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Small-Town Sweetheart (The Spring Grove Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Toni Aleo

  I release him, his cock coming to attention before I grip the base of him. He’s so thick and hard, and I’ve never wanted a cock in my mouth so badly until this moment. So I take him. I don’t play around; I don’t even try to tease him. I want him to get off. I want to taste him because, fucking hell, I love him. I love him so damn much, I can’t stand it. Is it stupid of me? Yup, it sure is, but I can’t help it. Maybe, just maybe, he’ll stay.

  Lots of blow jobs can be a mighty persuasive strategy. Just saying.

  I take him to the back of my throat over and over again. Soon, his fingers thread through my hair, his body presses back into my bedroom wall, and the most beautiful sound leaves his lips.

  Oh fuck, Del.

  Those three words can get me off in seconds. I know this because that’s how he got me off last night when we were making love. While I’m sure it’s still fucking to him, it’s not for me. It’s so much more. Maybe I can make it more for him?

  I don’t slow down, using a mixture of wet tongue and lips all over his cock as I move him in and out of my swollen mouth. I suck him, rake my teeth along his taut cock, and I feel his orgasm coming. He grips my hair, almost pulling it out as he arches into my mouth, a guttural yell leaving his stunning lips. When he comes, he jerks so hard into my mouth, it chokes me. But in a good way. I suck him dry, needing the taste of him in my mouth. He jerks and thrashes beneath my mouth as I lick him clean. When I fall back on my haunches, I glance up at him with a little grin on my lips.

  He looks beautifully spent.

  God, I want nothing more than to stare at him. Worship him. Damn it. Be still, heart!

  He looks down at me through his lashes, pulling in deep and raspy breaths. “If all I gotta do is climb the side of the house for all that, I’ll do it every day.”

  I giggle as I smack his belly, standing up, but I don’t get far before he has me in his arms. His mouth captures mine, his tongue swirling with mine as he holds my face in his big hands. When he pulls away, he kisses my nose before the sides of my mouth. “You should have told me that was what was waiting for me if I’d come into your room instead of Holden’s.”

  I move out of his arms, reaching for my sports bra. “You’re insane.”

  “I might be. I think you’re putting a spell on me or some shit.”

  “Oh, really? You figured out my plan?” I throw over my shoulder as I put on my bra and then my shirt. “What gave me away?”

  “I think it was the way you suck my cock.”

  Little does he know, I’m not a fan of blow jobs. With Reed, though, I’d pretend his dick was a popsicle if it meant he’d be mine forever. But, really, is love ever forever? Oh no, don’t be turning into Mawmaw, Delaney.

  “It’s a good cock,” I say with a wink, and his grin grows as he refastens his jeans.

  He beckons me with his finger. “Come here.”

  I go willingly before he wraps his arms around me, dipping me back and kissing the living hell out of me. I feel his kiss in my nipples, my stomach, and then my pussy. His tongue moves along my lips, my tongue, and when he pulls back, he stares into my eyes.

  “I have a surprise for you.”



  I want to question him, but before I can, he’s pulling me down the stairs. He grabs my bag out of the kitchen, and then we’re on our way to the field. When I notice my team isn’t wearing our blue shirts, I’m confused. But then I see the distillery team isn’t wearing their green ones, and I really don’t know what’s going on. But then I see what all the shirts say. Delaney Abbot for Mayor. Spring Grove’s Sweetheart is Going to Make Everything Sweeter.

  Is it corny? Oh yes.

  Do I care? Nope.

  Do I love it? So damn much, I might cry.

  “Everyone will be here tonight. They’ll see the shirts, and they’ll know who to vote for.”

  My lip juts out and starts to wobble as I gaze up at him. “You did this for me?”

  “I did.”

  Oh, the words of love are right there. Instead, I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him hard on the lips. He holds me to him, his heart pounding with mine. I pull back slightly, and his eyes dance in front of me.

  “Do you feel better?”

  “I do.”

  “That’s all I want.”

  Tears burn my eyes as he grins and then kisses me once more. When I pull back, I press my lips to his ear. “I want to suck your cock so damn bad right now.”

  He hisses out a breath. “I mean, we can leave now.”

  I pull away, a teasing grin on my lips. “Nope, I gotta beat you first.”

  He scoffs. “You may beat me here, sweetheart, but I’ll spank you back at my place.”

  My eyes flash with excitement. “Promise?”

  He clutches his chest. “You’re gonna kill me, woman.”

  “Damn, you’ve caught on to my master plan.”

  As his laughter follows me onto the field, I have to fight back my tears. He did this for me. He made sure people would see my name and remember it. Not that they don’t know me already, but this is big. The whole town comes out for these games. This is huge for me. He knew that. I shouldn’t allow this to make me fall for him even harder. No, I need to get over him, and quick, before he breaks my heart.

  But this heart of mine has a one-track mind, and it’s set on Reed McElroy.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I’m pretty sure Delaney isn’t wearing any underwear.

  I watch her as she bends over to pick up a box of Sunday pamphlets to take to the front of the church for incoming congregants. Her hair falls around her shoulders, hiding her face as she picks up the box. My cock comes to life as she shakes her hair back into place. All I can think is how her hair dragged along my thighs as she sucked me hard the night before. She didn’t leave my house until close to four, so I’m very impressed with how gorgeous she looks this morning. I was lucky to be able to put my legs in the right pants holes, but Delaney, she looks stunning in a teal silk dress that hugs that body of hers the way I’m begging too.

  I need her.

  I take a step, but then a hand comes to my biceps. Mrs. Rancid looks up at me, her hair in big white curls as she grins. She has red lipstick all over her teeth.

  “Tell me, Reed… You dating our Delaney?”

  I press my lips together. Delaney and I have been sleeping together for over a month. Still, every day we get asked the same damn question. “How are you, Mrs. Rancid?”

  “I’m fine, but I need to know because you know we all just love her, and if she chose you, that’s gonna take some getting used to. With you being an outsider and all.”

  I give her a blank look. “Mrs. Rancid, I lived in this town for eighteen years.”

  She waves me off. “But this isn’t your home.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to keep the slick comment I have bubbling inside me from escaping. Like how this wasn’t her home until Eric Rancid cheated on his wife with her over in Millaco County. I promised my mom I would be on my best behavior. “Oh, Mrs. Rancid, it’s never been yours.”

  That wasn’t that bad, especially since I’m grinning down at her.

  Or maybe it was? She takes in a deep breath. “I’ve been here longer than you’ve been alive!”

  “Doesn’t mean you belong.” Shit, I didn’t need that last part. “God bless.”

  I walk away because surely my blessing from God helps.

  “She deserves better!”

  I grimace at her words. Of course Delaney does, which is why we’re only having fun. I head down the aisle to where Delaney is opening the box and restocking the pamphlets. When I come up beside her, she gives me a little smile as she side-eyes me.


  “Delaney Kate.”

  Her grin grows as she brings her pink bottom lip between her teeth. I know she loves it when I call her by her full name. She’ll never admit it, but I can’t miss the tint
of color on those sweet cheeks of hers. When she lays out the last of the pamphlets, I take the box from her. She eyes me, running her tongue along her lips. “Like what you see?”

  “Sure do,” I mutter, leaning into her. “I want to kiss you.”

  “What’s holding you back?” she asks, her eyes burning into mine.


  She looks around and then nods. “They are mighty intrusive.”

  “Annoying as hell.”

  She smiles sweetly at a couple with two kids walking down the center aisle. My face breaks into a grin as I drink in her profile. Something is burning in my gut; I don’t know if it’s the jalapeño I ate this morning or the need to do right by this gorgeous woman beside me. “I don’t want to say we’re sleeping together.”

  She looks back at me. “No?”

  “No, ’cause I don’t want people to think you’re not pure and proper like you present.”

  She laughs hard at that, leaning into the pew. She shakes hands with an older guy before looking back at me. “Please. No one thinks that.”

  “Everyone does,” I insist, shaking my head. “You and Cataway were always whiskey in a teacup. Two beautiful, kind girls who could knock a grown man on his ass.” I move in closer, my nose gliding along her jaw as I whisper, “But I’ve found your whiskey has a nice bit of honey in it.”

  She thinks that over and then nods, giving me a full grin. “Got that right,” she says with a wink. “Nonetheless, I don’t care what they think.”

  “Well, if you’re going to be mayor—”

  “Reed, please.”

  “I think saying you’re sleeping with the town pariah isn’t a good idea.”

  She rolls her eyes as she glances at me. “One, you aren’t a pariah. And two, what would you suggest, then?”

  I shrug. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. As long as we both know the score, we’re good. “I’m leaving, but nothing says I can’t be true to you and you to me.”

  She chuckles softly. “Is that because no one else in town will sleep with you?”

  I nod. “Partly.” She laughs out loud, and I smile widely. “No, you know that isn’t the reason.”

  “I know,” she says, her eyes locking with mine.

  I haven’t asked anyone, nor will I. Before, I suspected I might only have eyes for Delaney, but now I know. Which freaks me the fuck out, so we’ll move on.

  “So, we’re dating?”

  “I mean, if someone asks…”

  “Duh, but you know that means you gotta take me to dinner and probably dancing.”

  I groan. “But that means I have to spend money on you.”

  Her face breaks into the widest grin, her eyes bright and full of life. “Yup.”

  I tug at her dress, and with all seriousness, I say, “I think I’ll like that.”

  Her eyes are soft as she nods. “Well, we know I will. I love free food.”

  I chuckle loudly as she turns, shaking hands with someone else. How this girl doesn’t realize she is made to be the mayor of this town is beyond me. I drink her in, something I find myself doing a lot. Her wide shoulders taunt me. The teal of her dress complements her tanned skin perfectly, and I love how the dress fits her. Or better yet, how she fits the dress. When she glances at me like that, with that kittenish grin and those shining brown eyes, it’s hard to imagine I’ll be leaving soon.

  But you are. So don’t get any ideas, buddy.

  She furrows her brow at my expression. “What?”

  I shake my head, trying to dislodge the insane thoughts from my head and remember why I came over here in the first place. “Tell me something.”

  “What?” she asks once more, and I lean in.

  “You aren’t wearing panties, are you?”

  Her eyes widen, and she looks around quickly. “I am too.”

  She doesn’t notice when I reach my arm around, grabbing her ass cheek. She’s so not wearing panties. She smacks my chest playfully, and I want to trap her in my arms, take her mouth with mine. “You are not.”

  “A thong, duh.”

  Her eyes are dark and playful, but I know she’s lying. “Lies.”

  “I am,” she insists, but I know she’s not.

  “Prove it,” I demand.

  Her eyes flash with excitement. “How?”

  “Show me.”

  She looks around. “Everyone is coming in. Church is starting in, like, ten minutes.”

  I look around, and I realize that anywhere we go, everyone will be watching. I’m not saying I want to hide her—I don’t. She knows that now. But I don’t want people in our business. Everyone has to know everything, and I’d rather just let us be us. Who cares about them? We can do what we want, and we really love sleeping together. We fit. Which is weird considering I’ve known her forever, but we do. It’s nice, it’s special, and I don’t want anyone outside of the two of us trying to ruin that.

  When Delaney turns to shake hands with someone, she knocks into the empty box, and it comes to me. When we were kids, Mawmaw and my mom would stay here all night long for whatever church event they had. As a bunch of bored kids, we would play hide-and-seek nonstop. Delaney’s favorite place to hide was in the baptismal tub. No one is ever back there since everyone in this town is saved. Though I’d like to remind a lot of the residents of this town what that means, at this moment, I have a certain point to prove.

  Delaney looks back at me, and I suggest, “Baptismal tub.”

  Her eyes widen. “You want to take me in there to see if I’m wearing panties? That’s so dirty.”

  I shrug. “Or so smart since no one will be in there.”

  She thinks that over. She doesn’t answer me. Instead, she walks off, only sending me a small grin over her shoulder. I fight back my own as I head the other way. There are two ways into the baptismal tub, which is currently concealed from the sanctuary by a curtain. One is through a little room where they keep the leftover boxes, and the other is straight to the actual tub. Since I have the box in my hand, no one questions me as I enter the room, shutting the door behind me. When I turn, Delaney is opening the other door leading to the tub. Her eyes are dancing with anticipation, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so pretty.

  “Man, Delaney.”

  Her brow perks. “What?”

  “You’re really pretty,” I say, coming toward her as I throw the box to the side.

  “Well, that’s sweet.”

  “Don’t get used to it. I’m struggling with myself not to take you against the side of the tub.”

  She presses her lips together, her eyes huge in her face. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I think I might,” I growl, drinking in her thick legs. “I’m already going to hell. Might as well have a blast on the way.” I make it to the first step as her arms come around my neck.

  “You aren’t going to hell, Reed McElroy. You save animals, and because of that, you make people happy. You’re a saint.”

  “Ha, I wouldn’t go that far,” I say as I take hold of the hem of her skirt. “Especially when I have very sinful thoughts about the girl in the front row.”

  Her cheeks warm, and I enjoy it for maybe two seconds before I lift up her skirt. She shrieks in surprise, and I angle my head to the side. I assume what she is wearing is a thong, but in my opinion, it’s two pieces of string and a lace triangle over that pussy I love to suck. It’s not even covering her all the way. If she opens her legs just right, one of her lips will be on the loose.

  Maybe I can catch it with my mouth.

  “That is the skimpiest thong I’ve ever seen. How are you keeping your pussy in that?”

  She giggles joyously, and boy, do I adore that sound. Maybe more than I adore the look on her face. It’s so carefree, so beautiful as she pulls her skirt out of my hands. “Reed!”

  I just shrug, displaying no surprise whatsoever. “See? Straight to hell. Can’t be saying pussy in church.” I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. I nip at her
lips as she smiles down at me.

  “Even though you’ve said it twice—” She wraps her arms around my neck as her nose presses to mine. “I think you’re good. Just don’t let the church hear you.”

  “Maybe. But you remember that struggle?” Her eyes dance into mine as I run my tongue along her bottom lip. “I don’t have a choice. I must act on it.”

  Her eyes widen as the biggest grin covers her sweet face. “No way.”

  “Tell me no,” I practically beg as I hook my hand behind her knee and press myself into her. “Because I’m ready.”

  “Yes, you are,” she coos, wrapping a leg around my waist. “It’s so wrong, though.”

  “Is it?” I ask innocently, and I don’t see any resistance in her eyes when I lift her up. Both of her legs come around my waist now, her eyes so full of lust as I walk us into the tub. “Maybe just a little taste. A preview, if you will, to hold us over until we get back to my place.”

  I capture her mouth, needing to taste her. She tastes like mint and all things naughty. “To hold you over,” she teases between kisses, and I can only grin against her lips.

  “What’s wrong with that?” I lower myself onto the stairs of the tub and position her just right in my lap. Her lips move against mine, dangerously and so fucking hot, I can’t take it. I hold her by the back of the neck, my thumb biting into her skin as she deepens the kiss, sweeping her tongue with mine. I drop my hand between us and push aside that sad excuse for coverage she calls panties. I slide my fingers into her wet, succulent pussy, and we groan together.

  “Oh fuck, Del.”

  “Ooh, you said the F word,” she teases, rocking against my hand. “But then, I’m about to come in church, so who am I to judge?”

  I chuckle as I rake my teeth along her neck, and I feel her clit throbbing against my forefinger. I love how responsive she is to my touch. How hot she is. She’s about to come, I can feel it, but then I hear voices. I freeze, and so does she. Her eyes widen as she tears her sweet, plump lips from mine, and I look behind me to see if they’re coming in.


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