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Chosen by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 9)

Page 7

by Hayley Faiman

  “Kon?” I yawn into the room.

  “Yeah,” he grunts.

  “I’m sorry your friend was hurt,” I whisper.

  I feel his lips press against the top of my head and he keeps them there when he speaks. “Me too, sladkaya. Me too.”

  I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, wrapped in the arms of a man I have zero business being in contact with. It’s the best night of sleep I ever have—hands down.

  Something brushes my center, and I can’t help but let out a moan at the feel. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. I’m afraid to open my eyes, afraid that the dream will be gone once I’m awake. I feel it again, and then there is a gentle pressure against my clit.

  “Open your eyes, Kiska,” Konstantin’s deep voice rasps. Now I really don’t want to open my eyes and have the dream end.

  I moan again and shiver, feeling something hard nestle against my ass. I wiggle against it and gasp as my eyes fly open. I’m met with Konstantin’s face, tipped toward me and then I feel a sweep of his fingers along my slit again, and my body shakes.

  “You may not be ready for all of me, but you’re ready for a little,” he grunts.

  Oh, I’m ready all right. I’m ready, and I can’t wait. I whimper and spread my legs open a little wider. He shifts his leg, so that mine hooks around his knee and he spreads me even farther. “Watch my fingers work you from beneath your panties, sladkaya. So fucking sexy,” he rasps against my neck before his tongue licks my skin.

  “You’re filthy,” I moan.

  He chuckles against me as one of his fingers sinks all the way inside of me. “Fuck, your pussy is tight,” he groans before he nips my earlobe.

  Lifting my hips, I silently beg for more, only to have him chuckle behind me before he presses his palm against my clit while he continues to slowly fuck me with his finger. I gasp at the sensation, his warm palm pressed against me, his finger filling me, it’s better than I could have ever imagined.

  I shamelessly allow my body to search for what it wants—what it needs. He doesn’t know that this is my first real experience at something like this. My life has been dance and nothing else. I’ve never been with a man, and though I’ve put on a good front, and my body has wanted him, I didn’t think that I would ever be in this position. I hope he doesn’t hate me when he finds out the truth—when he discovers that I’m a virgin.

  “Are you going to come all over my hand, Kiska. Come on beautiful, come all over me, make me a fucking mess,” he growls as his teeth scrape my neck. My body shakes in his arms and my hips start to jerk, and buck uncontrollably.

  Arching my back my entire body freezes and the curled sensation I felt in my belly just seconds ago uncurls and I let out a long cry. “Oh yeah, how fucking sweet, my little sladkaya,” Konstantin growls as his movements slow then stop.

  I close my eyes in bliss, unable to move when I feel my shirt being wrenched up and then Konstantin’s knees are on either side of me. My eyes open and widen in surprise. His cock is right in front of my face, but he’s focused down on my breasts.

  “Hold them together for me,” he grunts as I feel his heavy, warm, dick press against the center of my chest.

  Pressing my breasts together I watch in avid fascination as he moves his hips so that his dick moves in and out of them. He’s fucking my boobs. My entire face turns red at the idea and the act. I suck in a breath when I feel his thumbs slide across my nipples as his movements go from slow and calculated to fast and jerky.

  “I’ve been dreaming of these gorgeous tits wrapped around my cock. Fuck, it’s better than I imagined,” he groans.

  He continues to take me, his eyes swirling, darkening, and then his jaw clenches and he lets out a grunt as he pulls away and backs up a little. I watch in fascination as he wraps his hand around himself and tugs. Then I feel warm spurts of his release as it hits my breasts. When he’s finished, I’m afraid to move, and he doesn’t. He just stares at me for a moment and then his hand presses against me, and he rubs his release all over my breasts, his eyes following the movements.

  “You’re mine, Kiska. You share this body with another, and I’ll kill him,” he murmurs.

  “Konstantin,” I gasp.

  He grunts as his hand presses against the center of my chest, and he leans down slightly. “It’s mine, Kiska. Every goddamn piece of it, is mine,” he growls.

  I don’t say anything, and I just watch him. He stares at me, daring me to defy him but I don’t. I have no desire to give myself to anyone, and he doesn’t know that he’ll be the first to have me anyway. So, instead of telling him as such, I place my palm on his stomach and slip it up his chest as far as it will go.

  “Okay, baby. I’m yours,” I whisper.

  Kiska decides to go ahead and go to class, against my wishes. In my opinion, she didn’t get enough sleep and should spend the day resting, but she is adamant about going to class. I text Lazar while we’re on the way.

  “Lazar watches out during the day for you, if I’m not back in time today, he will escort you home,” I announce as we reach the studio.

  “Lazar?” she asks.

  I wrap my arm around her waist and tug her close to me, closing my eyes as I feel her body pressed against mine. I suppress the shiver that threatens to crawl up my spine, remembering her soft body pressed against mine in bed. Fuck me, but I want her, all of her, and I don’t think I’ll be able to wait much longer before I take her—signing my own death as soon as I sink inside of her.

  “He’s sixteen, be good to the boy,” I chuckle. Lowering my face, I press my lips to hers in a gentle, innocent kiss. “I’ll see you tonight, no matter what.”

  “Is that a threat?” she asks with a smile playing on her lips.

  I squeeze my fingers around her waist as my lips travel to her ear. “It’s a promise, sladkaya.”

  Releasing her, I give her a wink as I take a step back. I watch as she sways slightly before her cheeks blush then she abruptly turns and hurries away from me. I don’t call out to her like I want to, I let her scurry away and enjoy her ass in her skintight leggings as she goes.

  “Boss?” Lazar says, interrupting me.

  Looking over to the boy I lift my chin. “I have some things to take care of, if I am not back by the time her classes are let out, please escort Kiska home and insure that her apartment is safe,” I explain. He nods, and I clap my hand on his shoulder before I walk away from him.

  I have a fucking madam to visit this morning. First things first though, I need to check on Viv and make sure that she’s feeling okay. I hurry back to my apartment, and as soon as I walk inside, I smell her famous banana bread baking.

  “You didn’t sleep,” I mutter as I walk into my kitchen. I’m honestly surprised I had the ingredients for this bread.

  She sighs, leaning against the counter. She looks worse today than she did last night, but she’s got a small smile on her lips which is a welcome sight. “I didn’t,” she admits.

  “I was just next door.”

  Viv shakes her head once. “I know you were. I wasn’t scared. I was thinking. You know, I shouldn’t have even called you. I’m sorry if it caused problems between you and your Kiska,” she mutters.

  I stay where I am, fighting the urge to take my friend in my arms and hold her. She wouldn’t want it, not right now. “You are my friend, Viveka. No matter what we have shared between one another, that aspect does not change. Kiska is young, she may not understand our relationship. I explained that you are a friend. She either gets over it, or she doesn’t, but our friendship does not factor in my relationship with her,” I state.

  “The things we’ve shared are more than normal friends share between one another—”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Am I a man?” I bark, interrupting her.

  “Yes,” she whimpers.

  I lean forward slightly, trying to make my voice a little lower instead of the pissed off scream I wish to let loose. “No woman leads me around by my dick and tel
ls me who is allowed to be my friend. Aside from all of that, it wouldn’t be her place anyway.”

  “If you love someone, their wishes and desires become important, Kon,” she murmurs.

  Finally, I close the distance between us and I wrap her in my arms, cradling the back of her head. “You would be with a man who wouldn’t allow our friendship?” I ask, keeping my voice just above a whisper.

  “Never,” she exhales.

  “But you think I would bring a woman into my life who wouldn’t allow it?” I ask gently.

  She shakes her head once before she lifts it so that she can look at my face. “Kon…”

  I pin her with a glare. “Kiska is not mine, Viveka. She can never be mine. She is contracted, engaged, and promised to another. It does not matter how she would feel about my relationship with you.”

  “You’re not thinking with your big head,” Viveka sighs as she takes a step back from me. I watch as she makes her way toward the oven and takes the bread out.

  I chuckle at her words. “I’m thinking with my little head, I know.”

  She smirks. “Yeah, you really are.”

  “Anything you want me to tell your ex-madam when I visit her today?” I ask, changing the subject as I reach for a knife and cut off a piece of her bread.

  “Konstantin,” she sighs.

  I glance at her pale face and shake my head once. “If you think I’m leaving that cunt alone you’re dead fucking wrong. She’s paying for not protecting you, Viv.”

  I don’t let her reply, I walk out of the kitchen leaving her alone. She knows how to contact me if she needs me. I set forth toward my destination. That bitch is going down, and I’m going to be the man to do it. I don’t bother calling Timofei, though I should. I want to take care of this myself, and I know that it’s going to get messy. If he doesn’t approve of the way I deal with the bitch, then I’ll suffer the consequences, but I am dealing with her.

  Walking up the front of the house I glance around. The place is kept up well, and I’m sure the inside is superb since she assuredly has a staff to ensure that it is perfect.

  “Can I help you?” a young woman asks as she peeks her head out of the door.

  She doesn’t look like a worker, she looks like staff. She’s pretty, and timid as she looks up at me. “I’m here for Madam Minsky, please,” I ask, keeping my tone calm and low.

  The girl nods in a jerk and opens the door a bit wider. I step inside and look around. The place is as I thought, spotless. There doesn’t seem to be anybody around and I find it curious. Usually, there are always people around brothels. Bratva men, staff, and women, no matter what time of day.

  “Mr. Skumin, I’ve been expecting you,” a voice calls out from the top of the stairs.

  Madam Minsky is a pretty woman in her early fifties. She has aged exceptionally well, no doubt to visiting doctors and spas to keep that youthful appearance. I don’t speak as I watch her practically float down the stairs.

  “I’m sure that you have,” I growl.

  She smirks and places her hand on my forearm once she’s standing in front of me. “How is poor Viveka?”

  The feigned concern pisses me off. Fuck this cunt. I reach out and wrap my hand around the front of her thin throat. She’s thin and delicate, I could kill her in the blink of an eye. “Beat to shit, and left for dead, no thanks to you,” I growl.

  “She’ll think twice before she tries to go behind my back again,” the bitch sneers. I squeeze a little tighter, but she doesn’t even flinch. “So you’re going to kill me because you tried to take my whore from me and I taught her a lesson?” she asks, arching a brow, her voice hoarse.

  I throw back my head and laugh. This fucking bitch. “I didn’t try to take anything. You mismanaged her, she came to me, freely. Now your little punishment and lesson, you’re about to get tenfold.”

  For the first time since I arrived in her home, she finally has the good sense to look scared, and she fucking should. I pull my gun out of my shoulder holster and I slide it up her thighs, pressing it against her pussy as she lets out a whimper.

  “Do you think you’d like my lesson to you?” I ask in a whisper as I lean in a little closer.

  Madam Minsky shakes her head as her eyes water. “Please don’t,” she cries as I watch tears fall from her eyes.

  “But, you want to be in the business of teaching lessons,” I shrug. “This is a lesson I would give you in how to care for your workers’ cunts. It’s important in this business, isn’t it?” I ask, tipping my head to the side in feigned question.

  I cock my gun when I see the timid little girl coming toward me with a… frying pan. Removing my gun from Minsky’s pussy, I point it at the little girl while keeping my other hand around the madam’s throat. “Drop it,” I grunt.

  She freezes in her tracks and drops the pan to the ground. It lands with a loud thud, and I swear I try my hardest not to laugh my ass off at the scene in front of me. “Please don’t hurt me,” she whimpers.

  “What do you say, Madam, should the girl suffer because you are an evil suka?” I ask with a laugh.

  Minsky shakes her head, or tries to beneath my grasp. “Maybe I should have her watch while I do to you what Viveka’s John did to her?”

  “No,” the madam cries.

  Tears fall in streams down her face and onto my hand. I glance from the girl to the madam, and I notice that although they do not look anything alike, they share one thing, the same eyes. So she has a heart, but not for the girls under her charge, just for her own blood.

  “Maybe I employ the girl in my stable, then,” I grind out.

  She shakes her head, fear written all over her face. It’s obvious she holds true affection for the child. She should have thought about that when she decided to punish a girl she was supposed to protect. “You’ll die never knowing what I intend to do,” I whisper as I place my gun against her temple and pull the trigger.

  The girl screams, it’s blood-curdling, and if I were a man who had a heart, it would ache for her loss. I pull my phone out and send a text to my clean-up crew and then another to Timofei. Then I turn to the girl who is in the fetal position on the floor. Walking over to her, I hold my hand, palm up. She slips hers inside, her face focused on the madam on the floor.

  “How old are you?” I demand.

  “S-s-seventeen,” she whispers.

  “She was your mother?”

  She nods as she pulls her bottom lip into her mouth, probably biting it to keep from screaming. “You have nothing to fear from me, little one,” I murmur. My phone rings in my pocket and I answer it immediately.

  “You just did what?” Timofei shouts in my ear.

  I explain to him what I did and why, knowing that he’ll be angry with me, but still unsure that I give much of a fuck.

  “The girl?” he asks when I’m finished.

  “Seventeen, Madam Minsky’s daughter,” I explain.

  He grunts. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Do not leave that fucking house.”

  I don’t leave the house. I do, however, guide the girl into the kitchen and get her some water. I’m a fucking asshole, but she didn’t hurt me or hurt Viveka. I have zero ill will toward her, but her cunt of a mother had to go.

  “W-what happens to me now?” she stutters as tears stream down her face.

  I shake my head once and wrap my hand around hers. “You don’t worry about it, you’ll be taken care of. You are Bratva,” I state. I hear her gulp, and she nods, her eyes glazed over and in a complete daze.

  WALKING OUT OF THE studio, I’m dead tired, like dead. I shouldn’t have come in today, Konstantin was right. The adrenaline crash I experienced after about an hour of dancing was no freaking joke. “Who is that?” Peter asks.

  “Lazar,” I sigh. “A friend of Konstantin’s.”

  Zoe raises a brow but doesn’t say anything except she lets out a squeal. I turn and watch her take off in a full run toward Bronislav. He’s standing a few feet away, and I watch as he
braces before she throws herself into his arms, then they start to make out. I turn away to give them privacy, even though they are in the middle of the public sidewalk.

  “A friend?” Peter asks.

  I nod, not really wanting to talk to him about Konstantin or his friends. “Fine,” he shrugs before he turns and walks away.

  “Ready?” Lazar asks.

  I give him a tight smile, and together we walk the few blocks to my building. I expect him to walk me up to my apartment door, but I don’t expect him to check my place out before he allows me inside. “Mr. Skumin will be back shortly,” he nods before he turns and walks away.

  I start to close my door when I hear a small feminine voice call my name. I turn my head and see Viveka leaning against the doorjamb of Konstantin’s front door. She’s wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of sweatpants, they’re Konstantin’s, and I feel instantly jealous that she’s in his clothes.

  “Hey.” I wave unsure of what to say to her.

  She smiles and lifts her chin. “When you’re available, I’d like to talk to you for a few minutes.”

  “Just let me shower, and I’ll be right over.” I close the door and lock it before I head toward my shower.

  I don’t want to talk to her, not ever. She’s slept with Konstantin, and she’s a hooker. Konstantin claims she’s special to him though, and I watched how affected he was when she was hurt. I can’t be a bitch to her, no matter how badly I want to be. It wouldn’t be very nice of me to hate her based off of the very little that I know about her. Even if I want to hate her for ever having touched Konstantin—I can’t, especially when he’s not mine, no matter what he says.

  I quickly shower, changing into a pair of sleep shorts and cami with a long cardigan sweater over the top. With a sigh, I throw my hair up into a messy bun and grab my key before I head over to talk with Viveka. Locking my apartment door behind me, I hurry toward her door and knock.

  The door opens, and I’m met with Viveka’s bruised face. I wince at the sight of her, and her hand flies up to her eye, and she gives me a shy smile. “It looks worse than it feels,” she smiles sadly as she steps to the side to let me in.


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