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What Skylar Needs

Page 11

by Lanee Lane

  "I'm taking you to breakfast."

  "Says who?"

  "Says me; now go put some pants on, and let's go."

  "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to go? Or that you should ask instead of assuming?"

  "You don't seem to like to do anything I ask, so this seemed like the most viable option."

  Melanie rolled her eyes and started walking toward her room. "I'm ordering everything on the menu," she said before she closed the door.


  Twenty minutes later, they were sitting across from each other in a diner a few minutes from their apartment. Melanie was looking through the menu trying to decide what she wanted. When she glanced up, instead of looking at his menu like she expected, Skylar was looking at her.


  "Nothing. Just admiring you."

  Melanie let out a loud laugh and then covered her mouth in embarrassment.

  "What's so funny?"

  Was this guy serious?

  "I think you know."

  "No, or I wouldn't be asking."

  Before she was able to answer, the server came up to take their order. Despite her urge to order everything and make Skylar pay for disrupting her sleep, she settled on cream cheese-stuffed french toast. The server scribbled down their orders and headed off to put them in.

  "Do you remember last night, Mel?"

  Aw hell, she thought that she would be able to avoid this awkward conversation.

  "Of course, we went out with your brother and my friends."

  "Don't be obtuse. You know what I'm talking about." When Melanie didn't say anything he went on. "We kissed last night."

  "You kissed me, you mean."

  A smirk crept onto Skylar's face.

  "If I recall correctly, I don't remember you pushing me away. In fact, I remember your arms going around my neck and your lips participating."

  Melanie covered her face with her hands.

  "I had a few drinks. It was a momentary lapse in judgment," her voice was muffled through her hands.

  Skylar stretched his hands across the table removing hers from her face. He didn't let them go as he placed them on the table. He held them in his and circled his thumbs over her wrists. She felt the touch straight through her stomach and down to her lady parts.

  "Mel, that kiss was no accident. There was chemistry. I felt it, and I think you did too."

  "I will admit that you are a handsome man. I think that any woman would be willing to kiss you, and would probably enjoy it."

  "You think I'm handsome?"

  "Really? That's all you can say?"

  "Hey, you aren't giving me much to work with here."

  Melanie pulled her hands from his. She needed to be able to think straight, and she couldn't do that with him touching her like that.

  "Mel, I want to kiss you more. I'm attracted to you. I want to try to see where things could go with us."

  "Skylar, I swear if you are playing with me; just stop. I don't know what you’re up to, but it isn't funny. I did you a favor by going to the wedding with you to get Candace off of your back. I'm not going to play your pretend girlfriend because you’re scared of some woman."

  Skylar ran his hands through his hair and looked out the window. Melanie could see he was frustrated with her, but so be it. He was frustrating her with his antics. Finally, he looked back at her and she was surprised to see the intensity in his gaze.

  "I'm not messing with you, Mel. I really am attracted to you. Something this weekend made me realize what had been right in front of me the whole time. Seeing that guy all over you on the dance floor kinda confirmed it. I was jealous, and I don't get jealous."

  "Exactly, you don't get jealous because you don't do commitment. You are a playboy. You like a different woman for every day of the week. I'm not like that, Skylar. I'm not just a convenient lay that you can call when you have an itch."

  "Goodness, woman! I don't want to just screw you. Well, I do want to do that too, but I want to date you. I know I don't have the best track record, but something about you makes me want to try. You drive me absolutely insane sometimes, but I like you. Maybe the fact that you don't bend at my every request is part of that. I don't know. I just know you're different."

  As Skylar finished his mini declaration, the server brought their food. Melanie started to cut her french toast into bite-size pieces to busy herself.


  She looked up but didn't say anything.

  "Will you at least think about it?" For the first time, she heard vulnerability in his voice.

  She took a bite of her french toast, chewed slowly and washed it down with orange juice.

  "Okay, I'll think about it."


  Melanie couldn't seem to focus during her shift at work. She usually gave her clients her undivided attention, but she couldn't seem to keep her thoughts off of Skylar. The whole thing seemed surreal. The man didn't even like her when they first met, and now he wanted to date her?

  She couldn't deny that she was attracted to him. He was a beautiful man. When he kissed her, she felt a sensation that she hadn't ever experienced with past boyfriends. The question was: could she trust him? Sure he was sexy and he had begun to grow on her, but his past with women was not ideal.

  Jade had come in for the early shift and was about to head out for the day. Melanie decided to ask Jade what she thought. Usually, she would get both of her best friends together; she needed to talk this through now so maybe her head would stop spinning.

  "Hey, J, can I talk to you for a second before you go?"

  "Sure, what's up?"

  "So, you know how we went out last night with Skylar and Brendon? Well, Skylar kind of kissed me in front of my door."

  "What!" Jade's mouth dropped open, and her eyes were as big as saucers.

  "Shhh, there's more. This morning, he came knocking at my door saying he wanted to take me for breakfast. At breakfast, he dropped this bomb on me that he’s attracted to me and wants to date me."

  Jade's mouth went from surprised to smiling.

  "What's the smile about? The man has probably never had a real girlfriend. He probably doesn't even know how to spell ‘commitment’."

  "Mel, I know this is not what you want to hear, but I believe him. I really think he is attracted to you. I could tell there was something there but, at first, I don't think even he realized it."

  "I thought Claudia was the crazy one, but I'm starting to have my doubts about you, J."

  "Mel, I'm a quiet person. I observe people and my surroundings. I think your constant bickering has a lot to do with sexual tension. Yeah, maybe he has been with a few women; people change. Most people don't live that lifestyle forever. Even playboys settle down when they find the right woman. I don't think you should write him off for what he did before he knew you. At the core of it, you know he’s a nice guy. Look at how he helped you when your car was broken, and you barely knew the guy then."

  Melanie didn't like it, but she had to admit that Jade did have a point. No matter how much of a jerk he seemed at times, Skylar had done some pretty nice things for her.

  "I guess you may be right. I just don't want to get hurt."

  "No one does, but you can never succeed if you don't at least put yourself out there. That goes for anything in life."

  Dang her for being so wise.

  A few hours later, Melanie was locking up the boutique for the night. She stopped to grab something for dinner despite the fact that her stomach was in knots. She was nervous since she knew that the night wouldn't end without seeing Skylar.

  Pulling into her parking spot, she sat in her car for a few minutes. Should she go straight to her apartment and wait until he came to her, or should she go to him? Knowing that she wouldn't calm down until she spoke to him, she had her answer.

  Inside, she punched the button to his floor. She stepped out of the elevator and walked to his door taking deep, soothing breaths. She made herself knock before s
he had a chance to think and chicken out. For a moment, she didn't hear anything and thought maybe he wasn't home. His car was outside, but he could have been with his brother.

  Just when she was about to knock again, the door swung open. His hair was a mess like he had just been napping, and he was wearing basketball shorts with no shirt. Who answered the door like that? Although, she couldn't complain. The view was pretty nice.

  "Hey," she said.

  "Hey, yourself."

  "I, um...well," she was stumbling over her words. Maybe I should have prepared a little better, she thought.

  She took a moment and closed her eyes before starting over.

  "Yes, I'd like to give us a try."


  Skylar's arms were around Melanie lifting her off of the ground. His lips captured hers in a passionate kiss. He traced his tongue along her full lips before he slid it between them. His tongue caressed hers, and a faint moan escaped her lips. She was lost in him. The first kiss was good, but this one was better. It was hot and filled with need and a promise of more.

  Still holding her, Skylar slowly ended their kiss. He peered down into her eyes and smiled his cocky smile.

  "I knew you'd see things my way."

  Melanie slapped him playfully and laughed.

  "Cocky much? I don't think your head can get any bigger."

  He slowly released her from his hold, and she slid down his body. He pulled her firmly into him. His length felt hard against her. "Oh, you have no idea just how big it is yet."

  "That's not what I meant, you perv. You have a lot to prove before we do anything involving that."

  Skylar pulled back and put his hands over his heart. "I'm wounded."

  "You'll survive, I'm sure."

  Melanie was relieved. She was worried that things would be awkward after they decided to give things a try. Aside from the kissing, which she thoroughly enjoyed, everything seemed to be normal.

  "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

  "I was just thinking about how normal this feels. I wasn't sure how things would be after I agreed to this."

  "Things don't have to change. We can still hang out, but now I can touch you and kiss you; it's even better." He wiggled his eyebrows in a ridiculous gesture. "I do want to take you on a proper date. How about this Friday?"

  "I suppose I can let you wine and dine me on Friday. What did you have in mind?"

  "It's a surprise."

  "With you, I'm not sure if I should be excited or a little worried."

  Skylar scoffed at that. "Excited, obviously. I'm going to sweep you right off of your feet."

  "We shall see about that, Mr. Stillman."

  * * *

  Friday morning, Mel woke up with butterflies in her stomach. She knew it was due to her date that night. She and Skylar had hung out a few times since they'd made it official. He'd crashed her dinner a couple of nights per usual. After dinner, they'd curl up on her couch and watch T.V. which always turned into a make-out session. She was becoming addicted to his kisses. One perk to his past was that he'd certainly perfected how to use his lips. She wondered if he was as skilled in other areas.

  She was working the opening shift and had just sat down to review her clients for the day when her phone buzzed.

  Skylar: Morning, I can't wait to see you tonight. Be ready by 7:00.

  Mel: Morning :). I can't wait either. Where are you taking me?

  Skylar: I told you it's a surprise. Wear a dress. Preferably something that shows off your legs.

  Mel: You've been checking out my legs?

  Skylar: Among other things.

  There was a peach emoji at the end of the text.

  That man. Melanie chuckled.

  Melanie's day dragged by, but wasn't that always the case when there was something to look forward to? Despite her excitement, she focused on each client and gave them her undivided attention.

  When five o'clock rolled around, she made a speedy exit. She needed to get home and start her beauty routine. She had been on many dates before, but she wanted everything to be perfect for her first date with Skylar.

  After showering and lotioning up, she moved on to makeup. A video call from Claudia flashed on her screen. She answered it and propped the phone against her vanity, so she could continue her makeup. Claudia and Jade's faces appeared squished together on the screen.

  "OMG, are you excited?" Claudia squealed.

  When she told Claudia and Jade about her and Skylar, they had reacted as expected. Claudia did a whole dance including twerking through her living room. Jade just gave her a hug and told her that she was happy they were giving it a try. Sometimes, Melanie had no idea how the three of them were friends. They were so different in some ways but, somehow, they worked.

  “I’m excited, but I’m also nervous.”

  “Why are you nervous? You guys hang out together all the time,” Jade said in her soothing tone.

  “I know, but this is different. This is a real date like a real couple. He’s been with his fair share of women. What if I don’t measure up to the others?”

  “Mel, snap out of it! If he wanted to be with someone else, he would be. You said yourself that he never actually has relationships. That alone proves you are different. No man spends the amount of time he spends with you without having feelings. The man was busting into your apartment every chance he got even before you decided to date.”

  “I guess you’re right, Claud.”

  “You’re darn right I’m right!”

  As crazy as she was, Melanie was thankful for Claudia in times like this.

  “Okay guys, thanks for the pep talk. I need to finish getting ready. Skylar has a tendency to pop in early, and I want to be ready.”

  They said their goodbyes with promises of full details the next day.

  Melanie was sliding on a pair of earrings when the knock on the door came. She smoothed her dress down and took a deep, calming breath. It was show time. She opened the door and was met with one of the sexiest sights she had ever laid eyes on.

  Skylar was standing in her doorway wearing a pair of dark wash jeans, a light blue button-up, and brown lace-up oxfords. A sports coat tied the look together. He looked sexy as hell.

  “Like what you see? I know I sure do."

  “That ego, I swear. For once, you are right though. I do like what I see,” Melanie said in what she hoped was a flirtatious tone.

  Skylar moved further into the doorway and pulled her into his arms. He bent his head so that his lips were only a few inches from hers. Melanie’s breath quickened.

  “You look beautiful,” he whispered before pressing his lips to hers.

  At this rate, Melanie thought she may have to do a panty change before they even left her house.

  “Alright, slick, let’s get out of here.” For her sanity’s sake, but she didn’t say that.

  Once they settled into the car, Melanie asked, “Now can you tell me where we're going?”

  “You’re an impatient one, aren’t you? I guess I can tell you the first part. I’ll keep part two secret a little longer. We’re going to dinner at Lula's.”

  “I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard it's delicious. I thought you weren’t supposed to go to an Italian restaurant on a first date?”

  “Maybe not, but we aren’t a typical couple. We’ve shared enough meals that I figure we are past caring about that kind of thing.”

  Melanie turned her face toward the window to hide the smile that crept up on her face. He had called them a couple. She knew he wanted to spend time together to see where things went, but she didn’t know he thought of them as actually together-together. It made her happy.

  At the restaurant, Skylar helped her out of the car and held her hand as they entered. Lula’s was an upscale establishment. They had the whole ‘white tablecloth and fancy place settings’ thing going on. Skylar ordered a bottle of wine. It was the most delicious wine she'd ever tasted. She would even consider
trading in her sparkling grape juice for it.

  Dinner was wonderful. They shared each other’s meals, and Skylar held her hand over the table. He was attentive. Melanie realized it was the best date she had been on, and it wasn’t even over. Skylar paid their bill, and they left the restaurant for their next destination.

  Skylar wouldn’t give her any hints as to where they were going next. He was surprisingly good at keeping a secret. About fifteen minutes later, they were pulling into the parking lot of a small building. The pounding of Latin music poured from inside.

  “Where are we? What are we doing?”

  “We're going to dance. It felt fitting since your so-called dance moves are what caused us to meet. I thought you might like to do some Latin dancing.”

  They entered the small building. The lights were dim, and the air was warm from all the bodies packed into the little space. People crowded around the small bar nestled in the corner. Along one of the walls, sat a small stage where a live band was singing and playing.

  Skylar slipped his arm around her waist and led her to the packed dance floor. There were couples that looked like professional dancers and others that were stumbling through just having fun. Once they found a place in the middle of the floor, his hands went on either side of her hips and he began to move to the music. Melanie was impressed. The man could move.

  “I thought you didn’t like to dance."

  "I don’t usually, but it doesn’t mean I can’t. I kinda had a change of heart after dancing with you at my sister’s wedding.”

  They danced until Melanie’s feet couldn’t take anymore.

  “That was so much fun,” Melanie said when they were headed back home.

  Their intertwined hands were rested on his thigh.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have to admit; I did too. I wanted this to be the perfect first date.”

  “You definitely succeeded. This was the best date I’ve ever had.”

  Skylar lifted their hands and kissed the back of hers. “The first of many, I hope.”


  The next day, Melanie was sitting on her patio drinking her signature bubbly and reading. Her phone rang, and she was happy to see it was her dad. A pang of guilt hit; she hadn't called him first.


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