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Small-Town Sweetheart (The Spring Grove Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Toni Aleo

  “Yes, when we were drinking. Is that holy, Sister?” Mawmaw pauses, and then she points to Sister, her eyes blazing with mischief. “Oh wait, I guess it can be since Jesus did turn water into wine.”

  Delaney snorts, but Sister isn’t happy. She stomps away as Mawmaw shakes her head. She looks down to us, and I cover her hand. “Thanks.”

  She pats my hand. “You two don’t listen to her or anyone else in this town. She’s just mad ’cause William broke his hip and can’t give her what she wants.”

  Delaney laughs. “Ooh-wee, Mawmaw, you’re on a roll today.”

  Mawmaw gives her a wink. “You two just keep doing you. Some people aren’t as hip and cool as me.”

  I smile. “You’re the coolest, Mawmaw.”

  She blows me a kiss. “Don’t you forget it. I think it’s sweet you two are screwing around with each other.”

  With that, she walks off toward the front where everyone is gathering for the town meeting. I look at Delaney just as she looks at me. Then we dissolve into laughter. Her hand is lying on the back of the pew just where mine is, so I hook her pinkie with mine. “I like that we’re screwing around too.”

  She waggles her brows. “Yeah, but not for the reasons Mawmaw is.”

  My brow perks. “She doesn’t want us to get off?”

  She giggles. “Nope. She and Shirley are convinced you’ll fall in love with me and not leave.”

  I roll my eyes. “That won’t happen.”

  I feel her staring at me. “Jeez, don’t worry about my feelings.”

  “You don’t want me falling for you anyway.”

  I meet her gaze, and I think I see in her eyes that she does. She wants me to fall for her? Wait, what?

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “You don’t.”

  “I don’t,” she says, looking away. “We’re having fun. We both know that.”

  “Yeah,” I say cautiously.


  That doesn’t sound convincing, but it is what it is. She knew going in what we were doing. I said it, she said it, so I don’t know what she’s thinking. The stupid fucking thing is I want to know. It’s going to kill me.

  But then the damn town meeting starts.

  I lean in. “You’re not mad, are you?”

  She side-eyes me. “Why on earth would I be mad?”

  “For what I said.”

  “For being honest? I’d rather you be honest than smash my heart like a bottle of whiskey.”

  God, she’s so pretty. Her eyes burn into mine, and those lips are fire, I just know it. I can’t help it. I lean closer, pressing my lips to hers. I have to taste her before I lose it. She snuggles closer to me, her fingers moving along my jaw, but then I pull away. I hold her gaze once her eyes open. “No reason to give anyone else anything to talk about.”

  She shrugs. “Yet, they already do.”

  They do, but if I’m able to avoid throwing gasoline on that fire, I will. I watch her for a bit, loving her profile, as Sister Engelmann goes on about stupid shit no one cares about.

  When Bryce drops down beside me, Delaney waves, and he returns the gesture. He leans back, his eyes on me. “Sitting next to your girlfriend?” He waggles his brows at me, and I roll my eyes.

  “Don’t make me shoot you with your gun.”

  “I’d take you down before you could even try.”

  “Please, you’re too slow.”

  “Wanna go?” I ask, my eyes challenging. I could easily take him. He’s fluffy. Donuts, if you will.

  Bryce doesn’t back down though. “I sure do—”

  “Guys? Really,” Delaney whisper-yells at us.

  We’re in a stare-off. “I can still kick your ass.”

  “Please, you couldn’t kick a ball.” His lips curve teasingly, and I roll my eyes. He’s such a pain. But we aren’t here to prove who is the superior brother—me. No, we’re here to support Del. It took some convincing, but she’s going to run for mayor. Well, not run so much since there is no one else who wants it. So I’m pretty sure we’re here to accept her as ours. Well, the town has to accept her…not me… Okay, I’m done thinking.

  Holden and Devin sit down next to Delaney just in time as Sister Engelmann says, “We had another candidate apply for mayor.”

  We’re all shocked—hell, the whole church is. Chatter runs around the pews, and people gasp and ask questions. Mawmaw stands, her hands on her hips. “Who?”

  “William Jr.”

  I look at Delaney as she sits at the edge of the pew. “Seriously? He doesn’t even live here.”

  Mawmaw points back to her granddaughter. “Exactly.”

  “Yes, but he is moving here.” Sister Engelmann leans into the podium. “So as long as no one else wants to put their name in the running, it’ll be Delaney Abbot and William Engelmann Jr. Votes will be cast July thirty-first.”

  Delaney leans back in the pew, and I turn to glance at her as Bryce speaks. “You got this. William hasn’t even been in town for the last ten years. He’s a loser. No one likes him.”

  She shrugs. “But they love Sister Engelmann.”

  “But they love you,” I reiterate, and she looks at me. “Don’t worry. You got this.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.” I say it like a promise.

  Because if Delaney Kate isn’t the mayor, then nothing will ever be good about this town.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Tell me something no one knows.”

  I look over my shoulder at Reed. Our legs are tangled as I lie on my stomach and his hand squeezes and circles my ass. I think he’s obsessed with my ass, which is fine until he wants to stick his cock up there. Nope. “Something?”


  He has this playful, sexy quirk to his lips that drives me absolutely crazy. He always gets like that after we go at it for a while. I hadn’t expected to stay as late as I have. But one thing is for sure, the hungry look in his eyes tells me I’m not going anywhere for a while. Our gazes play as I think over what I want to tell him. “Like what?”

  He squeezes my ass, squinting his eyes a bit. Now, he’s the one thinking. “Something you never told me when we were younger. Remember what you said to me outside of the church?”

  My face fills with color. I was really upset with him that day. Such a jerk. “Yes, I remember just fine.”

  His lips curve more. “Tell me something like that. I would love for you to elaborate on what exactly you did when you thought of me, but I’m gonna save that for a day I’m really needing a pick-me-up.”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s really nothing.”

  His eyes say otherwise. “The thought of you with those magically skilled fingers—”

  “I was a virgin until I was nineteen. There was nothing skilled about how I got off.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  I snort out a giggle as he laughs. “Please. You, Reed McElroy, who got around just fine? You would have laughed at me.”

  His laughter cuts off. “I wouldn’t. I would have taken care of you.”

  I press my lips together. “Well, you ran off before you ever got that chance.”

  “There wouldn’t have been a chance. I knew I was leaving.”

  I nod. “But this time?”

  He shrugs, his hands still gripping my ass like he is molding a damn pot back there. “This time, well, there was no keeping me away.”

  My lips quirk a little as I look away shyly. “You make me sound irresistible.”


  God, the way he says it, like it’s just a fact, makes me feel like he’ll never leave. But I’m not naïve. I know the truth. It’s okay; I’ve got that thick skin I inherited from my mawmaw. I can handle anything. Though, the thought of watching him leave does make me feel like I swallowed a knife. One that pierces my heart, my lungs, and then my gut. Slits me completely open, throat to pussy. Well, that’s graphic…

  I lean on my hands as I lo
ok over at him. His eyes are such a dark green, and his lashes kiss his cheeks every time he blinks. Under his gaze, I do feel irresistible. I’ve never felt like that. “You remember that summer, I think you were like seventeen and I was fifteen? We all went to the fair in Hamby? Shirley and Mawmaw told us to stay together, but Holden, Bryce, Theo, and Devin all ran off to ride the Zipper.”

  A grin slowly spreads over his beautiful face. He hasn’t shaved since he arrived in Spring Grove, and I never knew that bearded Reed would make me want to ride his face twenty-two out of the twenty-four hours in a day. “You and Ambrosia didn’t want to ride, so I stayed with you two.”

  I nod eagerly. He does remember. “And Shirley and Mawmaw passed by, seeing us, and Ambrosia begged to go ride the dragon roller coaster, so while they went, you and I waited for the guys?”

  “Yeah, but they took forever, so we rode the Ferris wheel. It was a good night. What are you getting at with this, Del?”

  I smile wide as I lean into him, my nose touching his. “We went in a circle four times. The first circle, I scooted closer and pretended I was scared.”

  His eyes widen as he shakes his head.

  “You didn’t.”

  “I did. Second rotation, I held your arms, and oh my God, my heart was going insane.” His eyes burn into mine. “The third, you looked down at me, and you were just so gorgeous. I mean, the lights of the carnival were flashing, the sky was so dark, yet all I saw was your bright-green eyes.”

  “Your hair was down, and it blew like crazy, whipping at us.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, and on round four, I pulled it back ’cause I was gonna kiss you.”

  His eyes widen. “What stopped you?”

  I look down at his pillow. Well, my pillow. It’s been mine since the first time I came over. The night I came over to bump nasties with Reed McElroy. This is our oasis, our special place no one can ever take from us. Here, he has done things to me that my teenage self couldn’t even fathom. Especially the young girl who was so desperately in love with him. “Sitting in front of us was Katie Gibbons. She looked back at you and winked. You just gave her this grin that I wished you’d give me. When she saw who you were riding with, she laughed, and I chickened out. I didn’t want you to laugh in my face.”

  He doesn’t say anything at first, and when his hand stops moving on my ass, I almost don’t know what to do. Did I say too much? He swallows hard as he brings his hand up, cupping the back of my neck and scooting closer to me. Reed’s eyes search mine, his nose pressed to the tip of mine. “Wanna know something?”

  I’m breathless, my heart knocking in my chest so hard as he holds my gaze. “What?”

  “I knew you wanted to kiss me.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah, it’s weird. You always got this look in your eyes. Like you were gathering up the balls to do it, and I really didn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t have stopped you, but I hoped you wouldn’t do it.”

  I look away, heat creeping up my throat. “Because I was so big.”

  He takes my chin in his hand, bringing my head around to face him. “No, never.” He moves his thumb along my jaw and chin before saying, “I knew if you did, I’d never leave. I’d stay for you, and then I would hate you for making me stay.”

  I just blink, unsure what to say.

  “But each time you didn’t kiss me, I was both pissed and thankful. I had issues, and I was mighty complicated.”

  I scoff. “You don’t say.”

  His hand moves down my back, cupping my ass again. “But that was then.”

  “And this is now,” I say, meeting his gaze once more.

  He nods and then kisses the side of my mouth. His words taunt me. He knew before what would happen, yet here we are. Am I not enough to stay for now? I can’t ask; I don’t want to know. In my head, he’ll stay.

  I lean into the kiss, wanting more, but then he pulls away.

  “Now, tell me something you wouldn’t tell anyone now.”

  “Wow, we are Talkative Tammy today, aren’t we?”

  He laughs softly, the rough noise shaking the bed and vibrating my stomach. “Maybe I need to know more…”

  Need. Lord, if only he knew how much I need him.

  But this isn’t forever. This thing has a time limit on it, and we know it. I can’t keep dwelling on that, though, not when there are bigger things to worry about. “I’m scared about running for mayor.” He looks surprised, and I shrug, knowing I’m being silly. “I know how this town is. They love Sister Engelmann, and they love William Jr. It doesn’t matter that he has been gone ten years exploring the world. He’ll always be better than me, and it worries me because I’ve realized I want this.”

  “As you should,” he insists as he sits up slowly. I do the same, and we face each other with our legs crisscrossed. We’re both delectably naked, but he is all business right now. “This guy has nothing on you, though. You’re the town’s sweetheart. They love you.”

  “But I don’t think I’m enough. I don’t have the education. I don’t think they look at me as a leader. To them, I’m still that little fat girl who makes cookies for everyone.”

  His brows furrow deeper. “That’s bullshit. You’re the best thing for this town, and they know it. I know it. Hell, you should know it.”

  I shrug bashfully. I know I should know that, but I don’t. “I have a list of insecurities that have the potential to bring me down.”

  “Don’t let them. Ever. You are remarkable.”

  Remarkable. Swoon.


  He reaches for me and pulls me by the back of my arms until I’m on top of him. He lies back again, holding my hips in line with his. “And you will be the mayor.”

  I shake my head as my lips graze his. “You can’t guarantee that.”

  “You’ll see.” He takes my mouth then, and I know it’s to shut me up so I don’t argue with him. I can’t complain; I want his lips. My legs fall to either side of his, his cock pressed hard against my center as he kisses me. Soft, featherlight kisses that go straight to my head.

  He tries to kiss me once more, but I pull away. He gives me an expectant look, and I can’t take it. He blows my mind. “What is something you wouldn’t tell just anyone?”

  Reed brings me down again, his lips almost touching mine as they curve. His eyes burn fire into mine, heating up my whole body. When he looks at me like this, I’m convinced he’s only mine. “That I don’t want to be with anyone but you at this moment.”

  And then he kisses me.

  As much as I want his words to be forever, I don’t miss the “at this moment” part.

  This moment ends in a little over a month.

  “I think I need a redo. Can we start over in bed this morning?”

  Reed sighs. “You’re still upset about the signs?”

  I don’t answer him. I’m venting. “You know when you brought me those little muffins and that amazing cup of coffee?”

  “It’s a sign, baby. He won’t win,” he tries, but I’m not listening.

  “I’ll even take Wilbur knocking that coffee out of my hand and then eating my muffins.”

  I kick a rock as I stomp up my back steps and into my house. After a long day at the bakery, where not one but two bags of flour exploded on me, I walked out to see that the bakery where I have worked for the last seven years has a big “Vote for William Jr.” sign in the front window. To say I am crushed is an understatement. Where is the loyalty? I was there for them when William wasn’t!

  “Sorry about that,” Reed says, and my shoulders fall. “But I’d gladly meet you back in bed. I know Wilbur will be excited to see you, but he’ll have to wait until softball.”

  I make a face as I head up to my room. “What? You don’t want to blow it off?”

  “No way.”

  “When did you start caring about softball?”

  “When I get to play against you and ogle that sexy ass in those tight pants.”

  I giggle. “You
are a horndog.”

  “Maybe.” His laughter runs down my spine as I strip off my clothes. I put him on speaker as I pull on my uniform pants. “I should come over and climb up the side of the house to watch you change.”

  I look back at the window cautiously. I know he isn’t there, but I don’t trust him. “You couldn’t climb the side of the house anymore.”

  “Please, I could do it in my sleep. That’s the only way Theo and I got into Holden’s room when he was grounded. Now I can come up there to get some of you.”

  “I’m pretty sure that was the start to all my fantasies.”

  His voice drops a few octaves. “Don’t test me, Abbot.”

  I scoff teasingly. “I don’t believe you can do it.”



  “Yes, bet.”

  I hear the sound of him jogging through the phone, and I lift my brow. “Where are you?”

  “Over at the fields.”

  “What?” I ask, pushing back my curtain. I cover my bare chest with it as I look out, and sure as shit, Reed is already in my yard. And he’s shirtless. His jeans are hanging very, very dangerously low. He jogs with a purpose, his shoulders so defined, so strong, and Jesus, is he really going to climb up the side of my house? “Oh my God, you’re serious!”

  “Ha, get ready to be amazed.”

  I drop my phone on the dresser, and when his head appears on the side of the roof, I laugh out loud. “Shut up.”

  “Told you,” he says, pulling himself up with ease. His shoulders flex with the motion, and when he stands at full height, my tongue almost falls out of my mouth. He has a sexy sheen of sweat all over his body, and good Lord, I want him.

  “That is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Way better than my fantasies.”

  He looks confused. “What? I have to use the bathroom. I’m not here for you.” He doesn’t even get the whole sentence out before he starts laughing. I reach for him, taking him by the front of his jeans, and pull him into my room. When he notices I’m shirtless too, his eyes light up. “Mmm,” he growls, and my heart does a jig.

  I press my body into his, joining our mouths as he wraps his arms around me. I tear my mouth from his and start kissing down his jaw, his neck, to his chest. I kiss along him, running my fingers through the coarse hair before running my tongue down his thick torso. I undo his jeans as I drop to my knees, and when I glance up, his eyes are hooded, dark, and focused on me.


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