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Bubblegum Bimbos: The Complete Series

Page 2

by Sasha Scott

  As she placed another piece of the chewing gum into her mind and made the flavor so overpowering it was hard to ignore, her body began to show the effects.

  Despite the fact she was only in her forties her face looked more like a woman in her fifties due to the stress of such a tiring job. However the gum changed that slowly as the wrinkles which blemished her naturally beautiful face began to smoothen away into nothingness.

  While she sat there in trance, blissfully unaware, the bubblegum slowly transformed her into the woman of her new dreams.

  The girl she saw was young and that was already well underway, her youthful appearance being returned, twenty years taken from her skin.

  Her fantasy girl was also blonde and that was also something the gum could tend to, her wiry brown locks starting to shift towards a whole, new, lighter color. It even began to repair her damaged hair’s condition, taking the harmful effects of stress out of the occasion to make her locks flowing, silky and shiny.

  As time passed the supposed magic of the gum began to expand her bust. She was rather flat chested naturally but that didn’t strike her as suitable for her fantasy world. She needed to be stacked.

  From an A cup she grew, tits swelling up through the cup sizes as her outfit began to get tight. The early letters in the alphabet were knocked out of the park quickly, and they weren’t the only part of her to grow.

  Along with her bust, her ass began to get bigger. Her hips spread to give her a more curvaceous figure and her backside grew in mass.

  In a short amount of her time her ass became thick and her breasts came big. The growth up top only came to a close once she had hit H cup territory. At that size she wouldn’t be able to hide them and every man would find his eyes wandering.

  Thanks to the growth at both ends of her figure she was suddenly soft and sexy all over. A real hourglass beauty.

  While her chest was a serious change it wasn’t the highest point of growth on her body. Her face underwent some changes as well.

  The elements in the gum worked on her lips and plumped them up, making both top and bottom fatter and puffier, transforming her expression into a permanent, natural, duck faced pout.

  Her lashes became longer, along with her fingernails. They were just small changes that polished off the appearance the bubblegum was giving her; that of a bimbo.

  With her mouth filled to the brim with the strawberry gum, her body transformed until the mature brunette was a bubbly, busty, young blonde.

  As she changed the warm and cheery sensation spread from her mind to her newly modified figure. She didn’t know what she’d became yet but it felt oh so wonderful. It was starting up a new sensation between her thighs. It was making Betty feel horny.

  Betty? Where did that name come from? It just popped into her mind all of a sudden. Her empty head was filled with that single thought. Her name was Betty.

  That was the thought of many new thoughts. Those fantasies she’d had were starting to fill her up, they were starting to flood her mind. Her old thoughts and feelings were being covered over by a new reality for her.

  Work? Not important. Money? She didn’t need to earn that. Power? Not for a girl like her.

  She saw herself doing what she was told, leaving the money and power to the men. After all only a smart, strong, dedicated woman could compete in that world, not a silly, giggly, empty headed, little girl.

  Betty was a silly, giggly, empty headed, little girl.

  With a mouth filled with gum and a tongue stained in strawberry flavor, the stress free Betty finally succumbed to the break she really needed and fell to sleep at her desk.

  It’d been far too long since she’d gotten to go to bed so early and have a good night’s sleep and it was all thanks to the gum.

  “Rise and shine sleepy head.”

  Betty groaned as she was stirred from her slumber, the darkness of night gone, replaced with the orange shine of a new morning.

  The sandy eyed blonde felt really groggy, very dizzy even. She was completely spaced out, she wasn’t even sure where she was.

  Slowly her vision began to correct itself from a shaky blur until the picture became a bit clearer. She was in her office and there was a man standing in front of her. She recognized him, it was Glen.

  “Like hi Glen,” she purred, lifting her head from her desk with a yawn, “Like what are you doing here?”

  “Oh nothing, I just came to check up on you sugar,” he said, leaning over to give her blonde locks a stroking.

  For some reason that action made her feel especially giggly, she couldn’t stop herself from letting out all sorts of happy, girly, sounds.

  It was really funny. She used to think Glen was kinda sleazy but now that she got a better look at him she could see he was kinda hot, and he seemed pretty smart too.

  “Like thanks,” the bubbly boss giggled, “Like I feel good, just like a bit light headed and stuff.”

  “Oh that’ll be because you’re doing this job that is too hard for you. You’ve been thinking so much you’ve probably used up all your thoughts. A cute girl like you only has so many decisions in that head of yours, you must have used them all up.”

  Oh no! She’d gone ahead and used up all her decisions. Now how was she supposed to run the company?

  “Well what am I supposed to do?” she whined, “If I don’t do good everyone will be mad at me.”

  “Don’t worry Bethany--”

  “What? My name’s Betty.”

  “Sorry, Betty. No reason to worry, all you need to do is find somebody else to do your job for you. A silly girl like you isn’t cut out for thinking. You need to leave that to a smart man like me, someone who will do a good job.”

  Betty looked at him blankly. It seemed he was getting at something… but her little brain found it hard to process it.

  “Like, who?”

  “Me you dummy. I’ll be the new boss and I’ll find something appropriate for you to do, how does that sound?”

  She squealed in glee. A smart man making all the decisions for her? That was just what she wanted! She couldn’t stop herself from clapping in glee.

  “Wow that sounds super amazing! Okay you can be the boss now. Just tell me what I gotta do.”

  He grinned from ear to ear and pulled a contract out of his pocket, along with a pen.

  “All I need you to do is sign here…”

  The company was in complete shock when Bethany suddenly named Glen as the new CEO and departed. Nobody even got a chance to say anything to her, she simply up and vanished without any warning. However things quickly steadied themselves and began to pick up. The good work Bethany had started was continued by Glen and the company managed to reach smooth waters once more.

  Thanks to that Bethany was forgotten about very quickly. Only two people remembered anything about her. The first was Glen himself and the second was his new secretary.

  With no appointments for the rest of the day, a relaxing Glen buzzed for his assistant.

  “Babe, I need you in here, now.”

  The doors to his office swung open and his young, blonde, secretary came skipping into what used to be her office.

  Betty’s dress sense was often questioned by the other staff but with the boss’s permission she always managed to get away with it.

  She strutted around on huge candy pink platform heels and styled in her hair in long, childish, pigtails. Her legs were squeezed in fishnet stockings and her figure was wrapped up in an undersized, cutout, hot pink, skin tight, mini dress.

  With her face thick in slutty makeup and golden hoops dangling from her ears, Betty came skipping in happily with a giggle.

  “Like you wanted to see me sir?”

  Glen nodded and pushed his chair back slightly, “Yeah I’ve got a long break ahead of me and I could use your help. Get under the desk and unzip my pants for me. You know what to do.”

  She squealed in joy and wiggled her way over to her fiance, ready to tend to his needs again. Yes fian
ce, he wasn’t just her boss at work he was her boss in life as well. Even at home she couldn’t escape him. Betty served as his faithful, obedient, slutty housewife and secretary combo.

  It was a life of no worries, no responsibilities and no stress. As it turned out it was just the life she’d always wanted. She’d never been happier.

  D is for Dummy

  College, a joyous time for students. A duration spent living by hours not socially acceptable anywhere else, drinking and partying until you can’t think straight, and avoiding the reality of needing to to be an adult for a little while longer.

  Spending an extra few years in college before heading off into the working world is a great way to keep that childlike ignorance going for a little bit longer. University stretches out those stress free days for as long as possible.

  Then exam time rears its ugly head.

  Once the big tests show up, college reveals itself to be one cruel trick. Luring you into a false sense of carefree security so it can suddenly hit you with the sucker punch of overwhelming guilt and panic.

  This was exactly what had happened to Candice.

  Candice was what you could call the normal college student. She was a young woman who did all of her work but definitely enjoyed living the unique lifestyle that was only available for the small window she spent working towards her qualifications. She wasn’t a bad student, nor a good student; just a student.

  She was a pretty brunette with matching brown eyes and a decent body. She had been a cheerleader in high school but that’d been left behind there. Candice didn’t want to waste her free time waving around pom poms, she wanted to waste it drinking and drink she did.

  However a lifestyle spent doing a small bit of studying and a whole lot of partying didn’t exactly prepare her for when the amount of time she needed to allocate to her work was all of her time.

  Now that her freedom was gone, consumed by the need to study, Candice felt completely overwhelmed.

  The trim brunette groaned as she face planted into her desk. The day of reckoning was fast approaching and she had two big tests to research and a paper to write as well. Even though she had to do it, and she knew it, it was hard to keep her head on straight.

  “I can’t help it, it’s too hard,” she whined to herself, having been at the books all afternoon, “How can they expect me to do so much? I’m only human!”

  She’d had all the time in the world to study and finish her assignments but naturally they’d all been saved until the last minute to accompany her party lifestyle. Now it was starting to bite her in the butt.

  Even though she still had enough time to do it all if she knuckled down and just did it she was freaking out about it so much she wasn’t doing anything else but getting herself worked up more and more. The more she worried that there was too much work to do the more work there seemed to be ahead of her.

  Once again another day passed by with Candice making very little progress as her backlog continued to stack up.

  “I can’t help it, it’s impossible,” Candice groaned to her friends on one of her rare days out, “Humankind weren’t meant to process so much information at once.”

  Because the huge, end of college, exams were coming up, Candice and her friends didn’t get to meet up too much any more due to having so much work to get through. Even when they did meet up it just became this.

  Two of her friends leaned in together and began to whisper as Candice was making a scene.

  “Doesn’t she realize that we all have the same amount of work to do?”

  “More like does she realize that we’re managing it. There is only one of us freaking out here.”

  “Tell me about it. What’s the point of taking a break from studying just to hear this?”

  They peeked over towards Candice to see if she had calmed herself down or if she was still preaching to the group.

  “What’s the point of years of work anyway if the only things which matter are these exams?” she complained, “Why is this work more important than the rest?”

  Together they sighed. Yeah there didn’t seem to be any end to it. While it was good for Candice to be able to get everything off her chest, for everybody else who wanted to take a well earned break from their own studying the last thing they wanted was someone complaining about how hard it all was. They wanted their emotions lifted, not dragged down.

  Everybody was pretty much thinking the same thing but it was hard to say anything back to a crazed Candice, she was clearly getting deranged from the stress. That meant there was only one other option.

  “Hey this has been fun,” one of the girls said as she jumped to her feet, “But I kinda promised my boyfriend I was gonna go to the movies with him so… gotta go!”

  Once the first person had made her escape, the others used it as motivation to do the same themselves.

  “Sorry I gotta run too. Gotta ring my parents.”

  “If I don’t wash my hair soon it won’t be dry by tonight.”

  “I think I feel my phone ringing. I gotta take this.”

  Quickly the filled table dispersed until the only one left sitting was the woman who had driven them all off, Candice.

  Again she groaned as she was abandoned by all of her friends and left to wallow in her own stress and worries, having nobody else to bounce her irritations off. Why her?

  Just as she was pitying herself, somebody patted her on the shoulder from behind.

  “Hey Candice, couldn’t help overhearing that you’re finding it hard to study.”

  It was Dave, a guy who was in her class. He was quite the nerdy guy with thick black hair and glasses and it was very obvious that he had a huge crush on Candice, despite the fact that she clearly didn’t want to know.

  “What of it?” she responded coldly, always wanting to make her stance clear to her number one fan.

  “Well I just happen to have something that might be able to help. It’s this.”

  From out of his shirt pocket he pulled a pack of chewing gum, wrapped up in some hot pink packaging. It looked like the kind of thing young girls would be fooled into buying.

  “Chewing gum?” she said dismissively.

  “This isn’t just any gum,” he explained, “This gum has been specially created with stress relieving properties. If you’re feeling too worried to work you just need to chew on one of these and all those worries will vanish.”

  Needless to say she didn’t believe him whatsoever. Specially created chewing gum? It sounded like nonsense!

  “Don’t try and make a fool out of me.”

  “I’m not, I’m serious, this stuff really works. Here, just take it.”

  “Yeah… no.”

  “Come on. The worst that can happen is it doesn’t work. Even if you don’t believe me there is no harm in trying.”

  He did have a point there, and it seemed that just accepting the gum was a quicker way out of the conversation than arguing. On that note she reluctantly agreed.

  “Fine,” she sighed, offering her hand, “but this doesn’t mean I owe you one.”

  “Noted,” he responded as he handed over the goods.

  “Well if you’ll excuse me I have to get back to my work. I can’t waste all my time hanging around with people like you.”

  Candice pocketed the bubblegum packet and headed off back towards her dorm so that she could return to studying. With her friends gone it was time for her to really tackle her big issue. This time she would make progress without fail.

  She failed. There is no simpler way to put it, Candice failed.

  On the journey back to her dorm she had been filled with hope and optimism. Even as she entered through the door she felt mentally prepared to tackle the research. Then she sat down to get started and business proceeded as usual.

  Papers were flung everywhere, books were toppled down and Candice was left groaning, feeling sorry for herself.

  “This is seriously impossible,” she whined, “How am I gonna do this? There’s to
o much!”

  Candice was well aware she was getting herself into a state but there was nothing she could do about it. It wasn’t like there was anything which could help, unless...

  Even though she had so cooly disregarded it already, Candice dug the chewing gum packet from her pocket, remembering the so called properties it contained; stress relief. She really needed that.


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