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Target This

Page 24

by Lily White

  Making a quick decision to run for it, I left my heels at the base of the chaise lounge and ran as fast as I could in the unbearably tight and restricting skirt I was wearing. My feet sunk heavily into the muddy grass and I couldn’t see five feet in front of me. I had no idea if I was running in the right direction.

  Eventually, and thankfully, I saw a light up ahead. It was distorted by the pouring rain, but I assumed it had to be some part of the house. Finally coming into view, I saw that it was a small porch with a non-descript door that would lead into the interior of the house. Having no other choice but to use it, I ran up the steps of the porch and breathed out a sigh of relief to see that the door was slightly ajar. Pulling the handle, I stepped inside, only to look up and notice that the space was a stairwell.

  “Oh shit.”

  It was some kind of a trap. It had to be. Looking back out towards the yard, I considered how long it would take for me to circle around the house to the front door. My thoughts were broken apart almost instantly by the crack of lightning and the earth-shaking boom of the responsive thunder.

  Once again, I was left with no choices. I didn’t think Lucas was masterful enough to control the weather and force my hand, but he certainly did have wonderful luck when it came to unfortunate events leading me directly into his grasp.


  Bent over his table, my hands pulled on the shackles secured to the opposite side of the wood surface. Each lick against my skin echoed with a loud crack, followed by my scream and the laughter of the men who stood in audience.

  Shame enveloped me, but that didn’t stop my body from dripping with the evidence of my excitement. After each strike, he would reach out and rub his hand along the swollen skin, the salt of his body stinging as it trailed over my cuts. His finger would dip inside me every so often – my hips bucking up in response, begging for him to go deeper.

  I was disgusting – I knew that. However, in a way, it was complete abandon. I was able to shed the concerns in my life to luxuriate in splendor of being a trophy – a whore who was spoiled when she wasn’t being asked to perform. It wasn’t a bad life, and I loved the man who gave it to me.

  I’d married my husband six years prior. We were eighteen, but desperately in love. I wasn’t able to have kids and over the years, our relationship grew cold. Noticing the distance that was growing between us, I’d done everything in my power to reignite our spark. Nothing happened, and eventually, Oliver moved on, divorcing me and leaving me a crumbled woman. I’d lost everything when he left and I spent a full year tucked away in what had once been our family home, too depressed to continue living.

  When I was first taken, I had no idea who the man was that entered my room every night. He would feed me, he would bathe me and then he would fuck me. It didn’t matter what orifice, every part of me was open for his use. Night after fucking night until, finally, I enjoyed his nightly visits.

  He never spoke to me, never showed me his face from beneath the cloak he wore. Some evenings were spent in my bed and others, he would lead me out of the room, down long, windy halls into rooms he had prepared for one sexual fantasy or another - alters where I would be spread open for him, completely overtaken by his hands, his mouth – his cock.

  After what I assumed had been three weeks, he’d entered my room completely naked. Walking through the room, the candlelight caught his face and I cried out to see that the man I’d married so many years before – the one who’d left me brokenhearted and shattered - had been my captor all along.

  He confessed that he’d left me because he wanted to keep me as a sexual slave. He wanted to show me off to some group he’d met while we’d been married. So he left me, purposefully destroying me so that I would be left helpless and alone. After giving it enough time, and after getting remarried, he was in the perfect position to take me without anyone suspecting it would be him.

  I was now part of a brothel, women who belonged to a group of men – nothing more than entertainment when they needed a break from their wives. There were several women and on some nights we were asked to perform together and on other nights to perform alone. The other women in my group were broken enough to go along with their fate, however I was more enthusiastic. I shouldn’t have been, but my life was so simple after what he’d done. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to worry.

  Another loud crack against my ass and I purred like a fucking kitten. His dark laughter sounded behind me and he placed the whip on the desk so that I would see it. A light coating of blood glistened over the black leather and I smiled. He was heated tonight. He never drew blood without breaking me over his dick soon afterwards.

  A pair of full lips were pressed against my ear and his words were spoken on a possessive growl. “You make me so proud, you cute little slut – always taking your punishment like a good whore should. You are so wet right now that each man will enjoy fucking you dry.”

  He never called me by my name anymore – none of them did. But I didn’t need a name when it came to what I was to them. A pampered pet, an object that was used for their enjoyment and amusement – and one who would never argue or complain. Pain had awakened something in me. It was a form of punishment that felt better than what I’d already been doing to myself before I was taken. Physical instead of emotional, I broke apart with the force of violent orgasms instead of breaking apart crying alone on my couch.

  It wasn’t the life I’d imagined when I married him, but it was one that I could accept now that I’d submitted to the type of life he’d chosen for me.

  I wanted this.

  I wanted him.

  His cock slid inside me – forcefully and possessively. One hand was gripped in my hair, pulling me so that my chest arched up from his desk. Another hand gripped over my breast squeezing and kneading until I felt like I was about to fucking explode. He powered into me so hard that my hands fisted over the wood and my fingernails dug into my palms. Oh, god! I was being devoured by the man who held me. When a set of lips met my other breast and when I knew that another one of his group had joined in, I moaned out, the air being forced out of my lungs by my impending climax.

  It felt like my body split in two when I came, two halves separating so that my soul could climb higher from the pleasure that was being forced through me. My hips bucked back against him, desperate for him to go deeper – harder. A hand slid over my clit and I split again, the peak so fucking painful that a tear slipped from my eye.

  “Lucas, sorry to disturb you love, but you might want to come up to the third floor. It appears that when the cat’s away the mouse decided to play.” A sing-song voice sounded through the intercom and I slammed my palms against my desk, annoyed by the intrusion.

  “What the fuck do you mean?”

  Sarah was quiet for a second before responding. “Ah, I see you’re still working. I must have confused you. I’ll be a little plainer. I’m on the third floor … and so is Autumn.”

  “What? How the hell did she get up there?”

  More silence, before she finally admitted, “I might have left a door open in the back. Whoops.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill you when I get up there. Do you have her?”

  Her next words were broken up by her soft laughter. “Nope. She’s wandering around here unsupervised and I have company. It might be a bad idea for them to meet.”

  “Please tell me you’re not talking about the detective.”

  Silence once again, before, “It’s probably best you get up here, Lucas. She’s lost in one of the rooms or hallways. I’ll do my best to hide.”

  “Goddammit!” The word rolled over my lips in a deep growl. Not only had I been interrupted from my work, but also everything I’d worked for in order to trap Autumn was about to be destroyed. “Stay out of sight, Sarah. You better fucking hope those two don’t accidentally stumble over each other.”

  Pushing out of my chair, my footsteps shook the stairs from my anger. Within seconds, I was in front of the gauntlet do
or, pulling the key from my pocket before thundering down the halls.


  I didn’t care if she heard me before I reached her. She wouldn’t be able to run or hide. I’d had this floor designed to be a maze, a place where any person who didn’t know the different turns and rooms, who didn’t know how to navigate to find the exit, would be stuck, constantly digging themselves deeper in when they thought they had found the way out.

  Stopping in the hall, I listened for heavy breathing, footsteps or anything that would give away her location. At first, there was nothing, but I remained still. Within minutes my little rabbit must have thought I’d gone away because she moved down one of the halls that I knew would be a dead-end. I could hear her on the opposite side of the wall and a smile crept over my face when I stepped lightly in her direction. Three turns and I was coming up on my beautiful girl. When I found her, she cried out and my cock jumped to see her cowered down against the wall, her body trembling with terror.

  “I – I’m sorry, Lucas. I didn’t mean to come up here. I was outside, it started to storm, I had to come in and the only door I could find led me here. Please!”

  “My rules were very specific, Autumn.” My words were accented by the sound of my steps falling slowly and heavily against he wood floors. “Do not enter the basement and do NOT go on the third floor. Do NOT bother me while I’m working. You can’t help but break them can you?”

  I stopped about two feet in front of her, gazing down at her body, watching as she tried to curl over herself in defense. “Stand up.”

  She hesitated, shaking her head ‘no’, but when her eyes met mine, when she could see the rage that was boiling inside of me, she obeyed.


  My hand was gripped around her wrist instantly. Pulling her to my body, I gripped my other hand into her hair, turning her head so that I could speak into her ear. “The punishment will be worse. I’m sorry you couldn’t keep your nose out of places where it doesn’t belong.”

  Her cry echoed through the halls when I dragged her through. She stumbled over her feet, fighting against my hold, absolutely desperate to break free.

  Within seconds, we reached the room where I intended to hold her. Once I’d unlocked the door, I threw it open to shove her inside. She hit hard against the floor and slid from the force in which I’d tossed her, but she pulled her head up, brushing her hair away from her face, unable to look away from me as I walked towards her.

  Mirrors covered every available surface of the room: the ceiling, the walls, the floor. There wasn’t an inch of this room where you could look and not see yourself staring back. It was a room meant for discovery of self, to force a person to see the thing they would rather not admit exists. When she finally looked away from me and allowed her eyes to explore her surroundings, tears burst forth almost instantly.

  For Autumn, it would be her shame that she’d see; the shame of having ended up here, the shame of becoming nothing more than a whore. The shame of knowing that she would allow the abuse to continue, no matter how terrifying it would get.

  Sliding one of the mirrors, I reached into the closet behind it to grab rope and another swing. In the center of the room was a hook that hung from the ceiling. I looked up, throwing the rope so that it looped around and over. As I tied a knot to secure the rope, I spoke to her, revealing my intentions for having chosen this room.

  “Since you’re exploring, it appears to me that you want to see everything, Autumn. You are curious by nature. You can’t help but seek out the answers to the questions that are always flitting around in your brain.” I turned and looked at her. Blue eyes were opened wide as she watched me work the rope and pull at it until the knot rested over the hook in the ceiling.

  “So, I’ll let you see everything you’ve been dying to see.” Pausing in hopes that she would understand, I shook my head in sympathy when it appeared her fear had ratcheted up to a point where logic had lost out to fight or flight. Smiling, I chuckled when I realized she’d do neither. She was a deer in headlights, stuck in some type of reality where nothing moved at normal speed. It was slow motion: my hands on the rope, my feet as they stepped towards her, my arms as they reached down to lift her from the floor.

  “Are you claustrophobic, Ms. Cleary?”

  “No! Please, whatever, you’re planning, please…”

  My finger was over her lip before she could finish. “Shhhhh…There’s a way out of here, an escape. Do you want to take it?”

  She stared at me, tears streaming from her eyes to trail along her cheeks. She wouldn’t respond. Her throat swallowed hard, her pulse pounded at her neck and I became angry at her silence.

  “Answer me! Do you want to take it?”

  “N – no. I don’t want to leave.”

  “But you want me to stop this punishment. You want me to go easy on you when you knew the punishments would only get worse. Are you now giving me permission to carry out the punishment I’ve chosen for you?” My voice was eerily calm. I was cool and collected. No emotion existed inside me, except for lust, but I couldn’t let my beauty off so easily. Fucking her against a wall or bending her over on the floor would only reward her. I would split her apart not caring if she was climaxing over and over. THAT is how much I wanted to fuck her.

  Unfortunately for her, I had many years to practice restraint.

  “Yes. Punish me. I’m sorry.”

  Sweat broke out in a fine sheen over her skin and I released her so that I could give my instructions.

  “Take off your clothes. Walk so that you’re standing in front of me and then drop to your knees, beautiful.” I wouldn’t give her release, but with as desirable as she was, I’d be a fool not to take mine.

  I watched with admiration while she complied and when she was finally on her knees, I unbuttoned my pants, dropping them to the floor and freeing my rock hard cock for her lips.

  “Show me how sorry you are, Ms. Cleary.” Spoken with a deep voice, slow, so that each word was accented and clear.

  Bending forward, she didn’t hesitate to take the tip into her mouth and my head fell back as my hand fell into her hair. Her tongue peeked out, shyly at first, but she forced her mouth down and a feral groan escaped my chest. With each stroke of her mouth over the skin, I gripped her hair tighter, fighting not to swing my hips and fuck her gorgeous face. Looking down, I saw how her lips strain to take it all in and she moved back and forth, taking as much as she could and fighting not to choke. Her breasts bounced on her chest her ass bouncing behind her. I nearly split in two when her hands came up, one gripped around my dick and the other around my balls.

  My hand squeezed tighter and she cried out. Letting go, I rubbed my hand over where I knew her scalp stung, but grabbed hold again once the pain had been alleviated.

  It wasn’t long until I found my release, filling her mouth before pulling out in time to leave my cum dripping down her chin and over the peaks of her breasts. Pulling her hair, I hinted that I wanted her in a standing position. She complied perfectly.

  “For that, I’ll take some time off of your punishment. Your mouth is an absolutely amazing thing. I’ll have to remember to use it more often.” She blinked, but said nothing in response.

  “Stand with your arms out from your sides and your legs spread apart at shoulder width. Do not move until I tell you to do so.”

  Her bottom lip quivered, but she did as she was instructed. Wrapping the straps of the swing around her body, I tightened them so that she wouldn’t be able to move at all. Once hung from the ceiling, she would be stuck in whatever position I choose for her. Confusion shadowed her eyes, but she never moved, never flinched away, while I was preparing her.

  Finally, hoisting her in the air, I watched as her body spun from side to side. Her arms were above her head. Her breasts were secured so that they pushed out – my cum still visible trailing between them. Her back was slightly arched and her legs were lifted up and spread to the sides. Every part of her was e
xposed and the sight forced the breath from my lungs

  “I hate to have to leave you like this. Rather than walking away, I want to run my mouth over every available surface of your body. You are a work of art, Autumn.” Walking away, I moved to stand in front of her so that I could look her in the eyes while I told her what I had to say.

  “But, I can’t fuck you like I want to because you broke a rule. And for that, you have to be punished. You are to keep your eyes open while you’re in here – the entire time you’re in here. I want you to look at yourself and see what you have allowed yourself to become.” Stepping forward, I hooked my finger beneath her chin, pulling up her tear-filled eyes to look at me. “There is no reason to feel shame for this. You’re a free woman, free to live in luxury, to have no worries or concerns, free to fuck and be fucked every night until your body trembles from exhaustion. I find no shame in that.” Releasing her chin, I tapped the tip of my finger on her nose. “But, you don’t see it that way, so I think this punishment will be appropriate.”

  Sobs erupted from her chest and her arms pulled at the straps. Stepping backwards, I kept my eyes glued to her.

  Reaching into the closet one more time, I pulled a silver vibrator out, making a point to show it to her as I turned it on. The vibrator purred in my hand, the main shaft and small clitoral stimulator emitting a slight buzzing sound that echoed throughout the quiet room.

  Her eyes never left the device when I stepped forward and explained, “However, it appears I also have to punish you for what you’ve done to me. I want to fuck you, but I can’t. You don’t deserve that with your recent behavior. So, in order to make me feel better for the uncomfortable pain in my cock, you’re going to hold this inside you and you’re not going to cum. If you do, I’ll know, and I’ll be sure to split the skin on your ass this time with the belt I use on you for having done so. Do you understand?”


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