Book Read Free

Paper Cranes

Page 22

by Nicole Hite

  “Wow, I never realized that. It’s sort of messed up to be honest. I guess it just goes to show that you need to confront people in person before accusing them of things.”

  “Indeed. I suppose you can cross off another item – star-gazing,” he said, pulling me closer to him.

  “Hmm,” I could barely get out as I felt Lee’s thumb slide under my cut off t-shirt, caressing my stomach.

  “What else can we check off that list while we’re here?” he twisted my body so we were spooning one another in the hammock.

  Lee delicately moved the hair from my neck as he rested his large hand flat on my stomach. Laying hungry kisses on my neck, his palm inched its way up my shirt sliding underneath my bra and cupping my breast.

  “Oh fuck,” I moaned.

  “Public sex was on that list. I’m pretty positive it was,” he tried to encourage me.

  “I’m not sure it was, but I’m definitely willing to make the exception,” I grinned, biting my lower lip at the feeling.

  Removing his hand only for a second, I could hear him lower his zipper. I had never been so happy that both of us had been tested weeks ago. I was on the pill and we were now able to have sex without worry or condoms.

  Lee snaked his left arm under mine, now running it under my shirt just like the other one had formerly. With his right, he glided his hand up my loose skirt, across my hip, and grazing the top of my panties.

  “Just let me do all the work, Dove,” he said, slipping his hand underneath the silky threads

  It took every effort not to push my ass into his hardness, but I trusted Lee, allowing him to do all the work. He stroked me precisely, taking his time not to make any huge movements or draw attention.

  Lee ever so subtlety slipped his fingers deep within me as the hammock began to rock slowly. With every swing of the craft, Lee’s fingers delved deeper within until it was nearly too much to withstand.

  Removing his fingers, he eased his way into me. I let a soft groan escape my lips as soon as his full length was inside of me. Every time the hammock swung forward, the deeper Lee sank into me. To any onlookers, we were just a couple falling asleep under the stars.

  “I’m going to go painfully slow, Dove, but that’s only so we don’t draw too much attention. Believe me when I say, it will be just as torturous for me. I won’t be as quiet later though.”

  Taking his hand from my hip, I placed it back on my throbbing core.

  “I need you, Lee. Don’t let go, don’t ever let go,” I pleaded, not only for the release, but also for eternity.

  Now, had I said that in that very minute, Lee may have freaked out. Shit, any man would freak out at the word eternity. Eternity was the equivalent to, pardon me while I stalk you, your social media accounts and plaster our pictures in wedding magazines. It was a truly freak-tastic word, like freak-tastic was any better. But, God did this feel incredible.

  “I’m never letting go. Never.”

  Withholding my screams, I spiraled into an exquisite climax. I cupped Lee’s hand, gripping it tightly to subside the tremors that threatened to rock us off the hammock. There was something so mind-blowing about being unbelievably connected to someone. The after effects of the orgasm instantaneously sent a flood of feelings coursing through me. The moment, the words, the thoughts hit me all at once, as a single tear fell from my eye.

  Lee pulled himself out of me, not even hitting his own pinnacle. He sensed my apprehension from my tense manner, and instead situated my panties and skirt, drawing me into his large chest. He didn’t need to say a word and neither did I. We knew things between us were more than just friends hooking up anymore; we were something much, much more.

  It was in that very moment, I knew I could never go a single day without Lee again. I was falling, hell, I fell, jumped, leaped and tripped head first into his heart and soul. To say I loved him wouldn’t do my feelings justice. I was so in love with him, it physical hurt my chest. You know, that kind of love that makes you feel obsessed with that one person, where all of your thoughts revolve around them, no matter what.

  The kind of love where you wake up in the morning thinking of them, and fall asleep at night dreaming of them. Where, if they aren’t near for more than five minutes, you want to combust. Their very presence ignites a fire so strong in your belly that even hell itself couldn’t handle the blaze. That was how I felt about Lee. He was it for me. If I were to die tomorrow, at least I knew I gave my entire heart to a man who truly deserved it. A man who would be by my side through thick and thin, for good times and bad.

  Our love was bigger than diamond rings or picket fences. The real test was to have someone there who was willing to be there for all the horrible things past, present and future. Lee could have discarded me the minute he found out I had ALS, but he didn’t. I’m still not sure why he didn’t, but at this point, I don’t care. It takes a remarkable human being to look into your future, see the hurt and devastation yet to come and instead of running, lifts you up and carries you into battle. That’s love.

  “You’re all I need, nothing more, nothing less,” I whispered to him as he held tightly. Embracing me so securely I could barely breath. A grip that proved his protection was beyond anything I could ever comprehend or express to anyone but Lee. He didn’t give me false words of promise like, it’s going to be okay or we’re going to get through this. He knew better than that.

  Instead, Lee never spoke a word, but I could feel a faint droplet run down my neck as he pressed his cheek to mine.

  Last night, I had one of the best nights of my life. How ironic that not a single profound word was said, but simply felt? Touches replaced words, kisses replaced by tears.

  For the first time in weeks or even months, I sleep like a baby. Perhaps I was so exhausted because of the countless times Lee and I had made love, or the cloud-like bed, but it felt amazing. A full night’s sleep without nightmares was a wonderful, wonderful thing.

  Lying naked in the covers, I could see Lee through the translucent curtains, drinking his morning coffee. The sheer fabric billowed behind him as I took in the beautiful sight of his sculpted back. Thanks to our secluded balcony, he stood in only his boxer briefs.

  On the pillowcase next to me was a perfect crane made out of a Bahamas pamphlet of Exuma – the place we were going to swim with pigs today. Written on the wing was, “You are exceptional.” My heart fluttered with adoration, especially now as I watch the muscles in his back contract and bend with each movement.

  Seeing him turn to come back into the room, I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep.

  I could feel his body dip on the bed as he laid a kiss on my slightly parted lips.

  “Wakey-wakey, time to swim with bakey.”

  I couldn’t help it and squealed with laughter.

  “Good morning, Dove. Sleep well?”

  “Like a baby,” I grinned, pulling him on top of me.

  “I’m going to smother you. You are too tiny.”

  A blessing and a curse of this disease - rapid metabolism. I was a healthy 120lbs when we met, but I started to lose too much weight too quickly. I eat like a fucking freight train now; definitely a perk. I can finally say I’m that freak of nature that can eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce of weight.

  “What a wonderful way to go,” I grinned, even though the statement was rather morbid.

  “Well in that case, I suppose we better make sure you go out shattering these mirrors,” he said, pulling back the covers, exposing my breasts.

  Taking my breast into his mouth, he circled my nipple with his tongue, tugging on the tip making me squirm beneath him. Lee grabbed my wrists, lifting them above my head.

  “God, you are so stunning. I could suck on these tits all day long and never get tired of them.”

  “I won’t stop you,” I whimpered.

  Lee released me wrists, sliding his hands down my arms and wrapping them around my torso. He pulled the sheet down with his teeth as he moved down my stomach. Lee k
issed each hip delicately, while on his downward pursuit of my throbbing sex. The pulsing was frantic as though my heartbeat had magically been transported to my clit.

  He continued moving down toward my belly button and lower stomach, peppering kisses. He hovered over my pelvis bone, dragging his tongue back and forth, sweeping the smooth skin. I was completely bare for him thanks to Melon at my salon. I need to remember to send her a huge gift basket, although I should hate her for torturing me during the process.

  Lee flexed his massive tongue, running it over every part of me before flicking my bud. I bent my leg to allow him to dive in. Lee wrapped it over his shoulder, while I grabbed his messy curls. The harder he circled my bud, the harder I pulled his hair. He seemed to like it by the way he gripped my thigh.

  I rolled my hips, fucking his mouth. His tongue was magic, even better than B.O.B., my battery operated boyfriend. The vibrations from my toy were nothing compared to the speed of Lee’s tongue. He really was a freak of nature in the best of ways.

  I could feel the pressure starting in my stomach, making my abs cry as I thrust three more times. Shooting straight from my core, the tingling sensation coursed to my toes as I clutched Lee’s head. Instead of releasing me, he grabbed tighter, pressing his entire mouth around my pink flesh. He was relentless, never letting my sex recuperate as he nailed me with back-to-back orgasms.

  Sighing, I allowed my back to relax on the fluffy blankets. I took in a deep breath, exhaling as the residual shocks subsided.

  “I don’t know about you, but I am officially awake,” I said with a pleasurable grin, as I traced the now healed lines of his tattoo.

  Lee bent to kiss me. His lips and tongue tasted like me with a hint of coffee.

  “Breakfast of champions,” he wiggled his eyebrows.

  “You are so bad sometimes,” I giggled.

  “The better to eat you with, my dear. Maybe I should start calling you Red?”

  Rolling around in a fit of laughter, it was easily another hour before we would be up and ready to set out on our adventure.

  A little late and disheveled, we just barely made our boat to The Exuma. Lee had gone out of his way this trip to make it as special as possible and today was no exception. He had rented the entire boat for us and us alone.

  “Please tell me you’re not using your life savings on me,” I chuckled as I nearly fell trying to get in the boat.

  “I may be a garage man, but I do know how to save money. I also haven’t taken a vacation that doesn’t include mouse ears in years. You bet your sweet ass I’m going to enjoy this.”

  “I just…don’t want you breaking the bank for me…that’s all.”

  “I think someone is a little full of themselves. Besides, I love spending alone time with you, especially in paradise like this. Now, this whole pig thing is another story, but I’ll appease your curiosity.”

  “Should I be flattered?” I ask as I pull the life jacket on.

  Trying to close the buckles around my chest, I couldn’t get a good grip. It seemed the simplest tasks these days were headaches. This morning I actually had to have Lee help me put on my bra. I anxiously tried to play it off as an act of sexual prowess, but I truly could not get it on myself. I see front clasping bras in my near future.

  “You should always feel flattered, Dove,” he grinned, easily snapping his life vest on.

  But here we were again. The strength was quickly dwindling in my hands and now biceps. I turned away from him so he couldn’t see me grapple with the straps. No matter what angle, I could not get a good grasp of the buckles.

  “Need help?” I heard close to my ear.

  The next thing I noticed was two strong arms snaking themselves around my waist and up to my chest. Grabbing the plastic clasps, he pulled both sides together and clipped them shut.

  “I think someone’s breasts were getting in the way,” he murmured into my ear. Nipping at my ear, he kissed down my neck. Giving me a little tickle, I couldn’t help but jumped a bit.

  “Yeah, these damn boobs are…”

  “Ravenous,” he cooed as he whipped me around, burying his face into my cleavage.

  “I was going to say annoying, but ravenous works,” I laughed.

  “Look, I get to give you a motor boat, in a motor boat,” he roared with laughter.

  “You are so crazy; you know that right?” I gave him an arched eyebrow.

  “Crazy for you,” he said cheekily.

  “That was so lame,” I giggled.

  “Hey, just trying to make you smile, Dove. Can’t a man make his lady smile?”

  “Oh most definitely. I particularly like it when you make me smile in bed.”

  “Now who’s the cheeky one?”

  “I think we are doomed to make cheesy jokes forever. We’re not good at this serious shit,” I smiled.

  “Hey, I was made for this,” he grinned as he pulled me into his lap.

  For the next hour or so, we took in the scenic tour to Exuma. The sapphire waters were crystal clear as we sliced though the waves. Gaining speed, we bounced up and down against the current like bobble head dolls.

  “Are you having a good time, Dove?” Lee yelled over the powerful motor.

  “This may be the best bucket list wish yet!” I squealed with delight.

  The sun tanned our skin as we made our journey across the water. The boat started to slow down as we could barely make out the tops of trees in the distance. The closer we approached, the clearer the picture came into views. The white sandy beaches were filled with tons of white and pink pigs. Huge pigs, little pigs, pigs with dots, every kind imaginable.

  As we neared the beach, the pigs leapt into the water and swam directly toward us. It was honestly the craziest thing I had ever seen. Our Captain for the day pulled out a bag of bread and requested we ball up some of the contents and toss it in the water – gain their acceptance. After all, this was their territory, not ours.

  Watching the mayhem had me laughing hysterically. The look on Lee’s face was hilarious as these pudgy creatures circled our boat.

  “You may go now,” the Captain coerced us into the water.

  I pinched my nose and dove in first. The water was chilly, however not unbearable. As I made my way to the top, I was met head on with a slimy snout. They weren’t shy about showing affection which was surprising considering they were natural habitants of the island – raised in the wild.

  Giggling at their attention, “Are you getting in or what?”

  “I’m building my way up to it. Give me a second,” he looked a little nervous.

  “It’s not deep, Daniels. You won’t drown,” I encouraged.

  “That’s easy for you to say!” he hollered back.

  “Here,” I swam over, “look, I’m barely 5’3 and I can stand. Now get in!”

  “You’re awfully bossy today,” he joked.

  “Somehow I don’t think you mind!” I yelled as I continued to swim around with our new friends.

  “Fine,” and with that, he did a cannonball off the back of the boat.

  Sending a wave crashing toward me, I was knocked back a bit.

  “Oh my God, are you okay, Dove?” he hurried over.

  Getting my bearings back, “Yeah, totally cool. I didn’t expect that.”

  “Yeah, that was my fault. How are you doing with the waves and all? Are you doing okay?”

  “To be honest, this is the most relaxed I’ve been in a while. It’s nice to feel weightless for once, not have to worry about my muscles or struggling. And it doesn’t hurt to have these big fellas here too.”

  “Oh Lord, their fur feels so weird,” he bellowed as he pets a rather large one.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty course. I suppose the salt doesn’t help either. I’m surprised they aren’t thinner since they swim around all the time with tourists.”

  “That’s exactly why they aren’t,” he laughed. “Think of all that food they get from the tourist daily!”

  The enthusiasm i
n Lee’s voice touched my very soul. I wasn’t aware that he was afraid to swim in deep water, but just the fact that he sucked it up for me made everything that more memorable. He was amazing. This trip was amazing.

  Had I never met Lee, I doubt I would be doing any of these things. Knowing myself, I would be curled up in a ball crying on my floor twenty-four seven. He never allowed me to give in or give up. That’s what I was going to love about him. And I did love him. Every second of every day, I was growing more and more attached to him.

  I was just hoping whatever he had to tell me at the end of the week didn’t ruin this thing we had going on. We had taken our time to get to where we were; I would be devastated if it was something significant.

  For the rest of the day, we swam, lay on the gorgeous white beaches and relished the secluded time together. Time where nothing mattered, there was nowhere we needed to be and all our cares washed away by the rolling of the tide.

  On our last night in the Bahamas, Lee had made reservations for dinner. The sun had kissed my skin just as much as Lee’s had throughout the week. Lee had pampered me all week like a total princess, booking me massages, pedicures and even a manicure. I felt desired right about now.

  I clasped a turquoise necklace around my neck, and shimmied on a white sundress along my glowing skin. Buckling my sandals proved to be a little too tricky so I opted for a decorative pair of flip-flops I picked up in one of the shops downtown. Lee wouldn’t even notice the reasoning behind my swap, I hoped.

  I spritzed myself with a dash of perfume just as Lee entered the suite. In his masculine hands was a delicate pink hibiscus flower. He walked over to me, taking in my appearance. For a moment, I could hear the audible pause in his breathing.

  “You look incredible, Dove. I saw this on my way back and thought of you. Now I know exactly where I’m going to put it,” he said, making his way over to me.

  Lee brushed my brown curls off my shoulder, placing the delicate flower behind my ear.

  “Perfect. Simply perfect.”


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