampons or pads or you know women stuff?

  I looked at it and was confused. I looked back at the message and shook my head. No? Couldn’t be? Now I’m going to have two hormonal women in the house! Well, that’s if I could convince Millie to stay with me. What do I say back? My mind thought about a million responses, but it was my daughter.

  I texted Millie.

  Me: Ummmmm Kate got her period, you can deal with that.

  Millie: Brian, I can’t leave right now. I can’t leave, so you’re going to have to go to the store, pick up some menstrual pads. It’s not like it’s her first period, Brian. Just do it.

  I stared at the messages. I was not prepared for this mess. Literally a mess. Having to navigate the women’s aisle in the store for pads for my daughter was priceless. Here I had to still purchase a gift for her, and this wasn’t the gift I had in mind. Poor kid.

  Me to Kate: I’m on my way princess. We’ll make sure to make that birthday of yours extra special today. Love you.

  Kate: Thanks, Dad. LOVE you! My birthday is always special with you and Mom. Just have to be good to Ben, promise?

  Me: I don’t know, Kate, can’t make any promises

  Kate: Dad!!!

  Me: I promise.

  I’ve managed to avoid buying these things for Millie over the years from faking tonsillitis to a traffic jam or whatever emergency would get me the hell out of it. It was like Mother Nature was pissed and payback was a bitch.

  I decided to hit the local drug store on my way home. Get in and get out. That was my mission. I walked to the front of the store, reading the aisle signs as I went. Hopefully, what I was looking for would be hidden in a corner and nobody would be in the aisle. No such luck. There, like a flashing neon light, was aisle seven, ‘Feminine Hygiene’. I stopped in the front of the aisle and just stared. How in the hell am I supposed to know which one to buy? It’s like sending a blonde to the automotive store to get motor oil. There are like a bazillion different kinds; applicator, no applicator, cardboard, plastic, mini, maxi, overnight. My head was spinning with the choices. I’m not supposed to have to buy this shit, especially for my daughter. Isn’t that in the Dad guidebook or something? Taking a deep breath, I did what any sane man would do, grabbed one of each and headed to the cashier. Thankfully, there wasn’t anyone in line in front of me or behind me. I started to put down my items on the counter, doing everything I could to avoid making eye contact with the cashier. Just my luck, she had to be Miss Chatty.

  “Thank you for shopping at Drugstore R Us! Did you find everything you were looking for?”

  My eyes glanced up and met hers. “What? The twenty-five boxes didn’t give it away?” She began to scan the boxes and, instead of bagging them as she goes, she piled them up on the counter next to her.

  “Oh, I think there is a coupon in the ad for these.” She stops scanning to look in the paper. What is she doing! Scan and bag woman! Just scan and bag! I closed my eyes praying for this nightmare to be over.

  “Umm, thanks, but I’m kind of in a hurry. Don’t worry about the coupon.” I growled at the women as she mindlessly flipped through the damn ad, still. A line was starting to form behind me. Really? What did I ever do to deserve this? I’m not supposed to have to deal with this stuff. I’m the ‘muscle’. I’m supposed to scare the potential boyfriends away, like Ben! I slapped my hand down on top of the ad, and she looked up at me stunned.

  “I said, don’t worry about the damn coupon, just scan it and bag it.”

  “Well, I never,” she mumbled as she resumed scanning. “Sir, you might want to consider getting some medicine to help with the cramping. How bad are they?”

  I raised my eyebrow, “How would I know how bad the cramps are?”

  Her grin widened, “Well, since you’re so touchy and a tad bit bitchy, I figured it was safe to assume that you had your period!”

  I gave her a once over and my lips formed a flat line. For lack of better words, I just kept my damn mouth shut, paid, and hurried out of the store. Once I shoved the bags in the backseat, I hopped in the driver’s seat and took off towards school.

  Kate strolled out of school quickly. She then started running towards the car. She flung the passenger side door open and slid in the car.

  She let out a deep breath. “Thank god you’re here.” She ran her hands through her hair. “What took you so long?” She pressed her lips tightly together with a questionable expression.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I was getting your stuff. Don’t even start.” I glanced over my shoulder in the backseat, flicking my head and eyeing the bags to signal they were back there. She whipped her head in the backseat and became aware of all the bags.

  “What did you buy the whole store?” Her eyes widened as she smiled, letting out a subtle giggle.

  I cleared my throat. “Hush.”

  We continued on our way home. No traffic busied the streets, so we got home in plenty of time for her and me to change and head to dinner. My mind was restless thinking about Millie and how her job went today. Since I didn’t know much about it, I was pretty curious.

  Once we got home, Kate rushed upstairs with the bags of women shit and did her thing. I yelled up that I had to run out. I still needed to pick up her gift. I was on a mission and a shopping spree for Kate.


  I got back and walked through the door. I yelled for Kate and within minutes she was walking down the stairs, dressed and ready to go, but Ben followed after her. Ben? What the fuck was he
doing here and why was he here without me knowing? I shook my head confused. When the fuck did he get here? I took a deep breath. It’s her birthday. I needed to keep calm tonight but just for tonight.

  “Hey, Dad, remember Ben? His mom dropped him off, so we can take him to dinner.”

  I angled my head up to him. “Ben, good to see you again. Would have been excellent to know you were being dropped off.” I glanced at Kate, and she knew exactly what I meant. “Alright, get in the car.” I checked my watch. “Your mother should be getting off soon.”

  The kids walked out to the car and I slammed my head against the door. Lord, help me keep my cool in front of this guy.

  I grabbed a few packages and closed the door locking it behind me. I walked to the car and noticed Kate got in the backseat with Ben. Oh how fucking cute. I rolled my eyes. I slid into the driver seat and started the car. Kate giggled, and I eyed her in the rear view mirror. This was going to be a fun night.

  We made it to The Beverly Diner, a pretty popular restaurant. Millie made the reservation once Kate decided to pick this place. I parked the car and the two love birds held hands while we made our way inside. A beautiful lit fountain greeted us when we entered through the modern glass doors. Groups of people sat waiting around the fountain and to the sides of it sitting on leather ottomans. The walls were painted a rich brown and Italian pictures hung on them. You would think this was an expensive place, but it was pretty average. After you walked behind a great wall, the seating was scattered. There were some cozy booths off in the corners and small tables all around the center of the room. The lights were dim, and I was starving. The hostess brought us to a booth in the corner where flowers sat with a note attached to them. Kate jumped up with a smile, and I looked at Ben and then back at the flowers. She opened the small card and read it,


  Happy Birthday! These flowers aren’t as beautiful as you. But I hope you love them!

  Love, Ben

  She wrapped her arms around Ben and gave him a big hug. “Thank you! I love them, they are perfect, the best birthday gift ever!”


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