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Chosen by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 9)

Page 6

by Hayley Faiman

  I want her.

  I want all of her.

  I can’t have her.

  So, like a fucking asshole, I stand in my kitchen and I listen to her cry her heart out. I wait until there are only whimpers and then finally I go to bed when there is silence. This cannot go on for the next three years. I won’t survive it. I’m going to have to call Timofei. Somebody else will have to be in charge of her. I physically cannot be this close to her, not for the duration of her stay in the city.

  I close my eyes and visions of her appear. My cock grows hard, and I have no choice but to wrap my hand around it for some sort of relief. I stroke myself envisioning Kiska as I do. Her smile, with those plump lips. Those full tits that beg to be fucked, sucked, bitten, and slapped. Goddamn, my cock grows even harder at the image of her pale flesh turning red from my rough touch.

  Continuing to stroke my hard length, I imagine her on her knees, her ass bared for me, and I grunt as I stroke faster. Biting my lip to keep from shouting, I imagine taking my belt and letting it fly through the air before it lands hard on her creamy skin. I come, ribbons of my release landing on my stomach. I feel nothing more than mildly sated.

  This cannot go on for years.

  This cannot go on for even a few more days.

  I won’t last.

  I’ll ruin her. I’ll take her as my own, and I’ll fuck up not only my position but also her future.

  My cell rings next to me, and I grab my shirt from the floor and wipe my jizz from my hand and stomach before I answer it. “Skumin,” I grunt.

  “Konstantin, it’s Viveka. I’ve been hurt, I need help,” she whispers.

  Sitting straight up in my bed, I demand to know where she is. The address isn’t anywhere I’m familiar with, but I instruct her to hang tight, that I will be there soon. She’s in Irish territory, and I don’t fucking like it one bit. It smells.

  I don’t have time to do anything but call Timofei as I dress. I explain the situation as I rush out of my apartment. “I have to take Kiska with me,” I announce as I unlock her door.

  “Is that wise?” he questions.

  “Probably not, but it’s Viv. I can’t wait for the Shestyorka to show. I need to go, now,” I practically bellow.

  “Keep me updated,” he grunts.

  I walk into Kiska’s room to find her sitting up with her dark gray eyes wild. I feel bad for startling her, but I don’t have time, there is no time, Viveka needs me. “Kiska, up and let’s go,” I shout.

  “Konstantin, what’s happened?”

  I stomp over to her and wrap my hand around her wrist as I haul her out of bed. “I’ll explain later, put some fucking shoes on,” I yell.

  She complies, and I keep my hand on hers as I tug her out of the apartment. I lock it behind us, and then I run, dragging her behind me. My heart races as my mind does the same, conjuring images of a bloodied Viveka. In reality, I don’t know what befalls me when I get to her, but I can’t help but imagine the worst.

  Once we’re in my car, Kiska demands that I tell her what’s happened.

  “It’s an emergency. Viveka called,” I state as I break every law in the city to get to her.

  “You’re bringing me to help your fuck buddy?” she screeches.

  My grip on the steering wheel tightens, and I know that if I weren’t driving my kneejerk reaction would be to backhand her. I shake my head once. “Viveka is my oldest friend. You speak of her like that again, and you won’t like the consequences. She called me, hurt.”

  “How did she get hurt?” she asks, her jealousy gone, and surprisingly her tone has changed to concern.

  I debate on telling her the truth, but I do anyway. “Viveka is a call girl. She’s not one of mine yet, but I’m trying to get her in my stable,” I explain.

  She sucks in a breath but doesn’t say anything for a few moments, when she finally does speak again her voice is small. “You really are a pimp, then?” she asks.

  “I’m not in charge of finding clients, sladkaya,” I murmur.

  We don’t speak again, and I’m glad for the silence. I need to concentrate on getting to Viveka. She’s hurt, and I don’t know if she’s safe or not.

  THE HOTEL THAT WE pull up to is nice. Much nicer than I anticipated a hooker to be hanging out in. Konstantin pulls directly to the valet and doesn’t even talk to the attendant, nor does he open my door for me. He’s off and running as I trail behind him, hoping that I don’t get separated and lost.

  Once we’re in the elevator, I really look at him. His jaw is clenched along with his fists, his eyes watch the floor numbers climb and when we’re at our destination only then does he let out a loud exhale.

  Without a word, I follow him through the open door of the elevator car toward the hotel room. He stops and lifts his arm to knock, his hand pulling something out of the back of his pants and my eyes widen when I see that it’s a gun.

  “Step to the side, Kiska,” he grunts.

  I do as he asks, feeling sad that he’s called me by my first name, and not the endearment of sweetie that I’ve become so used to from him. His fist bangs on the door as he calls out for Viveka to answer. He sounds panicked, and I wonder what exactly their relationship is. It’s more than a working one, or even a fuck buddy one. He is showing true distress and emotion.

  The door opens slowly, and Konstantin points his gun straight ahead. “I’m alone, Kon,” her voice rasps.

  Konstantin grunts, pushing his way inside and then looks back to me, waiting impatiently for me to follow. I’d honestly wondered if he even remembered I was here. When we’re inside, I lock the door behind me and then I suck in a breath when I see her.

  Viveka is hardly recognizable. Her face is swollen, red and angry looking and there is blood coming from her nose and lip. Konstantin wraps his big hands around her cheeks, and I watch as he presses his forehead against hers and whispers to her in Russian.

  I don’t know what he’s saying, but the scene is so intimate that I feel as though I’m intruding on them. I turn my head to the side, closing my eyes to keep from watching them. It seems like I’ve been living in a dream world these past weeks. Konstantin isn’t mine, and he doesn’t want me. It’s obvious that he’s hers. How I ever thought I had a chance with him, I don’t know.

  “Sladkaya,” he calls, and I automatically lift my eyes and turn my head to face him. “Come here,” he demands as he takes a step back from her.

  My feet move toward him, my brain not quite catching up to what I’m doing yet. He reaches out to me and wraps his arm around my waist to pull me against his chest. “I’m calling the doctor here. You need to sleep for your classes tomorrow. There is an untouched room and bed,” he murmurs.

  Konstantin’s eyes are so concerned as they focus on me and I don’t want to cause any more trouble for him, so I just nod. Sleeping here, in this hotel suite, is the absolute last thing I want to do.

  He lifts his hand to cup my cheek, and his thumb traces my bottom lip. I love it when he does this, it’s sexy, sensual, and yet innocent all at the same time.

  “I’m right here if you need me,” he mutters.

  I nod and take a step back from him. His hand falls from my face and his eyes scan mine. I don’t know what he’s looking for or if he’s found it, but he only shakes his head once before he lifts his chin. “Go,” he grunts.

  Turning away from him I hurry to the empty bedroom. I curl in a ball in the center of the bed, but I don’t sleep.

  I can’t.

  “Tell me who did this to you?” I demand after Kiska has scurried off.

  Something inside of Kiska has changed, I can tell by the way she looks at me. I don’t like it, but I can’t question her right now. My body is humming with unconcealed anger and rage. Viveka has not only been sexually abused but that fuck used her face as a punching bag as well, and her madam has not returned my call.

  “Dr. Pavlov will be here any minute,” I grunt as I glance at her.

  She shrugs. “It doesn’
t matter. I already know it will just take time to heal,” she mumbles.

  “If your madam doesn’t call me back within the next ten minutes, my next mission will be to visit her, and she will not like it if I do,” I grunt.

  “I didn’t know him, Kon. He was a new client altogether. This was my first time with him. He probably used an alias, even for payment.”

  My eyes snap to hers, and I level her with a serious and hard look. “I don’t care what he said his name was. It was her responsibility to find out everything she could about him. It was her responsibility to keep you safe. You’re not working for her anymore, you’re under my care now.”

  Viveka opens her mouth to speak, but there is a knock on the door that interrupts her. I turn to answer it, glad to see the doctor waiting on the other side. I allow him inside and don’t miss the intake of breath when he lays eyes on Viveka. I leave the room while he conducts his exam giving her, her privacy.

  I try calling her madam again but to no avail. That fucking cunt is going to regret living by the time I’m through with her.

  “You love her,” Kiska breathes.

  My head lifts and my eyes meet her sad ones. So that’s what her sudden shift is about? She is resigned to think that my affections with her aren’t genuine, that I am in love with Viveka. I should let her believe it. If she did, it would make everything so much easier between us.

  “As a friend, I do very much, Kiska. She’s my oldest friend. We’ve always watched each other’s backs. She had already asked to come to my stable. I hadn’t set up a meeting with her madam yet to make the switch. I waited too fucking long,” I admit as I lift my hand and run my fingers through my hair.

  Kiska crosses her arms around her stomach. “This wasn’t your fault, baby,” she rasps. It shouldn’t, but it does, just like every other time—she calls me baby, and it goes straight to my cock.

  I stalk up to her and place one of my hands on the middle of her back, and the other I fist into her hair and tip her head back. My eyes search hers, and I hold her gaze. “I didn’t protect her when I knew that I should have, sladkaya. Tonight assuredly rests on my shoulders.”

  “Her profession is dangerous, Konstantin. It would be like if something happened to you, it wouldn’t be her fault,” she explains.

  I don’t speak, lowering my head, I press my lips against hers, just a whisper away from kissing her. “You and Viveka are the most important women in my life. I will protect you both, with my life,” I state. There is no way that I can have another man watch over her. She is mine to protect, always.

  “Konstantin,” Dr. Pavlov’s voice interrupts and I straighten before I’m able to place my lips against Kiska’s. I feel her body shake beneath my fingertips and I curse the fact that I can’t take her right now and make her entire body quake uncontrollably.

  “Doctor,” I murmur as I reluctantly release Kiska and make my way toward him.

  He sighs. “She was penetrated roughly causing bleeding from her vagina and anus. It will take her time to heal. Luckily, I do not think there was any major or permanent damage. I’ve prescribed some painkillers, and sleeping aides. I presume you’ll be insuring that someone will watch over her for the next few days?”

  I nod. Fuck, I don’t have time to do it, but I don’t have the choice either. “I’ll bring her with me to my place,” I grunt.

  “It will just take time,” he states sounding sad. “Bring her back to me in a few days once the swelling in her face has gone down so that I can check her progress.”

  “Yeah,” I nod.

  He leaves a few minutes later, and I chance looking back to Kiska who is still standing in the doorway of her room, except now she looks horrified. “Kiska,” I whisper.

  She turns from me, and I follow her. I should be checking on Viveka, but I don’t. “She was brutalized, Konstantin,” Kiska says, her voice trembling with every word.

  “It is not uncommon in this profession, sladkaya.”

  Kiska turns to me, wetness shimmering in her eyes. “It shouldn’t be common,” she practically cries.

  I don’t know what to say. I’ve hurt Viveka before, myself. I haven’t done so in the way this fucker did, but I’ve put her out of commission for a few days, marked her body and made her pussy tender and sore. These are also all things that I want to do to Kiska as well. Does it make me less of a bastard than the one who just left here? I’m not sure.

  “Let’s go back home.”

  Kiska launches herself at me, and I catch her, wrapping her in my arms while I feel the wetness slide from her eyes against the skin of my neck. “This world is so ugly,” she sobs.

  Closing my eyes, I nod. “It is,” I agree.

  Without thinking, I wrap my fingers in her hair and I tug her head away from me. I need to kiss her, to feel her body against mine. Pressing my lips to hers, I trace the seam of her mouth with my tongue. She gasps slightly, and I take advantage and fill her mouth.

  I taste her, sweeping my tongue through her warmth as one of my hands shifts and moves to cup her ass, squeezing her soft flesh. She whimpers, and it only fuels my desire for more of her. My hand grips her hair tighter. She moans as soon as I do.

  “Konstantin,” she breathes as I nibble on her bottom lip before I kiss down her throat.

  One of her hands reaches up and wraps around the back of my neck, her small fingers gripping me tightly.

  “I’m tired of dancing around you, Kiska,” I admit.


  Lifting my head, I look at her and press my lips together. “I’m tired of dancing around. I want you. I’ve never gone against the rules of the Bratva, but I’m willing to defy them for a taste of you,” I murmur.

  “We can’t,” she breathes.

  I press my mouth to hers and sweep my tongue inside of her again, my cock hardening and pressing against her stomach as I groan. “We can, and we goddamn will, sladkaya,” I growl.

  “Kon?” Viveka’s weak voice calls out.

  I rip my lips from Kiska’s and look over my shoulder. “Be there in a second,” I shout. Then I turn back to face Kiska. “You’re skipping class today. Once I’ve got Viv settled, we’re spending the day together,” I state.

  Kiska opens her mouth, most likely to reject my suggestion but I don’t allow it. I release her and walk out of the room. Viveka is standing on the other side of the bedroom door, and although she looks rough as fuck, she gives me a small grin. “You’re going to get yourself killed over that pretty little thing,” she quips.

  I press my lips together tightly but don’t respond. Viveka reaches out for me and wraps her hand around my wrist.

  “I think, that she may be worth it, no?”

  Kiska appears and slides right up to my side.

  Viveka’s eyes go from each of us, then come back to me. “Yes, I do believe she would be, Kon.”

  Lifting my chin, I only let out a grunt before I guide both of the women from the room. It’s already after midnight, and I’m exhausted. I have a feeling that this level of tired will not go away anytime soon. I need to get Viv to my apartment, and safe. Then Kiska and I need to have a little discussion. I want her, and she wants me. There’s no sense in torturing each other. Not when we don’t have to.

  KONSTANTIN DROPS ME OFF at my apartment but tells me that he’ll be over in a few minutes. I hurry and shower, not knowing what else to do while I wait. I glance at the digital clock on my microwave and pace. It’s after one o’clock in the morning, and he’s made it clear that we’re moving forward with our attraction.

  I should be excited, but I’m just plain nervous. Wanting him and desiring him is a lot different than those things actually coming to fruition. Now I’m not so sure it’s what I want. No, scratch that, I’m not so sure that I should allow it to happen. The consequences are far too great.

  My door handle jiggles, and I suddenly feel exposed. I tug my oversized shirt down a little farther and watch as he opens my door and steps over the threshold. My mouth opens
slightly and I just stupidly stand there, watching. He locks my door and scrubs his hand over his face, then his hair, and then wraps it around the back of his neck. It’s sexy, but he looks unsure.

  “How long are you going to stand there silently and watch me?” he asks, lifting his head as his eyes connect with mine.

  I don’t speak. I’m frozen to my spot, my body locked tight as I watch him walk closer toward me. “Let’s get some sleep,” he grunts.


  His lips tip up at the corner, and he winks. “I’m exhausted, and you’re too fucking scared. I’m not into scared women, Kiska,” he murmurs. “When you’re into it, we’ll explore, but you’re not ready.”

  He walks past me and directly to my bedroom. Only when he’s inside of my room, and out of my sight do my feet become unstuck. I follow behind him, as quickly as I can, and then I freeze again when I enter my room.

  Konstantin is standing in my small bedroom, my all white, light mint, and light pink bedding and pillows all around and he looks massive in the space, and almost completely naked. His tattoos stand out against his tanned skin, and I don’t know where to focus because they all look so appealing.

  “You’re staring,” he grins.

  I bite the corner of my lip and nod. “You have quite a bit to stare at,” I confess.

  I watch as he tugs my girlie bedding back and slips between my sheets wearing nothing but his boxer briefs as though he’s done it a million times. I place my knee on the mattress as I watch him take my pillows and arrange them behind his own head.

  “You took my pillow,” I state.

  He smiles and gives me a wink “You don’t need it.” I let out a squeal when he sits up slightly, wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me to his side. “I’m your pillow when we sleep together, Kiska.”

  I blink once, looking up at him in surprise and unsure how to respond. I don’t really get the chance, he reaches over and switches off my lamp before his arms wrap around me, and he holds me close to his side. His warm, hard chest, is beneath my cheek and it should be uncomfortable, but it isn’t.


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