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Only in Her Dreams

Page 9

by Christina McKnight

  Darius retrieved the folded photo from his jacket pocket. He studied the auburn hair and hazel eyes that stared back at him, a large grin on his face.

  Dr. Adams peaked at the picture in his hand. Sweat appeared on her forehead while Darius surveyed the room again. Flynn wasn’t hard to spot with his auburn hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. Darius started in his direction as the man moved between patients.

  “Agent Lucas, what’ll it take for you to walk away, report that he wasn’t here, and put an end to this?” Dr. Adams clutched at his arm as he continued his trek across the room. He heard the slight scraping as her shoes dug into the floor, seeking a purchase. He ached to sweep her into his arms and take her somewhere they could have a private moment.

  “Are you attempting to bribe a US Special Agent?” he asked, never taking his eyes off his target.

  When she didn’t respond, he turned his hardened gaze to her face. Unshed tears sparkled in her eyes. What in the hell is going on? Fortunately, whatever she was crying about didn’t concern him.

  He was there to retrieve the man.

  And his mission would succeed.

  He had a new kingdom balanced on the outcome. Not to mention, one evil fucker expected him to fail.

  # # #

  The Melas surrounded Dr. Flynn and Adams in a small conference room off the back of the clinic office. His men blocked the only exit, their military stance intimidating. They’d not been able to separate the two doctors, which would be necessary to convince Flynn to join their mission. A small smile crossed Darius’ face as he thought about the methods they would use to convince Flynn to cooperate, if necessary.

  I don’t mind having a few more hours to admire Dr. Adams womanly charms.

  “Agent Lucas, I’m just a doctor. I wanted to start a new life here in Uganda, free of my responsibilities back home. I want to dedicate my life to helping the less fortunate, surely you understand. I didn’t hurt or defraud anyone. There was no life insurance policy. Faking my death was the only way to move on without continually looking over my shoulder, waiting for someone to find me and think I’d deceived someone,” Flynn pleaded.

  Darius didn’t give a crap about his deception, his fake death, or his responsibilities. What mattered even less was the man’s need to help the less fortunate. But Darius let Flynn drone on and on, allowing him to think he was about to be hauled back to the States to face charges.

  “Dr. Flynn, you’re coming with us, immediately. Please gather your things and prepare to depart.” The man would get suspicious if he didn’t let him retrieve a few belongings before they left Gayaza. His men had procured a private jeep they would use to return to Entebbe.

  A local was more than willing to give up his vehicle to help the United States of America. The Melas may have also promised him passage to the States.

  The pair stood in place, neither making a move toward their accommodations to retrieve Flynn’s things. Dr. Adams’s nervous eyes slid to Flynn’s pale, frightened face. The look that passed between the two wasn’t foreign to Darius.

  I had that look once. What a fucking idiot I’d been.

  The two thought themselves in love. How disappointing. He wanted to shout at Flynn. Tell him it would end in hurt when Adams told him he wasn’t good enough, didn’t have a means of supporting her adequately for her standards. She’d convince him to give up everything he had, betray the ones who care about him...only to walk away when the game got old. Cock sucking bitch!

  It was Adams who finally spoke. The pout that formed on her lips added to the hardness in his pants.

  What he could do to those lips. What he would have done to her lips.

  Darius loved a woman who begged. “Sir, please reconsider taking Greg. We’re getting married next month and my family is flying in to be here.”

  “Your Greg will be long gone by then,” one of his men said from behind the couple. The other men chuckled and Darius found himself laughing along with them.

  Confusion, and then understanding, passed over the couples faces. They’d probably have to get rid of Adams, if Flynn didn’t cooperate. What a waste, Darius thought.

  “Can I see your badge, Agent Lucas?” Flynn asked.

  “Dr. Flynn, I’m the one who makes the demands.” Darius turned to Alexander. “Please escort the love birds back to their lodging and help them pack a few things.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  # # #

  Greg had feared this day would come. Since he and Sandy hatched their plan to fake his death he’d worried. He knew someone, someday would come, but he hadn’t expected it this soon. They planned to move the clinic another sixty miles north in the next two years, breaking ties with everyone in Gayaza and leaving no trail to follow.

  I don’t want my time with her to end. His heart twisted in agony. He’d felt little remorse when he’d left Lucessa.

  Thankfully, he’d met Sandy and she helped him escape his old life. His only regret had been leaving his dog, Goosey, behind. He thought initially he would have no choice but to return after his six-month internship. But he’d fallen in love--with both a different country and a different woman. He had no other regrets.

  Something seemed off about these men. They were too big, their clothes weren’t what he pictured CIA agents wearing, and he was sure they were required to show some form of identification. Why would the United States send five agents to bring him back?

  Four men followed Sandy and him down the crowded main street of the village, past the market and into their room above the local clothing depot. They walked into the one-room place they’d called home for almost a year. The men crowded in behind them, apparently fearing he and Sandy would escape through one of the two windows.

  Sandy hurried around the room, gathering a couple changes of clothes and their essentials including toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brush, and a few favorite medical books. Greg didn’t know how she kept a level head through the situation. He’d always been the weak one in his relationship with Lucessa, she took care of everything. The bills, chores at home, scheduling doctor’s appointments, setting up car insurance-- everything was taken care of. Now, Sandy filled the void he’d forced Lucessa to vacate.

  “Let’s move it,” one of the men called behind him. Greg reluctantly jumped in to help Sandy gather the last few things and zipped up the two bags.

  “We’re ready,” Sandy said, grabbing both bags. Greg took the one Sandy held out to him.

  “We? Darius won’t like this,” muttered the guy who addressed Agent Lucas as master. There was something off with the man, a soullessness in his eyes. A chill ran down Greg’s body despite the extreme heat in the apartment.

  # # #

  Darius waited for his men to bring Flynn outside the clinic where their newly commandeered jeep waited.

  They returned down the main road, escorting not only Flynn, but the woman. Why can’t my men follow simple orders? He saw the smiles on all their faces.

  “Master, the woman insists on accompanying us to the States.”

  What a lucky turn of events.

  “By all means, we’d welcome the company of a woman on our return trip,” he purred in response. “Alexander, help our guests into the backseat.”

  Alexander swung his arm in a wide arc toward the passenger side door and he pulled it open. Sandy’s face paled and she swayed on her feet, Flynn grasped her elbow to steady her.

  Darius climbed into the front driver seat and Alexander squeezed in between Greg and Sandy. Zach and Lance climbed in the back with Colin taking the passenger seat. The jeep strained under the weight. Darius started the vehicle and it moved slowly at first and then picked up speed. Rocks pelted the exterior of the clinic when Darius revved the engine and sped down the main street and back toward civilization.

  The previously four-hour trip lasted only two with the jeep and with no stops along the way. There was little talk between his men, but Flynn and Adams frequently leaned their heads over Alexander and communicated in h
ushed tones.

  The sun was starting its descent when Flynn asked, “Can we pull over?” A nervousness in his voice.

  “We’re still a couple miles from Entebbe,” Darius responded.

  “I need to go pee.”

  “My men could use a break for the little boy’s room, too,” Darius said and a cheer rose from the back. The men piled out of the jeep and the vehicle’s suspension rose three inches relieved of the weight. “Alexander, keep a watch on the good doctor while he relieves himself.” Darius leaned on the jeep. The hot evening sun beat against his back, penetrating his black shirt.

  Flynn and his man returned quickly.

  “Why don’t both of you join me for a walk. We have much to discuss before the flight back to the States,” Darius addressed the couple.

  Dr. Adams surveyed the desolate surroundings. “We’d rather talk here.”

  “Come now. Sandy, is it? I need to stretch my legs.” Next, Darius addressed his men. “We’ll meet you back here in fifteen minutes.”

  Lance rolled his head and shoulders in anticipation. “Can I come?”

  “No, you’ll all wait here.”

  In the waning heat, Darius led the couple through the brush. Flynn spoke before Darius had a chance to start. “We know you’re not from the CIA”. His face emotionless. He waited for a response.

  Darius was pleased with the way the man was handling the situation--no more lies, no more games. It wasn’t his intent to mislead people into a false security. He liked his prey to know what was coming.

  He paced alongside the couple, his feet landing with confidence, choosing his words carefully. He still had the task of convincing Flynn to join his men, although it might be easier to persuade him now that Dr. Adams insisted on coming along for the adventure. He was sure Flynn wouldn’t want anything unpleasant to happen to her.

  “You’re correct in your assumption, Dr. Flynn. My men and I aren’t affiliated with the CIA, but we are here to fulfill another mission.” His voice carried a non-threatening tone.

  “What mission is that?” Dr. Adams voice was hesitant with her question.

  “I’m afraid that you weren’t part of the original plan, but your presence may yet prove useful.”

  “I don’t understand…”

  “You see, I’m in need of Greg’s help to convince someone from his past to assist me.” Hands clasped behind his back, Darius hoped to give off the impression of a military man, speaking with another high ranking official.

  “I’ve cut ties with my past. They all think I’m dead. I can’t help you.”

  In the next instant Flynn ran, his feet carrying him in the opposite direction of the jeep and the Melas Oneiroi waiting.

  Darius took two long strides and leaped on the fleeing man. He spun Flynn around and began pounding his fist into the man’s face. The thump his fist made as it connected with cheek and nasal bone soothed a part of Darius that he hadn’t realized needed soothing. He visualized his eldest brother’s face on the man. His punches became more violent. The warm splatter of blood hit his face. His vision tinted red.

  Something caught the corner of his eye. Adams slipped through the brush.

  He dropped the beaten Flynn to the ground and took off after her. She may be the only way to get Flynn to cooperate. The woman disappeared in the high brush. The clay earth left no depression from her footsteps.

  He’d be forced to track her. This wasn’t the first time he’d stalked a woman, let his blood blaze through his veins, his every sense on high alert. He hoped this turned out better.

  Darius stood motionless, listening for footsteps on the hard packed ground or the rustling of dry brush. The only thing he heard was the rowdy noise of his men in the distance and the gurgling sound of Flynn struggling for breath. His feet moved swiftly across the ground in the direction Sandy had headed. The thrill of the hunt was on.

  His nostrils flared with determination and concentration. Every nerve in his body hummed. If he didn’t find her soon, she’d likely meet an unpleasant fate. The Gabon viper, black mamba, and cobra roamed the area. The sight would be better than him physically cutting off her air supply himself. Her skin would turn red and swollen, there would be bleeding. She wouldn’t have the energy to fight as lethargy set in--leading to certain kidney failure, severe tachycardia, and ultimately respiratory failure.

  As a doctor of medicine, Sandy would know her fate as each stage of deterioration hit. His blood pressure rose, the flow to his lower regions increased. Only a sick bastard like me viewed a snake bite as erotic. He fought to control his breathing while aroused to better hear her. As he moved further into the brush he could no longer hear the rasping of Flynn’s labored breathing.

  He hoped the man hadn’t expired, thwarting his plan to use him. That’d be fucking perfect. I can imagine how the convo would go, ‘Yeah, Dark heard me right. I beat the fucker to death. Now, hand over my kingdom.’ Not fucking likely!

  His men were also silent.

  A flash of blue moved between two bushes. The woman crawled about ten yards from him, making her way back to Flynn. There was no need to hurry. Her path was clear, she would return to her lover. But would Flynn have returned for her? He couldn’t help but wonder.

  He wanted them both in one place; let her think she’d outsmarted him. He proceeded to make an arcing sweep away from the woman’s path, making his own way back to Flynn.

  # # #

  The pain was like nothing Greg had ever experienced. Blood poured from his nose; and from his impaired vision, he suspected also from his left eye. With great effort, he shifted his position so his hand was free. It moved slowly toward his face, pain shooting through his shoulder and up his neck at the movement. Finally, his fingers reached his face. Where his cheek bone should have been was an indention the size of a large fist, his face had been hit so hard it had caved in. He hoped his inspection proved wrong.

  His heart seized, not for his own safety, but for Sandy’s. Listening, he realized he was alone, lying in the African desert under a setting sun.

  Is Sandy still alive? Had they hurt her? Who were these guys?

  It had been a mistake to leave with them, but Sandy had thought it was safe. What was the worst that could happen, she whispered as they packed their travel bags. The worst, at the moment, was the possibility that his wife would find out his deception, that he was still alive and living with another woman.

  He lay beaten and bloody in the desert. To be back in the States, confronting Lucessa and her Italian temper seemed like heaven at the moment. The plan Sandy and he had spent days concocting was backfiring on them. No one would look for him, he was dead. The staff at the clinic would wonder, but they’d been told Dr. Adams and he had left in the company of CIA agents. Bound for America. Would anyone question our disappearance? Sandy’s family flew in next month, but by then all traces of their existence would be gone, scavenged by the starving wildlife in the area.

  “Greg...darling?” The whisper was low but close. He turned his head in that direction, agony coursed down his spine. “Don’t move.”

  Sandy’s voice beside him spurred hope inside him, but then the thought of her beaten and bruised next to him was enough to send him crashing back to reality.

  “How bad are your injuries?” she asked.

  He didn’t know how to answer her question without moving his extremities to find out if they were in working order. “My face is badly beaten. I’m not sure about the rest of me. Are you okay?” he said.

  “I’m fine. I ran when he started hitting you and I circled back. He’s still out looking for me. Can you crawl? I think that’s the only way we can escape, there’s not much coverage.”

  “I think so,” he said. His answer echoed through his head as if he’d shouted. The ringing in his ears hadn’t stopped yet and he felt a headache coming.

  “Don’t move a fucking inch,” the chilling voice demanded.

  Greg turned his head, the man stood ten feet away, it’
d be impossible to hear their whispers that far away.

  “What do you want? Money?” Greg was in panic mode and survival, was the only thing on his mind. “We’ll do anything--give you anything--just let us go.”

  “Yes, I do want something from you.” The man moved in Greg’s direction. “You’ll travel to California and bring Lucessa to me.”

  “But...I can’t do that! She thinks I am dead.”

  “You will be dead if you don’t do as I say.”

  “How am I supposed to get there? I don’t have a passport or identification.” Am I actually thinking about doing this? He would do anything to get away, without any more injuries.

  “My men will get you into the United States. After that, it’s up to you to bring her to me.”

  His mind raced. Greg figured that once he was in the United States, he and Sandy could disappear. Just as he’d done in Uganda. The men would never find him, they’d stay away from anything familiar.

  “As insurance, I’ll keep Dr. Adams with me,” Darius continued.

  Chapter 17

  Maxim started to worry an hour ago.

  Where is she?

  Lucessa got off work at four o’clock and wasn’t scheduled at the coffee shop today. It was almost six o’clock now and his anxiety increased. He’d damn near paced a hole in the carpet. Goosey followed him as he walked back and forth. Hell, he’d started mentally mapping a search grid between her work, the house and his brother’s hellhole.

  He’d be able to cover the area in about two hours.

  As he went through his search plan, the phone rang. Rushing from the living room to the kitchen, he located the cordless phone, pushed the green ‘talk’ button and he put the receiver to his ear. “Hello.”


  “Lucessa, where are you?” His words came out with more force than he’d intended.


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