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Bubblegum Bimbos: The Complete Series

Page 3

by Sasha Scott

  Having no other options she ripped the pink packaging open and revealed the strawberry strips inside. It certainly didn’t look specially modified, it just looked like normal gum.

  She took a strip from the box and placed it into her mouth, starting to chew. It didn’t taste special either, it just tasted fruity.

  Candice was just about ready to throw the useless gum away when her mind began to wander. It would be rude to throw the gum away, even if it didn’t work. It was a gift after all. Sure she didn’t particularly like Dave but he had just tried to help her, that was more than her friends had done.

  Dave wasn’t really that bad either. Sure he wasn’t a stud, a football player, a jock but he was smart, not bad looking and he seemed kind enough. His affection for her was kinda cute as well. It willed her into a small giggle.

  That noise wasn’t a very trademark one for Candice and she noticed. That wasn’t a noise she could make while up to her eyeballs in stress. It was almost like she wasn’t feeling stressed at all. It was like the gum could seriously be the real deal.

  For the first time in days, possibly weeks, Candice’s mind was happily occupied about something else and not weighed down with worries about work. She forgot how good it was to feel happy! Dave had really came through for her. She was going to have to thank him later.

  Now that her mind felt calmed she could finally start to get through the work. The boring, boring, work.

  The gum may have removed the worry from her mind but even it couldn’t make the tedious seem interesting. Candice wasn’t clouded by stress she was just faced with the realisation that she still didn’t really want to do the work, she had to do the work. After all it was for her future.

  Her future. If Candice didn’t like the work she was doing now would she like it more in the future? Would she really be happy having to do this again later? Was she doing dull work now just for the chance to do more dull work later?

  Well it was good money. If Candice got a good job she could get good money. Candice didn’t really want to do the job, she wanted lots of money which meant she needed to do the job. After all there wasn’t an easy way to get rich without putting in the work, right?

  As she slipped a fresh piece of gum into her mouth, her wandering mind settled on an answer. Yes, yes there was, for someone like her anyway.

  Candice was a good looking young girl. Someone like her could easily be the kind of woman which men adored. Filthy rich men.

  It was kinda funny, Candice had never really thought about it before but suddenly, with her mind calm, the possibility of being a trophy wife was revealed to her. Not having to worry about a job but still getting given lots of money, just for being a pretty thing. Didn’t that just sound wonderful? Why had that never appealed to her before?

  By this point Candice had forgotten all about the responsibilities which were sprawled all over her desk. After all her mind hated the thought of responsibilities and was trying to avoid them. A trophy wife certainly didn’t have responsibilities.

  Another giggle slipped from Candice’s lips as she began to nibble on a fresh piece of bubblegum, her mind slipping off into the world of fantasy.

  Her old visions of the future saw her tackling the working world but her new visions were fresh. Instead she saw herself wearing a pretty outfit, dolled up to the eyelids in makeup and hairspray, clinging to a rich man’s arm as he took her out shopping, giving her plenty of money to spend. What a dreamy life.

  She compared the two possible paths against each other in her daydream. On one hand she had hard work, loads of stress and big responsibilities. On the other she had no job, no worries and no thinking to do. One certainly seemed better than the other.

  The old ways of her mind were starting to crumble as the flavor of the gum spread over her tastebuds and consumed them, the ingredients burrowing deeper, changing her from within.

  Despite the fact she’d spent much of her college life enjoying herself, Candice did want to branch out on her own, it was why she’d gone to university to begin with and attended all her lessons for the full duration, so she wouldn’t need to leech off her parents and could instead spread her wings and make her own way through life. However with the gum playing with her emotions she began to think, what was the point?

  Candice’s mind was rejecting the hard way and instead was seeking the easy way.

  Her ideal woman was changing. She strived to be a person who wasn’t constrained by gender boundaries, by class divides, by what others told her she couldn’t do. She wanted to be a woman who didn’t know the meaning of the term glass ceiling, or that was what she’d been picturing before bubblegum’s influence began to leak into her mind. Her old ideal was a woman going forwards, her new was one going backwards.

  She could see her happiness. No job, no worries, no decisions. Looking pretty, being dumb, looking after the house for her man and looking after him when he got home. The lifestyle of a bimbo housewife.

  Almost in trance she placed another piece of the gum into her lips, making the flavor even more powerful, making its effects even more consuming.

  With her entire mouth filled to the brim with the intoxicating strawberry taste her transformation moved onto the next stage, from purely mental to physical.

  What kind of girl would be lucky enough to live a life of no thinking and no stress but lots of money, security and fun? Probably one with bigger tits than she had. That was what her mind thought and her body decided to accept that.

  The gum’s influence began to work on her chest, her small A-cup bust. She’d always been on the petite side but the supposed magic of the gum was slowly changing that as her breasts began to grow, not that she actually noticed a thing.

  Her boobs swelled in size as the seconds passed, her outfit starting to strain as she very quickly eclipsed the A-cup size of her bra and then surpassed B-cup as well. With every new measurement she hit, the more her undergarment grew close to giving way.

  Once she hit DD-cup the pressure finally became too great for her clothing, her bra snapping open, relieving her growing mammaries.

  That sudden jerk also snapped something else, it snapped Candice out of her tranced state and back into reality.

  “Huh, what?” she groaned to herself as her dizzy mind began to return to normal slowly, the happy fuzz of a trophy bimbo lifestyle starting to weaken. Then she laid her eyes on her work.

  Multiple exams to revise for, an assignment to finish. Lots and lots of dull work that was making her stress and eating up her time. She’d forgotten about it for a few happy moments and Candice wanted to escape from it all again, back to that happy place. That was why she began to chew on a fresh piece of gum and allowed the bimbo thoughts to take control again.

  Almost instantly the warm glow of an empty head returned to Candice as she sunk down into her chair with a happy smile, allowing the gum free rein to continue.

  With her chest already much bigger than its original state, the next change went after her small, round, backside. There was very little about bimbos which were wanted small and their behinds certainly weren’t one of them. The growth got to work and began to make her ass fat.

  Candice’s hips expanded outwards to carry her new figure, her booty getting larger and thicker, soft enough to squeeze and so big that every step would make those buns jiggle and grind together.

  She was fortunate enough to have been wearing some comfy sweatpants, otherwise her bottoms may have snapped as well.

  Once the growth came to an end, Candice’s rear was basically overflowing out of the chair. Suddenly she’d been given two soft pillows to sit on, and another two to rest on the table.

  While her ass and tits got bigger, her waist started to trim itself down, even smaller that it was initially. This change only added to her fantasy, a perfect, hourglass, figure.

  Still unaware that her ideas were coming true, Candice saw the upper portion of her dream self. Instead of having brown hair and brown eyes she instead had blonde locks
and sparkling, sapphire blue, irises. Of course the gum could change that too.

  Her dark locks began to fade away, being engulfed in platinum blonde streaks which were slowly taking over, all while her eyes were switching from one color to another, no contacts needed.

  She’d almost became her dream girl. There were only a few pieces of the puzzle missing and the bubblegum was ready to help.

  Candice’s pursed lips began to grow thicker, swelling in size until they’d transformed into a puffy pout. In her mind she even imagined such big lips would cause a slight, adorable, speech impediment. That would be carrying over as well.

  Her lashes grew in length, as did her nails, to make her body look an extra shade faker. Despite the fact that everything felt naturally it all looked too good to be real and of course nobody would suspect magic gum to be the answer.

  Even though she wasn’t consciously aware of all the changes that had just happened, somehow she still felt much better about herself. A bubbly warmth was flowing over her, making her giggle in joy; she could see herself as that dream woman more and more.

  Soon the heat became more than just a cosy glow which kept her feeling happy. It developed into a need, a lustful desire for satisfaction.

  Despite being in a trance, her hands still began to wander, slipping between her thighs and up her expanded chest. Slowly she began to rub, small moans popping from her full lips.

  The image of her dream woman was so strickling clear in her mind, she could picture her clearly, the giggly, beautiful, busty, hourglass, blonde, bimbo. That was what Candice’s dream future looked like, but how did it think?

  She could be as pretty as a supermodel but it wouldn’t mean anything if her personality wasn’t right. How would such a perfect woman think and behave?

  Her wandering fingers managed to surpass their lustful needs for long enough to insert another strip of gum between those lips, helping her to think, that thing she really didn’t want to do on her own.

  The hypnotic taste guided her to the answer. A beautiful trophy wife like that would definitely be caring. It’s only right that a wife cares about her man more than anything.

  A woman like that would certainly be dumb. Men like dumb women that they can care for, dummies who pose no threat to them and are completely helpless. She had to be a silly dummy.

  Of course she would have to be girly too. Real men like girly girls the best. To please her man she would have to be so very girly.

  Finally obedient, she would have to be obedient. Obeying was blissful, not thinking was heavenly, serving was just right.

  Candice was very happy that the answers were just coming to her, she now knew what true happiness actually was. There was just one, small, problem. She didn’t have a man. She didn’t have a boyfriend. She didn’t even have a lover. What was she supposed to do?

  Needing answers she went to snatch up another piece of gum. However there were no more strips left.

  Finally she snapped out of her trance, the large glob of gum in her mouth losing all of its flavor.

  “No no no,” she whined to herself, digging her fingers deep into the package, “There has to be more. I don’t want to stop, I want to be happy.”

  Her mind still felt mushy, not really sure what had been happening. She just knew it felt much better than worrying about college exams; she wanted to go back.

  While scooping for some hidden piece of gum, she instead found a loose bit of paper fluttering in the package. Taking it out she saw it was a note from a certain somebody.

  “Hey Candy,” it read, “If you need more gum then you can call me on this number. Dave.”

  Candy giggled happily at the message. Good old Dave, coming to save the day once again. What a dependable guy he was, so smart and thoughtful. While she was busy getting into a panic he was busy sorting things out. What a real man.

  For some strange reason thinking about him was suddenly making her heart pound. The fact she was still a bit horny certainly didn’t hurt but it felt more than just that. However she couldn’t think properly, she needed help. She needed him.

  In a fluster she called the number and was happy to hear him pick up.

  “Like Dave!” she squeaked into the phone, “Like I need more of that gum, right now. Could you get me some please?”

  “Alright I’ll be right over,” he told her, “See you in a minute sweetheart.”

  Her legs turned to jelly a little bit as he hung up. She had to hurry and find something to wear before he arrived. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself in front of a man like him.

  Dave arrived fashionably late to the room and gave a firm knock on the door. In comparison Candy arrived just on time, like she’d been waiting for his arrival with bated breath.

  “Hi there Dave,” she giggled happily, so pleased to see her good friend.

  Candy had completed her makeover. There was no way she was going to see him wearing sweatpants. Instead she swapped them out for hotpants. Technically they were just a pair of shorts but due to the growth of her rear they’d basically transformed as well.

  The eager student had dolled herself up by styling her hair into a tight ponytail and covering her face in a thick layer of bold makeup, including heavy blush, red lipstick and dark eyeliner.

  Along with the hotpants she was wearing her best pair of red heels along with a simple, white, vest top. Her huge tits basically turned it into an infective sports bra, her stomach exposed as the fabric hugged her bust tightly.

  “Hey there gorgeous,” he said back as he walked in, brushing a hand through her hair. It made her groan, audibly.

  “Like did you bring the stuff?”

  “Got a pack right here for you sugar,” he told her, throwing it over for her to catch.

  Once it was in her hands she didn’t waste time. She ripped it open and quickly began to devour the gum, chewing a big, sticky, strawberry wad in her mouth.

  As her teeth sunk in, the intoxicating flavor was released and it helped her to see the world through a rose tinted lens once more; especially Dave.

  He looked so hot, so handsome and she knew he was so very smart and dependable. He was basically the perfect man, the kind of guy a woman could feel safe with. He looked like total husband material.

  “Thank you Dave,” she giggled at him, unable to stop squirming around, watching him with adoration.

  “No problem Candy. Anything for my favorite girl.”

  As the words left his mouth he leaned in and captured Candy’s, locking their lips into a kiss, sending a spike of euphoria rushing through her mind.

  She no longer cared about work, studying or college. She had no interest in hurting her brain thinking and worrying about such difficult things. All she wanted was him. She had completely fallen for him.

  When he drew back she kept looking at him, her expression dumb as she drooled over her lips.

  “So once my exams are done how about you come and move in with me? Someone needs to look after a silly little thing like you.”

  Candy giggled in joy and shouted out, “I’d love to Dave!” before wrapping him up in a big hug.

  The story of Candice was over, as were all her worries and responsibilities. From now on she was Candy, an obedient girlfriend to her super smart man and hopefully, one day, a sexy trophy wife as well.

  Pink not Punk

  It was yet another late night for Kat. Not really too surprising as she was now a creature who lived mainly by the night.

  Kat was what some people may describe as a punk. Others would have different terms for it, Kat included; all that was clear was she didn’t follow along with the popular trends. She was a girl who followed an alternate style.

  Rather than having long hair, wearing girly clothes and enjoying more feminine pastimes, Kat was a tomboy who had short hair which she usually dyed outrageous colors, wore black leather and studded apparel and spent her nights out drinking.

  Her mother was frustrated at the way her own flesh and blood had t
urned out. Sadly because of her job she didn’t get to spend a lot of time at home and she’d felt that was why her own daughter had became a delinquent. She hated seeing the way a sweet girl had turned to a fiery, biker bitch.

  On the other hand her boyfriend, Samuel, was a newcomer into the family. He only knew Kat as that bratty, little, punk girl.

  Today was a scene that he was very used to seeing since entertaining a relationship with the owner of the household some months ago. She was occupied with her job and off on a business trip while an unruly Kat was returning in the early hours, the smell of alcohol and smoke stained into her breath, hair and clothing.


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