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What Skylar Needs

Page 12

by Lanee Lane

  "Hey, Dad."

  "Hey, sweetie. How are you?"

  "I'm good. Just sitting out on my patio reading a book."

  "You always have been a bookworm. How are work and your blog?"

  "Work is good. Business has been up since it's a new season, so that's been great. The blog is going well. I need to find more time to devote to it, but it's getting there."

  "That's great, sweetheart."

  "How are Gwen and her garden?"

  "Oh, Gwen is doing just fine. Her garden is blooming quite nice. You will have to see it when you come visit."

  Ah, there it was. She knew she couldn't get away without any hint of her visiting soon.

  "I'm sure I will, Dad. How are you holding up?"

  "Not too bad for an old man. I'd be even better if I got to see my little girl."

  "I'm not little anymore, Pops."

  "You'll always be my little girl." They were silent, both reflecting on how much things had changed over the years.

  "Anything else going on in your life that you want to talk about?"

  Melanie didn't know how he did that, but her father always knew when there was something going on with her. When she was younger, she hated it. Now that she was older and her mom was gone, it was nice. Her father understanding her made all the difference.

  "There is something. I'm kind of seeing someone. He's my neighbor. We started out as friends. Well, friends may be a stretch, but I was his date to his sister's wedding and things just escalated from there."

  "That's great, honey. Does he treat you well?"

  "Yeah, he does. We got off to a rocky start, but he's been really helpful since I met him. He helped me when I had car troubles even before he knew me very well."

  "He sounds like a good young man. I sense some hesitation."

  Melanie didn't know how much she should tell her dad. Claudia and Jade were great to talk to, but sometimes advice from an actual male point of view, especially one that knew her so well, was helpful.

  "He doesn't have the best track record with relationships. I don't think he did relationships before this. Suddenly, he wants to try it out with me. I don't know if I trust that he has or even can change his ways."

  "Mel, sometimes it just takes that one person to change the way we look at life. Maybe you are his person. You’re a good judge of character. I think you'll be able to tell if anything's up."

  "I hope you're right, Dad."

  "Of course I am. My daughter is one smart cookie."

  Melanie ended the call with her father and grabbed the notebook she jotted her blog ideas in. She made a tentative schedule of posts for the next few weeks. If she was going to grow her audience and gain clients for her side hustle, she'd have to be organized. With her schedule planned out, all she had left to do was to ask Claudia if she could take her photos.

  Her phone buzzed again, but this time it was a text message.

  Skylar: Brendon and Sam are over and we're having pizza. Come down. Already got your drink.

  Melanie smiled at her phone. He'd gone from driving her crazy to being the highlight of her day. The fact that he did something as small as having her favorite drink was sweet. As sweet as he might be, she still liked to push his buttons a little. Instead of responding, she went into the bathroom to freshen up. She stood in front of her closet trying to decide if she should change. A comfy pair of leggings and a v-neck t-shirt were what she chose. She thought Skylar may appreciate her ‘peach’ in leggings.

  Locking the door behind her, she headed to his apartment.

  When she knocked on the door, it swung open and Brendon picked her up in a bear hug. She let out a squeal and laughed at Brendon's antics.

  "Hey, ya big goof. Put me down, will ya?"

  "It's not every day I get to see a pretty lady. How are you, beautiful?"

  Strong arms wrapped around Melanie's waist. These arms were more than welcome.

  "Back off, bro, I got dibs on her. Go find your own girl."

  Melanie turned her head to look over her shoulder. "Aww, is little Skylar jealous?"

  His arms tightened around her, and he planted a wet kiss on her cheek. "Dang right I am!"

  Melanie laughed at the brothers. She wasn't accustomed to the outward affection that Skylar was showing. It would take some getting used to although she didn't doubt for a second that their bickering wasn't over for good. That was just how they were. Now she got a make-up and make-out session; that, she could live with.

  Skylar buried his nose into Melanie's neck and inhaled.

  "I thought you weren't coming since you didn't answer my text." His lips vibrated against her skin. Chills ran down her spine.

  "I figured I'd keep you guessing."

  "Is that so?" He pressed light kisses on her neck and behind her ear.

  "Mmm hmm," she moaned in response.

  "I'm getting some major third wheel vibes. I'll be in the living room when you two are finished groping each other."

  Brendon made a show of scooting past them and shielding his eyes. He was such a drama king sometimes. Melanie loved it.

  "Where's the pizza? I was promised cheesy goodness upon my arrival."

  "It's in the living room. Go on ahead, and I'll bring your drink."

  Skylar released Melanie from his hold, and she joined Brendon and Sam. She felt a smack then a squeeze on her behind. She stopped in her tracks turning to Skylar. He had a boyish smile on his face.

  Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I couldn't help myself."

  He winked at her and then passed by to go into the kitchen. When Melanie collected herself, she couldn't stop her own smile.

  "There you are! I thought you were going to leave me alone with these two buffoons."

  Sam got up from her seat and threw her arms around Melanie. Melanie returned the hug.

  "I wouldn't subject you to that kind of torture, Sam."

  Skylar came into the room with Melanie's drink. She grabbed a plate and a couple pieces of pizza before settling onto the couch. Skylar sat beside her and rested his arm behind her on the back of the couch. The four of them chatted about the show they were watching, work, and other random things.

  "Guys, we should go out this weekend. We could all go bowling, or something fun," Brendon said.

  "I can't. I'm going shopping and having a spa day with Mom and some of her friends. Mel, you should totally go with us. It will be fun!" Sam's voice rose an octave in her excitement.

  "Oh, I wouldn't want to impose on your outing."

  Sam had her phone out and was typing away.

  "You won't be imposing. The more the merrier. Plus, I just sent Mom a text, and she says you have to come too!"

  "Okay, if you're sure."

  Sam squealed and clapped her hands together.

  Before she left, Sam gave Melanie the details of the outing. She promised to text her leading up to it with any more information she may need.

  When Sunday came, Melanie was nervous. She'd already spent time with Skylar's mother and Sam on several occasions, so she wasn't really worried about them. She was more worried about their social circle. Skylar's family seemed refined and elegant. Melanie wasn't sure if their friends would be as nice as them, or if they'd be stuck up like Candace and her family.

  Melanie pulled up to the country club. Sam was waiting for her outside of the door as promised. It helped to know that she wouldn't have to walk in alone. Skylar had come over before she left and tried to give her a pep talk that turned into hot kisses and heavy petting.

  "Ready to do this?" Sam asked when Melanie reached her.

  "As ready as I'll ever be. I may need a mimosa to take the edge off."

  "Girl, you are in luck because we have unlimited mimosas coming our way."

  Sam linked her arm in Melanie's and led her into the dining area. The two were making their way through tables when Melanie spotted Mrs. Stillman talking to another woman that looked about her age. She scanned the rest of t
he table seeing if she recognized anyone from the wedding.

  Her steps faltered before she came to a complete stop. This could not be freaking happening. Sam wouldn't have invited her knowing that she'd be there. Sam turned to Melanie with a furrowed brow.

  "What is it, Mel? Is everything ok?"

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "Tell you what?"

  Sam followed her gaze to their table. Melanie heard her mutter ‘crap’ under her breath.

  Candace was sitting beside her mother in a white sundress. Her hair was straightened and laid perfectly on her shoulders. Her makeup was flawless. She was perfectly put together. Melanie tried to pull her arm from Sam's. She hoped that no one saw her so she could exit without anyone realizing.

  Sam tightened her grip. She was pretty strong for being so small.

  "Mel, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that they were invited. I didn't expect Candace to come. She never comes."

  "It must be my lucky day then." Melanie's tone was dry.

  "Come on, Mom knows you are coming. She will be disappointed if you leave. I promise I won't leave your side today. We will avoid her and act like she isn't even here."

  Melanie was quiet for a second thinking about what she should do. Mrs. Stillman spotted them and waved. It appeared her mind had been made up for her. She huffed out a breath. Those unlimited mimosas would come in handy. It was going to be a long flipping day.


  When Melanie and Sam approached the table, Arabella stood and hugged them both.

  "I'm so happy you could join us, dear."

  "Thank you, Mrs. Stillman."

  "You know to call me Arabella. No need for formalities. Especially now that that son of mine got his head out of his behind." She winked at Melanie.

  "Ladies, this is Melanie, Skylar's girlfriend. Some of you may have met her at the wedding."

  Melanie waved at the table. They all gave her warm hellos in return. All except for two. Melanie looked at Candace and her mother out of the corner of her eye. Candace was scowling with her arms crossed over her chest. Her mother was leaned over whispering something in her ear. Melanie assumed it was something about her.

  The best tactic would be to ignore them. She wouldn't speak to them. Hopefully, they wouldn't speak to her. Melanie and Sam got settled into their seats, and the server came to take their orders. Once they were gone, the conversations began to flow.

  Melanie was talking to one of Arabella's friends named Cathy who was an editor for a local women's magazine. Melanie told her about her blog and the boutique she worked at. Cathy seemed very interested in checking out both her blog and the boutique. With any luck, maybe Melanie could design a few looks for a spread in their magazine.

  "So, Melanie," Candace's mom interrupted her thoughts about the magazine spread. "How long have you and Skylar been together?"

  So, they were going to go there.

  "Oh, not too long. We've been neighbors for a couple of months now."

  She kept it vague.

  "Huh, funny he didn't mention you when he came to our house for dinner the last time."

  Had he been at their house for dinner? Melanie chastised herself. Of course he had; they were family friends. She was sure that it had been before they were official. Skylar had been running from Candace from the moment she met him.

  Melanie didn't respond. What was there to say? The woman was clearly trying to get under her skin. She wasn't going to let her. The rest of brunch was nice. The food was top notch, and the ladies were wonderful.

  After breakfast, they got massages and facials. There was a hot tub they relaxed in while the other ladies were having their turn getting pampered. They finished the day with pedicures. Melanie and Sam had side-by-side chairs.

  "What color are you getting?"

  "Hm, I don't know. Probably light pink."

  "Good call. I'm going with red. Scooch over here; let's take a selfie and send it to my brother."

  "Um, do we have to?"

  "Yes, come on. Guys like that kind of thing."

  "Why don't you send a picture to Landon?"

  "Already have."

  "Fine, but just one. I can't have him thinking I like him too much. He has a big enough head already."

  Melanie was smiling despite her words. She liked being in a relationship with Skylar. But it had been a while since she'd had a relationship and she was shy about some things. On top of that, Skylar was sexy as all get out. Melanie smiled for Sam's picture then sat back to relax. A minute later, her phone vibrated.

  Skylar: I see Sam roped you into a selfie. She gets me all the time. I hope you're having fun with the ladies.

  Mel: Yes, against my best judgment, I let her snap one. I guess it makes us official. Your friend Candace is here, so it's a bit awkward. I'm getting through it. Mimosas got my back.

  Skylar: Crap, Mel, I didn't know she would be there. I'm really sorry. I see her presence made you go for the hard stuff. As for the picture, I'm cropping my sister out and saving you as my phone background.

  Mel: For the love of God, don't set that picture as your background.

  Skylar: Why not?

  Mel: It's not a great picture, and there's no need.

  Skylar: Too late.

  The man knew how to push her buttons and make her swoon all at the same time. Melanie saw someone sitting in the chair on the opposite of her. She glanced up, and it was Candace. So much for a drama free day.

  "Hi, Melanie."


  "So, you and Skylar, huh?"


  Where was this chick going with this?

  "I have to admit, I didn't believe it when we were at the wedding. I figured he was playing hard to get."

  Was she for real? Melanie balled her hand into a fist at her side where Candace couldn't see it.


  "Good for you. I'm sure this whole thing is new for you. Skylar's a pretty sought after guy. It takes a certain type of woman to keep his attention."

  Candace clearly thought she was the type to keep his attention. Too bad he ran the opposite direction when he saw her.

  "Has he shown you the thing he does in bed yet? Gah, I love when he does that. Don't you?"

  What thing was this heffer talking about, and why was she using present tense? She better be talking about a distant memory. No, Melanie and Skylar hadn't been physical yet, but she didn't think he would step out on her; especially with Candace. Melanie knew that he was used to sex, and a lot of it. He said he wanted to change. She had to trust that.

  "Oh, got to go, Mom's waiting for me."

  With a fake wave and smile, she walked away on her heel clad feet.

  When Melanie pulled up to her building, she was happy to be home. She enjoyed the company of the women, but Candace had left a sour taste in her mouth. In the elevator, she considered stopping at Skylar's floor but decided against it. She needed time to process the events of the day.

  At her door, her breath caught in her throat. There was a vase full of pink and white daisies. Beside the vase was a bottle of her sparkling juice. A card stuck out of the flowers.

  ‘I've never done anything like this before but, when I saw these, I thought of you.

  I hope this proves I'm taking my boyfriend status seriously.


  Melanie's face broke into a grin. He was better at this than he let on. She let herself into the house and put the flowers on the living room table. She dialed Skylar's number. He picked up on the second ring.

  "You got my gift." It wasn't a question.

  "I did. They're beautiful, Skylar; thank you."

  "So are you."

  "Stop," she said in a not so convincing voice.

  "I can't. I like complimenting my girl."

  Before she answered, there was a knock at her door. She ended the call knowing that it was him.

  As soon as the door was open, his arms were wrapped around her waist and his lips fused to hers. S
he moved her hands through his hair loving the silky feel of it against her fingers. He backed her further into the apartment until they were in front of the couch. He sat down and pulled her on top of him.

  He cupped her backside pulling her closer into him. His hands slowly made their way up her hips and under her shirt. His strong hands caressed her back. She stiffened slightly; a little self-conscious of him feeling her lumps and rolls.

  "I love the feel of your body."

  Well dang. She tried to focus on his words and not let her insecurities win. Melanie's body reacted to Skylar's touch. It yearned for a long overdue release. The encounter with Candace had reminded her why she wanted to take it slow. She mustered up all of her willpower and pulled away. Skylar's eyes fluttered open.

  "Why'd you stop?" His hands rested on her hips.

  "I didn't want to get too carried away. It's not that I don't want to. I want to. It's just that I want to take it slow."

  Skylar's head dropped forward, and he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

  "This has to do with Candace, doesn't it? When you told me she was there, I knew nothing good could come from it."

  "No. Well, kind of. She just said something that made me realize there's no need to rush. If we're truly into each other, things will lead to that. I want to trust you, Skylar, but I need time to get used to this."

  Skylar pounded his fist against the back of the couch and cursed.

  "I understand, and I respect your decision. I'm just angry that Candace can't let me live my life. She can't seem to imagine that not every guy is going to fall at her feet."

  "She can't stand that someone like me has what she wants. It's probably killing her."

  Skylar leaned in and pressed a light kiss on Melanie's lips.

  "I like what I have just fine, and I don't plan on letting go."

  He swatted her behind. She giggled. Melanie loved how he made her feel.


  Melanie was sitting at her desk the next morning sipping on her first cup of coffee when she got a text message. It was the group thread with Claudia and Jade.

  Claudia: 911! Drinks tonight right after you two get off work.


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