Cupcake Love

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Cupcake Love Page 25

by Diana Currie

  By Sunday morning I was beginning to wonder what the hell I was thinking having Shane over to study. I used to spend every minute of every study session pining over him. If Shane started reading to me I knew my palms would get sweaty. It had practically become a Pavlovian type response in me last year. I made sure I was dressed casual and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. No makeup. I was ready.

  Shane arrived right on time, at 12:30, armed with his study notes and two bags from Subway. I don’t know what I expected when he walked through the door but I thought something would be different. He greeted me just as he always had, and looked the same too. Maybe it was me that had changed.

  “Ally! Lunch!” he called out for his sister.

  Rachel came around the corner first and poked through the bags for her food.

  “Hello, Rachel,” Shane greeted her playfully.

  “Hello, Shane,” she replied in the same tone. “Thanks for lunch.”

  “You’re welcome. How’s my sister doing?” he asked lowering his voice.

  “She says she’s feeling fine. Most of her morning sickness has passed, thank God. She’s nervous about next weekend,” Rachel replied.

  We all had to endure the next four days of mid terms and then Shane and Ally were going home to most likely have the worst spring break ever. They were breaking the news of Ally’s pregnancy to Elise and Colin. Jack was flying in to be there too. He hadn’t been planning to be there due to financial constraints and a busy class schedule but when Shane found out he freaked. He called Jack immediately and threatened to pound him into the ground if he didn’t show up to face their parents like a man. His fury made him look insanely hot. At least that’s what Rachel told me.

  “Hey there big bro!” Ally sang as she bounded down the stairs. She threw her arms around Shane and he lifted her off the ground as they hugged. “What’d you bring me?”

  “Buffalo chicken hoagie with bacon and pickles on the side,” he answered looking slightly green as she opened the thin paper wrapping and popped a slice of bacon and a pickle into her mouth at the same time.

  “That’s gross, Ally,” we all said in unison.

  “What?” she said with her mouth full. “It’s good, you all should try!”

  After we ate lunch together Ally followed Rachel into her room to do her hair for her big night out with Ethan. It was their three month anniversary so they had reservations at a fancy restaurant. I never saw those two studying. Ever. Shane and I settled down in the living room and cracked open the books. We traded notebooks and read over each others’ Victorian Lit notes. After ten minutes or so Shane stretched out on the couch and laid his head back on a throw pillow.

  “Watch your feet or you might knock over that soda,” I scolded him.

  “Sorry, mom,” he said chuckling, but he moved his feet to the other side of the cushion like I asked.

  “Okay, I’m too exhausted for silent reading. I’ll read you our notes on Vanity Fair and then you do Wuthering Heights,” he suggested.

  “No!” I blurted. “I mean, you’re tired so let me do the reading.”

  “Hanny, I offered because it’ll help me stay awake long enough to get through the material. What’s wrong with you? I always kind of thought you liked it when I read to you…”

  I blushed. “I do,” I admitted. “That’s the problem.”

  “Huh?” he asked totally confused.

  I shook my head and grinned at him. “Never mind. Why are you so tired anyways?”

  “Oh, uh, Julie had me up half the night talking.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked trying to be a good friend. I really couldn’t care less what was wrong with Julie.

  “She was kind of pissed about me coming over here today. I told her she was being ridiculous but that only made her angrier.” He ran his hand through his already tousled hair making it even messier and I smirked.

  “I told Aiden last night that I was seeing you and he was fine with it. Well, mostly… once I told him the girls would be here too.”

  “Well, Aiden doesn’t know what Julie knows or he’d probably be just as irrational. Unless it’s just a chick thing...”


  “Sorry,” he said glancing over at my face. He flashed me that perfect smile. “She just won’t let it go that I won’t give her details. Now that she knows something happened between you and me she’s obsessed with knowing more. She didn’t like it much when I told her it was none of her business.”

  I felt bad that Shane couldn’t tell Julie the truth because he was trying to protect my honor. I thought how much harder it would be for me and Aiden right now if I wasn’t able to be completely honest with him. In fact I knew we wouldn’t be as strong a couple as we were without that honesty.

  “You can tell her, Shane,” I decided. “I won’t be upset. I actually did tell Aiden so I understand the predicament you’re in.” I looked down at my wrist and fiddled with the silly bands I was wearing.

  “You told him?” Shane sat up on the couch and rested his elbows on his knees.

  “I had to be honest with him for us to have a fresh start,” I explained. “He wasn’t happy about it but he needed to know since you guys will be seeing each other a lot. You know, at parties and stuff.” I shrugged.

  “Thanks, Hanny. Maybe she’ll be happier once I tell her it was just a one night thing. Because you’re right, we’re not going to stop hanging out with each other so our significant others will just have to deal with it,” he said lying back on the couch.

  “Okay, problem solved,” I said. Yeah, sure, Hannah. “Now can we get back to studying before we have to take this exam?”

  “Proceed,” he replied wryly, closing his eyes as I cleared my throat and started in on Catherine and Heathcliff.

  Shane lasted about half an hour before falling asleep with his hands rested beneath his head; his long lean body stretched out on my sofa. I quickly read through our notes on Vanity Fair to myself and then shut all our books. I decided to check up on my roomies who’d been unusually quiet for a special occasion make over.

  Ally was standing behind Rachel when I entered the bedroom. She was piling curly locks of hair on top of Rachel’s head and pinning each one into a delicate loop.

  “You look stunning, Rachel,” I complimented.

  “Thanks. You think Ethan will like it?”

  “Of course he will. You look amazing and Ethan is so crazy about you I bet you could go to dinner in curlers and he wouldn’t care,” I replied.

  “That is soooo not going to happen,” Ally piped in.

  “You really think he’s crazy about me, Hanny?” Rachel asked.

  “Positive. I’m so happy for you guys,” I said honestly. Rachel was so much less a bitch when she was in love and getting laid regularly.

  “What have you done with my brother?” Ally asked me in the reflection of the mirror.

  Rachel tried to suppress a smile and I scowled at her briefly. “He passed out on the couch.”

  “That’s strange. What were you guys studying for again?”

  “Several pieces of Victorian literature and their significant contributions to today’s writers,” I recited from my syllabus.

  “Okay, not so strange then,” she amended. Rachel snickered.

  “I’m sorry we can’t all be Fashion Merchandising majors, Al. I’m sure he’d be all ears as you explained to him how the seventeenth century petticoat evolved into today’s modern thong,” I said sarcastically.

  “I don’t know, Hannah, the history of the thong Shane might actually find interesting,” Rachel said, laughing again.

  Ally covered her ears in mock disgust. “Gross, please don’t mention my brother and thong in the same sentence! My gag reflexes are seriously heightened right now.”

  “Sorry, Ally,” Rachel said. “I’m sure Julie’s already taught him about thongs anyway.”

  Ally groaned and threatened to turn Rachel’s beautiful up do into a bob if she did
n’t cut it out. Rachel’s eyes flashed to mine in the mirror and I saw her mouth “sorry.” I turned the corners of my mouth up into a smile to show her I wasn’t upset. I knew she just said it to get another rise out of Ally. I had to admit that it was worth it.


  Thank you, God, exams were finally over! To celebrate another scholastic milestone Aiden took me out to dinner Friday night. I hadn’t seen him in over a week and I was itching for him. I missed his warm smile and the sound of his voice. I even missed how he could empty my refrigerator in one sitting.

  We had plans to meet up with everyone at Sharky’s after dinner since it was our last chance to get together before spring break. I was so excited about my night out I even let Ally dress me. She chose a simple black dress with lace. She did my hair and makeup and was kind enough to pick out a wedge heel. I was proud of my willingness to wear a wider range of clothing than I had in high school; with Ally’s guidance of course. She had me ready to go by the time Aiden arrived. He was dressed up too, in the same dress shirt he’d worn on a number of occasions with khaki pants. I think it was the only dressy outfit he owned, and that only added to his charm. Ally snapped a picture of us before we left the house.

  Dinner was really special. There was a lit candle on the table and Aiden held my hand while we waited for our food. We talked about what we wanted to do over spring break. Even though Aiden’s house was only about an hour from Pittsgrove we both had so much happening next week we didn’t think we’d see each other at all. It only made that night more special to me; it being our last night together before heading to our separate homes. It felt good knowing that I was going to miss him. Aiden insisted we order dessert so we shared a chocolate tiramisu. We took turns feeding the delicious treat to each other, mixed in with some kisses and teasing touches under the tablecloth. I never thought Aiden and I would turn out to be one of those couples…

  Aiden’s friends were supposed to be meeting us and all of my friends at Sharky’s. I hadn’t seen Keith and Ron for a few weeks. I was reminded of the last time we were all out together. It was the night Aiden walked me home and kissed me on the doorstep.

  “What are you smiling at?” he asked in the car when he noticed my expression.

  “I was thinking about our first night together at this place. Or the walk home, actually.”

  Aiden smiled and placed his hand on my thigh giving it a light squeeze. “That was a good night,” he agreed.

  We walked into Sharky’s about nine o’clock and immediately found Rachel and Ethan over by the bar. Aiden and Ethan pounded fists and I asked Rachel who else was there.

  “Shane’s in the back showing Julie and Ally how to shoot pool,” she replied. “You should have seen Ally at the house, Hanny. I had to practically drag her here.”


  “She thinks she doesn’t belong in a bar with a baby bump,” Rachel replied rolling her eyes.

  I laughed. “Her bump is barely noticeable. And this place doesn’t even serve alcohol.”

  “I tried telling her that. She’s being extremely unreasonable.”

  Aiden handed me a coke and the four of us decided to find a table closer to the pool tables. I could see Shane was getting frustrated trying to teach his sister and it made me chuckle. If I knew Ally, she was probably playing worse than her actual ability just to see the crease that forms on Shane’s forehead when he’s upset. I know that’s what I would have done. Keith and Ron arrived a few minutes later and greeted everyone at the table before heading over to the bar.

  Ally finally noticed Aiden and me and waved. She put down her pool stick and glided over to us to say hello. “Hey guys! When did you get here?” she asked me.

  “About ten minutes ago. You seemed engrossed in your game,” I said nodding in the direction of the pool tables.

  “Oh, that. I don’t think pool is really my thing,” she shrugged. “I can’t seem to hold the cue correctly. It is fun seeing Shane get angry when I mess up though.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Well, sit down and join us then,” I encouraged her.

  We all talked for a few minutes but when the conversation turned to Ally’s pregnancy symptoms and hormones Ethan stood up and pushed his chair in under the table.

  “Come on, Aiden. Let’s go hang out with your friends at the bar. The game’s on,” he said.

  Aiden kissed my cheek and eagerly got up to follow Ethan. Rachel and I exchanged an eye roll over our wussy men. By the time Shane and Julie came to sit with us Ally was finished talking about constipation and itchy breasts. Julie made a point to take the empty seat next to me, forcing Shane to walk around the table to sit where Ethan had been. I was nervous seeing her again. Our paths hadn’t crossed outside the classroom since the car wash but I was hoping Shane had talked to her like I suggested and maybe she wouldn’t be so cold to me. Or maybe she’d be worse?

  “Hey, Hanny,” Shane said taking his seat across from Rachel.

  “Hey,” I replied casually. I turned to Julie in an attempt to break the ice, or at least determine her mindset for the evening. “How do you think you did on Cooper’s midterm?”

  She slowly turned to acknowledge me and said, “Good. It was easy if you focused your studying on his review notes.” I didn’t know what else to say about that so I nodded and turned my head to listen in on what Ally and Rachel were talking about.

  “I thought you were bringing Aiden tonight, Hannah?” Shane asked.

  “I did. He’s hanging out with Ethan over there. The Phillies are having a night game.” I pointed to the bar where the guys were slapping five. “We must have just scored a run,” I added smiling.

  “You like baseball, Julie?” I asked politely.

  “Not really,” she replied. Okaaaay… this was going well.

  Shane looked perplexed. “Ethan and Aiden are… friends now?”

  “Yeah,” Rachel chimed in. “They’re really cute together, aren’t they Hannah?”

  “I really thought Aiden was going to kiss Ethan when he gave him those Phillies tickets,” I said laughing.

  Shane made a face. He didn’t seem happy to hear that Ethan had accepted Aiden so readily.

  “Shane, seriously. You’re the only one who has a problem with Aiden,” I snapped.

  “I’m sorry, who’s Aiden?” Julie asked me.

  “My boyfriend.”

  Her face perked up a little at the word, but then it sunk back to its prior state as she glanced at Shane who was still frowning.

  “I think he’s adorable, Hannah. And he’s so smitten with you,” Ally said sweetly oblivious. I smiled at her in response.

  Shane pushed back from the table and excused himself to the restroom. It wasn’t long before Julie got up and excused herself for the same purpose. After she had walked away the three of us looked at each other in confusion.

  “Oh, God. Please don’t let them be going back there to fornicate in the bathroom!” Ally whined.

  Rachel laughed and turned around to check which way Julie was headed. “It’s okay Al, I think they’re just fighting about something.”

  ‘Really? I wonder what about?” Ally said.

  “Yes, I wonder…” Rachel snickered.

  I kicked her under the table. Unable to stand it any longer I looked to where my friends’ gazes were fixed and saw for myself that something was indeed brewing between Shane and Julie. They were standing by the entrance to the restrooms and both were using hand gestures when they spoke. Shane glanced over at our table and all three of us quickly diverted our eyes. Peaking over my shoulder I saw him shake his head at something Julie said and run his hands over his face.

  “What are you staring at?” Ethan whispered behind me causing all three of us to jump out of our skins.

  “Jesus, Ethan, don’t sneak up on people like that!” Rachel scolded.

  “Shane and Julie are having an argument,” Ally explained.

  “I’m going to go talk to Aiden,” I announ
ced. Ethan patted my shoulder as I passed him. Did everyone think I was some pathetic mess that couldn’t handle seeing Shane with a girlfriend? It had happened before and I was just fi- okay, well, I dealt with it. Besides, everything was different now. I approached Aiden and Keith who were sitting at the bar.

  “Hey, boys,” I said, leaning over Aiden’s shoulder to kiss his cheek. He turned around to face me and planted another kiss on my lips. I pulled away grinning and asked them where Ron had gone.

  “He’s over there with that girl. He walked right up to her and just started talking. I’m in awe,” Keith explained.

  I raised my eyebrow to Aiden and he gave me a wide grin. “You see anyone you like, Keith?”

  “Uh, no. Not really.”

  “Well, then you guys should come sit with us,” I said. I motioned over to our table just in time to see Julie gathering her purse and sweater and waving goodbye to Rachel and Ally. Shane was still talking to her but it looked like she was ignoring him.

  “What’s that all about?” Aiden asked.

  “I don’t know,” I replied honestly.

  I took Aiden’s hand and tugged him in the direction of my friends; Keith following close behind. Shane had seated himself next to Ally and put his arm around her shoulder.

  “Hey kiddos,” Ethan greeted us. “You can have our seats. Rach and I are going to go dance.”

  I looked at Rachel and her face lit up as she took Ethan’s hand and walked with him towards the dance floor. Keith and Aiden took their seats immediately. I was about to pull up another chair for myself when Aiden grabbed me by the waist and sat me on his lap. Shane scoffed and looked away. I knew Aiden was acting possessive on purpose and it made me a little mad. Tonight was supposed to be about everyone getting along. The plan hadn’t gone so well for me and Julie. I still held out hope that Aiden and Shane could be kind to one another.

  “Is everything okay, Shane?” I asked sincerely.

  He gave me a warm smile and said everything was fine. I knew it wasn’t but didn’t want to push him for details in front of everyone. Ally and I discussed what she was planning to tell Elise and Colin the next day and Aiden was pointing out girls he thought Keith should hit on. When Rachel and Ethan came back over Shane stood so she could have his seat.


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