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Only in Her Dreams

Page 11

by Christina McKnight

  The sadness and defeat in Guy’s posture was painful to witness. Guy loved and cherished his family above all else and Maxim’s selfish reason for ripping him away would haunt him for eternity. He’d been too weak to take control. He’d had no other choice but to call on Guy to protect the people of Erebos.

  “I’m not sure that is the right decision,” Maxim said.

  His brother had sworn him to secrecy concerning Lucessa. They didn’t speak her name or even mention ‘the girl’ in the presence of others. During a moment of weakness, Guy couldn’t be allowed to make a monumental decision. The repercussions would be far reaching and severe.

  They had no idea how Lucessa would take the news.

  “I’m protecting her from further hardships the truth and our combined deception will cause her,” Maxim continued.

  He couldn’t allow Guy to hurt her more by destroying her memories of her childhood. Guy was her father, but Maxim had pledged long ago to protect her from harm, even if it was heartbreak inflicted by her own father..

  “Don’t rush into this. Marie has been sick for a long time. A few more days to think about this cannot hurt.” Maxim would say anything to keep Guy from going to Lucessa with the truth.

  “You’re right again, Maxim. But I will not hold off on this matter for long. I must right the wrongs of my past.”

  “I have to go, brother. While I’m here, she is alone there.” Maxim also didn’t relish giving his brother the opportunity to change his mind.

  He calmed his mind, closed his eyes, and visualized his room at Lucessa’s house. He opened his eyes back on Earth, standing before his newly made bed. He was sure he hadn’t smoothed the sheets or blankets before he left. Lucessa had been in his room.

  The clock read 1:38 a.m.

  The house was quiet. He eased his door open, no light shined from her room. From what he could tell, all the lights downstairs were off. The house was asleep.

  Maxim moved across the hallway and nudged Lucessa’s door open. His need to find her safe and tucked into bed was something he didn’t want to explore. As the door opened, Goosey slipped out and made a quick dash into the guest room leaping on the bed.

  Turning back to her room, he saw Lucessa slept soundly, an open book across her chest. His lips pulled up into a smile. She’d tried to stay awake waiting for him. No one had ever done that for him before.

  Chapter 19

  Darius exited the private plane in Sacramento with his four men, Dr. Flynn, and Dr. Adams. There’d been no problems gaining passage for the doctors, thanks to his benefactor. A prop jet had waited on the landing strip in Uganda and whisked them back to the States. No customs and no documentation check, which was strange with all the caution after the September 11 attacks. My Lord is a powerful man, indeed.

  His group was tired and hungry. The last forty-eight hours felt like a week. He’d be sending Flynn off on his mission soon, and with any luck Lucessa would be in his clutches within the next couple days, and the kingdom would be his.

  The group moved through the nearly deserted airport, his men kept a heavy guard on Flynn and Adams. The hulking figures hurried, excited to reach home and their customary x-rated distractions.

  He hoped to find his own distractions in the willing or unwilling arms of Dr. Adams. It’d been years since Darius consorted with a respectable female and he was sure she’d sent a few longing glances his way on the long flight. His shaft thickened at the thought of sex with a willing woman not hopped up on drugs. Would he think of the one who deserted him? May she rot in hell.

  Exiting the airport, they started for the parking garage where Darius’ old clunker and a Dodge truck awaited them. The vehicles were exactly as they’d left them and, if possible, appeared in worse wear. Darius looked forward to this changing as well. He would make his people serve him. Living on the run was not something he enjoyed.

  “Load up men,” Darius instructed, moving toward the Dodge truck, signaling Alexander to bring Flynn to the passenger side. “Dr. Flynn, you’ll ride with me.”

  Darius observed confusion cross Flynn’s face, fright on Dr. Adam’s.

  “What about Sandy?” Flynn’s eyes flicked in her direction. “She’s riding with us, right?”

  “She’ll be fine with Alexander and my men.”

  “But...” started Flynn.

  Alexander silenced him with a shove toward the passenger side door. Flynn pushed back, and Alexander grasped his throat cutting off Flynn’s air flow. His face turned red, and his eyes bulged.

  Fucking pussy-ass complainer. “Enough. She’ll not come to harm with my men,” Darius looked each man the in the eyes, driving his point home. Returning his glare to Flynn he continued, “Dr. Adams will be staying with me until you’ve completed your mission. Get in the truck and we’ll discuss the details as we drive.”

  Darius pulled at his door, barely strong enough to wrench the rusted door free.

  # # #

  Greg crawled into the passenger seat. He doubted the POS would start, let alone make the hour drive to their destination. The seat cushions looked as bad as the outside. He was forced to sit on the exposed springs and shredded padding. He had a hard time telling if the pounding in his head was from his beating the day before, the long period without sleep, or his lack of oxygen the moments before.

  At this point, he was willing to do anything to arrive safely. He’d hand over his own mother to gain his freedom. The pain of leaving Sandy with those brutes was strong but diminishing as the minutes passed. If he had to abandon her to save himself, he was willing to do that. I’ve been here before.

  The truck pulled out of the parking garage. He glanced over his shoulder, the old car followed closely behind. Greg kept his mouth shut. If he stayed submissive, maybe he’d gain more information about what they wanted. If it took handing over Lucessa and Sandy to free himself, he’d do it.

  His silence paid off.

  “My plan is simple. Bring Lucessa to me.”

  “Wait. I faked my death and you want me to waltz back into her life?”.

  “You’ll return and gain her trust.”

  “And expect her to trust me?” he muttered.

  “How you accomplish that isn’t my problem, but if you want your sweet Dr. Adams back unharmed, you will comply.” Darius’ eyes stayed on the road.

  Greg felt his mouth drop open. This guy is deranged.

  “As I was saying, I expect you to bring the girl to me. You have three days. Each day after that I’ll remove a body part from Dr. Adams and mail it to her parents.”

  The man wasn’t joking. “Okay.”

  “Alexander will watch over you--to keep you on track.”

  “Where’ll I stay?”

  “At her home, of course.”

  “You expect her to invite me back?” There’s no way this is going to work. I’m screwed.

  “I don’t care as long as you bring her to me.”

  “Why don’t you send your men to get her? You don’t need me.” The men were capable and strong, they could force their way into her house and take her. It’d be a lot easier and quicker than him trying to convince her that he had returned. She’ll see right through my charade. That’s what drew him to Lucessa in the first place. She was strong and independent.

  “I need her brought to me willingly. In trusting you, she will trust me, your acquaintance.”

  The man’s lost his marbles.

  Darius obviously didn’t know Lucessa in the slightest. He had no other option but to go along with him. Alexander, lurking around, would make it difficult to disappear. “You expect me to convince her to trust me in three days?”

  Cold, blue eyes turned in his direction, the gaze penetrating to Greg’s soul. “That’s exactly what I expect.”

  # # #

  Greg stood on his porch for the first time in over a year. The house looked the same. None of the exterior improvements they’d planned were completed--or even started. It was still the same color, the paint peeling
after fifteen years without a new paint job. The front porch was covered in autumn’s fallen leaves of orange, yellow, and brown.

  He remained frozen before the front door, afraid to move, terrified to make a sound lest someone inside hear him. He could run, forget Sandy and hightail it for the foothills and a safe hiding spot, lay low for a few years.

  Alexander’s threatening presence behind him hidden from view gave him the strength, if not the desperation, to knock. Greg took a step back and waited. Twilight had fallen as they entered town and Darius had insisted he not delay in reuniting with Lucessa.

  Glass lined both sides of the front door and he saw no movement or lights coming from the interior of the house. Maybe he’d gotten lucky and she wasn’t home. Probably a good thing. Turning toward the bushes, where Alexander hid, he shrugged his shoulders in a ‘what should I do’ gesture. He headed back down the porch steps, glad he’d be able to postpone this ordeal until tomorrow. Hopefully he could get himself out of the situation completely before then.

  As his foot hit the last step a figure approached. Alexander must be coming to find out what happened and why he wasn’t inside the house. Turning toward him, Greg noticed the glowing eyes of the man approaching him, his build too small to be Alexander.

  Relief flooded his body until the iridescent orbs registered in his brain. What the hell? New type of contact lens?

  He reversed and stepped back up the stairs, hoping the man would continue walking past. Luck wasn’t with him, and the man turned and headed up the steps to the front door. He fished a key from his pocket and inserted it into the lock.

  Who the hell is this guy walking right into MY house?

  “Can I help you?” Greg stepped from the shadows behind the man, blocking his retreat down the stairs, leaving an escape route for himself.

  The man casually turned from the door. They stared at each other, the light from the front porch lamp causing the glow in his eyes to recede.

  “No. Can I help you?” the man asked in return.

  He stepped toward Greg, causing him to take a step back in retreat. His menacing stare had Greg wanting to run instead of taking just a single step back. “This is my house! Why do you have a key?”

  “You gave up your claim to this house over a year ago when you abandoned Lucessa, Greg.” The man took another step toward him.

  Greg continued his backward paddle. The man knew who he was. That’s a bit unfair.

  “Who are you?” His voice faltered slightly.

  “I’m Lucessa’s friend.”

  He stared at Greg, giving him no other information. Was this man connected to the men holding Sandy? They look so similar.

  “Well, I’m her husband and that trumps ‘friend’ any day. Get out of my way.” Greg moved to pass the man to enter through the now unlocked door. It swung open on well-oiled hinges and Greg continued into the foyer. At least she did something while I was gone.

  The impact came out of nowhere knocking him off his feet and back out the door. The air whooshed from his lungs and his head cracked against the concrete porch. He couldn’t breathe as a heavy weight settled on his chest. A deep growl emitted from the mass on top of him.

  “Goosey, off,” the man said with a chuckle.

  Goosey? Could this massive creature be the pup he’d left behind? As he focused his eyes, the animal moved a few paces away to stand beside the man. Its coloring was the same--brown body with a white stripe down her nose and belly.

  The man petted the dog, whispering ‘good girl’ under his breath.

  The pair strolled into his house and locked the door behind them.

  Greg slumped against the side of the house, his head pounding.

  # # #

  After a long day, Lucessa was ready to have dinner and a glass of wine with Maxim. She’d picked up Chinese food and a bottle of Pinot Noir on the way home. Pulling up to the curb, the lights in the front of the house were on. She was beginning to welcome the tingle that flashed through her body. As Julie had told her at work today, she’s a flesh and blood woman and it was natural to move on.

  Why not with Maxim? She didn’t even know if this was possible. He’s an Oneiroi--and he wasn’t only ‘not from around here,’ but from a different world entirely.

  Her dream from the other night popped into her head again--the beach, the warmth and the kiss. Lucessa pushed the erotic thought from her mind as she grabbed the Chinese food, the Pinot and her purse. The last thing she needed was a flaming red face when she saw him.

  Her hip connected with the car door to push it shut and she walked around the car to her porch steps.


  The voice was oddly familiar. The lightness of her name spoken from those lips was something she’d never dreamed she’d hear again. “Greg?” Her head swiveled from one side of the porch to the other, searching for the origins of the whisper. Could it be? She spotted him sitting against the railing, to the right of her. “Greg! What...”

  The wine bottle slid from her grasp and rolled along the porch and down the stairs.

  This isn’t possible. He’d died. She’d picked up his body from Customs. The memory had been etched in her mind.

  “Lucessa, I’ve missed you.” His hand reached from the shadows, beckoning her to him.

  She’d longed to hear his voice again. Comparisons swam through her mind. It didn’t hold the depth of Maxim’s or the rasp of a truly masculine tone. She’d always loved the melodic sound of Greg’s voice. Now it sounded feminine and weak.

  “What’s going on? This isn’t possible. I buried you over a year ago.” Her husband sat, leaning against the rail looking tired, his white hospital garb dirty. His face black and blue with fading bruises as if he’d been beaten. His cheek looked oddly sunken. “What happened?”

  “I’ve tried to return for over a year. It’s true, I was sick but I didn’t die. All I’ve thought about was how you must be worried about me, sick to death with concern. I’m so glad to be home,” he said, his voice cracking with apparent pain.

  “I mean what happened to your face. You look like someone beat you.” She set down the dinner and knelt beside Greg.

  “It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is I’m finally home.”

  A throat cleared behind her. She turned to see Maxim standing in the doorway, superb in his black pants, shirt and baseball cap.

  “Quick, Maxim. Help me get him inside.”

  Maxim didn’t move. His eyes shifted between Lucessa and Greg. He must have recognized Greg from the pictures around the house.

  Maxim reluctantly came onto the porch.

  The muscles in Maxim’s arms didn’t strain as he raised Greg to his feet. Lucessa retrieved her purse and their dinner and followed the men into the house.

  Goosey greeted her at the door, sniffing the bag in her hand. She set her purse on the foyer table and patted Goosey as she continued into the living room. Greg reclined on the couch where Maxim had dumped him. Maxim then strode into the kitchen. Lucessa followed him to set their dinner on the counter, out of Goosey’s reach.

  “Lucessa, what’s going on here?”

  I don’t have a clue, she thought. “He’s my husband.”

  “I know that much, but what is he doing here? I thought he died. That’s why I returned to you.” His reference to his visits in her dreams was new. Their conversations usually shied away from the subject.

  “I thought he was dead too.” Tears flowed down her cheeks, emotion spilling over her normally intact composure. “I never looked at the body. The funeral director said two weeks in Customs and the body would be completely unidentifiable. I had a closed casket service. I should’ve viewed his body, I would’ve known it wasn’t him. I could’ve looked for him.”

  Her body trembled and she attempted to still her shaking hands.

  He took the two steps toward her and wrapped her in a hug. “This isn’t your fault.” His embrace was firm yet comforting. He knows me so completely.

nbsp; “You did what any grieving person would do,” he continued. “You honored his memory by not seeing him in that condition. He’s had a year to contact you. A phone call or a letter--something. Where’s he been?”

  “I haven’t asked. I’m in shock.” Where has he been? Why hasn’t he tried to contact me? Should I hug him? Maxim was concerned for her, not Greg. Her well being was why he was here, but she had to go to Greg. “I have to get back in there. He needs me.”

  # # #

  Is she really buying his story? Lucessa wasn’t a fool, she couldn’t be this gullible. He’d seen right through the man’s charade the second he’d seen him on the front porch, beaten and bruised. He’s a scammer.

  And Maxim had been completely negligent in his duty to Guy. Greg wasn’t right for Lucessa. Not then and definitely not now. She’s in danger just being in the same house as him. There was an overwhelming possibility his twin was involved with Greg’s return from the grave.

  He walked into the living room. Lucessa knelt down next to the couch, her hand stroking the man’s bruised face, a first aid kit at her feet. “Maxim, can you make Greg a plate of food? I brought home Chinese, it’s on the counter.”

  “Of course.” How could he say no? Maxim returned to the kitchen to retrieve the plate she’d requested. This was completely ridiculous. He was serving the man who’d hurt the woman he was required to protect.

  Guy was not going to be happy about this. To hell with Guy. I’m not happy about this.

  The food smelled like heaven as he scooped the beef and broccoli onto a plate. The other containers held a noodle and vegetable dish and white rice. He heaped the plate full, not wanting Lucessa to think he was cheating Greg of food. He also made a plate for Lucessa. She was surely famished after working all day.

  Plates in hand, Maxim returned to the living room. She’d moved from her position on the floor, to sitting in the recliner facing the couch. He handed Lucessa her plate and rounded the coffee table, setting the other plate in front of Greg, who made no move to touch the food.


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