Book Read Free


Page 15

by Sioux Dallas

  Keanu knocked the mike down. “Lady, and I use the term loosely, you need to learn some manners. Didn’t anyone ever teach you that it’s bad manners to shove something in anyone’s face?” he asked belligerently.

  “Stop it, kid. Someone needs to teach you manners. Who are you anyway?” The man who had talked to Keanu before came to stand beside the woman reporter.

  “Well mister, there’s no bulb lighting up over your head. It’s plain that you’re not the sharpest tool in the box or you could see that I am an Indian. You would also observe that I will not allow anyone to harass either Lynn or Sharon. Now play nice or leave. Call me the Lone Ranger if you wish.” The reporters began to shove in closer.

  “Why were we given to believe that you were dead, Sharon?”

  “Were you in the car at all?”

  “Who was killed in the car and why did he or she have your car?”

  “Who wants you dead enough to blow up your car?”

  The questions came too fast for Sharon to answer even if she wanted to. She might have been naïve when she married Jeremy, but she had learned to be self-reliant. The trauma of her marriage was still fresh, however, and she shrunk against David at the audacity of the reporters.

  Deputy Belasic called for order. “All right everybody. You were told earlier that no information could be given because an investigation is in progress. I’ll answer a few questions. No, as you can see, Sharon was not killed. We have some leads, but you folks know they can’t be discussed. We’ll give you what we can. I appreciate the fact that you have a job to do, well, so do I. Let’s respect each other and act like civilized people.”

  Keanu snorted, then thinking of something, he began to walk slowly and methodically among the reporters and cameramen. He ambled back to stand by David.

  “He isn’t here,” Keanu looked worried.


  “That tall, mysterious man I’ve been seeing. He isn’t in this crowd.”

  “Maybe he hasn’t heard the news yet. Stay alert.”

  “You know I will.”

  Deputy Belasic brought Megan and Sean forward. He hoped to get the attention off Sharon. “This is Sean and Megan Donnelly, parents of the two young ladies. Naturally they’re here because these are their daughters and they love them and want to be with them at this time.”

  “Mr. Donnelly, did you think your daughter was dead?”

  “Yes, I did - we did,” he hugged Megan to his side. “How thankful I am that it was a mistake.”

  “When did you learn that Sharon is alive?”

  “Yesterday afternoon as soon as we got here.” He half turned and gave a small nod to David. David whispered to Keanu and Jake, and the three men began slowly to move between Sharon and the crowd while they slipped around to the back of the stable. As soon as they were out of sight, they made a run for the back door of the office. Lynn was right on their heels.

  “I’m ashamed to run off and leave my folks out there to face the reporters,” Sharon said, looking concerned.

  “Don’t worry,” David reassured her. “Your dad signaled me to get you away. Have faith in him. He’s an excellent attorney and will talk a circle around them.”

  “There’s a car pulling in. Some big guy just got out and is running toward Sean,” Keanu was excited, acting as if he didn’t know whether to run out and challenge this new arrival or stay and protect the girls.

  Sharon quickly moved to look out the window. “That’s Dad Taylor,” she said happily. “He’ll stand by dad and they’ll take care of everything. Deputy Belasic is doing a great job, and I’m so glad he’s the one assigned to the case.”

  The reporters hadn’t yet discovered that Sharon was missing. “Who’s this man? Is he an attorney? Did Sharon hire him to represent her?”

  Sean smiled. “Yes, he’s an attorney. He’s my partner. We have an office in Fort Lauderdale. This is Malcolm Taylor. He’s known Sharon all of her life and has been very concerned at the distressing news we first heard.”

  “Taylor?” a man said. “Didn’t I read that Sharon used to be married to a Taylor? Yeah! He was an alcoholic and killed himself crashing a plane. Does his death have anything to do with Sharon’s car being blown up? Hey, I have a photographic memory.”

  “Too bad he’s out of film,” Keanu muttered. He was leaning against a window that was opened just a crack so that he could hear what was being said.

  “I can’t say that the two incidents are related,” Malcolm said. “If you’ll excuse us, I need to talk to my partner.” he got between Sean and Megan and they walked quickly toward the office.

  “Where’s Sharon? Does she have something to hide?” The reporters milled around.

  Deputy Belasic held his hands up for quiet and order. “Thank you for being so understanding,” he said diplomatically. “This has been a shock to Sharon and her family. They don’t know any more than you do. We’ll keep you informed. Please leave in an orderly way and try not to damage the grounds with your tires. I promise you that I’ll tell you everything just as soon as I feel it can be told without jeopardizing the case.”

  “One thing Sharon knows that we don’t,” a man shouted.

  “What’s that?” Belasic asked.

  “Who was in the car?”

  “A beautiful young woman who was a veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Monroe. She was here for a cookout and was called out during the storm to doctor some horses near Dade City that had been hit by lightning. Her truck wouldn’t start, so, she borrowed Sharon’s car. That’s all we know at this time.” He had not wanted to tell that much, but realized that he needed to give the reporters some new facts until the investigation would reveal more.

  The questions came fast and furious as they gathered tighter around the deputy.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve told you all that we know. Thank you again.” As he walked toward the office the reporters followed him shouting questions. Suddenly there was silence. He looked around to see why everyone got so quiet. He grinned and walked on to the office.

  Jake hadn’t said a word, but he stood with the shotgun across his chest in a position that it could be brought in firing position quickly. Mumbling angrily the reporters fled to their cars, each trying to be the first one out.

  Sharon ran to hug Malcolm. “How sweet of you to come.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You’re my little girl, too.” He turned to hug Lynn. “How are you doing, sugar? It’s rough on you, I know.”

  “Not too bad now. When I first thought Sharon was dead, I was devastated.”

  “I can well imagine. We all were. Will someone please enlighten me as to what’s going on.

  They all sat in the back room while Malcolm was brought up-to-date.

  “Thank God, you’re all right. I’m not going to apologize for Agnes any more. All of you know how she is. Sharon, you know that I love you and will do anything I can for you. You too, Lynn. You’re both as dear to me as if you were my own children.”

  David laughed out loud. “Hey, everyone. Come listen to the news.” They all turned to look at the television and burst out laughing.

  “Aw,” Jake grumbled. “It doesn’t take much to amuse some people.”

  There was a big picture of Jake holding the gun across his chest. The reporter made a joke of Sharon being protected by a modern day Wyatt Earp. Pictures were shown of Sean, Megan, David and Keanu and finally of Malcolm. The reporter congratulated Sharon and her family. He then told a sweet story of Jenni and extended sympathy to her family. It was obvious that he had done some research on Jenni and was honestly sympathetic to Sharon.

  The next day Malcolm went home with a promise to come at once if needed.

  “Hank, I swear I did what I was supposed to.”

  “Fool. You’ve put us all in danger by taking matters in your own hands. You were told to go back to Texas and wait for orders.”

  “I wanted to clean up loose ends.”

  “Well, you only pulled them out farther. Where no one wa
s bothering us before, there’ll be a detailed investigation now. The Donnellys are friends of people in high political places and can get some mighty important help. I’m sure glad I’m not in your shoes. I pity you when the Boss hears about this.”

  “I know. You gotta tell him. I wish you’d let me talk to him and explain.”

  “He doesn’t want anyone else talking to him.”

  “I guess I’ll have to wait until I hear from you. I gave you my phone number here.”

  “Yes, if I get to use it.”

  “What d’ya mean?”

  “When the Boss hears of this, there may be no you around for me to call. Get it? I’ll be in touch. Stay out of sight.”

  “He did what?! I heard the news, but it never entered my mind that the man could be such a fool. Idiot! He was supposed to go back to Texas. Why didn’t he?”

  “He said he wanted to make you proud of him, so he arranged the blow up. He thought you’d be pleased that he got rid of her.”

  “If he goes down, he’d better not take any of us with him.”

  “He don’t know you. If he got pushed in a corner, he might give my name. I don’t know what to think. He’d been dependable up till now.”

  “I’ll take care of this. I’ll have someone pay him a visit soon. If anything happens to him now it might cause a few unwelcome questions. Don’t worry. I know you’re okay. Thanks for calling.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Tampa Tribune and the St. Pete Times, as well as local papers all carried about the same news. The front page of each paper was filled with the story of Sharon and all the happenings. There was a big picture of Jake holding the shotgun with the caption, HOLD OFF AT THE OLD SOARING EAGLE CORRAL. This was followed with pictures of all the people from the stable who had been there the day before. There was a nice article on Jenni and her work. One newspaper had finished with a picture of Deputy Belasic holding both hands up with the statement, “Deputy Belasic gave the benediction and sent us on our way”.

  The phone rang while Sharon had started reading the paper.

  “Please, dear God, Sharon, believe me, I had nothing to do with it. Oh, what can I do?” From the tone of his voice, she could tell that Malcolm was crying.

  “Dad Taylor, what are you talking about?” She was shocked. She’d never seen him cry. It must be something terrible.

  “You haven’t read the paper yet?”

  “I’m just reading it now.”

  “One of those reporters got smart yesterday and connected the name Taylor. He got hold of Agnes and she regurgitated all kinds of trash. Sharon, I’m so sorry.”

  “You can’t help it. We all know about Agnes.”

  “You won’t feel kindly toward her when you read this article. This has made up my mind for me. I’ve contacted a dear friend, a psychiatrist, who attends our church, and he has agreed to commit her to the mental ward of a hospital where he works. The damage is done in the paper, however, when the news gets out that she is mentally ill, it might help some. There will always be people who want to believe the worst and glory in other people’s troubles.”

  “Oh, Dad Taylor, I’m so sorry. Sorry for you; never mind me. I can imagine what you’re going through. Mom and dad are still here. I’ll tell dad that you need him.”

  “No. Don’t bother him. He’s too worried about you.”

  “But you’re like a brother to him. He’ll want to be with you and I have loads of friends gathering around me. The editor of the Zephyrhills News is a personal friend of Lynn’s. When we tell him the true story, he’ll be glad to print an article clearing Agnes’ statements.”

  “Oh, that witch, OH!” Lynn screamed.

  “Lynn must be reading the article you’re talking about. I hear her screaming. I’ll talk to you later, and Dad Taylor, remember how much I love you and trust you. Take care of yourself. I’ll need you around for my grandchildren, if I ever have any. You’re always welcome wherever I am. If it will help to get away awhile, come on up.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart, but I need to be here, for a few days at least.”

  “Where is Agnes now?”

  “I called her sister and explained everything to her. She agreed with me and came to take Agnes to her house until I can make arrangements. Her sister is afraid that she might try to hurt me if she catches on that she is being taken to the hospital. The psychiatrist, Dr. Wilber Miller, is going to personally pick her up at her sister’s. They both think I should not be present when she is taken and she realizes she is to be committed.”

  “I think they’re right. Hang in there. Everyone here is your friend and I’m sure there are hundreds where you are.”

  “After I hang up, I’m calling our minister. He’ll want to know, and I’m sure he’ll want to be with Agnes when she is taken.”

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “What was that about,” Sean asked as Sharon hung up looking thoughtful, anxious and a little angry.

  Sharon quickly told them. “Lynn, why don’t you read the article to us.”

  “I can’t,” she said with tears in her eyes. Her hands were in fists and her teeth were clinched. “I hope they bury Agnes alive and forget where they’ve buried her.”

  “Lynn, you were not taught to give way to those kinds of feelings. Never let anything keep you from being a lady,” Megan scolded.

  “You haven’t read this, Mom.”

  David burst in followed closely by Keanu, Jake and five of the teen volunteers. “Have you read this?” David shouted, clenching the paper in his fist and shaking it in the air.

  “We’re getting ready to read it now. Dad Taylor just called and told me about it.

  Lynn isn’t in any shape to read it aloud, so why don’t you read it, David.”

  “Okay. Sit down or you’ll throw yourself to the floor when you hear it.” Everyone found seats and waited anxiously for David to read aloud.

  He read, “This reporter remembered that Sharon Donnelly was married to a Taylor a couple of years ago. He was in the Air Force stationed in Austin, Texas where he and Sharon lived. Checking with sources at the air base, I discovered that he was very abusive to Sharon and one time beat her, breaking bones and putting her in the hospital.

  Taylor later took a plane, without permission, and crashed, killing himself and the woman with him. The widow, Sharon Donnelly Taylor, took her maiden name back and moved to Zephyrhills, Fl. To be with Lynn Yates, owner of the Soaring Eagle Riding School for the Handicapped. Yates is Donnelly’s cousin, however, when Yates was five, her parents were killed in an automobile accident. Her mother was a sister to Sean Donnelly, so, he took Yates and raised her as another daughter. I recognized Mr. Malcolm Taylor at the stable as Donnelly’s father-in-law.

  Taylor is partners with Sean Donnelly in a very honorable law firm in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. Traveling to Fort Lauderdale, I located and interviewed Taylor’s wife, Mrs. Agnes Taylor. In Taylor’s own words she said; “Sharon is evil, a witch. She has some supernatural force guarding her. How else could she keep avoiding death? Everyone knows what a hypocrite she is and very few people like her. She made life hell on earth for my son. He was miserable while married to her. I guess he felt the only way he could be rid of her was through his own death. She murdered my son just as surely as if she had been piloting that plane. She was going to divorce him telling lies about how he had mistreated her, but he died before the divorce was final. She got all of his money and everything. She was so gleeful about his death that she didn’t even cry.”

  This reporter reminded Mrs. Taylor that I had checked at the air base and the hospital and found lots of records about her son’s abuse to Sharon and to himself through drugs and alcohol. Taylor said that was all lies that Donnelly had told and if she was ever hurt, she had done it to herself.

  I would be remiss if I didn’t further report that while Taylor was working herself up and talking to me, spittle was flying from her mouth and her eyes were wild. A neighbor heard Taylor screaming and came o
ver. The neighbor explained that Taylor was very nervous.

  My sincere sympathy to the family of Dr. Jennifer Monroe. She was young, but she had made a remarkable name for herself through her veterinary work and through her work with youngsters in the community. She will be missed by many. A mixture of sympathy and congratulations to Sharon Donnelly and her family.

  We will bring you news up-to-date as we know what the police investigation reveals.

  “It’s a good thing Malcolm is having her committed, or I’d go down and choke her with my own hands,” Lynn jumped up and yelled the last six words.

  “Only after I got to her,” Megan said.

  Sean hung his head and slowly stood up. His face showed sorrow and inner strife.

  “Sharon, your safety is precious to me, but I hope you’ll understand. I need to be with Malcolm and give him the support that he needs. It can’t be easy. He’s lost his only child and didn’t even get to grieve properly for him because of Agnes. And now his wife is worse than dead.”

  “I want you to go, Dad. There’s plenty of people here and I’ll be just fine. Bring him back with you so he can recuperate from his misery and be at peace.” Sharon wrung her hands and had tears in her eyes.

  “He won’t come, but I’ll encourage him to get away for awhile.” Sean went to his wife. “Honey, are you going with me, or do you want to stay here with our girls?”

  “I’m torn,” she sighed. “I guess I’d better go with you, but I’ll feel much better if Sharon would come with us.”

  “Please don’t worry, Mrs. Donnelly,” Keanu hugged her and comforted her. “You can rest assured that all of us will be protecting both Sharon and Lynn and loving them.”

  “I need to go to my own home and take care of my personal affairs,” Sharon said.

  There was a cacophony of voices as everyone tried to talk at once protesting Sharon going to her home, especially alone. Sharon sat and smiled while they all decided her future - or thought they were.


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