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Chosen by the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 9)

Page 8

by Hayley Faiman

  It feels weird being in here, and I want to explore the entire space to learn more about Konstantin. “I wanted to talk to you, about Kon,” she murmurs.

  My back straightens as I follow behind her into the living room. I sit down on the edge of the sofa and wait for her to speak. She doesn’t say anything at first, her eyes taking me in, then she nods as though she’s ready to finally speak.

  “Konstantin doesn’t deserve to have his heart broken, but beyond that, he doesn’t deserve the sentence that being in your bed would surely give him. He’s a good man, and he deserves happiness. You cannot give him that,” she states.

  I feel my face heat with embarrassment and anger. She’s right. Konstantin deserves better than me. She’s wrong also because I can give him happiness—maybe not forever but for now. I don’t tell her any of that though. It isn’t her business.

  “Konstantin is a big boy, Viveka. He can make his own choices concerning his own life. That is, unless your feelings are stronger than you claim and this is some kind of way for you to get rid of me?” I ask as I cross my arms over my chest.

  She harrumphs. “I love him as a friend, nothing else,” she states.

  I stand, and I shove my hands in my pockets. “I’m glad he has a friend that cares about him. I don’t believe that your feelings aren’t deeper than you claim. Stay out of our business though. What we do is our choice, and none of it has any bearing on you.” There is so much else I want to say to her, but I don’t. I decide not to stoop to anything that would result in her having any kind of ammunition against me.

  Turning to leave, I ignore her when she calls out to me. She can go fuck herself. She’s in love with Konstantin, no matter what she’s trying to sell me—I don’t buy it. Not at all. I hurry to my own door and slip my key in the lock when I hear someone walking toward me. I tilt my head to the side and smile when I realize that it’s Konstantin.

  “What are you doing out in the hall alone?” he demands as I turn the handle to my door.

  My smile doesn’t fade, even though he looks kind of pissed off at me. I walk inside of my apartment with him close to my back. Konstantin locks the door behind himself, and I place my key on the kitchen counter before I turn to face him.

  “Your roommie called me over for a chat,” I state. His brows furrow as he closes the distance between us. I suck in a breath as his hands slip beneath the cardigan and wrap tightly around my ass.

  “What did she say?” he asks in a low rumble. His head dips and his lips touch the side of my neck and slowly travel down.

  I hum as my breathing becomes labored. His lips feel so good as they caress my skin. “She thinks I’m going to get you killed and break your heart.” I sigh. One of my hands sinks into the back of his hair, as his tongue tastes my neck.

  I feel his laugh against my neck as one of his hands shifts to dive into my shorts and wrap around my panty covered ass, almost skin to skin. “She doesn’t think I’m a big boy, apparently.”

  “I think she loves you, as more than a friend,” I admit on a moan.

  His fingers squeeze both globes of my ass as his teeth nip my neck, almost playfully. “She could. I wouldn’t know. I only see her as my friend, one that I fucked and paid for.” I push against his chest and try to move out of his grasp but his hands only tighten, and his mouth sucks just a little harder. “Don’t be jealous, sladkaya. I didn’t know you, yet.”

  “I don’t want to imagine any woman with you, let alone one that lives in your apartment,” I grind out.

  Konstantin lifts his head and sucks my bottom lip between his teeth before he gives me a nip there. “I never want to imagine another man even looking at you, Kiska. It will happen though, and in a few years another man will sink his cock inside of you, he’ll plant his babies inside of you, too, and there will be nothing that I can do to stop that,” he whispers.

  My eyes water at his words, at the way he says them, and the fact that he’s absolutely correct, makes my heart ache. Another man will do all of those things and just thinking about it makes me incredibly sad. I open my mouth to speak, but his fingers press against my lips.

  “Sshh, sladkaya, let’s not think about it another minute,” he murmurs.

  Konstantin’s hand moves from my mouth to slide around my neck and curl around the nape. I gasp when his mouth touches mine and immediately his tongue fills me. It’s hard, hot, and heavy all at once. He surrounds me, his scent and his taste. It’s the best thing I have ever experienced in my life, his touch, and his attention.

  The hand that is still gripping my ass, tightens and his mouth moves from mine to my ear. “Get in your room, it’s time I show you what it means to be mine,” he growls.

  I open my mouth to tell him, to warn him that I’ve never done this before but he doesn’t let me. He removes his hands and spins me around by my shoulders then without warning his hand lands in a hard thwack against my ass.

  “Konny,” I shriek.

  “Bedroom,” he grunts.

  I don’t delay, hurrying toward the bedroom. I don’t know what’s to come, but I can’t deny that I feel a sense of excitement over it. Running my hand over my now tender ass, I shiver, I want that—so much more of that.

  When Konstantin walks into the bedroom behind me, I can feel it, it’s like he fills up the entire room just by being present. Slowly, I turn around to face him. His eyes are darker, virtually menacing and they almost frighten me. If he weren’t the man I knew him to be, I would be scared of him—downright terrified.

  “Strip. I want to see all of you,” he rasps, his eyes staying focused on mine.

  I don’t hesitate, something in his gaze promises there will be some kind of hell to pay if I hesitate right now. I shove my sleep shorts down and then peel my cardigan off of my shoulders before I lift my camisole over my head and drop it to the floor.

  Standing in front of him with just my panties and bra on makes me break out in goosebumps. His dark eyes scan my body, but he doesn’t speak. When he finally does, it’s not anything that I imagined he’d say.

  “Take your hair down.”

  I blink, before my hands automatically do as he’s ordered. My dark hair tumbles around my shoulders as I press my lips together. “Come here,” he states.

  My feet slowly do as he requests, and I walk over to him until I’m standing so close to him that we’re almost touching. Konstantin’s hand wraps around the side of my neck, and his fingers squeeze. Then without a word, he places his other hand on my waist and moves us around until my back is to his front and I’m facing the full-length mirror.

  I let out a moan when his hand dives inside of my panties and his finger grazes my center. “Do you see yourself?” he asks. My eyes open and I meet my gray gaze in the mirror. “You are who I want, sladkaya. There is nobody else,” he murmurs.

  “Okay,” I whimper as his finger circles my clit.

  He grunts before he licks the side of my throat. “Christ, Kiska. You’re so sweet, aren’t you?”

  I shake my head in denial, but he only chuckles, his teeth sinking into my shoulder while his finger fills me. “You are, sladkaya. Are you going to come on my fingers, or do you want my mouth?”

  “Mouth?” I breathe.

  He chuckles. “Oh yeah, Kiska, you want my mouth on that sweet little cunt of yours, don’t you?”

  I press my lips together and try to ignore the dip in my belly at his words. “Tell me, or you can’t have it,” he grunts.

  Shaking my head, I pinch my eyes closed tightly as my hips jerk against his touch. “I want your mouth, baby,” I whisper.

  Konstantin slips his hand from inside of my panties and picks me up. Carrying me to the side of the bed he wrenches my panties down and then in the next second releases my bra and drags it down my arms. I watch, completely fascinated as he sinks to his knees in front of me. “Sit,” he barks.

  Slowly, I sit down on the bed. Konstantin wraps his hands around the inside of my knees and pulls my legs wide, leans in to
my utter embarrassment and inhales my center. My thighs shake as he brings both of his hands to my core and spreads my pussy apart with his thumbs.

  “Konstantin, no,” I murmur, trying to push his hands away.

  He moves one of his hands and slaps my thigh, quickly and sharply. I suck in a breath when his eyes lift. “This pussy is mine. I look at it when I want, and the way I want. Let me see what’s mine, it’s so fucking pretty,” he rasps.

  I don’t deny him again, how can I with a mini-speech like that? He can look at me all he wants to. He’s right, I am his, and if he wants to expose me for his own eyes, I’ll let him—every time. He nuzzles my clit, and my head falls back, suddenly my neck can’t support me a second longer.

  “Baby,” I whimper.

  Konstantin doesn’t respond with words. Instead, he licks my entire slit before circling his tongue around my clit. When his tongue fills me, I can’t hold back my moan of satisfaction. It’s the best thing I’ve experienced in my life. His tongue is warm and firm as he takes me, his thumbs massaging my pussy as he continues to hold me open.

  “Fuck,” I curse.

  He chuckles, moving to focus on my clit, flicking then sucking on me until my hands are fisting his hair and I’m holding him to me. I roll my hips, searching for more, begging for it.

  I am so close to my release, and I feel like I’ll go insane if I don’t get it. I’m shameless in my search, holding onto him so tightly that I’m sure I’ll take some of his hair out, but I don’t fucking care. When his teeth graze my clit, my climax washes over me, and I let out a long, loud sobbing moan.

  Crawling over her body, forcing her to lay down as she wraps her legs around my hips, I close my eyes as I feel her warm, wet, pussy against my cock. Shifting back, I wrap my hand around the back of my dick and guide it so that it’s pressed against her opening.

  “Konstantin,” she exhales, her eyes focused on mine.

  I can tell she’s trying to communicate something, but she doesn’t say it aloud. I push in a little farther, slow and grind my teeth together at how goddamn tight she is, that is until I feel a barrier. It’s then that I know what she was trying to communicate to me.

  “You’re a virgin?” I ask.

  She shifts beneath me, and her cheeks turn bright red. Fuck. I’ve never felt true guilt before, not like this. Kiska isn’t mine to take, not like this. I quickly pull out of her and back away until my back hits her wall and I sink down to my ass.

  “Konstantin?” she asks, her voice trembling.

  Bending my knees and placing my elbows on top of them I bury my face in my hands. I need to go, I need to stand up and go, run from her, leave her alone.

  “Baby?” she breathes from right in front of me.

  I lift my head to see that she’s on her knees between my legs, her face pale and her hand shaky as she reaches for me.

  Closing my eyes, I look to the side before I face her again. “You aren’t mine to take. I didn’t know, why didn’t you tell me?” I demand.

  “You weren’t taking anything that I didn’t willingly want to give you,” she murmurs.

  Straightening my legs, I reach for her and wrap my hands around her shoulders. “You belong to Entin. Even being this close to you right now is something that isn’t right. You are not authorized to give me anything,” I state. Her back straightens and her eyes narrow.

  “Fuck that,” she spits. I open my mouth to respond, but she doesn’t let me. “Fuck Akim and his nasty ass. I don’t want him, I don’t want anything to do with him. I want you, Konny. Only you. Don’t deny me what I want when in a couple of years, I won’t be able to make a choice about anything, not even the clothes I wear. Don’t you dare tether me to that life before I’m officially bound to it.”

  Without saying a word in response, I tighten my grip around her shoulders, and I drag her closer to me, her naked chest pressing against mine and I take her in a long, deep, kiss—my tongue filling and taking her, the way my dick is going to in about five seconds.

  I shift us both and stand, bringing her with me, our mouths never breaking as I carry her over to the bed.

  “Don’t be a pussy, Konstantin. Take what I’m freely giving you,” she demands against my mouth as her head hits the pillow.

  I almost laugh at her words, her obvious challenge. Instead of laughing, I press my cock against her wet center and gently sink inside of her, fucking her shallowly, feeling her tight cunt adjust to my size. She throws her head back and moves it from side to side as she spreads her thighs wider.

  “Are you ready?” I ask. I don’t wait for her answer as I break through her barrier. She lets out a scream, and I watch as tears immediately fill her gray eyes.

  Lifting my hand, I wipe her tears away with my thumb, then press my lips to hers. I kiss her, my tongue filling her mouth, taking her gently until her body relaxes beneath mine. Only then, do I shift my hips and take her body.

  “You feel so good,” I whisper against her lips, feeling her panting breaths against my mouth. “So perfect.”

  “Konstantin,” she whimpers.

  I move my hand from her face and slip it between us, pressing my thumb against her clit as I take her, slow and gentle. I’ve never fucked like this before, never been this concerned over the other person. I’ll make her cry out from pain and pleasure eventually, but right now isn’t appropriate. This is a gift she’s giving to me, and the last thing I want to do is make her regret it.

  “Are you going to come for me again, sladkaya?” I whisper against her mouth.

  She whimpers and shifts her hips. Her pussy is so fucking tight that I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. I’m so fucking close, my balls draw up and I rub her clit harder and faster, hoping that it will bring her over the edge.

  “Oh God,” she moans.

  Her body locks tight, and she lets out a gasp as her mouth drops open. Only then do I let my own release consume me, and I come. It’s long, hard, and loud. Letting my body relax, I wrap my arms around her and press against her, my mouth licking and kissing her neck.

  My still hard cock continues to shift in and out of her, unable to leave her tight heat. It’s the only place I want to be, I have no desire to ever leave her heat. She feels better than any woman I’ve ever had. “Konstantin,” she exhales, her arms around my back and her fingers gently scratching me.

  “You feel so fucking good, Kiska, so good,” I admit.

  She shivers a little, and I assume her pussy hurts, so against my own wishes, I slip out of her and roll over to my back. I don’t stay there long, gathering her in my arms and forcing her against my side. She nuzzles my neck as she presses her front against me, her leg hitching over my thigh.

  I lazily run my fingertips over her thigh and her ass, back and forth as we lay in silence. “Thank you, Konstantin,” she sighs.

  “For?” I ask in confusion.

  She moves up, placing her forearm on my chest so that she can look down into my eyes. “For making that absolutely beautiful.”

  My guilt claws at me again. It wasn’t mine to make beautiful, it wasn’t mine to take at all. She forced my hand, she knew it, and I did too. I should have walked away from her, but I wanted her too badly to do that.

  I don’t respond to her words. I press my lips to hers as my fingers sink into the flesh of her ass. Whatever happens with this situation, it will be found out, and it will be fucking ugly when it is. I push those thoughts from my head, too enamored by the beauty of what we just had.


  I FEEL WARM KISSES pressing against my shoulder and I groan as my eyes flutter open. I’m surprised that my room is bathed in darkness. Konstantin licks my skin before he nips it with his teeth. I gasp when I feel his fingers slide down my stomach before they gently graze my tender center.

  “What time is it?” I whisper.

  He grunts before he speaks. “Early.”

  Konstantin’s finger fills me, and I let out a moan. I’m sore, but no amount of pain could make
me tell him to stop right now. His touch feels amazing. His thumb circles my clit before he presses against it. My hips jerk as I lift an arm behind me and wrap it around the back of his neck.

  He groans before his teeth sink into my neck.

  “Baby,” I whisper. His hand abruptly leaves my center, and wraps around the back of my knee, and he spreads my legs wide as he fills me in one swift move.

  “So sweet, so good,” he growls as he moves inside of me.

  I can’t speak, my breaths coming out in short pants as I close my eyes and turn my head to press my face against his neck. Being this close to him, having him inside of me, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before and I love it. I don’t know how I’ll leave him—how I’ll ever allow Akim inside of me like this.

  “Are you going to come on my cock, sladkaya?” he rasps as his thumb works my clit faster. My thighs shake involuntarily as my back arches and I press my ass closer to his pelvis, taking him deeper as I do, indeed, come all around him.

  “Fuck,” he hisses. My body is shifted, and suddenly he’s behind me, his hands on my hips as he wrenches me back.

  I close my eyes as he pulls my hips back as his pelvis pushes forward and he pounds into me. I’m so wet that I can hear the sounds of our bodies meeting throughout the room. I feel like I should be embarrassed by it, but it only turns me on even more. Konstantin’s movements are harsh, unyielding and then when he stills, I feel him fill me as he lets out a long groan.

  “Shit,” He curses. He pulls out of me almost instantly, and I fall to my stomach, unable to hold myself up. Turning my head to the side, I watch him as he paces.


  His dark eyes connect with mine and my breath leaves my body. He looks so intense, too intense, and not in a happy warm way. “I fucked you twice without a condom,” he grunts. “You cannot get pregnant.”

  I blink at him. Then I tip my lips in a smile. “Would it be the end of the world?” I ask on a whisper.


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