Book Read Free


Page 12

by Sioux Dallas

  “May I come in, Lynn?” he asked softly.

  “Please do,” she hurried to get a housecoat. “What’s up, Sheriff?

  “Sit down, Lynn. I have something to tell you.” They both sat, Lynn looking mystified and worried.

  “At twelve thirty-five we received a call to come to an accident about three miles north of Zephyrhills.”

  Lynn felt as if a fist had hit her in the stomach. “Oh, dear Lord. Sharon drove Jenni to an emergency call for some injured horses. Are you telling me that Sharon wrecked? How is she? Where is she? Is Jenni all right?” Lynn jumped up to get dressed and go to Sharon.

  The sheriff stopped her. “Lynn, the car was totally destroyed.”

  She drew in a deep, shaky breath. “Is Sharon hurt badly? Was Jenni hurt?”

  “Lynn, you don’t understand. The car blew up. There’s no survivor. We have found a few body parts and---”

  For the first time in her life, Lynn fainted.

  Chapter Eleven

  The sheriff quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a dish towel, then got some ice to put in the towel. He hurried back to Lynn and rubbed the towel-wrapped ice over her neck and wrists while he called her name.

  David and Keanu ran in. David began to talk as he came in the door.

  “What’s going on? What happened to Lynn? Why are you here, Sheriff?”

  Keanu didn’t know what to do, so he stood to one side out of the way.

  The sheriff cleared his throat. “I had a sad duty to perform. I came to tell Lynn that Sharon’s car was blown up and we can only find body parts.”

  “Oh, please Lord, No!” Keanu moaned and sat down hard on the floor with his back against the wall. He sobbed and grabbed his stomach.

  “You just came right out and told her like that?” David was livid. “Couldn’t you have gotten some of us to come with you, or better still, brought a woman officer with you?”

  “Hindsight is always best. I’ve known Lynn for many years,” the sheriff said sadly.

  David picked Lynn up and carried her into her bedroom. He lightly slapped her cheeks and called her name. Lynn began to stir. She sat up abruptly and screamed.

  David quickly sat beside her and gathered her in a comforting hug. “It’s all right,” he kept saying. “It’s okay to cry, but we don’t know all of the truth yet. We’ll know more after the investigation.”

  “Investigation? What investigation?” Lynn asked as if she were in a trance.

  “The police will need to know what caused the explosion, and they’ll want to know if it was an accident or intentional.”

  Keanu walked unsteadily to the door. “Lynn, your parents will be here today. Should we call them and prepare them?”

  “No!” David and Lynn both spoke as one.

  “There’s no need to disturb them right now. Let them sleep. There’s nothing they can do. I would recommend not telling them until they get here. They would only drive up grief-stricken and nervous,” David explained.

  “Yeah. You’re right,” Keanu staggered around as if in a fog. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing. His grief was so great that his eyes glazed over and his mouth partially dropped open.

  Sheriff Howell came into the bedroom. “I’ve called Lynn’s doctor. She’ll know what to do. This young man looks as if he needs her services, too.” He helped the white-faced Keanu to go into the living room and sit down.

  David kept hugging Lynn and gently rocking her. “Sheriff, would you please heat some water for tea?” The sheriff stared at David, but did go into the kitchen and turned the heat on under a kettle of water.

  By the time the tea was ready, Dr. Melinda Sikes came in. She instructed the men to wait in the living room and shut the bedroom door behind them.

  After about twenty minutes, Dr. Sikes came into the living room. “I’ve given Lynn a shot to help her sleep. She’s in shock and needs a lot of rest. Is there a woman that can stay with her for awhile, especially tomorrow?”

  “Some of the teen volunteers will be glad to help, in fact, they’d be insulted if they were not asked,” David said. “They’ll be here by seven. I’ll stay until then.”

  “Would someone please tell me what brought this on. Lynn has the constitution of an elephant.” Dr. Sikes looked around. “Whoa here. What’s wrong with him?” She walked to stand in front of Keanu.

  “He’s had a shock, too. We all have. It’s a long story, but Lynn’s sister, Sharon, is his savior. I’ll explain later. Let the sheriff tell you why he’s here,” David said tiredly.

  After Dr. Sikes heard the story, she was horrified. “Are you sure it’s Sharon in the wreck -er- explosion, or whatever?”

  “It’s her car. We traced it by the license plate.” Sheriff Howell answered.

  “But if Dr. Monroe was also in the car, what happened to her? Good grief. You mean both of them were blown up?” She hesitated. “I can’t stand here and let this young man suffer as he is. I’m going to give him the same shot that I gave to Lynn. Can he sleep on the couch here? The injection works quickly.”

  “Sure, go ahead. He needs to sleep, also.” David recognized that the doctor was upset. She and Lynn had been friends, and very close, every since Lynn had come to Zephyrhills.

  David lifted Keanu and straightened him out on the couch before rolling up his sleeve. Dr. Sikes gave him a shot and patted his cheek.

  “He’s already so relaxed, like a piece of wet spaghetti,” David commented.

  “Yes, but he was in a stupor. I was afraid he’d hurt himself without realizing it. Besides, he’s grieving and needs time to get accustomed to being without someone who had become so important to him.” Dr. Sikes observed. David had briefly told her part of Keanu’s story and how important Sharon, and everyone, had become to him.

  Dr. Sikes pager chirped. She had to go to the hospital. “Call me immediately if there’s any change or reason to be concerned. They’ll both sleep for several hours.”

  David was alone with the two sleeping people. He looked in a mirror and shook his head at his red, swollen eyes. They felt gritty and his skin felt like sandpaper stretched thin. His heart actually hurt. Taking a deep breath, he went to make coffee. Leaving Lynn’s bedroom door open, he sat in a lounge chair where he could keep an eye on both Lynn and Keanu. One of these days, and soon, I’ll have to tell them why I’m here. How I wish I could solve this mystery before I had to explain anything to them. Keanu, little buddy, I’ve become quite fond of all of these people, too, including you. I had especially grown close to Sharon. David sighed, wiped his eyes and slumped in the chair.

  David was awakened by a harsh knock on the door. Struggling up, and rubbing his eyes, he opened the door. He was surprised to see that it was almost daylight.

  “Where in the heck is everybody? What’s going on?” Jake came barging in talking loudly.

  “ Lower that foghorn. Be quiet and I’ll tell you,” David said. “Sit down. You’ll need to be seated to hear this.”

  Jake looked on in amazement as David tiptoed in to check on Lynn. She and Keanu were both sleeping peacefully. David motioned for Jake to join him in the kitchen and sit down at the table.

  “What happened to them?” Jake asked in a whisper. He was shocked and horrified to hear of the explosion and the loss of the two young women. David was just finishing his explanation when Ashley and Jardine came tiptoeing in. Their red faces and red, swollen eyes showed that they now knew what had happened. The two girls rushed to either side of David for a hug.

  “We heard the news on television this morning and thought we’d come early to see if we could help Lynn somehow,” Ashley explained through gulping sobs.

  Jake cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. “Why wasn’t I awakened? How did you and Keanu know and not me?”

  “We came back down to make sure the fire was out and everything was cleaned up. After the sheriff came up, we heard Lynn scream and ran in to see what was going on.”

  Jake nodded. “Well, horses still have
to be fed and watered. There’s always a lot of work to be done.” He seemed to be sleep walking.

  “We’ve talked to some of the boys. They’re right behind us,” Jardine told them. “We can give the regular lessons, but we can’t give the special lessons. What do you want us to do?”

  Jake answered a knock on the door and admitted Deputy Belasic. “Folks, I’m so sorry. I honestly thought those gunshots were careless shooters or kids in the woods. This means Sharon was right. Someone has been after her. I’ll not stop until this is solved.” He gulped but didn’t hide his red face and the sad expression in his eyes.

  They all turned as Lynn staggered into the kitchen. She looked at the girls and started crying. The three hugged and shed tears together. Disturbed by the voices, Keanu began to stir. He groaned, stretched and yawned as he slowly rolled over.

  “Wh- what am I doing here?” He sat up shakily and looked around puzzled. As he remembered, his face began to crumple and he sobbed aloud. Lynn went to sit by him. They hugged and cried together.

  Deputy Belasic knelt in front of Lynn and Keanu. “I promise that I will not rest until the person responsible for this is found and punished. I just wish I could tell Sharon how sorry I am.”

  “Go ahead and tell me,” a voice spoke from the door. They all stood with mouths open as Sharon walked in. “I just heard the news and thought I’d better get out here before some of you had a heart attack.”

  Lynn and Keanu both moaned and dropped to the floor.

  Ashley and Jardine ran to hug Sharon while David and Jake took care of Lynn and Keanu. David looked mystified, jubilant and angry by turns.

  Deputy Belasic finally found his voice. “Where have you been? Were you thrown from the car?”

  Lynn’s eye fluttered open. “Sharon! Sharon! It’s really you?” She burst out sobbing while Sharon knelt and hugged her. Keanu knelt by them, hugging both of them and crying unashamed. He tried to speak and couldn’t.

  “I think I’m me. After what I heard on the news, I’m not sure. At first, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Then it dawned on me that it was Jenni that is dead.” She sobbed again. “Jenni didn’t deserve this. Poor Steamboat. Such a faithful car and there’s not a scrap left.” Sharon shook so badly she had to lean on a chair back.

  “Take your time and tell us how you got out of the car,” Deputy Belasic spoke gently. He encouraged Sharon to sit on the couch between Lynn and Keanu. Both of them clung to her and kept touching her as if they were proving she was real. Ashley and Jardine sat on the floor at their feet. Everyone seemed to need to cling to each other.

  “When Jenni and I left here last night, I told Keanu to tell Lynn that I was driving Jenni to her call. As I drove to my end of town we talked about how long Jenni would need me. I was very tired and told her I’d get out at my house and let her take my car. I knew David would work on her truck and she could pick it up when she brought my car back to the stable. I intended to call a taxi as I did this morning. It was so late I knew Lynn would be asleep and I saw no reason to disturb anyone. I didn’t know what had happened until I saw the news this morning.”

  Everyone started talking at once to tell her how glad they were she was alive.

  Sharon turned to Deputy Belasic. “Have you found how my car was destroyed?”

  “A team will be working on it. The last I heard, the speculation was that a remote controlled bomb was on your car and was detonated, possibly from another car.”

  Several cars were heard driving in. Jake went down to meet whomever was arriving. He came back in a couple of minutes so excited, and angry, that he could hardly talk.

  “The vultures have arrived. There’s reporters of all kinds out there. They want to know how we feel about Sharon’s death. Andrew and Matthew almost came to blows with some cocky guys who came right in taking pictures as they walked. Rebekah, Gabe and three of the boys are seeing to the horses. I couldn’t tell any of them in front of the reporters that Sharon is up here. I figured Lynn’d want to tell them.” He was breathless because Jake, as a rule, was not a talker.

  Deputy Belasic stepped forward. “Lynn, I’d like to handle it. Whoever perpetrated this crime thinks they’ve killed Sharon. I’d like for them to keep thinking that for awhile. They might get careless and crawl out from under their rock. Will all of you cooperate?”

  “We sure will,” Lynn nodded, speaking for everyone.

  “I know the reporters are doing their job, but it seems cruel and heartless charging in here to wring Lynn out knowing she is grieving. Or at least they think she’s grieving. I’ll take care of it,” Deputy Belasic said firmly as he walked out hitting his heels hard as he walked.

  “Just let me look at you,” Lynn put a hand on either side of Sharon’s face. “Are you sure you’re not hurt?”

  Sharon wanted to giggle, but the situation was too serious. “You keep forgetting that I wasn’t in the car.” She turned to see Keanu gazing at her with his heart in his eyes.

  She gently put her arms around him. “Oh, Keanu. I had no idea you would take it so hard if something happened to me.”

  He hugged her hard and then drew back to look her straight in the eyes. “Everyone here has been nice to me, and I do appreciate it. Lynn has given me a job and a place to live. Growing up I can’t remember anyone being nice to me except the Horse Whisperer.

  When you found me, you were instantly caring and concerned. I feel a closeness with you that I’ve never felt with anyone else - not even my mother. Aw, I can’t explain it.”

  “I think you did a superb job of explaining,” Lynn said. “Sharon is very special to me, too, so, I can understand why you feel as you do. Wait until our parents get here this afternoon. They’re going to love you, and you’ll love them.”

  “Oh, no!” Sharon groaned. “I forgot them in the excitement. I hope they don’t hear a news broadcast and drive up here grieving. They could wreck. I need to talk to them now.”

  “No,” Lynn said. “Wait. They have to drive in here looking properly upset or the reporters will suspect something. Remember, we need to keep the scum bum, who did this, off balance. Keanu, do me a favor and go ask all of our young people to meet me in the office. Don’t tell them anything yet because the reporters will be watching.”

  He hurried out, glad to be doing something. All of the horses had been fed, watered and groomed as well as stalls cleaned. Two of the boys were just getting in a farm truck to ride out and check on the horses in the field.

  “Hey, gang. All of our people,” Keanu called out. “Lynn would like for everyone to come to the office right now. Not you turkeys,” he said angrily to reporters that tried to follow. “This is a private meeting with just our people. When Lynn’s ready to talk, she’ll let you know.”

  “Hey, kid, we’re just doing our job,” a reporter stated.

  “Yeah, I know, but you’re all ghouls, preying on the misery of other people.”

  The reporters stood grumbling while the young people walked solemnly into Lynn’s office. Keanu gave a start when he saw a tall man at the back of the crowd hurry away to a dark car parked farther out than the rest. Who is he? He waited until he was sure the unwanted guests would stay in place before he came in. He would have chased after the stranger, but he wanted to hear what was going on in the office.

  Sheilah pulled up just as Keanu was at the office door. He hurried back to the van to help her. She was crying so hard that she had trouble getting out. Keanu felt so sorry for her but did not dare tell her anything for fear she would give their secret away with her joy at hearing Sharon was really alive. The reporters were still around.

  “Sheilah, why did you drive here in your condition? You could have had trouble of your own.” he gently scolded.

  “Don’t fuss at me, Keanu. I had to come. These are my people, and I love all of you.”

  “I know the feeling. You’ll feel better after you hear what Lynn has to say,” he whispered to her. She looked puzzled at him and then at the report
ers crowding around.

  “Lynn’s called a meeting for all of us in the office. You’re just in time.”

  That’s strange. He doesn’t act as if he is grieving at all. She wheeled into the office as Keanu held the door for her.

  Sheilah quickly went to Lynn and reached to hug her, bursting into sobs. The young people were so sad seeing Lynn’s red, swollen eyes. Some thought that it was sad that she just got her sister back and had now lost her. All of them loved both Lynn and Sharon.

  Rebekah and Allison looked surprised to see Ashley and Jardine grinning. They all gasped and made noises of surprise when Sharon walked in smiling at all of them.

  “Was it Mark Twain who said, ‘the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated’? Well, my friends, if you’ll get comfortable, I’ll tell you what has happened.” Sheilah grabbed Sharon’s hands and held so tightly that Sharon had to gently work her hands free. Sheilah was gasping like a fish out of water.

  They listened as she told how she had avoided being in the car. More tears were shed thinking of Dr. Jenni, who was loved by everyone. “Let the police make the statements to the press and television. They don’t want the perpetrator to know that there are clues, or that I’m alive. The more the criminal thinks he’s gotten away with it, the more careless he might become.”

  “Now everyone listen carefully. Our parents will be here soon,” Lynn got their attention. “When they pull in, whoever is closest bring them in immediately, but please don’t tell them anything until they come inside. We don’t know who might be watching. I’m canceling classes today. The public will expect it. I would appreciate it if you could find something to do and stay around here for awhile. Sharon and I will stay upstairs out of sight. Does everyone understand how important it is to keep quiet?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Andrew saluted and grinned. “We’ll take care of everything. You can count on us.” They all agreed and started out to do their jobs.

  “Wait up!” Jardine called anxiously. “You’re all looking too happy and relieved. The reporters, or the dirty person, might get suspicious. Can we keep happy expressions off our faces just for today? Try to look sad and unhappy. Think of something that makes you angry. Boys, it wouldn’t hurt if you, too, shed some tears.”


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