Book Read Free

2 in the PINK

Page 24

by Tabatha Kiss

  He smiles. “I thought you were beautiful,” he says. “I took one look at you and everything changed.”


  “Phoebe, I slept with you because I wanted you, I asked you out because I really wanted you again, and I’m here now because I want to keep you. There’s gotta be a part of you that believes that.”

  “… Maybe.”

  “Which part don’t you believe?” he asks. “Just tell me what it is and I’ll prove it. I won’t let you leave this room until I do.”

  My lips curl. “It’s all right, counselor. You’ve made your case.”

  He smiles. “And what’s your verdict?”

  I shrug. “Jury’s still out but… you’re looking pretty good.”

  “Good enough for me to kiss you right now?” he asks, leaning forward.

  “Motion granted.” Our lips touch, sending a shock down my spine. “Damn, you’re a good lawyer.”

  Max pauses. “Yeah, about that…” He pulls away. “I quit my dad’s firm.”

  My jaw drops. “You quit?”

  “I quit,” he says with a nod. “And I’m going with you to New York.”

  “You can’t quit! Your name is on the wall.”

  Max smiles and nudges my mouth closed. “It’s not my name,” he says. “A decent guy once told me that a man creates his own destiny. It’s about time I did that.”

  “That was me,” Thad whispers in my ear. “I told him that.”

  I chuckle and Max strokes my cheek to bring me back to him.

  “Phoebe, you’re my destiny. If I’m going to share my life with anyone, I want it to be you.”


  “And Thad,” Max adds, glaring over my shoulder at him. He kisses me and I shiver from the gentle, warm sensation taking over me. “I love you.”

  My eyes sting with tears. “I love you, too.”

  We kiss again, leaning into each other. My Max. My dream guy. He’s really mine. I can’t believe it.

  “Okay,” Thad says, gripping my shoulders. “My turn.”

  Max and I break our kiss and I glance back at him.

  “Your turn?” I ask.

  “I haven’t given my speech yet,” he says.

  “Your speech?”

  “Two boyfriends. Two make-up speeches,” he says. “It’s like having divorced parents. You get two Christmases. Two birthdays. Two orgasms during sex — at least.”

  Max pauses. “How messed up is your family?”

  I snort.

  Thad twists me around to face him while Max keeps his hands on my hips, holding me in place between them.

  He inhales a deep breath. “I adore you, Phoebe Pink,” he says. “I’ve never felt more comfortable just being myself in front of anybody in my entire life and that’s saying something.”

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  “In fact, I’ll prove it.” He looks at Max over my shoulder. “Max, I’m a poet. I write poetry. Been writing it for years.”

  A few seconds of silence lingers behind me.

  “Yeah, that explains a lot…” Max finally says.

  Thad nods and looks back at me. “See?”

  I grin. “You didn’t have to do that, Thad.”

  “I wanted to.” He grabs my hands. “And I want you, so… take me back. Please. I won’t stop until I make this up to you.”

  “Okay,” I say.

  “And, you already know this, but...” He holds my hands to his mouth and he lays a soft kiss on my knuckles. “I love you. And I don’t mean for now.”

  “Wow…” I sigh.


  “You talk too much.”

  He grins. “Well, in that case…”

  We kiss and Max lets go of me to let Thad pull me as close to him as possible in the tight quarters. My Thad. My tough guy. He’s all mine.

  “I can’t say for sure…” I say, chuckling, “but this might be the most romantic thing that’s ever happened in an airplane bathroom.”

  Thad laughs. “In my professional experience, you might be right.”

  Max wraps an arm around my waist. “I think we can probably do better.” He reaches down and I feel his fingers slide up my thigh.

  I stiffen. “What are you doing?”


  He kisses my neck from behind as he raises my skirt. Thad leans in and takes my lips, kissing me hard to distract me from Max’s warm hand as it slides into my panties.

  “Be quiet now,” Thad whispers, our lips touching. “We’ll get caught.”

  “Caught doing what?”

  Max touches my clit, instantly putting his fingertips on my most sensitive spot. I gasp in his arms and Thad crushes his mouth on mine to keep my voice down. Max adds pressure as he rubs, easily breaking away at everything holding me back. I give into the pleasure, clenching my throat as moans threaten to give it all away.

  Thad leans over as far as he can, guiding my panties down to my ankles. I watch through flutter eyelids as he reaches for his belt. His bulge sticks out as he unzips himself.

  “Is she wet?” he asks.

  “Yes,” Max answers, feeling with a single finger.

  I clench the safety bar fixed to the wall, growing nervous as Thad pulls out his hard cock. How am I supposed to stay quiet in a place like this? With these two doing everything in their power to make me come?

  They both take hold of me and my insides sway as they spread my knees.

  “Fuck—” I cry out.

  Thad lays a hand over my mouth. “Shhh…”

  He aligns our bodies, sliding his cock inside of me with his free hand. I gasp, feeling a spark of pleasure as he pushes in as far as he can go.

  Thad’s hand falls from my mouth and he grips my ass, taking most of my weight, and nods at Max behind me. As he fucks me, Max’s fingers find their way back to my clit.

  I turn my head round and he kisses me.

  “Phoebe…” he whispers. “I love watching him fuck you.”

  I tremble against his rubbing hand.

  He pulls my bottom lip between his teeth. “I want to taste your moans.”

  I moan softly, struggling to keep quiet as he sucks on my tongue.

  “That’s my girl,” he says.

  “Max…” I shudder as Thad’s cock gives me what I need. “Thad…”

  Thad chuckles. “That’s right.” I look to him and he kisses me, hard and fast. “You’re my girl, too.”

  I smile, holding back laughter as I melt to pieces in their arms. Climax strikes, bending and twisting my nerves as Thad continues pumping away deep inside of me.

  Max’s hand falls from my core and I feel him reach for his zipper.

  “Yes,” I sigh, feeling the desire build in me.

  I want to feel him, too. I want to feel them both inside of me.

  I expect to feel Thad pull out to give Max his turn but he stays deep inside. I hold on to the bar a little tighter as Max guides his shaft between my ass cheeks. I take a relaxing breath, expecting to feel a sharp pain that quickly dissolves into pleasure but he doesn’t enter my ass.

  His tip grazes Thad and I quiver with need.

  They don’t stop. Max eases inside of me and I feel my pussy stretch out for both of them. My jaw drops. My passion builds. Two cocks burrow inside, aligning together to fuck the same hole at the same time.

  I gasp again as ache turns into constant pleasure.

  Their hands dig into me. Their warm and rough breaths cover my neck. They both grind without hesitation, giving each other pleasure as I near the edge.

  “Oh, fuck. Max…” Thad groans.

  Max grunts. “Don’t say my name like that, man…”

  “This feels so good.”


  “How have we never done this before? Rubbing together in there like—”

  “Don’t talk about my dick, Thad.”

  I twist my head back to kiss Max. He tastes my tongue and I suck on his, bringing him back to the moment and he grinds me ev
en harder.

  “Don’t stop,” I whimper, feeling the tension breaking in me. “Never stop fucking me.”

  Max smiles, tightening his grip on my body. “We won’t.”

  We kiss once more before I turn forward again to give myself to Thad. He crushes his lips hard on me, his breath trembling as it always does before he comes.

  “Come together,” I say. “Come for me.”

  Thad bites into my lower lip, grunting with pleasure. “You first.”

  He lays his hand over my mouth again as Max slides his fingers between us to rub my clit. It’s an immediate orgasm, one that takes me over until I’m screaming against Thad’s palm. I clench them both on the inside, feeling every inch of them throbbing for me. They continue to hold me up as I lose all feeling in my body except the pure bliss of being taken by both of them.

  I place my hands on the back of their heads, drawing them down to smother their mouths into my shoulders as they groan in climax. They don’t dare pull out of me as they come together, just like I asked them to.

  My boys. My Max and my Thad.

  I’ll never need anything else.



  One year later

  I open my eyes, no longer able to ignore the sun bleeding in from the window. For a split-second, I panic, but then I remember that I don’t have to work today.

  I sit up and my wrists catch, bound to the bedposts over my head with two long neck ties.

  I sigh. “Oh, you guys are funny.” I tug lightly at my restraints. “Bunch of comedians…” I try to slip my hands free but they’re just tight enough. “Max! Thad!”

  Shoes touch the stairs out in the hallway, gently tapping upward. I stare at the bedroom doorway, waiting to see which one it is.

  Max emerges with an instant grin. “Good morning!” he says.

  “Good morning,” I repeat. “Let me out.”

  “It’s a beautiful day today.” He walks across the room to the windows.

  “Cool. Let me out.”

  He throws the curtains open and gazes out into the busy city street. “Not a cloud in the sky.”


  “Yes, dear?”

  I present my wrists.

  He grins. “Oh… that.”

  “Yeah.” I tug once. “This.”

  “Would you like some help?”

  I glare at him but I can’t stop the curl of my mouth.

  “Okay, okay…” He walks over and sits beside me on the bed. “For the record… it wasn’t my idea.”

  “Still makes you an accessory,” I say. “And according to Penal Law Section 20.00, one person is liable for the acts of another when he intentionally aids, commands, or requests someone else to engage in a crime. New York State law does not distinguish between the primary offender and the accomplice when it comes to criminal culpability and punishment.”

  Max blinks. “Goddamn.”

  I smile. “Let me out, please.”

  “I’m starting to regret letting you help me study to retake the bar exam.”

  “You passed on the first try, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah.” He reaches for the nearest tie. “Eight months ago.”

  I shrug. “I have a good memory.”

  “Oh, we know.” He pulls the first knot free and stands to walk around to the other side. “Twenty-nine years old and still sharp as a tack.”

  “Don’t you dare try and weasel your way of out of this, Monahan.”

  “Beautiful and strong…”

  “If you think a little sweet talk is gonna turn this around…”

  He slips the second knot, freeing my other wrist. “And I love her more and more every single day.”

  Warmth fills my chest. “And he’s got me.”

  “However, I am culpable, so…” He sits down beside me again. “What was that you were saying about punishment?”

  “I don’t know.” I swoon. “I can’t remember.”

  “Let’s try this again.” He laughs and leans in to kiss me. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” I whisper before kissing him again.

  “Happy birthday.”

  “That’s today?” I feign ignorance. “I could have sworn every day was my birthday.”

  “Certainly feels like it, doesn’t it?”

  I nod and he pecks the tip of my nose. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “What plan?”

  “The birthday plan you and Thad concocted. Why else would you fasten me to the bedposts other than to keep me here so I couldn’t snoop around?”

  “Well…” He clears his throat, amused. “First, I’m to spend as long as possible…” he kisses me again, soft and slow, “distracting you.”

  I pull back an inch. “Distracting me?”

  He cups my face, holding me to him as our lips continue. “Give Thad enough time.”

  “Enough time for what?”

  “To get back.”

  “Get back from where?”

  “The place he went.”

  “What place?”

  The front door opens and closes downstairs. I gasp with excitement but Max lays a finger on my lips.

  “Second…” he begins, “you’re going to get dressed.”

  “Get dressed?”


  “Whatever happened to naked birthdays?”

  “Oh, that’s later on the schedule. I promise.”

  I laugh. “Then, where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.” He gives me one last kiss before rising off the bed. “Get dressed.”

  I throw my blanket off and plant my feet on the floor.

  He lays a hand on my shoulder. “Take your time.”


  “Take your time.”

  I squint. “Where’d he go?”

  He smiles. “We’ll be downstairs.”

  I sit still as he walks backward to the door, waiting patiently as he takes wide, slow strides to fill the time. He flashes a wink and closes the door behind him.

  The second it latches, I hop up and rush to the master bathroom. It only takes me a minute or two to brush my teeth, wash my face, and throw my hair up. A pair of jeans and a t-shirt later and I’m bouncing down the stairs to the ground floor of our brownstone.

  I spin off the stairs into the hallway and walk toward the kitchen in the back, my eyes constantly moving and searching for anything new or out of place.

  Max and Thad sit at the kitchen table together. They’re both calm and casual, sipping coffee from mugs while they read their tablets. Just like every other morning.

  Thad looks up and smiles. “Good morning,” he says.

  Again, I glance around, but there’s nothing out of the ordinary. “Good morning,” I say.

  “Sleep well?”

  “Like a baby.” I walk forward slowly.

  He takes a victory sip from his mug. “I love it when I do something right.”

  “I was there, too,” Max says.

  “And that’s about it.”

  “Now, now…” I say, moving through the kitchen. “Let’s not argue on my birthday…”

  Thad stares at me with suspicion. “Phoebe…”


  “What are you doing?”


  “What are you looking for?”

  I stop. “Why? Did you get me something?”

  He glares at Max. “What did you tell her?”

  “I didn’t tell her anything,” Max says, drinking away at his coffee.

  He looks to me. “What did he tell you?”

  “That he was supposed to distract me for as long as possible until you got back from some mystery place. Where did you go? What did you bring me?” I bite my lip in sweet anticipation. “Gimme, please.”

  Thad scoffs at Max. “I knew I should have been the one to stay behind…”

  “She’s wickedly smart, man,” Max argues. “She had it all figured out.”

  “You’re we

  “She quoted the penal code.”


  “Guys!” I hold my hands in prayer and pout my lip. “You’re killing me.”

  Thad smiles and softly sighs. “Ahh, jeez.”

  “See?” Max shakes his head. “She turns you to mush, too.”

  “She really does.” Thad slaps the table once. “All right. You got me. Let’s do this.”

  I squeal as they rise from their chairs. “Where is it?”

  Max hooks my elbow. “Close your eyes.”

  “Oh, come on—”

  “Pheebs,” Thad takes my other arm, “close your eyes or you get nothing.”

  I shut them tight.

  “See, Max?” he says. “Sometimes you just gotta be firm with her.”

  “Ha, ha, ha,” I say.

  They lead me forward into the hallway, taking their time as I grow more and more impatient and excited. My toes sink into the living room rug and they sit me down on the sofa by the coffee table.

  “Can I open them yet?” I ask.

  “No,” Thad answers.

  “Just another second…” Max adds.

  I count up in my head, stopping at five. “Okay, can I open them now?”

  “No, wait,” Thad says. “Maybe we should do this later—”


  They laugh.

  “He’s just kidding,” Max says. “Go ahead and open them, Phoebe.”

  I force them wide. They instantly land on the large, red box in front of me, tied off with silver and gold ribbons and bows.

  “Oh, pretty!”

  Thad and Max stand in front of the table, both looking a little nervous. I reach for the ribbon, my gaze bouncing from them to the box as I slide it free.

  The box lurches and I flinch.

  “Uh… did it just move?” I ask.

  They grin.

  I grab the lid and pull it off.

  My jaw drops.

  The puppy stands up on its hind legs and grips the rim. Tiny eyes stare up at me with excitement as the tail wags and slams against the side. A bright pink collar rests around its neck, clashing beautifully with her chocolate brown fur.

  “Oh, my god!” I lay a hand on my chest. “My heart…”

  The box nearly topples as she tries to leap out at me. I pick her up and her tongue instantly connects with my burning cheeks.

  “I think they like each other,” Max says.

  Thad nods. “I think so, too.”


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