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Gripped (Prescott #2)

Page 13

by Joanne Schwehm

  “You feel thinner.” She leaned back to look at me. “Have you been losing weight?”

  I leaned over and grabbed my bag. “No, I’ve been working out a lot.” I patted my stomach. “Gotta keep in shape if I’m going to be back home and eating your great food.”

  She shook her head and laughed. “I don’t think you need to worry about that. Your father is on the patio, and your brothers and sister should be here soon. Why don’t you put your suit on and go for a swim? Today’s a scorcher.”

  Once I changed into my swim trunks, I headed outside. “Hey, old man.” I clapped my dad on the shoulder. Teasing my father about his age had been an ongoing joke since he received his first AARP card in the mail. Truth be told, he didn’t look much older than Drake. Same dark hair and blue-green eyes that acted as a lie detector.

  “Careful, Dane, you’re not getting any younger.” My father stood and gave me a hug. “How you’ve been swinging them?”

  “Really good. My game is just where I need it to be.” I grabbed two beers from the outdoor refrigerator and handed one to my dad before we both sat down.

  “I’m really proud of you,” he said as he lifted his beer to me. “I know you still have your qualifier coming up, but I know you can do it. It’s your time.”

  I nodded and took a swig of my beer. “Thanks. It’s all because of you and mom. Being away isn’t always easy, but knowing I have you both in my corner really helps.”

  “Your brothers and sisters are behind you too. We’re Prescotts; we’re a team.”

  I nodded, but concentrated on running my finger over the condensation-covered label on my beer bottle.

  Dad studied me for a moment before asking, “Something on your mind, son?”

  Yes, a woman. Since I wasn’t really ready to discuss Beverly, I smiled at my dad and was about to go for a diversion tactic but was thwarted by the concern in my father’s eyes.

  “I lost my job at the club,” I said, and he frowned as I continued. “Someone made a rude comment about a female member, and I lost my cool and punched him.”

  “Dane, I’m glad you stood up for someone, but we raised you boys to use your words rather than your fists. Fighting never solved anything.”

  Well, it made me feel better. “I know. Believe me, it won’t happen again.”

  “Does this affect your qualifying events?”

  “No, everything is great.” After clapping my dad on the knee, I stood up. “I’m going to go for a dip before everyone else gets here.”

  I lost count of the number of laps I did, but was sure my shoulders would remind me in the morning. Once I’d exhausted myself, I climbed out of the pool and sank into the hot tub, reveling in the steaming water pulsing against my muscles.

  When Gretchen’s laugh floated from the house on the summer air, I grabbed a towel to wrap around my waist and headed inside to find my baby sister.

  At the sight of Drake with Lucy, I couldn’t help but grin. “Hey, lovebirds.” I shook Drake’s hand. “Sorry, I was in the hot tub. My muscles needed a break, and I didn’t have time for a massage.”

  I shifted my attention to Lucy just to fuck with my brother, remembering how he’d responded when I kissed her in North Carolina. Even that innocent little peck had sent him into a tizzy. Yup, this was going to be fun.

  “My, my. Don’t you look particularly beautiful today, Lucy.”

  Overdoing it a little for Drake’s benefit, I raked my gaze over her body from head to toe. In my defense, she truly was a gorgeous woman. When I saw her gaze shift to my brother, I went in for the kill, intending to give her a hard kiss on the lips, but then an image of Beverly popped into my head and I reassessed my plan.

  “Blue is definitely your color,” I said as I gave Lucy a chaste peck.

  Drake nudged me with an elbow to the ribs. “I really wish you’d stop kissing my fiancée.”

  “Your fiancée?”

  This was news to me. When I turned to Drake with a question in my eyes, I found Lucy giving him a reproving look. Apparently she thought the announcement would be a bit subtler.

  Gretchen shrieked as she ran over and threw her arms around the newly engaged couple.

  “Oh my God! I knew it! I told Josh you two would end up together! I’m so excited! When’s the wedding? Am I in it? Please say I’m in it! This is going to be so much fun!”

  We all laughed. Meanwhile, Drake looked at Lucy like a fool in love, which I supposed he actually was.

  Gretchen then asked if Mason knew. I didn’t know why she cared, but then she asked if he was coming back to town. Apparently, my little sister had a secret crush. Just that thought alone made me happy. She needed to dump her dumbass of a boyfriend. Scott was a douche.

  It made me smile to watch my parents welcome Lucy to the family. Naturally, my mom got a bit weepy at the thought of her oldest getting married.

  I walked up to Drake to shake hands with him. “I’m happy for you, big brother,” I said as I yanked him into a hug. They both deserved to be happy.

  Dad brought out a bottle of champagne while Mom carried glasses. Once we each had a flute filled with bubbly, he stood at the end of the table and raised his glass.

  “To my son, Drake, and my future daughter-in-law, Lucy. May your lives be filled with every happiness, and may your hearts always be filled with love. We all wish nothing more than for all your dreams to come true.”

  After we’d all clinked glasses and had taken a sip of the sparkling wine, Josh called out, “Who’s ready to eat?” He brought in a large platter of steaks and chicken from the grill and placed it in the center of the table.

  “Bro, this is fantastic,” I said, reaching for a piece of bread. “It’s so much better than the food I’ve had lately.”

  Josh smiled. “Thanks, but aren’t you eating at some of the best country clubs?”

  I shifted in his seat but didn’t answer. Technically, life as a pro-wannabe wasn’t as glamorous as it appeared, but if my mom thought I was lacking in the nutrition department, she’d probably break out my Superman lunch box and offer to make food to bring with me.

  Jack leaned forward and caught my eye, giving me a knowing grin. “So, Dane, what’s her name?”

  All eyes were on me. Since I’d already introduced Beverly to Jack over the phone, apparently that made her fair game. He already had a good idea who I was talking about, but was enjoying watching me squirm. Now it was my turn to learn what it was like to be in the hot seat.

  Josh grinned at me. “Oh, do you have a woman?”

  I really didn’t want to talk about my love life, because I wasn’t sure what was happening myself. But after more good-natured sibling prodding, I chuckled and asked, “Which one?”

  Jack merely smirked and shook his head.

  Payback, my brother, I thought, but finally, I broke down.

  “Beverly. I met her at a party I had to attend, and there was just something about her.” Looking at Lucy, I added, “She’s a teacher too.”

  Lucy gave me a hopeful smile. I had a feeling she was the type who wanted everyone to be as in love as she and Drake were.

  “But I’m not in the position to have a girlfriend,” I clarified, “nor am I looking for forever.”

  “Sure you’re not.” Drake chuckled. “I hate to tell you this, buddy, but even when you aren’t looking for it, that doesn’t mean it won’t find you.”

  “Well, I don’t want to be found.” I ignored the champagne next to my plate and took a swig of my beer instead.

  “Sometimes it isn’t up to you. When you meet the one, you’ll understand what I mean.” Drake scanned the table, giving all of us siblings a pointed look. “You’ll see.”

  After Drake and Lucy left, Gretchen said her good-byes and our parents went to bed. When Jack and Josh and I were the only ones left out on the patio, Jack grabbed three cigars from Dad’s humidor and passed them around.

  As the smell of sweet tobacco wafted in the air, Josh stretched his legs on the chaise lo
unge. “So, tell us more about Beverly.”

  I blew out a cloud of smoke. “There really isn’t much to tell. We met, had drinks, and that’s about it.”

  “Bullshit,” Jack called out before grabbing the silver Zippo off the table and relighting his cigar. “Can you sit here and really say you don’t like this woman? Since when does Dane Prescott even acknowledge a female more than once? But if she’s all I think she is, and you don’t want her, why don’t you slide me her number.”

  Josh laughed, but I just frowned. I knew what Jack was doing, and although it shouldn’t bother me, it did.

  Waving my cigar in Jack’s direction, I said, “Why don’t you worry about your flock of females and I’ll worry about mine. When there’s something to tell, I will.” I leaned forward to set my cigar in the ashtray on the table. “Seriously, Jack. She’s a good person, and let’s just say I’m exploring.”

  Again, Josh laughed. “That’s one way to put it.”

  I flipped them both off and headed inside.

  Yeah. I suppose it was.


  ~ Beverly ~

  It had been two weeks since Dane moved back to Virginia, and even though we’d been keeping in touch via phone or text every few days, as usual, I’d spent most of the day thinking about him. In a way, I cursed myself for daydreaming when I had so much to do, but thoughts of Dane infiltrated my brain, just like he was doing to my heart.

  I thought back to that first night when I met him. He was different from everyone else at the club, yet in reality, he was part of that lifestyle too. The only difference was while the members at the country club focused on their social status, Dane focused on his game.

  Once I’d washed my face and brushed my teeth, I pulled on a T-shirt he’d accidentally left at my place and slipped between the sheets before I turned off the light. I hoped he was having fun with his family. The way he spoke of them made me envious of their relationship. When he told me on the phone last week about Drake and Lucy’s engagement, the pure joy in his voice when he talked about his brother’s happiness made me want to meet all of them.

  Thoughts of Dane made me crave his touch. Right or wrong, I needed to hear his voice to be able to let him know how much I missed him. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and sent him a message, knowing he had a tournament he needed to play before coming back to help me move.

  BEVERLY: Are you ready for the tournament?

  DANE: You bet I am.

  BEVERLY: Nervous?

  I knew my nerves would be at an all-time high if winning meant I could continue to pursue my dream, so I was sure he had to be tied up in knots.

  DANE: Yes and no. If I get too nervous, I’ll fuck up. I need a clear head.

  BEVERLY: Understood.

  BEVERLY: I miss you.

  DANE: Me too.

  BEVERLY: You do?

  DANE: You bet.

  BEVERLY: I’m glad.

  DANE: What are you doing?

  BEVERLY: Just crawled into bed.

  Dane: Wearing?

  I laughed out loud. Not that he could hear me.

  BEVERLY: Your T-shirt.

  DANE: That’s it? My T-shirt?

  BEVERLY: Yes, that’s it.

  DANE: No panties?

  BEVERLY: Let me look . . .

  I didn’t know what had gotten into me, but I felt the need to tease him. Before I could send another text, my phone rang. I didn’t even need to look at the screen to know who it was.

  “Hi, Dane.”

  “Don’t ‘Hi, Dane’ me. Are you naked under my shirt?”

  His gruff voice hit me straight between my legs, which I instantly clenched together.

  “Yes, I am. I didn’t want anything between us. Your shirt smells like you, and I can’t get enough of it.”

  “Were you purposely teasing me?”

  Shit. “Maybe?”

  He growled. “I need to have sex. You just gave me a raging hard-on, and blue balls aren’t good for someone in my profession.”

  My heart stopped. We were hundreds of miles apart. Maybe I shouldn’t have teased him.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that to you. If I were there, I’d do something to . . . um . . . relieve you.”

  “Oh, you’re going to do something, all right.” He let out what sounded like a rumbling growl. “Put the phone on speaker, lay it down next to you, and let me know when you’re done.”

  With trembling fingers, I complied with his request. He’d mentioned phone sex once in passing, but I’d never done anything like that before.

  “Okay, I’m done.” My voice had turned into a breathy whisper. Where did that come from?

  “You’re going to listen to me, do you understand? When I tell you to do something, I don’t want you to hesitate. Got it?” His sharp tone left no room for questions.

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “Take off my shirt and lay back down. I want you completely naked.”

  As quickly as I could, I slipped the shirt off and tossed it to the end of the bed.

  “Okay, done.”

  “Bend your knees, then drop them to the side. I want you spread open for me.”

  Without thought, I did it. “Okay.”

  “Now, take your right hand and touch yourself.”


  “Do it, Beverly.”

  “Dane, I don’t do this.” My hand rested idle on my bare stomach.

  “Sweetheart, I want you to pretend your hand is mine. Place your middle finger on your clit, which I’m sure is swollen, just waiting to be touched, then slide it inside.”

  I heard Dane rustling around. “What are you doing?” My finger slid lower, gently grazing my sensitive area, and I let out a soft moan right before I slid it inside myself.

  “I just took off my shorts, and I’m gliding my hand up and down my cock. I’m thinking about your soft, full lips wrapped around me as you suck me off.” He paused before saying, “How many fingers do you have inside your pussy?”

  “One.” I couldn’t believe I was doing this.

  “Add another. Use your thumb to make soft circles where I would. Can you feel me?”

  “Yes.” My voice sounded like someone else’s. I was sure I was having an out-of-body experience. “You feel so good.”

  “Pump your fingers in and out. I bet you’re soaked.”

  Again, I complied. “I’m going to come, Dane.”

  “I bet you are, sweetheart. I’m not far behind you.”

  I bit my lower lip and then screamed his name as if he were the one pleasuring me, which in a way, he was. My channel pulsed around my fingers so hard, I saw white spots behind my now closed eyelids. My hips bucked up and down as I rode through my orgasm. Once the stars faded, I pictured Dane on top of me.

  “Dane, please. I want to hear you too. I need to.”


  His breathing was ragged, making me wish I was there to see him. In all my wildest dreams, I’d never thought I’d have phone sex.


  “Yeah, sweetheart. I’m here.”

  “Do you feel better?” I asked as I rolled to my side.

  “You’re amazing. That was the most erotic thing I’ve ever heard. Not to mention every time I remember this conversation, I’ll be instantly hard—so, thank you for that.”

  I smiled, loving how his words made me feel powerful.

  “Now, go get cleaned up,” he said, using that bossy tone, “put on my shirt, and go to sleep. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay. Good luck this week. And sweet dreams, Dane.”

  “Thanks,” he said with a chuckle. “You can count on it.”

  • • •

  How in the world had Dane changed me in such a short time? Granted, a lot in my life was changing. I’d soon be moving, starting a new job, and would be meeting new people. Yes, part of me was sad leaving New York behind me, but thanks to the new man in my life, I was starting to embrace adventure. Maybe it took spen
ding time with my polar opposite to bring out a different side of me.

  There was still the sport he loved as much as I loathed it, but that was Dane’s business and not mine. Just because two people were together didn’t mean they needed to live parallel lives.

  My dad was a doctor, and although my mom spent nights without him or had plans changed when his pager went off, they still made it work. Memories of Mom getting upset and cursing the hospital because Dad was called away to an emergency wasn’t rare. But I knew she was just disappointed because she wanted to spend time with him. I was sure he didn’t want to always be on call, but that was his job.

  Granted, being a professional golfer wasn’t like being a doctor on call, but it was the profession Dane wanted, and if I wanted him, then I’d need to deal with his traveling for work like my mom dealt with my dad being called away.

  The most important thing was that Dane made me happy. He might not be the fairy-tale white knight on a horse, but he was good for me. Yes, my insecurities still nagged at me on occasion, but that was my issue, not his. He’d never made me feel as if I weren’t good enough. Maybe he was exactly who I needed in my life.

  But to hang on to him, to keep him in my life? I had a feeling that would be my challenge.

  Dane had texted me once or twice since our phone-sex encounter last week, but since he needed to stay focused and keep his eye on the prize, his messages were always short and sweet. The best texts I received were on the days he won the tournament he’d played in, which meant he was one step closer to fulfilling his dream.

  And one step closer to coming home.


  ~ Dane ~

  It had been a long four weeks apart. Although I’d been busy, playing in tournaments and perfecting my game in advance of the qualifier, Beverly had been on my mind the entire time. The sexy texts she’d been sending me ever since I left had made sure of that, and I called her when I could.


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