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Gripped (Prescott #2)

Page 14

by Joanne Schwehm

  Since I’d already moved back to Virginia, I flew back yesterday to help her pack up her things and coordinate with the movers to pick up her furniture from storage. We were so tired last night, we’d had a quick dinner and turned in early, knowing we had a long drive ahead of us.

  Late morning, she gave the guest house one more glance before she locked the door for the last time. Already having said good-bye to her parents the night before, Beverly was now ready to start her new life in my home state.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said with a big grin. “Let’s do this. We don’t want to arrive after the movers get there.”

  I pulled her into a hug before she got into her car. “I’m sorry I won’t be in Virginia for very long after you move. At least I’ll be able to help get you settled before I leave.”

  She nodded. “It’s fine, honest. I’ll be starting my job right when you leave for Florida, so I’ll be busy setting up my classroom and meeting the faculty members.”

  The excitement on her face relieved my worry. It was good to know she was happy with her decision of starting at a new school.

  “And Lucy,” I reminded her. “Don’t forget we’re going to my brother’s place tomorrow, and you’ll be meeting the Prescott clan.”

  Granted, Lucy wasn’t a Prescott, but she would be soon enough. If I knew my brother Drake, it would be sooner, rather than later.

  Beverly gave me a big grin as she slipped into her car. “I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

  Our five-hour drive flew by in no time. Late that afternoon, we pulled into her apartment complex in Reston and began to unload the car. For a one-bedroom apartment, it was a decent size, but not compared to the guest house she’d been living in. The entire place was painted in earth tones, and there was dark hardwood flooring throughout. Bare rooms and walls greeted us.

  As Beverly let out a sigh and placed her purse down on the kitchen counter, I walked around to each window, checking the locks to ensure they were secure.

  Beverly laughed. “Dane? What are you doing?”

  “I’m making sure the windows have locks that work.”

  “This is a gated community, and I highly doubt there’s a high crime rate here.” Her smile lit up the room as she strode toward me, making me instantly hard.

  “You’re a beautiful single woman in a new city. Who knows if your neighbor is a stalker or something? I need to know you’re safe since I won’t be here.” My heart raced at the thought of her getting hurt.

  Beverly threw her arms around my neck, and I pulled her tight to me. “That’s sweet, but I’ll be fine.” Our lips met just as the doorbell rang. “That must be the movers.”

  After her belongings had been stored and furniture placed exactly where she wanted it, we decided to christen the bedroom, then the shower, and contemplated christening the kitchen too.

  It wouldn’t be too much longer until we’d christened every surface in her apartment, which was my goal. I wanted her to see me—to think of us together—at every turn.

  • • •

  Bringing a date to a family dinner wasn’t the norm for me. When I called to tell my mother, you’d think I’d told her I’d won a major championship. And maybe to her, I had.

  It wasn’t so long ago that I’d emphatically told my family how I loved being single, but that was before I got to know Beverly. It’s funny when someone unexpected comes into your life and changes your views on things. It wasn’t like Drake and his politics—he could spend hours explaining policies to people to gain votes. Sometimes it took persuasion and other times it just felt right. And to me, this thing with Beverly felt right.

  My sister was going to have a field day with this. Although Gretchen was the baby of the family, she never failed to give us her opinions on the women we dated. She was very protective of her brothers, which probably stemmed from how protective we were of her. My brothers and I had been her protectors since the day she was born, and would be until we took our last breaths.

  Sunday was the day the family got together. Sometimes we’d go to my parents’ house and sometimes we gathered at Jack’s, which was where we were going today. Today our youngest brother, Josh, would do the cooking, which I was definitely looking forward to. He was a highly acclaimed chef, and rightfully so.

  Women flocked to Josh. They were attracted to all of us, but Josh had a different appeal to him. He was the only one with tattoos and piercings, and much to my mother’s dismay, he’d recently added a lip ring. Like me, Josh preferred one-night stands to getting serious with anyone, but at least he remembered their names. Me? There were times I didn’t even bother to ask. So I guess you could say he was the nice one.

  Asking Beverly to go with me today would definitely pique my family’s curiosity, and I’d probably get ribbed for falling for someone. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if that was a conversation I was ready to have, or if people actually had those conversations.

  Would she even want to talk about it? Nah. It seemed a bit “high school” to me, and probably would to her too. Granted, I didn’t want anyone else to touch her, and I had no interest in being touched by anyone else. Being with Beverly had been the best sex I’d ever had.

  When I pulled up to her place, Beverly was walking out, and I might have stopped breathing at the sight of her. She looked gorgeous in a dress that loosely draped over her hot-as-hell figure, some sort of yellow creation that reminded me of daisies.

  “Hi, Dane,” she said as I got out of the car, her voice as soft as the flower she resembled.

  Rooted in place, I drank her in. “You look beautiful.”

  For a minute, I almost asked her to change, knowing my brothers would probably flirt with her. In fact, they’d be more inclined to lay it on a little thick just to goad me, since that had always been my MO with their dates. I’d always gotten a kick out of tugging at their chains a little, but it didn’t seem like such fun thinking about their getting anywhere near Beverly.

  “Thank you.” She gave me a bright smile. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

  “Let’s go before I drag you back to your bedroom and get lost inside you. Unless you prefer the countertop this time.”

  I practically growled the words without a bit of humor because she was what I wanted. Images of her dress hiked up to her hips with her legs wrapped around me were vividly playing in my head. Her breasts curved over the scoop neckline of the dress, and I almost asked her to put a jacket on. Too bad it was hot outside.

  Beverly’s eyes grew wide and then smoldered. “That doesn’t sound half bad to me.”

  I pulled her close and planted a kiss on her lips, hungry for a taste of her. “Don’t say things like that when we need to be somewhere. Let’s go.”

  Her cheeks gained a rosy hue as she smiled.

  Dirty thoughts ran through my mind as we drove to my brother’s house. My dick got harder with each stolen glance. Her light perfume filled my car, putting all my senses on high alert. Images of the ways I still needed to please her played in my head like a porn movie.

  When we arrived at Jack’s, it appeared my entire family was already here. At the sight of all the cars in the driveway, Beverly began twisting her fingers in her lap. I reached over and placed my hands on hers.

  “Please don’t be nervous. My family is wonderful. I will warn you, though, they might never let you leave since I don’t bring any female friends over.”

  She nodded but didn’t say anything. She grabbed the door handle and before I knew it, she was out of the car and looking up at my brother’s house. Jack had done well for himself; his home was larger than our parents’ place. When you were a millionaire and lived on your own, you could probably have whatever you wanted.

  My entire family was in the casual family room off the foyer. It had a brick floor-to-ceiling fireplace with a wood mantel. His home was manly and understated, but far away from a bachelor pad.

  “There you are!” Gretchen ran up to me and thre
w her arms around me, nearly knocking me off my feet.

  I reached around her petite body and hoisted my baby sister in the air. “Hey, sis.” When I set her down, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. “This is my friend Beverly.”

  Gretchen gave her a welcoming hug. “It’s so great to meet you! Dane never brings his women over.”

  “He told me.” Beverly smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes or make them sparkle. And her voice was tight, but she still sounded cheerful. It was a confusing combination. “It’s good to meet you too.”

  Her reaction seemed odd to me. I figured a woman would be happy knowing they were the first to meet a guy’s family, but Beverly wasn’t like other women. Or maybe I had it wrong—maybe she was just nervous.

  “Come on in and meet the rest of the clan.” Gretchen led the way.

  As we followed, I placed my hand on the small of Beverly’s back to guide her through the house. My mother stood when we entered the family room as the rest of my family looked on.

  “Hi, sweetheart,” Mom said warmly, greeting me with a hug.

  “Hi, Mom. This is Beverly. Beverly, this is my mother, Tina.”

  Beverly extended her hand. “Such a pleasure to meet you.”

  My mom took Beverly’s offered hand between hers. “You as well. I’m glad my son brought you today. I understand you just moved to the area.”

  While Beverly and my mom chatted, I greeted the rest of my family. Jack stood and gave me a quick hug that consisted of an extended handshake with a shoulder bump tossed in. When Mom sat back down, Beverly stepped toward us. As soon as she was within arm’s length, my wonderful brother pulled her into an embrace.

  “You’re prettier than Dane said.” He had a mischievous grin on his face as he shot me a wink over her shoulder. When they separated, he gave her an appreciative look . . . too appreciative.

  I immediately grabbed Beverly’s hand and tugged her to my side. Call it a caveman move, but I was setting some boundaries right from the start. Rather than going one by one and having my other brothers try to make me jealous, I decided on a group introduction.

  “Everyone, this is Beverly.” I motioned toward my family. “That’s Drake; his fiancée, Lucy; my youngest brother, Josh; and my dad, Rick.”

  Beverly released my hand and walked over to my father. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Prescott.”

  “You too, but please call me Rick.”

  I placed my lips close to her ear and whispered from behind, “Would you like something to drink?” My hands were on her waist, so when she turned, I had her in a loose embrace.

  “Yes, please. A glass of wine or whatever you’re having is fine.”

  There was still something not quite right in her tone, but I let it go, even though I wasn’t sure if that was the best plan. Not knowing what was bugging her continued to worry me.

  “I’ll be back.” Turning to Lucy, who appeared to be having an intense girl chat with my sister, I said, “Hey, ladies.” Lucy and Gretchen looked at me. “Would either of you like something to drink?”

  “Drake is getting it for us,” Lucy said with a huge smile. She beamed anytime she mentioned my brother’s name. They were sickly in love, but I was happy for them. “Beverly, come and sit with us.”

  Lucy slid over, making room for her. Beverly smiled and sat between them on the sofa. She glanced up at me but then turned to Lucy, who was asking her about how her move was going so far.

  “Dude, she’s fucking hot!” Josh said to me as he walked in from the backyard, wiping his hands on a small towel, which he then tossed on his shoulder. His eyes were fixed on my girl.

  Wait? My girl? What the hell is going on with me?

  “She is.” My eyes raked over her body from across the room. Her legs were crossed, making the skirt of her dress rise higher on her tanned legs. She was so relaxed and seemed to fit in. Then she laughed at something Lucy said, and my heart gave a little thump.

  Moments later, we all sat down for dinner. As usual, Josh had cooked enough to feed a small army.

  “Beverly,” my mom said with a smile as she passed a dish, “Dane told me you were going to be a teacher here in Virginia. Where will you be working?”

  “I’ll be teaching math at Northern Ridge High School.”

  Mom looked at Lucy, who grinned. “She took Mason’s job. Isn’t that incredible?”

  “That’s wonderful. Congratulations. It’s a shame Lucy doesn’t still work there.”

  Gretchen nodded. “Wouldn’t it have been great if Dane’s girlfriend and Lucy could have worked at the same place at the same time?”

  Beverly let out a half laugh that sounded a little brittle. “We’re just friends.”

  Everyone’s heads swiveled toward me as my mind raced. Labeling us as friends sounded odd. Of course we were friends, but for once in my life, I didn’t want anyone else. The only thing preventing me from labeling our relationship was the fact I’d be leaving soon, and hopefully going on tour.

  It was then that it dawned on me I’d called Beverly my friend in the driveway, and then again when I introduced her to Gretchen. Stupid! You’re so stupid!

  Letting it slide, I didn’t acknowledge the friends comment, nor did I intend to in front of my family, but I would be talking to Beverly about it later. In the meantime, my sister’s eyes shot daggers at me, while my brothers gave me disgusted looks that clearly said you’re a dumbass.

  Maybe I was, but what the fuck? And this is why I don’t bring women over.

  After we finished dinner, Josh placed a tray of perfectly decorated mini cupcakes on the table. He’d recently added baking to his repertoire and excelled at it. The man was a wizard in the kitchen.

  “I hope you all have room for dessert.” When the table remained oddly silent, Josh took a seat and placed a cupcake on his plate. “Did I miss something?”

  My father gave me a pointed look before taking a cupcake for himself. “Let’s dig in. These look delicious, Josh.”

  The tray was passed around, and I offered it to Beverly. She took one and started peeling the paper wrapper, training her eyes on it as if she was in a sugar trance. After she had taken a small bite, she let out a moan I’d only heard when we were either kissing or fucking, and it did strange things to me.

  Did I want another man to be responsible for that? Hell no. Never in my wildest imagination did I think I’d be jealous of a tiny pastry, but I was.

  I leaned in close to Beverly and pitched my voice low. “We need to talk.”

  She licked the icing off her top lip. “Now?” The tip of her finger had a bit of frosting on it, and when she placed it in her mouth and sucked on it, I practically came in my pants.

  A low growl crept up my throat. “Right now.” I stood, gently wrapped my hand around her arm, and tugged her up with me. “Please excuse us.”

  My parents nodded at us with small smiles on their faces while my siblings exchanged loaded glances. Ignoring them, I led Beverly into Jack’s office.

  Once the door clicked closed and it was just us, the air became oddly thick. Beverly lowered her head, avoiding my eyes as she bit at the corner of her top lip. My dick stirred like it had in the car and my arms itched to hold her, but first things first.

  I tilted up her chin, snagging her gaze with mine. “Are you upset with me, Beverly?”

  Her mouth twisted into almost a pucker as she contemplated her reply. “Why would I be upset with you?”

  Great. Answer my question with a question. “You tell me.”

  “Dane, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m having a good time with your family. They’re wonderful people.” She pulled her shoulders back and placed her hands on her hips. “Why don’t you tell me why you dragged me in here?”

  I let out a ragged breath and shook my head. This cat-and-mouse game got old quick.

  “You seem a bit irritated with me. Is it because Gretchen called you my girlfriend?” When she didn’t answer right away, I said, “But if I’m wron
g, then let’s get back to dessert.”

  She let out a chuckle that held a bit of sarcasm behind it as she took a step back. “Girlfriend? Nah, not Dane Prescott, the nameless wonder. Although you did say you wanted us to last, but now it’s getting closer to the time when you have to leave, it’s too much pressure. We can be friends with benefits until we part ways, right? Then we’ll be free to do who . . . I mean, what we want.”

  It was as if I was staring at the female version of myself, and I didn’t like it—not at all. Beverly had said all the right things, except for calling me the nameless wonder. True or not, that jibe stung coming from her.

  My brain felt detached from my heart, and a war waged within my body. And what the fuck did she mean, we’d be free to do who we wanted? That was what needed to be addressed.

  Frowning at her, I said, “You’re the one I want, and I want you to be happy. Do you realize how much you mean to me?”

  Her eyes glistened like jewels in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. Taking a quick breath, she shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

  I took a few steps toward her, cupped her face between my palms, and looked into her eyes. “This is how much.”

  My lips met hers in a tender kiss that tasted like the sweet frosting she’d just eaten. She moaned, and our soft kiss turned into teasing nips and licks. With a gentle suck, I drew her bottom lip into my mouth. Frosting or not, she was the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted.

  Fuck that if she thinks anyone else will be tasting her. No way.

  Beverly’s hands wrapped around my wrists as if she was steadying herself. I gave her one last flick of my tongue and slowly pulled away. Her face was flushed and her breathing fast and erratic.

  “That’s how much you mean to me. I may not say what I’m feeling all the time, but I can definitely show you. If you’d like,” I said with a smirk, “I can show you more later.”

  The smile she gave me in response nearly unmanned me.



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