Book Read Free

Private Stock

Page 27

by Iris Bolling

  Tears streamed down AnnieMarie’s cheeks. “All of that protection did not save Daddy from Uncle Walker after all.”

  Daisy inhaled. “No one knew just how deeply rooted evil was in Walker Jr.” She sat forward, folded her hands on the table then spoke. “Look at me AnnieMarie.” She waited until AnnieMarie looked up. “From the grave Walker Jr. is still hurting this family. You can stop this here and now by asking yourself this question. Who in the family will this information help? Then ask, who will it hurt?”


  The next morning Grace, Jonathan and Sydney were in his office hashing over the plan to take Dewberry down once and for all.

  “I like the plan,” Grace nodded as she smiled. “I think this could work. I can deliver this to the Board members of Phase.” She beamed. “I will have them eating out of my hands by the time I finish.”

  “You cannot go,” Sydney stated “the authorities said you cannot leave Virginia until your arraignment.”

  “Bollocks.” Jonathan exclaimed. “Then I will go.”

  “So the authorities in London can try to take you in again. No I don’t think so.” Sydney declared. “It has to be someone we trust. And remember the target we are addressing.”

  Jonathan nodded. “It has to be someone with the right amount of swagger.”

  Grace nodded. “Yes with a little gravitas and a touch of gayety.”

  “A female with the intelligence and the self confidence to be in the room with multiple intense males and still be able to pull it off.” Jonathan glanced at Grace. “We need you or someone like you.”

  There was a tap on the door. Everyone in the room turned to the doorway.

  “Do any of you know where I can find Mike,” Gina huffed. “I declare, I do not understand for the life of me how you Dunnings get any work done. Other than Myles and Chrystina I can never find any of you.”

  Sydney smiled, then slowly turned back to Jonathan. “Gina.”

  “Gina what?” She asked.

  Jonathan smiled. “How would you like to fly to London?”

  “Love to. As soon as you tell me where in the hell I can find Mike. I really need to tell him about the man who came by to see Preston yesterday.”

  Grace laughed. “I think she could pull it off.”

  “Pull what off?” Gina asked as Jonathan picked up his phone and made a call. “Preston, would you come to my office and if you have a chance ask AnnieMarie to join us? She is probably in the cafe.”

  Gina walked into the office. “First I’m going to say there isn’t much that Gina cannot pull off because I am good at many things. And while I am happy that you all recognize my many talents, one of you need to tell me what in the hell you want Gina to do.”

  Preston walked into the office. “AnnieMarie will be here in a moment.”

  “I think Chrystina should be here as well,” Sydney suggested.

  “I will give her a call,” Grace pulled out her cell as Jonathan spoke.

  “How is your mother, Preston?” He asked.

  Preston nodded. “Better than can be expected. Her legal team isn’t promising miracles, however, her future is not as bleak as it was. My mind is satisfied that everything possible will be done for her.”

  “That is great news,” Jonathan nodded. “Know I am here if you ever need to talk.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that,” Preston replied.

  “Chrystina is on her way,” Grace said. “Why don’t we sit at the conference table. We want to make certain everyone is clear on what the goal is with this operation.”

  “Knock, knock,” AnnieMarie walked in with a huge smile on her face and a pep to her step.

  “A day off did wonders for you,” Grace smiled. “You look as if you don’t have a care in the world.”

  “It is a beautiful morning,” AnnieMarie greeted everyone. “Did you all know that Roark is going to be staying with the New Jersey office after he recuperates.”

  “Is he really?” Grace asked.

  “That’s what Mike told me this morning.”

  “You saw Mike this morning?” Gina asked.

  “Yes, the plane got in very late last night.” AnnieMarie explained. “He will probably be late coming in today.”

  “He went back to New Jersey?” Grace asked, “Why?”

  AnnieMarie cleared her throat. “He had to deliver a package, but he’s back. So, what is going on here?”

  “Good morning everyone,” Chrystina spoke as she walked into the office. “What’s happening here?”

  “We are planning to take down Richard Dewberry.” Jonathan said.

  Chrystina made a quick U-turn back to the door and closed it. “You’re doing what?”

  Grace laughed. “Have a seat, Chrystina. If this works out, it will be the end of Richard Dewberry at Phase.”

  “Should Myles be here?” Chrystina asked.

  AnnieMarie shook her head. “No. Whatever this is it has to stay away from Myles.”

  “You have any issues with that Chrystina?” Jonathan asked.

  “No,” she took a seat. “It’s my job to keep certain things from him. I have a feeling this is going to be one of them.”

  “So, what’s the plan?” Gina asked.

  “We need the two of you to go to London.”

  “Sure,” Preston replied with a shrug. “I always wanted to visit the UK.”

  “Hold on, hold on Preston, we need to negotiate here a little. If I go to London for you, do we get to go to Paris for us?”

  “You make this plan work and I will not only send you to Paris, I will throw Rome in the mix just for the hell of it. ” Grace smiled.

  $ $ $

  Elaine was on her cell phone in the hospital room, gathering her things to be discharged. They had kept her overnight for precautionary reasons. But she didn’t mind. She would stay another night if the hospital insisted. It would only add to the bottom line of what she would get from the lawsuit she planned to drop on Grace Dunning. What she could not understand was the call she had just received.

  “I don’t believe this Savannah. You offered me the job and now you are pulling it back?” She listened. “What in the hell does your father have to do with this? You know what, forget the excuses. It doesn’t matter. Keep your job. I’m done with working for other people.” She disconnected the call.

  “I would not burn too many bridges if I were you, Elaine.”

  Elaine turned to see Winnieford Dunning standing in the doorway. She could tell by the way she was dressed this was an intimidation move. She had on the business suit, and the pearls. Yes, this was Hepburn’s prim and proper wife. Well Hep wasn’t here to protect his precious Winnie any more.

  “What are you doing here?” Elaine smirked. “Trying to beg on your daughter’s behalf. You can forget it.” Elaine walked over to stand in Winnie’s face. “You may as well know. Not only I am going to press charges to the fullest extent, I’m going to have her law license taken.”

  “Child please,” Winnie sighed. “You are so pathetic I don’t even want to waste my time with you. However, I will tell you this. If you don’t step out of my face, the ass whipping Grace put on you last night will be nothing if I have to snatch your ass up in here.”

  Elaine stepped back.

  “Good decision. I’m going to give you another to make.” She pulled a folder from her purse and placed it on the tray table by the bed. “The top document has rescinded all benefits you were given in your exit package.”

  “What?” Elaine puffed up then grabbed the documents.

  “No, no. This is not the time for you to speak. You really need to hear all of this. The second document is a warrant for your arrest for conspiracy to commit corporate espionage. Now, here is the decision you need to make. Where are you moving?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’ve decided this city isn’t large enough for you and me. In fact, the East Coast is not. I’m not going anywhere, but you are. You have fo
rty-eight hours to leave. If I find that you have settled within five states of Virginia, in any direction, as long as I am alive, I will have these charges filed against you. If you have funds in a Dunning branch anywhere, I suggest you move them. You may want to try, Phase,” she shrugged. “I hear they know how to protect your money.”

  Winnie turned to walk out as Elaine read the documents.

  “You bitch!”

  “You think I’m a bitch now?” Winnie laughed, then seemed to snap as she grabbed Elaine by the throat and slammed her against the wall. “Still be in Virginia in forty-eight hours and you will experience a new meaning of the word.” Winnie released her, then took a step back and exhaled. She smoothed her dress and looked at Elaine who was holding her throat. “I tried to go high. But with some people you just have to show them that you will whip that ass. Please don’t make me lose my cool again.” She picked up her purse which had fallen to the floor then looked around. “ Oh, I expect Grace to receive a call from the authorities that all charges relating to last night’s incident are dropped. Okay, my job here is done. Bye-bye Elaine.”


  Jack O’Donnell picked up the package from the airport the moment the cargo plane landed. His men loaded the crate into the back of the van. Jack read the instructions and laughed. Working for his new boss was going to be interesting.

  Twenty minutes later the van stopped in front of the home of Richard Dewberry.

  “Special Delivery Package for Mr. Dewberry,” the driver stated. He waited a moment. Once the gate opened they drove to the back, unloaded the package then immediately left the property.

  Dressed for the day, Dewberry was having his morning tea when his butler walked in. “You have a special delivery, sir.”

  “Bring it in.” Dewberry replied without as much as looking up.

  “It is a rather large box, sir. I am afraid it would not be feasible to bring it to you. You will have to come to it.”

  Dewberry glared at the butler over the top of the paper he was reading. “Very well. Where is it?”

  “At the back entry way.” The butler replied as he stood aside to let Dewberry walk by.

  Reaching the area, Dewberry frowned at the huge container. “Did my wife order furniture?”

  “Not that I am aware of, sir.”

  “Well open the bloody box.” Dewberry huffed with irritation.

  The butler picked up an item that resembled a crow bar and opened the box. Dewberry and the butler stepped back to get away from the stench that emanated from the open container. Dewberry peeked inside to see the frightened eyes of Brentwood Michael looking back at him. A small oxygen bag was lying on his chest, with attached tubing in each nostril.

  “Good god man. What happened to you?”

  All Brentwood could do was wiggle. His hands and legs were bound and his mouth taped down.

  “There is a note, sir.” The butler said with a wrinkled nose.

  “Read it.” Dewberry ordered.

  The butler gingerly did as he was ordered, “You are next.”

  $ $ $

  After making the delivery to Dewberry, Jack had a few hours before his next assignment. He went home to help his wife with the packing up of their house. He found her in their bedroom directing the movers. She looked up when he entered.

  “You look as happy as a puppy with a new toy.” She stopped in front of him and smiled. “I thought you would be a bit miffed about leaving London. You have lived here all of your life.”

  Jack smiled at the woman who married him when he had nothing. She never knew, but he had to do some very seedy, even unlawful things to support their family. And they still did not have the life he felt she deserved. Now that he was working for Jonathan Michael, he could provide for his family with ease and never have to be concerned with spending the rest of his life in prison.

  He kissed her nose. “Poppycock, I am looking forward to a new life in the states. However, Mr. Michael called with my first assignment. How would you like a week in Paris before we leave? It will give the movers time to set up our home in the states and us the honeymoon I promised you sixteen years ago.” To his delight his wife went bonkers.

  His phone buzzed. It was a message from Dewberry. He deleted it. Jack had no intention of ever working for the smarmy geezer again. From the moment Jonathan Michael offered him the job, his mindset had changed. There would be no more intimidating people or their families on Dewberry’s behalf. His job now was to protect others from people like him.

  At the designated time, Jack watched the plane as it landed. Mr. Michael indicated the couple would give him directions once they arrived. His mouth gaped the moment the woman stepped off of the plane. She was a stunner. He loved his wife and would not ever consider stepping out on her. But this woman could make an old bloke like him wander.

  “Can you believe those seats? Oh my god I felt like I was sitting on air the whole time we were flying.”

  Preston laughed. “You were on air, Gina.”

  “Hey, hey let this single mother of three who has lived in the projects for most of my adult life, brag on the fact that I just flew to London on a damn luxury jet, with champagne and shit served at my will.” She stopped walking and declared. “This is how I am supposed to live. Hell, Chrystina hasn’t even been on that plane yet.”

  “Good day,” Jack greeted the couple. “My name is Jack. I will be your security during your visit to the UK.”

  “Holy crap, we have a freakin driver, a black limo and security. I’m done.” She cupped Jack’s face and kissed him square on the lips. “Hello Jack, I’m Gina and this is Preston. We are here to do a job. Let’s get it done so we can all go have big fun in Paris.”

  Jack was sure the shock showed on his face. The man with the woman smiled, as he spoke.

  “She is very friendly.”

  Jack nodded. “It would seem so.” He waited until they were in the limo then climbed in and sat across from them. “The parties you are here to see have all confirmed the meeting for this afternoon.”

  “What about Dewberry?” Preston asked. “Are we certain he will not arrive until our goal is met?”

  Jack nodded. “He will be occupied for a number of hours.”

  “Oh my god look at that Preston.” Gina watched out the window with the excitement of a child.

  Jack raised an eyebrow at Preston.

  “She’s going to be fine,” Preston said then continued. “Have the authorities been notified that we are here?”

  Jack nodded. “The authorities and the press will be at headquarters at the designated time.”

  “There is a concern information about the meeting will get out before we are ready. Has that been addressed?”

  “Holy shit…WOW!” Gina exclaimed.

  Jack’s attention was once again drawn to the woman.

  “Mr. O’Donnell, I need your attention to stay with me.” Preston stated.

  “Yes, sir,” Jack snapped back around.

  “No. Just Preston,” he smiled. “She is very excitable. Back to the meeting.”

  “Yes,” Jack continued. “Not a drop of information about the meeting will get out before we are set to go.”


  The vehicle pulled up in front of Monica’s home in London. “This should only take a few moments,” Gina said as she stepped out of the vehicle.

  Following Jonathan’s instructions, Gina walked into the flat with the key she had been given. The home was empty of furniture, but Gina could tell it was cozy at one time. She went to the lower level room, looked around, then walked over to the wall Jonathan had mentioned. She placed the palm of her hand on the panel. The wall opened up.

  “Holy crap that shit worked.” An actual computer system was built inside the wall. She took a deep breath, then looked closer at the controls. In her mind, the sequence of tasks played out. “Okay.” She was ready. She pushed the initiate button as Jonathan had instructed. The computer came to life. Gina smiled, assured
she was following the steps in order. She then keyed in the information just as Jonathan had given it to her. She waited for the two beeps, watched the transfer of data indicator run its course. Once the indicator was completed, she ran a test. Using the information Jonathan had given her to log into Dewberry’s computer, she waited then smiled once Phase International’s system appeared on the screen. A list of executives appeared. She checked Dewberry’s name. The data on his computer appeared. She searched for the file titled ‘dump’. Once she found it, she touched it and it opened. Lines and lines of data began filling the screen. As Jonathan said, it took less than a minute to load. Gina checked some of the dates to ensure the information had loaded correctly. Satisfied, she logged out of the Phase system. Once that was done, she pulled a device from her purse, held it to the computer then watched as all of the data disappeared. According to Jonathan she had just erased the entire system Jonathan had designed. She felt bad. It was an intricately built system that had to have taken years of work to put in place. To see all that work erased made her sad. She shook off the thought then did the last task. She then pushed the small red button on the top right hand position of the screen. The word “CHEERIO” ran across the screen. After ten seconds the screen went black.

  Less than five minutes later Gina was in the back seat of the limo.

  “All done?” Preston asked.

  “I am insulted that you asked. Of course it is done. Gina Price does not half step.”


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