Book Read Free


Page 16

by Sioux Dallas

  David gave a shrill whistle. “Quiet. We’re getting nowhere this way. Sharon, I know you’re mature enough to know how frightened we all are, thinking of what is possible to happen to you. If you leave here, you won’t have the protection that you have with all of us. If you want to go and get clothes, or anything, I’ll drive in with you and bring you back.”

  “Indeed you won’t. I refuse to be a prisoner for any sicko. I have good neighbors and they’ll ---”

  The phone ringing caused most of them to jump. Lynn answered and turned with a puzzled look at Sharon. “It’s for you. Somebody who claims to be a detective. Larry somebody.”

  Sharon frowned and then perked up. “Oh! Lt. Dauber. He’s the detective who talked to me at the motel about the murder.”

  “Murder!” Keanu repeated surprised. “What does he want with you?”

  ”If you’ll give me a chance to get to the phone, I’ll find out.” She patted Keanu’s cheek in a teasing manner. “Hello, Lieutenant. Okay, Larry.”

  She listened a few seconds. “That’ll be fine. Yes, it will be nice to see you, too. Thank you for calling.” She hung up and turned to meet several pairs of eyes having a variety of expressions.

  Impervious to their attitudes, she gave a tiny smile and started to go upstairs.

  “Stop right there, young lady,” Sean demanded. Sean spoke firmly. “First, who is this man and why is he coming here? Does it have anything to do with the car explosion?”

  “As I told you - this man - is the lieutenant, a detective in the state’s attorney’s office, who was in charge of the murder investigation at the motel. He said he read about me in the papers and wanted to come for a visit.”

  “Why” David asked with a stern expression

  “He said he wanted to see for himself that I’m all right.” Sharon explained.

  “Couldn’t he take your word for it?” Keanu asked.

  “Settle down, guys. He’s just an acquaintance. He might be in the area on business and just wanted to visit. I don’t know, and I’m not going to let it bother me. There are too many things happening in my life that’s frightening; why should I get all in an uproar about some man wanting to see me?”

  “When’s he coming?” Sean pulled his lower lip showing his annoyance.

  “Go home with my blessings. I’ll be fine and Dad Taylor needs you.”

  Sean and Megan prepared to leave after making everyone promise that they’d be called at the slightest suspicion of trouble or danger.

  The phone rang again and Sean grabbed it to answer. He listened and asked the person to wait a minute, please. “Sharon, do you know a Troy Sanborn?”

  “Troy Sanborn,” she puzzled. “Oh, yes. He’s my advisor at USF.” Taking the phone she talked a few minutes assuring the speaker that she was fine and yes he would be welcome to visit. Thanking him for calling she turned and explained that Mr. Sanborn had read the newspaper accounts and was concerned about her. Too, he admired Lynn for her work and wanted to meet her.

  David and Keanu just looked at each other thoughtfully. They realized that no one could be trusted until the situation was cleared and the crime solved.

  “Mom, I’m fine, and I will be,” Sharon reassured her parents as they got in the car.

  “I give up. David will go with me to my house and I’ll get clothes and things I need.

  I’ll ask a neighbor to keep my mail until I, or someone from here, can pick it up. I promise that I’ll stay here with Lynn - for a few days, at least.”

  “That’s a relief,” Sean sighed. “You know how we hate to leave you.”

  “I know, Dad. I love you both, and I know you love me. If it’ll help, I’ll call you daily.”

  “Let me call you. I can use my business phone and it won’t run up Lynn’s phone bill.”

  “You forget. She has a business phone, too.”

  Sean grunted as Jake drove up in a farm station wagon with Keanu in the back seat. They made it clear that they would be escorting Sharon to get her possessions.

  “See,” Sharon laughed. “I’ll be well guarded. Call me when you get home and after you’ve talked to Dad Taylor.”

  As they turned to drive down the driveway, Sharon saw an unfamiliar van parked at the stable. “Who’s that?”

  David looked at the van. “Oh, that’s Dr. Gordon Mason. Jake called him to see a boarder’s mare that is late foaling. We’ll probably be using him now.”

  The drive took less time than Sharon anticipated. Keanu walked over her house admiring it while Sharon was across the street asking Krystal to keep her mail.

  “Lordy, Sharon. I nearly had a heart attack when you got out of that wagon. I heard on television, and read in the paper, that you were dead. Then there’s a rumor that you’re all right. How can this be?”

  Sharon briefly told the tearful Krystal how she escaped the car bombing.

  “Who’s trying to kill you, Sharon?” Jose stood with dark brows lowered and a stern expression.

  “I don’t know that anyone’s trying to kill me. I don’t know any more than you do. The police haven’t finished the investigation, and it’s all a mystery to me. I’m going to stay with my sister for awhile. Would you mind keeping my mail for me, please?”

  “Honey, I’ll do anything for you that will help,” Krystal assured her.

  “I’ll give you the number at the stable. Call me if you feel I need to know anything.”

  Sharon walked back across the street to her house and started in the door just as Keanu burst out. “There!” he shouted David whirled around. “What?”

  “That looks like the dark car that I saw the other day. I can’t see who’s driving for the tinted windows.”

  Krystal and Jose came hurrying over to them. “That looks like the same car that pulled on your driveway a couple of nights ago. A tall, slender man got out and walked all around the house. He tried to look in the side window. Jose was going to come over and ask if we could help him, but when Jose stepped out our door, the man hurried to his car and left.”

  “What kind of car is it? Did you see a license plate?”

  “It was too dark even with the streetlight. I don’t know how to tell cars apart and Jose didn’t get to see that much.”

  “I thought it looked suspicious because the license plate had something smeared on it so the letters couldn’t be read,” Jose explained.

  David thanked them for the information. “We need to get back to the stable. Sharon will be in touch with you.”

  Sharon hugged Krystal and Jose. “Thank you so much. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to get better acquainted, but we will. Take care of yourselves. I’ll either come or send someone to get my mail. Don’t give it to anyone unless they have a note from me. I’ll call you and tell you I’m sending who ever comes. Thanks again.”

  Keanu took Sharon’s bag to the wagon. “I guess we’ll not catch him. He’s had too much of a head start, besides, we can’t really identify the car. Doggone. I wish I’d been outside so I could have seen better.”

  “If he had seen you outside, he wouldn’t have driven by. We know now that he hasn’t given up. He’s keeping track of Sharon. At least he knows she isn’t alone.” David spoke angrily as he started the car and backed out to go to the stable.

  Sharon was frightened but determined to not show how disturbed she was. Lynn and all the rest of these people care about me and are so good to be concerned. I must not be a big baby and give them more to worry about. Lord, as usual, I’m praising you and leaving it in your hands.

  Sharon smiled broadly when they pulled in front of the office. “See that new van over there? That’s Martin Swanson. He’s been here so often that I think he’d like to have a closer relationship with Lynn.”

  “I agree,” David smiled. “You should see the expression on his face when he’s watching Lynn and doesn’t know he’s being observed. They’re both great people.” Sharon got out and walked toward the office.

  Keanu gave a snort of disgu
st. “Why do people think a man, or a woman, has to be interested in each other just because they’re friendly?”

  “Men and women do get interested in each other, as you put it,” David answered.

  “Can you truthfully tell me you’ve never been interested in a girl, or wanted to know her better?”

  “I’ve been on the move too much. Yeah, I like girls, but nothing goofy.”

  “Goofy! The day will come, my man, when you’ll fall as hard as the best of them.”

  “Like you’re doing? I see how you look at Sharon.” They watched Sharon walk in the door of the office. David smiled at Keanu, gave him a little push, and followed with Sharon’s bag.

  Lynn and Martin were sitting facing each other knee to knee talking quietly when Sharon walked in. Lynn jumped up and ran to Sharon, “I’m so relieved that you’re back. Andrew and Matthew said they saw a dark car pull out of some bushes at the end of the driveway and follow you when you left here.”

  David had come in. “I’m slipping,” he said with disgust. “I didn’t notice anyone following.”

  “He kept a couple of cars between you. I’ve been telling Martin about all that’s happened. Martin, tell them your idea.”

  “Sharon, were you ever suspicious of your husband’s activities, or of his friends?”

  “Not really,” she said slowly, “but what does that have to do with this?”

  “Maybe he was involved in something illegal and whoever associated with him might think you know what he was doing. They might think he was drinking and told you something he shouldn’t. Or maybe they think you saw them with him at some time.”

  “No,” she said thoughtfully, shaking her head. “I only noticed when he was drinking heavily. His mood swings were frightening, and as time went on, he was never in a good mood, at least not around me. I don’t know what else to tell you.”

  “Don’t let it upset you,” Martin reassured her. “I’m only thinking out loud, as the ole saying goes. I’ve been racking my brain trying to imagine what this person, or persons, is after. We’re butting into a brick wall until we know more about Jeremy’s past.”

  “We know one thing,” Keanu spoke. “We know he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier to not appreciate Sharon. In fact, he was down right stupid.”

  “Please. Let’s not talk about anything sad or upsetting,” Lynn quickly broke in. “I have ice tea and I baked a cake this afternoon. Let’s relax, visit and enjoy being together.”

  Jake joined them and reported on the veterinarian’s visit. “I’m pleased with him, and I think he’s going to work out fine.”

  “Good.” David handed Jake a paper plate with a piece of cake on it. “Wrap yourself around that. It’s delicious. Lynn made it.”

  “Then I know it’s delicious,” Jake grinned. He ate as all the rest did; as if he hadn’t eaten for awhile.

  “Gang,” Lynn began. “The stable will be open for regular business tomorrow. All of the volunteers are on the alert. I know all of you will be, too. Sharon, promise me you won’t be anywhere alone, in fact, try to have two others with you.”

  “I don’t like it, but I understand. Yes, I promise.” How I hate worrying them. I wish I knew who is after me and why? Please, God. Let this be over soon.

  “I have an idea,” Keanu jumped up and walked quickly into Lynn’s office. He came back with a cell phone. “Carry this with you at all times. You might need to call for emergency help, or to report a suspicious happening.”

  “It’s a good thing I’m not a scardy-cat,” Sharon smiled weakly. “If I listened to all of you, I’d be afraid of my own shadow. I know you’re concerned about my safety and happiness, and I’m grateful to have so many good, close friends. Thank you. I love you all.”

  “Oh, Lynn, I’m so glad you need me again. I’m getting cabin fever cooped up in this apartment and not knowing everything that’s going on at the stable. I’m concerned about Sharon, and -- I’m nosy,” she laughed. Lynn had called Sheilah.

  “Sheilah, you wouldn’t believe what all we’ve been through. Mom and dad have been scared stiff and needed reassurance. We’ve had countless phone calls and more media coverage than we needed. Thoughtless people just won’t leave us alone. I’ll be doubly glad when whoever this is, is caught. I’m frightened for Sharon and afraid that the publicity will hurt my business. We’ll all welcome your bright, smiling face tomorrow morning. Okay. See ya. By the way, did you read what Sharon’s ex mother-in-law said about her? Wasn’t that nauseating?”

  “Anyone with good, common sense, that read the trash, and then reads the reporter’s statement, will know she is mentally unstable.”

  “Thank you Sheilah. I knew you’d understand. See you tomorrow. Be careful. Stay alert while you’re driving out here. This sicko might think Sharon has told you whatever it is he’s trying to shut her up about. Poor grammar, but you get my drift.”

  Twenty-one excited young people greeted Lynn and Sharon with a lot of admiration and respect the following morning.

  “Hello, you two,” Gabe said. “Am I glad we’re back at work. Oh, I know, we came out to help, but it isn’t like working with the youngsters and having happy, lively students around. I actually missed all those little - er - leprechauns.” They all laughed at Gabe.

  “All joking aside. I enjoy helping these youngsters. It’s a double pleasure that I can help them, and with horses.” Ashley smiled as she reached for a brush to groom a horse.

  “Heads up, gang. I hope everyone has had vitamins and a good breakfast. Here they come,” Andrew called as he came in to lead a saddled horse out.

  Chapter Fifteen

  LeLand wheeled his chair so fast that he almost turned over. “Sharon! Sharon! Boy, I cried buckets of tears. I thought you were in that car. Mom said she and dad were afraid they were going to have to take me to the hospital I got so sad. When we were watching the news and saw you standing with David, my whole family shouted for joy. Tell me all about it.”

  “Not without me you won’t,” shrieked Kara. “I want to hear all about it, too.” Four other younger students also expressed their interest in hearing.

  Lynn blew a whistle. “You’re here for riding lessons, and that’s serious business. We don’t have time for gossip and socializing.”

  “Yeah,” Marcella Berring scolded them. “We have our lesson first and then we’ll ALL talk to Sharon. Hi, Sharon. I am sooo glad you’re okay.”

  “Thank you, Marcella. I’m glad, too. Now let’s all go to the ring.”

  “Who’s that coming here?” Gabe asked with a frown. “Oh, it’s Martin. Wow! A new car. I didn’t recognize him.”

  Lynn blushed and walked to meet Martin. “What are you doing here? You don’t have a lesson scheduled.”

  “I can visit, can’t I? When I looked at my appointment calendar, I saw that I didn’t have pressing business until late this afternoon, so, I told my secretary where I’d be. Hi everybody,” he greeted the volunteers.

  The young people had grown fond of the charismatic lawyer. Each one greeted him warmly, some even coming to him to shake hands or slap him on the shoulder.

  Martin wheeled to the ring and listened to the lesson. I’m glad that Sharon has a strong backbone and has taken charge of her life. Lynn will feel easier about her, and I’ll help any way that I can. I sure would love to know who is after her and why.

  “Martin.” He looked quickly to see who had spoken to him. Jake was behind him holding a horse by the reins. “Lynn says, if you want to, you can practice and warm-up in the training ring.”

  Martin looked back at the activities in the outdoor ring, and then back at Jake. “I’d like that. Thank you.” He wheeled his chair to the stable, talking to Jake as they went along. “How am I going to mount without the ramp?”

  Jake took his cap off and ran his hand through his hair. “I wasn’t thinking of that.

  Will it be all right if Gordon and I lift you on the horse?”

  Martin drew a deep breath wit
h a slight red flush moving across his face. “No one hates to be helpless more than I do. I have always been an athlete and very independent. Yes. I’ll accept your help with gratitude. We’ll try it.”

  He checked to make sure his brakes were set on his wheelchair and reached down to lift his leg from the chair. He suddenly stopped, gasped, and gave a strangled noise. Jake jerked around frightened that something was wrong.

  “What happened? Are you hurting?”

  “No. No. I’m not hurting. Did you see that?” Martin asked in an awed whisper.

  “See what?”

  Martin answered in a strained low voice. “My leg moved.” He said with a little more volume and excitement. “My leg moved.”

  “Yeah?” Jake looked confused. Of course he moved his leg. Jake saw him reach down and take hold of it.

  “Jake, what I’m saying, and badly, is that my leg moved and I didn’t lift it. I even had a tiny bit of feeling.”

  “Really!” Jake was excited with him. “Do you want me to get Lynn so you can tell her?”

  “No,” Martin said hurriedly. “Let’s not tell Lynn yet. Wait until I have my doctor check me out. I don’t want to build her hopes and find that it was just a fluke.”

  Jake grinned knowingly. “No, we don’t want to give Lynn false hopes. This’ll be our secret. I promise.” He turned toward the stable and called. “Gordon. Yo Gordon. Could you come here, please?”

  “Yes, sir,” Gordon came walking rapidly to them.

  “Would you help me lift Martin on Banjo’s back?”

  Keanu walked to them out of curiosity. “What are you doing?”

  “Lynn said Martin could practice and exercise on Banjo, but we don’t have a ramp back here. Gordon and I are going to lift him on to Banjo’s back.”

  “Good idea. You two lift him on this side and I’ll stand on the other side to balance him.” Keanu walked around to be on the horse’s right side.

  “Fellows,” Keanu began, “did you ever hear why we mount on the left side?” All three men shook their heads. “Well, during the Middle Ages, the knights wore their swords on their left side. If they mounted from the right side, the sword would slap the side of the horse as they mounted. By getting on the left side, the sword hung down and didn’t get in the way. I don’t know whether that is the whole truth or not, but it makes a good story,” he grinned.


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