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Only in Her Dreams

Page 12

by Christina McKnight

  The man had a smug look on his face. He must be happy that the man who’d turned him away from his house was now serving him dinner. The look infuriated Maxim.

  “Where’ve you been this last year, Greg?” Maxim asked.


  “Just making conversation.”

  The smug smile turned into a frown. “I don’t believe we’ve been introduced. I’m Lucessa’s husband Greg. Who in the hell are you?”

  The emphasis he put on the word husband told Maxim the man was possessive of Lucessa. He viewed Maxim as a threat. Good, he thought.

  “I’m Maxim, Lucessa’s...” he trailed off deciding what word best described their relationship. “...friend.” He gave the same answer as before.

  Her sparkling eyes met his.

  Did he see a hint of something more than friendship in the look that passed between them? Impossible. He wasn’t from her world and she didn’t know his secrets. When my skeletons emerge from the closet will she still count me as a friend?

  “Well, any friend of my wife’s is a friend of mine.” The cordiality of the statement didn’t match the edge in Greg’s tone.

  The man sang a different note now.

  A growl rumbled deep in Maxim’s chest at Greg’s possessiveness of his Lucessa. MY Lucessa--where’d that thought come from?

  He wanted to pull his shirt off to relieve the scorching heat radiating through his body.

  The look Lucessa shot his way told him the growl was heard by all in the room.

  # # #

  She glanced at Goosey, lying at Maxim’s feet. The dog was fast asleep--the growl hadn’t come from her. That only left Maxim. But why would he growl at Greg? His face was red, his nostrils flared. Had he been a dog the hair on his back would be standing straight up.

  Each man stared daggers at the other.

  “Now that everyone has met, you must eat, Greg. You look like you haven’t eaten in days,” she said trying to defuse the hostility in the room. Two possessive men--in my house!

  “I am. I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning. Is this from Lee’s Chinese Kitchen? Always my favorite Chinese food.”

  Lucessa caught Maxim rolling his eyes at the comment.

  “Maxim, get a plate and join us,” Lucessa suggested. She wanted to include Maxim. Let him know the situation wasn’t only awkward for him.

  “I’m sorry, but I must go.” Maxim abruptly turned and headed up the stairs.

  “What’s wrong with your boyfriend?” Greg asked.

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” Her heart fell a little. She’d been looking forward to seeing the delight in Maxim eyes when he tried Chinese food for the first time.

  # # #

  “What do you mean you were wrong?” Thunder boomed through the study as if a storm raged inside the room, bouncing off the walls and blasting Maxim in the face.

  “I have no idea how I was wrong. Word came to me through her dreams that the man was dead. I didn’t think to investigate further. Her sorrow was so great, I was sure he was gone, out of the picture permanently,” Maxim said, a hint of defeat in his voice. He didn’t relish the idea of disappointing his brother again.

  “Why are you here and not finding out what the man is up to?”

  I don’t want to be here, he wanted to scream. He felt torn between Guy’s expectations and Lucessa’s need for protection.

  “Brother mine, I want to keep you abreast of the situation. This is an interference we hadn’t expected. I have so many questions but I cannot ask them of Lucessa. I cannot risk upsetting her.”

  “Do what you must. You’re right, you have to remove Greg from Lucessa’s life until we’ve neutralized Darius and his men.”

  We? There’s no we here, Maxim wanted to tell Guy.

  “I’ll check in if there are any new developments.”

  Maxim turned and left the study, closing his eyes as he passed over the threshold. When they opened, he stood in Lucessa’s guest room. Her house was dark, quiet. Goosey was curled on the end of his bed awaiting his return.

  His gut clenched at the thought of Greg sharing her bed. He opened his door. No light shone from her side of the hallway. If the pair was in there, they were awfully quiet. He headed down the stairs, in search of the wine Lucessa had brought home--and maybe some dinner.

  Rounding the bottom landing, Maxim spotted the half empty bottle of wine on the counter. As he retrieved a glass, his gaze caught a movement in the backyard. Greg stood in the moonlight, conversing with Alexander.

  The bastard!

  Food forgotten, he backed out of the kitchen so he wouldn’t be spotted. He should’ve known his brother would have something to do with this. He wanted to run into the back yard and rip the heads off both men, but that would alert his twin. If he did that, Darius would disappear and wait for another opportunity.

  No, the best way to handle this was to keep an eye on Greg and Alexander, let them continue with their plan. Eventually he’d catch his brother red handed.

  A small sense of relief ran through his body knowing Greg and Lucessa weren’t upstairs sharing a bed. Maxim went back to his room and pulled his shade to the side and watched the men, deep in conversation. He let the curtain fall back into place when Greg headed toward the back door.

  Maxim heard the door open and close, and then Greg walked through the kitchen. His feet didn’t turn toward the stairs but continued into the living room. Lucessa must’ve made him a bed on the couch, the guest room already spoken for.

  Comfortable that Darius wasn’t making his move tonight, he slipped into his pajamas, which ironically belonged to the man below, and sat propped against his door. He dared anyone to enter her house this night.

  Chapter 20

  Darius lounged at the table in the corner of his room. He listened to Sandy--so less formal--bang around in the bathroom. She’d been an unexpected find, a delightful surprise. Although, he feared she’d be his downfall, as another woman had been years earlier.

  “He is in the house, Master.” Alexander stood inside his room looking relaxed.

  How in the fuck did he do that? He must remember to ask Alexander his secret to appearing out of thin air.

  Darius stared into the empty eyes of his second in command. He’d been loyal to him far longer than they’d been on this god-forsaken wasteland. Alexander had readily agreed to follow Darius in his risky bargain with the Dark One. They could both lose their lives if things didn’t pan out. “That’s good. Now we wait.”

  “Yes. He stated Lucessa was shocked to see him, but she welcomed him back into the home. He is confused by your brother’s presence, but he thinks he can convince Lucessa to get rid of him.” Alexander spoke with great conviction.

  Darius wasn’t as sure Dr. Flynn could convince his wife of anything, most importantly kicking his twin out of the house. At least he’d gained entrance. Having eyes and ears inside her home would be valuable in the days to come.

  “Keep an eye on the situation. Watch the man closely. I don’t trust him.”

  Alexander nodded and left the room, leaving Darius alone with his thoughts. It was a position he didn’t often entertain or enjoy. Memories haunted him on these occasions, tormenting him, ultimately pushing him to drug use and oblivion. He didn’t relish pondering how things could’ve been different. Everything would’ve been different if he hadn’t jumped so quickly to action that day.

  He rubbed his temples to force the recollections from his thoughts. Focus, he urged himself.

  The incessant pounding on the bathroom door made his head ache. His men had been quick to board up the window in the bathroom, creating a cell for Sandy. He sprung the release lever on the lock. His hand reached to turn the knob, but it already rotated. The woman had spunk and courage. How she’d ended up with Flynn, he didn’t know. They didn’t suit each other in the least.

  “Please come out, Dr. Adams.” The knob stopped turning and he heard the woman back away from the door. He eased it open, ready for an assaul

  But she sat on the rim of the bathtub, wearing nothing but the night dress and robe he’d provided. She’d been filthy from their travel and her crawl through the desert. Her hospital scrubs lay rumbled and stained on the floor next to her.

  His body remembered the pleasure of instructing her to change. The woman had stared directly into his eyes as she’d removed each piece of clothing, starting with her shoes and moving on to her shirt, pants and lastly her bra and panties.

  Her legs were long and slim. The ‘v’ between her legs proved she was all natural with golden curls between her thighs. His eyes had moved up her body to her perfect teardrop breasts, her perky nipples hard and pointing straight at him. His eyes had raked over her exposed flesh.

  His steel blue eyes had risen to her moss tinted ones. He’d been anxious to see if she felt the physical connection he had. But her foot had shot out and caught him in his nether region. She’d been locked in the bathroom ever since.

  Strolling into the small bathroom, he approached her form balanced on the edge of the bathtub. The robe was pulled tightly around her body.

  “Are you ready to behave, Dr. Adams?”

  “Yes,” she said, her eyes downcast in defeat.

  Darius let out his breath. He’d held it waiting for her reply. “Then come join me for a meal.”

  “I’m not hungry.” She wrapped her arm around her middle as her stomach let out a violent growl. “I’d rather eat in here.”

  “You’ll eat with me or you won’t eat at all.”

  She stood, wrapping her arms around her body, shielding herself from his view. Her bare feet padded against the filthy tile floor and into the bedroom.

  God, I need to have someone clean up this dump.

  She scurried toward the small table Darius recently vacated. He followed her, admiring her rounded bottom. She flinched when he reached out and pulled her chair out for her to sit.

  “Whatever,” she mumbled.

  I feel like I’m on a fucking date. What’s wrong with me?

  He moved around the table and took his seat across from her. The atmosphere tense. It was too much to hope it was sexual tension.

  He reached into the brown fast-food sack one of his men had brought for his dinner. He set a paper-wrapped cheeseburger and greasy fries in front of each of them, the smell making him nauseous. There were only so many years a person, even a disgraced Oneiroi, could live off fast-food.

  “Have you heard from Greg?” she asked.

  He didn’t want to talk about her lover. He wanted to talk about making her his lover. “He’s returned to the loving arms of his wife. I smell reconciliation in the air.” He hoped to plant a little doubt in her mind about Flynn’s allegiance to her. It could only improve his standing.

  “That’s a lie.”

  He raised his shoulders in a shrug he hoped said ‘think what you want’. He unwrapped his burger and took a bite, hot grease oozed from the burger, slid down his fingers and dripped off his wrist to the table. The meat, cheese, and produce were bland and unfulfilling. What he wouldn’t give to be in Erebos, being served in his private chamber.

  She also started to eat, alternating between bites of burger and stuffing French fries in her mouth. He forgot how long she’d been without food. Maybe she’d be in a better mood once her belly was full.

  In the future, he’d aspire to be a better host.

  # # #

  Greg returned to the house and his makeshift bed on the couch. When she’d insisted he stay, he expected to sleep in her room, which hadn’t completely repulsed him. At the very least he anticipated sleeping in the guest room but he’d been relegated to the couch. She’d informed him Maxim occupied the guest room at present. Until this point, he hadn’t understood the relationship the pair shared. Now, he was certain it wasn’t a sexual one, otherwise Maxim and Lucessa would be shacked up together.

  Greg had been left with an opening. She was not under Maxim’s sexual thrall, which meant he could manipulate the situation and maybe make it out alive.

  He knew the power of sex. He’d cast his web over Sandy and she’d been powerless to resist.

  Wandering around the living room, the house looked much the same as when he left. Pictures of him and Lucessa adorned the fireplace mantel and the table that ran the length of the couch. She obviously still harbored feelings for him. But was it enough that she’d go along with his plan?

  The creaking of a bed on the next floor drew his attention. Maxim said he had to leave, but he hadn’t left the house. After they’d finished their dinner, Lucessa quickly retired to her room, citing her need for sleep.

  What was he doing upstairs? Stepping away from the mantel, he noticed a picture missing, the dust imprint the only evidence it was gone. Had it been a picture of them? Had it become too painful for her to look at?

  Whatever the reason, it couldn’t be related to her loss of feelings for him. He’d seen it in her eyes tonight. She’d sat next to him, stroking his arm, his battered cheek and his knee.

  Greg moved back toward his bed on the couch, slipping between the sheets. Lucessa had offered him pain medicine, a shower and a clean set of his own pajamas. He’d gladly accepted all three. The warm shower relieved a bit of the headache and soothed the pains that coursed through him. He settled in to think about how he was going to pull this scam off. He knew he couldn’t push her too quickly, but he had to work quickly. He only had until the end of the third day to deliver her.

  Maybe it would’ve been better if I’d died.

  # # #

  She walked through the gate to her new home, Greg on her arm. He was pleased to show her the home he’d picked for them. She wasn’t mad that he made the decision without her. The yard was beautiful, overflowing with flowers, bushes, and trees. Her mother would love it here. Now that Greg was graduating from medical school and leaving soon to finish his internship, she’d finally be able to bring her home. She’d looked forward to this day for years.

  Greg sensed her happiness and hugged her tighter to his side as they moved toward the back door. He gently covered her eyes with his hands and led her into their new home. The feel of his warm hands comforted her.

  “Ta da!” Greg said with a flourish, removing his hands so she could see her new kitchen. So much larger, in comparison, to the kitchen in their current apartment. The counters were dark granite and the appliances were new. Just as she’d wanted. Continuing further into the house, they entered the empty living room, a fireplace dominated one whole wall, the mantel perfect for their family pictures.

  Shock infused her body when she walked further into the room. Maxim leaned against the far wall, staring at Greg, hatred in his eyes.

  A gasp escaped her throat. The smile faded from Greg’s lips as Maxim pushed off from the wall and strolled in their direction. The look of hatred was replaced by cold, calculating determination. As he approached the couple, he only had eyes for Lucessa. His arms extended toward her.

  She disengaged her arm from around Greg and moved toward Maxim. Something drew her toward him. His arms enfolded her and their lips met.

  # # #

  The feel of moist warmth on his face woke Maxim to find Goosey hovering over him, her paws planted on either side of his face. Her tongue lapped at his mouth, nose, and eyes.

  When had he moved from the floor to the bed?

  “Off girl!” He raised his hands to push the dog away but Goosey had different ideas. She hopped away from his hands and rushed to the end of the bed, taking the blanket with her and exposing the evidence of his dream. He was unsure why he kept visiting her when she slept just across the hallway. In her dreams she was truly herself. Unafraid of what she wanted. Her fears and joys lay before him, no denial or games.

  Her dreams didn’t disappoint. She’d been thinking about Greg. His presence was obvious, but she’d stepped into Maxim’s arms and raised her face for his kiss. There had been no hesitation in her decision.

  She longs for me as much as I l
ong for her.

  Goosey jumped off the bed and tore playfully around the room. Sitting up, Maxim grabbed his pants from the floor and put them on, effectively covering his lust filled thoughts of Lucessa.

  “Need to go outside?”

  The dog jumped and barked. Maxim slipped on yesterday’s shirt and opened his bedroom door. The smell of bacon and eggs enticed his nose. He hadn’t heard Lucessa leave her room yet. That only left one person doing the cooking.

  He moved cautiously down the stairs, reluctant to deal with Lucessa’s husband. I’m not a violent person, but I’d love to punch in his other cheek.

  Goosey had other ideas, she sped past him and bounded into the kitchen, presumably looking for food.

  “What the hell!” Breaking glass sounded. “You ruined everything, you stupid mutt.”

  Maxim entered the kitchen as Greg raised his leg to kick Goosey. “I wouldn’t follow through with that if I were you.” His voice thundered through the room. An image of Guy flashed in his mind. Maxim’s temper flared hotter than the sun, as his eldest brother’s would. No one abused his dog.

  My dog? Since when did he consider Goosey his dog? He couldn’t deny the attachment though. Lucessa and Goosey were his responsibility, but it went much deeper than that. He loved them both.

  Greg’s foot slowly lowered to the floor, a look of fright passing over his face. Maxim walked around the broken plate and spilled food, as he pulled Goosey from the shards of glass and toward the back door. Cold morning air hit his face, soothing his temper as he pushed Goosey out.

  “The stupid dog knocked Lucessa’s breakfast all over the floor,” Greg said, his shoulders straightened as if he gained a little confidence to tell Maxim what he really thought of the dog.

  “Nevertheless, you will not abuse Lucessa’s dog while you are a guest in her home,” Maxim stated, his own dominance showing.

  “Guest in her home? This is my house, too. And that’s my damn dog. I bought the thing for her after we moved in.”


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