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Page 13

by Sioux Dallas

  “We certainly will, and if any suspicious person comes around, we’ll make short work of him,” one of the boys answered.

  “How do we know it’s a he? It could be a she,” Gabe spoke thoughtfully.

  “Yeah. How do we know it’s a man?” Ashley asked.

  “All we know is that someone is out to kill Sharon, and we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen when any of us are around. “ Matthew spoke firmly with a glare.

  “Since we don’t know who’s responsible, we’ll be extra careful about talking to anyone who’s around. Don’t even talk at home yet. Someone might accidentally let it slip that Sharon is alive.” Ashley cautioned.

  “Or anyone in town. If you let it slip to anyone off this property, the criminal might talk to them, or to someone they’ve told, and word will get out that he failed.” Andrew warned.

  The young people talked among themselves and then left looking suitable solemn and thinking over what had happened, or what could have possibly happened if Sharon had stayed in the car. A couple of the girls even leaned against a boy and hid her face as she was crying. They all grieved for Dr. Jenni.

  Sheilah, Lynn and Sharon ate their lunch in the back part of the building behind closed doors. Sheilah stayed alert to come to the front in case someone came in. Her eyes were still red grieving over Jenni and thankful that it wasn’t Sharon.

  Chapter Twelve

  “The reporters won’t give up as easily as they’ve seemed to,” Sharon observed. “Watch around all sides of the building. I won’t put it past some of them to try to peep in the windows or try to sneak in.” She looked nervously at the front windows.

  “Hank, ole buddy. I have some bang-up good news.”

  “Okay, Duke. Lay it on me. I sure could use some good news.”

  “Our problem has been taken care of. Don’t you watch the news?”

  “Yeah, but I’ve been too busy to watch this morning. You might as well tell me.”

  “Kaboom! A car blew up during the night with our favorite female on board.” He laughed hysterically.

  “You idiot. Don’t tell me you set it up. No, don’t tell me. Hooboy. The boss is going to skin you alive.”

  “Why? I thought he’d breathe easier knowing that he won’t be exposed.”

  “Dumb head. If she knew nothing in the first place, and we don’t know that she did, we were never in danger. Now there’ll be an investigation and --” he groaned. “I hate to tell him, but he’s probably heard the news now. Suppose she did know something and has told others. There’ll be more suspicions and, for sure, more investigations.”

  “I’d call the boss myself if you’d give me his number. Why ‘er you the only one with his number?”

  “For this very reason. The more who know, the more dangerous it is. Hang up, and let me get enough nerve to call him and tell him. Boy! I’m sure glad I’m not you. I suggest you leave Zephyrhills right now. Go back to Texas and lay low. That’s an order.”

  “Boss. This is one call I hate to make. I should have seen it coming. Duke was getting too antsy and I knew he would try something on his own.”

  A shrill whistle stopped his prattle. “I don’t know what you’re blabbering about. Why not just tell me straight out and save a lot of time.”

  “Oh, I’m glad I’m not Duke. He’s really done it this time.”

  “Spit it out. Now!” the person screamed.

  He listened silently as Hank told him the news.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes. After he called I watched the news, and there it was, big as life and twice as natural. To make matters worse, her old man is a personal friend of the Florida Governor and there’s to be a full scale investigation. This is a high profile family.”

  “Did you tell him to get lost?”

  “Yep. Told him to head to Texas, keep his mouth shut, stay sober and lay low.”

  “I’ll call ahead and there’ll be a welcome committee for him. Don’t let on to anyone that you even know who the woman is. I’ll be in touch.”

  A little after one a volunteer ran in breathlessly. “Lynn, your folks are here and they look bad. I feel so sorry for them. Tell them as quickly as you can.”

  “Get them in here quickly and tell everyone to go on as you have been. I’m so thankful for all of you, and I’ll make it good for all of you.” Lynn was misty-eyed.

  “None of us are doing this to be rewarded. We truly care about you and Sharon. Don’t insult us or our friendship.”

  “Please forgive me. You know how upsetting everything has been. I’m not thinking as clearly as I should I guess. True loyalty can never be bought. Hurry. Get my folks in here.”

  Lynn ran to meet them as they came in the door. “Mom. Oh, Mom, don’t cry. There’s no reason to cry. Dad, both of you come back here.” Lynn walked hugging both of them and pushing them to the back room. Sheilah sat in the front office wiping her eyes.

  “Lynn, are you that heartless? No reason to cry,” Megan sobbed.

  “Hi, Mom, Dad,” Sharon smiled as she came to meet them.

  Megan shrieked and dropped back against Sean. He was shocked and then angry.

  “What’s the meaning of this? We heard that your car blew up and only a few body parts have been found. Our hearts have been breaking and you breeze in here as if nothing has happened.”

  “I was hoping you wouldn’t hear about the accident until you got here.”

  “The news was breaking into every station on television and on the radio.” Sean said. “Girls, I don’t know whether to cry from happiness or shake you from anger. How could you put us through what we’ve suffered?” He didn’t know whether to be angry or shout for joy.

  “Dad,” Lynn spoke, “we both decided that neither Sharon, nor I, should call you for fear our phone lines would be bugged.”

  “Bugged! Why would you think your lines were tapped? I suggest we sit down and give you both a chance to fill me in completely.” Sean spoke through tight lips.

  Megan tottered on her disgustingly high heels to a couch and sank down as if she could no longer stand on her own. With a quavering voice she said, “You’d better tell us everything. You know dad is a first-rate interrogator. Save time by telling him all of the facts or you’ll be grilled through the night.”

  “Mom,” Sharon chuckled. “I don’t know whether you mean to be funny or not, but you’re great. I mean it sincerely when I say Lynn and I are the two luckiest daughters in the world.”

  Lynn ran to get coffee for all of them and to check with Sheilah to make sure they wouldn’t be disturbed. “Blow a whistle or something to alert us if someone comes in we don’t want to see, or rather we don’t want them to see Sharon.”

  Sheilah was on guard like a pit bull. These were her friends who were more like family. Her own family was two states away and she didn’t see them often, even though she called them every week. Her love for Lynn and Sharon was as if they were sisters.

  Sharon took a deep breath. “You’re not going to like what you hear and you’re probably going to be mad at me - again - for not telling you while this was going on. But when you hear it, you’ll know that I love you with my whole heart and being and didn’t want you worried when you could do nothing about it.”

  “I’ll hold further comments until I hear what you have to say,” Sean said sitting by Megan with his arm around her.

  Lynn sat by Sharon to give her moral support. “Tell them everything from the beginning. We all love you and will be with you all the way.”

  Sharon smiled shakily. Taking a deep breath she began by reminding her parents of the abusive treatment from Jeremy and of his mood swings. Megan sobbed quietly while Sharon talked. Sean had made a fist and was beating up and down on the arm of the sofa.

  “All of you were at the hospital after I was hurt so badly. When dad and mom Taylor came, she continued to scream that everything was my fault.”

  Megan couldn‘t keep quiet. “Yes, when Malcolm apologized to Sharon an
d asked her forgiveness for his son being so cruel, Agnes butted in and called Sharon a little tramp. She said Sharon had a talent for wrapping men around her finger and Malcolm was stupid for being one of them. .She went on to say that women were not fooled by Sharon.” Megan told Lynn, who nodded silently.

  “Dad had to hold mom off Agnes, and Malcolm forced Agnes to leave. I did get to tell her that Jeremy needed professional help. She left screaming back that it was all me.

  You would have been proud of our lady-like mom. If dad had not held her, she would have wiped the floor with Agnes.” Sharon explained.

  “Does Malcolm know about the latest episode?” Lynn asked Sean and Megan.

  “Yes, I talked to him and he’s devastated,” Sean told them. “Wait until he hears all Sharon’s been going through. As far as that goes, why haven‘t you been telling us about it?”

  Sharon quickly filled them in on the strange feeling of being watched and of Keanu seeing a stranger around. She reminded them again that she was trying to protect them and not worry them any more than could be helped.

  “We can’t solve your problems by sitting here going over and over them. Under the circumstances, why don’t we discuss something pleasant that I meant to come tell you in the first place? Where is this Keanu character?” Sean asked, relieved to change the subject.

  Lynn jumped up. “I’ll get him. I’ll also bring David and a couple of volunteers that you haven’t met.” She hurried after first checking to see if anyone was lurking outside.

  “You will love Keanu. He’s appointed himself my protector. David has been attentive, too.” Sharon looked off and smiled.

  “Uh oh. Do I detect romance entering your life after all you’ve been through so recently?” Sean looked worried. He knew his daughter was young enough that she might find someone else in her future, but he knew the hurt of her previous experiences were still raw and needed time to heal.

  She quickly changed the subject. “Is your good news about Keanu?”

  “Just hang on. You’ll know soon,” Sean smiled.

  Before Sharon could tell her parents that she wasn’t interested in romance with anyone, Lynn came in with Keanu and David.

  “David, this is my mom and dad, er uncle and aunt, Sean and Megan Donnelly. This is David Baughman. He has been such a valuable worker and a true friend.”

  “Mr. And Mrs. Donnelly,” David chuckled. “I’m honored to meet you and compliment you on raising two fine daughters. The relationship is a puzzle sometimes.”

  The two men shook hands. “I’m sure my girls have told you of their relationship. Lynn has always been a daughter to us and she’s such a dear. Any family would be blessed to include her.” Sean stated while sizing up David.

  “Dad,” Sharon interrupted. “This is Keanu,” she said as proudly as if she were introducing her own child. “You can see for yourself that he’s as wonderful as I’ve told you.”

  Keanu actually blushed. “Aw, you know how girls are.” He looked surprised and then very pleased when Megan jumped up and hugged him. “We’ve been so eager to meet you. I feel as if I already know you. Both Lynn and Sharon speak highly of you.”

  Both girls have told us how much help you are and how you fit right in.” Megan had a loving heart and was willing to accept the young man if her girls did.

  “Keanu,” Sean began, “I was coming to talk to you about the report my detective gave to me.”

  “Report, sir? What kind of report?”

  “Sharon, didn’t you tell him?”

  “I didn’t tell him that the detective had actually gone to the reservation.”

  “To the reservation! What for?” Keanu was curious and a little alarmed.

  “It’s a complex situation,” Sean explained. “Would you rather we talk in private?”

  Keanu looked around uncertainly and then shrugged his shoulders. “You can talk here. These people are my friends.” He hesitated. “You could say they’re my family.”

  Lynn and Sharon sat down placing Keanu between them on the couch. “Go ahead, Dad,” Lynn encouraged Sean.

  “Keanu, I have a written report that I’ll leave with you to read at leisure, but I’d like to share some things with you now.” Keanu nodded at Sean.

  “After Sharon told us about you, I had my detective go to the reservation and to the school where you attended. The news is mostly good, but some bad. Did you know that your mother is dead?”

  Keanu gasped and turned pale. Each girl took one of his hands and Sharon placed an arm around him.

  “A few days after you left, the man that was living with her, came in drunk and beat her severely. A tribal council member happened to pass the house when the man ran out. He was acting suspicious, so the councilman went in and found your mother lying on the floor in need of medical attention. He called the Tribal Police and two of them got her to the hospital. She didn’t survive the night. I believe the councilman’s name was Charging Buffalo Brighton, better known as Buck. He gave a report to the police and there is now an APB out on Dwayn Brewton for the second degree murder of your mother.”

  Keanu shuddered and looked at Sean with moist eyes. “Go on.”

  “The detective talked to school teachers and many people on the reservation. Without exception they all spoke highly of you. He even talked to people in town. You’d probably be surprised at the people who remember you and speak well of you. There is nothing that says you must go back there, unless you wish to go. If you’re satisfied here, you might as well stay.”

  Keanu took a long, shaky breath. “I’d like to stay.” He looked questioningly at Lynn.

  “You’re here until you decide to leave us,” Lynn said with tears in her eyes.

  “Dad, Keanu has registered in Zephyrhills High and will be preparing for whatever he wants to do in the future.” Sharon said with pride.

  “Well, I’m proud of you,” Megan told him. “You must promise to come to Fort Lauderdale and visit with us. I’ll confess, I feel so much better after meeting you.” She smiled at Keanu and turned to David. “I feel a little better about my two girls knowing that both of you, and Jake, are with them.”

  Lynn fixed sandwiches with chips, soft drinks and fresh fruit. They talked and got better acquainted. Keanu quietly went to stand by Sean. He was almost as tall as the six one attorney. “Sir, may I talk to you privately?” Sean nodded and they went out the back door, walking to the fence separating the pasture from the back lawn.

  “What’s on your mind, son?” Sean spoke gently to show his interest.

  Keanu looked as if he might cry. “Do you know that’s the first time in my life anyone called me son?”

  Sean hugged Keanu. “You’ll find that being a part of this family means you’re in all our hearts and we care about each other.”

  “That makes what I’m going to tell you easier. I was concerned when I first saw the man, but after this car incident, I’m really troubled. I don’t want to upset Sharon any more than she is.”

  “Are you saying there’s been a suspicious man around?” Sean asked concerned.

  Keanu told him of the dark car and the man watching with binoculars. “I can’t swear to it, but a tall man was with the reporters this morning. He stood at the back of the crowd and wasn’t taking notes or pictures. I’ve only seen the watching man at a distance, but I’m almost positive it’s the same man.”

  Sean thought a moment. “Didn’t Sharon say the men who left the motel in a hurry were in a dark car? Maybe they think she knows something that she doesn’t. After hearing about Jeremy, I wouldn’t be surprised at any company he kept. Maybe he was into something illegal and his buddies think Sharon might know about them. I’ll be here tonight and tomorrow. I tell you I feel much better knowing you’re watching over Sharon and Lynn.”

  David sauntered out to join them. “Am I interrupting anything?”

  “No, I was just telling Mr. Donnelly about the watching man.”

  “My name is Sean.” He turned to David.
“Did you see this man, too?”

  “No, but Keanu has told me about him, and I trust Keanu’s judgment.”

  “Me, too,” Sean smiled reaching to give Keanu a friendly slap on the back. “Keanu, do you have any idea what you might like to do in your future?”

  “I like working with people, especially youngsters who need special attention, and I like and trust horses. David has taught me a lot and your daughters have been good to me.”

  “This young man is very observant and quick to learn. He’s an asset to have around,” David said.

  Sean looked long and hard at David. “Forgive me. I don’t mean to be rude, but you don’t add up.”

  David’s eyes grew darker. “Mind explaining to me what you mean by that?”

  “I’ve been an attorney all of my adult life. I also took the complete training for the Sheriff’s department. Before that I was a member of a youth group that was sponsored by our local police. I’ve learned a lot about reading people. You’re better educated than the average person that does the work you’re doing. You’re well built, and I get the impression that you’ve worked out a lot in a gym. Your hands don’t look as if they’ve been in outdoor work much. Should I go on?” Sean said solemnly.

  David laughed. “No, you’re right. I have a Master’s degree, and even though I ride and have owned my own horses, I’ve never worked in a stable for anyone else. I’ve also had training in law, but I hope you’ll trust me when I say I will protect your daughters with my life. I have a good reason for being here. I can’t tell you now, but I will soon.”

  Keanu was astonished. “Aren’t you who you say you are?”

  “Sure am, good buddy. Will you trust me for a little while longer? Please don’t tell the girls yet, but I didn’t just happen in. I’m here on an assignment - a lawful one.”


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